“Yo, very eye-catching.”

Ivankov raised his eyebrows and said temptation

“Beautiful young lady, do you want to follow me in the Kamabaka Kingdom, I can make you more feminine, and even plastic surgery can be done, so that people can no longer recognize you.”

Not to mention, as soon as Ivankov’s words came out, Stussi was really a little excited.

To be honest, the moment she was exposed by Bucky before, there was a feeling of being in disarray.

Anyway, she just decided that it was the five old stars who deceived her!

Otherwise, all the experimenters were killed by her, how could anyone else know?

But it doesn’t matter anymore.

From the time she had a nervous breakdown and turned into a madman cursing at the five old stars, she had completely lost the qualification to become a Draco’s dog again.

Because Draco doesn’t need a dog that is disrespectful to them.

As an old spy agency, Stussy was naturally able to understand Bucky’s intentions.

Is this man afraid that he is using her as an idle pawn against the world government?

What a terrible man!

Stussy’s beautiful eyes flashed, and finally looked up at Bucky

“Lord Bucky, do you really want to let me go?”

The clown makeup at the corner of Bucky’s mouth rose slightly, his smile expanded, and he said seriously

“Of course, didn’t I say that? Big sister, I don’t kill women.

Clones are also human beings, and they are also a life!

I respect life very much, how can you be so cruel that I want to kill you? ”

The corner of Stussy’s mouth twitched.

My heart said that if it weren’t for you guy coming from behind me before, I would really believe it!

However, before she could speak again, Doringo on the other side came to Bucky with Gabriel with blood in his hand and grinned

“Captain, how do you see this guy deal with it?”

Bang bang bang ————

On the other side, Barrett also carried the dying white bear over on the moon step.

“And this guy.”

“Two Draco’s dogs, it’s useless to keep them. Kill, throw it into the sea to feed the fish. ”

After speaking, he waved his hand casually.

Stussy, who was standing not far in front of Bucky, shook.

Who just said respect for life?

Good fellow, kill when you say?

Don’t want to get some intelligence out?

Doringo and Barrett were stunned for a moment when they heard this, but they didn’t say anything more, and directly killed the two and threw them into the sea according to what Bucky said.

Just this sea area near the Advance City is all sea kings, and it won’t be long before these two CP0 cadres are completely devoured.

A white light appeared in Bucky’s hand, shooting several finger-sized rays of light on the deck where they were in Robluci.

Decompose and control!

Bucky thought silently, then looked at Stusschild and said

“The ship can be left to you, and those agents are left to you. However, Robluch they I will take away. ”

After speaking, he raised his hand and shook it in the void.

Click, click, ————click


The piece of deck where they were lying suddenly split, and then floated directly towards the large warship in the rear.

Bucky also got up and took off into the air, leaving a sentence at the same time:

“Stussy, whether you are disguised or hate me, the world government and CP0 have no place for you!

A new era is coming.

I look forward to the choices you make in the face of such a wave of times. ”

After that, he no longer cared about Stussy in the rear, and directly skipped over to the large warship on the other side and staggered with him.

Stussy looked at the back of the man at the bow of the large warship, and her gaze gradually became firm, but when she turned to the black-clad agents, her voice had become cold:

“Back to Happy Street.”


The agents shivered.

On top of large warships.

Click, click, click, ————click


Bucky casually smashed the chains on Rob Luch and the others, and before he could speak, Luffy on the side jumped out in shock and shouted:

“Aaaaa Did you guy actually chase you here? ”


Bucky raised his hand and slapped Luffy’s braincase and said:

“Didn’t you see that I just unchained the sea tower stone on them?”

“Oh! Huh? Were they caught? Why? Aren’t they with the government? ”

Luffy scratched his brain, a little puzzled, and suddenly he exclaimed again:

“Hey, who did you pigeons beat so badly?”

Luckey: “…”

Kaku: “…”

Several of them were speechless for a while, so obviously do they have to ask?

However, they ignored the nervous Luffy, and several of them turned their heads to look at Bucky to the side.

After two seconds of silence, Luki spoke in a deep voice:

“Bucky the Clown, I didn’t expect you to be such a powerful pirate, so I want to know, what did a sea thief like you capture us for?”

“Two choices, one is to join us, the other is to die.”

Bucky put up two fingers and looked at the Rob Luch clown makeup suddenly showed a weird smile:

“Rob Luki, you don’t want your hometown Guanhao Island to be erased for no reason, do you?”

Hearing Bucky’s words, Luqi and the others looked grim, and then they all looked at each other.

Kaku was the first to speak: “Lucie, you make your decision.” ”

Gabra shrugged and said, “Is there a better option now?” ”

Nick sighed, “The old man is at your disposal, Lucie.” ”

Owl: “Me too, Baba~”

When Lu Qi heard this, he was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Bucky with a firm gaze and said

“I can join you, but I hope that Lord Bucky will help me find my other two companions!” They are now being hunted down by the government. ”

“Instead of asking me to look for them, let them come to you.”

Bucky looked at Luki and smiled.

“Lord Bucky, what do you mean by that?”

Luki was puzzled, and several others also looked at Bucky suspiciously.

“Do you know where we’re going now?”

Bucky looked at the Luki men.

Luci thought for a moment and said

“Didn’t you just break out of prison at Imperton? At this time, should the great sea route be advanced? ”


Bucky nodded at the door of justice that had been opened in front of him

“We’re going to Marin Fandor now!”


Hearing Bucky’s words, Robluch and the others exclaimed in shock.

“Lord Bucky, are you going to join the war between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates!?”

Kaku reacted quickly.


Bucky glanced at the few of them and grinned

“So, as a token of joining me, you can dance to your heart’s content in this top war!”


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