
Chapter 133 Don't Force Me

The more Chu Ge talked, the angrier he got, he really wanted to slap Xu Jun in the face.

Hey, maybe it really works, isn't that how it's done in movies, one slap wakes people up?

Fortunately, before he could slap, Xu Jun had a reaction.

"I, I don't know, my head hurts, it hurts!"

Xu Jun held his head in both hands, with such great strength that his ten fingers were deeply embedded in the cap of the sky. He was trembling, thick black blood spewed from his nasal cavity, but white foam flowed from the corner of his mouth. People, ghosts or ghosts.

Trembling for a long time, the crazy bloodshot eyes in his eyes once again gained the upper hand, and he growled, "Chu Ge, you don't understand, the alliance is not fair, the world is not fair! Poor people like us who have no power and no power want to become stronger. Climbing to the sky is still difficult, we have to register, work hard for the alliance, and participate in the battle of Tianjiao. Only after layers of screening and trials can we get a little bit of cultivation resources.

"But what about the powerful people, the rich people, the high-ranking MPs?

"You don't think that the children of those congressmen, generals, and billionaires have to participate in the stupid and pitiful Tianjiao hegemony battle in order to get cultivation resources?

"No, let me tell you, the children of those members of parliament, generals and rich people, not only do not need to participate in the battle of Tianjiao, they do not need to undergo rigorous testing and screening, even before the alliance has announced the news of the recovery of spiritual energy, from decades ago, They are enjoying all kinds of resources in secret, cultivating in secret, and occupying the first-mover advantage!

"Hehe, Tianjiao? What kind of Tianjiao are these clowns in the Tianjiao Contest? The children of the congressmen, generals and rich people are the real Tianjiao! Poor people like us, if we don't take shortcuts, how can we become stronger and fight against others?" , how to change this unfair world?"


Chu Ge hated iron for being weak, and really slapped Xu Jun on the face, "You and I are not three-year-old children, and it's not the first day that we know that the world is unfair. You also said that we have no power or power. If we are from the grassroots, if we want to practice, of course we have to go through layers of screening, and we have to pay a lot of money. We have to help the alliance to complete some things in order to exchange equivalent value and get resources.

"But don't you think that this is reasonable, normal, and more practical?

"There will be nothing in the sky, and the instructor is not your own father. Why do he and the organization behind him treat you so well for no reason? You didn't do anything, and he gave you a lot of cultivation resources with both hands. Your father is not so kind to you! Use your brain to think about it, if you have no brains, just think about it with your nostrils, knees or even toes, you will know that there must be a conspiracy!

"Yes, many times, the law, the alliance, and the whole world are unfair. Let's not talk about cultivation resources, but some people are ugly, temperamentless, and vulgar, but their parents have money and can give them He bought luxury cars, wore trendy brands, and went to high-end hotels. As a result, many girls were attracted to him.

"As for you and my brother, you are obviously handsome and talented, but because of a poor family, you are busy studying and working to make money all day. Is it fair that you are still alone? Of course not!

"But to eliminate this unfairness, you can't be reckless, you can't go up and kill that ugly and vulgar rich second generation, take away his luxury car, and then forcefully tie the girl to your side, this is not a solution The problematic one even looks uglier and vulgar than him, the girl will be frightened by you, do you understand?

"Cultivation resources, just like beautiful girls, must be very scarce, but I still believe that with the talents, charm and potential of our two brothers, there must be many legal and reasonable ways to pursue and obtain them in an open and honest manner. We don't have the IQ to take risks and take shortcuts in vain, we will only become other people's pawns, puppets and scapegoats!

"In short, Xu Jun, I still say the same thing, if you really feel that this world is unfair, of course it is unfair, there are many flaws, and sometimes it is even very ugly, then let's go together,

Take the right path openly and aboveboard, and go to change together. No matter how difficult it is, I will fight side by side with you. If you can't do it, trust me, brother, I will help you to change.

"But your current behavior is not 'changing the world' at all, but 'destroying the world'. After all, you are neither changing, nor protecting your family or venting your anger for me. You are just venting your years of depression. Just hate and anger!

"I only want to vent my hatred and anger, but I don't want to really change. I even hide my ears and steal the bell, and use the guise of 'guarding' to hurt my relatives. Xu Jun, you are the most cowardly and tasteless man. I really misjudged you!"

Chu Ge slammed Xu Jun to the ground.

Xu Jun seemed to be struck by lightning, his face was dull, the bloodshot eyes burst, and he fell into deep thought.

Behind Chu Ge, he remembered more than a dozen howling wolves.

When I looked up, those rebellious teenagers woke up from their nightmares one after another.

No, not a real awakening.

They are different from Xu Jun, they have already broken through the bottom line at the end of the "ceremony", they have become deeply enchanted, and have completely become the messengers of nightmares.

They stared straight at Chu Ge, their bodies twisted weirdly, their eyes filled with despair, anger and hatred.

"How dare you interrupt our cultivation!"

"We are about to soar into the sky, become a real strong man, and trample all the so-called 'Heavenly Talents' under our feet, but in the end, we were interrupted by you!"

"Ah! Ah! Ahhhhhh!"

The bodies of these teenagers swelled up under the infusion of excessive spiritual energy, and even the skin was slightly cracked, revealing shocking bloodstains, extremely hideous.

"Everyone is an adult, be sensible, and don't say things like 'stepping on Tianjiao' all day long, which are very childish, okay?"

Chu Ge frowned and sighed, "Could it be that you idiots haven't noticed anything strange around you yet? The psychic frenzy is so fierce that the underground spiritual veins are like a volcanic eruption. With such a huge power, ten or twenty quasi-awakened people can Did you absorb it all?

"Look around, where is the guide and his accomplices? They've already run away!

"Although I don't understand how the other party's conspiracy works, I can guarantee that if I hadn't crashed the nightmare machine and revived you, you would all explode and die in a short time, or even cause more serious consequences. It saved your life, and you are still here so stupid that you don't know what to say!"

When Uncle Cao handed over the first ninth-level genetic medicine to Chu Ge, he told him very seriously about the danger of excessive absorption of spiritual energy.

Even a mere ninth-level genetic medicine needs to be dissolved with a sports drink and taken in a few days to dilute and digest the medicine.

And the aura here is so strong, and the spiritual energy is far stronger than the effect of the ninth-level genetic medicine. Chu Ge is very sure that this is by no means a phenomenon that should occur in normal cultivation.

But the other party couldn't listen to these words.

Twenty rebellious, twisted and ferocious teenagers surrounded Chu Ge.

"You and Xu Jun are both the same. You were indeed victims in certain things in the past, but this does not mean that you have the right to harm others unscrupulously. In particular, what you have done is very likely Hurt more innocent people!"

Chu Ge sighed, although he knew it was useless, he still tried it for the last time, "Wake up, don't be obsessed with obsession anymore, I can be sure that the instructor is a very powerful hypnotist, unconsciously I have hypnotized you, there should be a difference between 'hypnotic killing' and 'deliberate killing while fully awake', after all, you are just tools in the hands of the instructor."


These teenagers, as if some kind of shield had been implanted in their minds, screamed again, interrupting Chu Ge's persuasion.

Sharp claws appeared on the hands and feet of the girl with twin ponytails again, and the pupils also emitted the luster of green gemstones. She pounced on her like a tigress, first flashes of three sharp claws appeared in the air, and then there was a sharp whistling.


The blow that was determined to win was instant, but was caught by Chu Ge casually, and directly grabbed the wrist!

"Don't force me, use 100% strength."

Chu Ge looked into the eyes of the girl with double ponytails, and said seriously

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