Reforged Wizard

Chapter 355: --story

Lin Han immediately retorted: "Why is this to blame you? You didn't know it at the time! This was an unintentional mistake! Consultant, don't feel guilty, don't blame you!"

Jiang Yu nodded in satisfaction: ‘The guidance was good, and finally I corrected the bad impression of diving on me. ’

Jiang Yu then said gravely: "This group of people is an organization called Jiuding from abroad. The information I have previously found shows that they were not such a radical organization before. Otherwise, I would not contact. They!"

Lin Han nodded and said, "Yes, they are radical. According to the information I found on the dark web, everyone is dead! They are really dangerous people! They are all bad guys. You were deceived by them!"

Jiang Yu looked at Lin Han who was so well guided, and he couldn't bear it! However, although what he said has undergone some artistic processing, it is still true!

He didn't deceive Lin Han, but the guiding effect was a little too good. After letting Lin Han make up for it by himself, he might be a little different from the facts.

Oh, I don't want to be like this either! However, this matter must be explained clearly, and there will be endless suffering.

So Jiang Yu curbed his mind, and then explained: "Oh, I didn't expect them to become so radical now. They don't take human lives seriously. They use their supernatural powers or make direct shots on ordinary people at all times, causing injury or disability. Even lethal! It completely treats supernatural beings and ordinary people as two species."

Lin Han immediately said angrily after hearing this: "Yes, it is wrong for them to want to do this! They are really bad guys, and the organization that teaches them bad is also a bad organization!"

Lin Han, it's really black and white, good or bad!

Boy, is it really okay for you to be so innocent?

However, it can be regarded as telling right from wrong!

There is no mistake in the judgment of good or bad, otherwise, it would be really troublesome!

From Lin Han's point of view, the education in China is still very fruitful.

Jiang Yu went on to say: "I only discovered this when I came into contact later. I want to get rid of them. However, their punishment for traitors is very serious! With the tradition that traitors must die, I hesitate a bit, thinking about how to suspend and escape. ."

Lin Han said excitedly: "Get out of suspended animation? This method is good!"

For Lin Han, listening to Jiang Yu's narration is like listening to a legend. There are good people and bad people, friends and enemies, and behind the enemy there is a bigger and worse organization.

Now that even the suspended animation has come out, it makes Lin Han feel more like listening to the story!

"Realistic things are sometimes even more legendary than novels." Lin Han thought of this sentence while feeling a little.

Seeing Lin Han who seemed to be listening to a story, his eyes lit up, Jiang Yu couldn't smile.

Little friend, this wonderful story is a wonderful story for others, but for a client like him, it represents suffering and a heavy burden!

Is it really okay for you to blatantly listen to my painful experience as a story?

Lin Han asked tensely, "What happened afterwards?"

Still urging?

Diving, you will lose my friend like this, did you make it?

Jiang Yu also thought in his ideal, the reality is that he should continue to ‘tell the story’ for Lin Han obediently.

"Later, I didn't expect that they had found [Phoenix] before they thought of a way to get out of suspended animation, and they forced me to come over and arrest [Phoenix] together as a surrender for entering their organization."

Lin Han exclaimed: "Even the name vote came out?!"

This mode of listening to the story is really too obvious!

Diving, what I said is not all the truth!

What happened just now, don't just listen to the story like this, so cut?

"At that time, I was determined to fight the opponent, but my ability is mainly support. To have combat effectiveness, it takes a certain amount of preparation time to activate. I need to fight for this activation time. In order to win the trust of the opponent, I have to go downstairs. One of the investigators shot an arrow! I missed that arrow deliberately. Even if it hit the opponent, it was not fatal."

Lin Han nodded and said: "That's it! I actually saw that arrow, otherwise I wouldn't have disappeared with you when the investigator came up! Soon after that arrow, you came out of the room, I I guessed it! You must have troubles!"

Jiang Yu was taken aback for a moment. So, diving actually knew the thing about that shot? ! Fortunately, I dived in order to win the trust and didn't hide it.

"Thank you, diving, if it weren't for you, I would have to be arrested by someone from the Ability Investigation Bureau in such a situation. There is no proof, and I don't know if I can explain it clearly."

Lin Han hesitated and said, "I think it's better to make it clear! I can prove it with me, but I'm a little scared!"

Jiang Yu smiled and said, "One pass! You can do it all! Whatever you are good at, just do it!"

Lin Han's eyes lit up after hearing this: "Yes! We can use hacking techniques to communicate with the Ability Investigation to make this clear! Hmm... just do it!"

Looking at guiding such a pure-minded dive and making the decision he wants, Jiang Yu said that it is not challenging, and it makes people feel ashamed.

Lin Han suddenly thought of something, and asked with a pale face: "You just said that there is no proof?! You, you killed the other party?"

In just fifteen minutes, Jiang Yu saw death for the first time and killed someone for the first time.

The first time I saw death, although the innocent girl who died was not doing her own hands, she was in front of her own home, and the cause of the matter was also because of her own responsibility.

The first time he killed someone, although the other party was guilty of death, but I knew that I was so hated that I wanted to kill the other person. I really killed the other person. In fact, Jiang Yu's heart was really uncomfortable!

After all, he doesn't really have an antisocial personality disorder. Yamashita Saichiro and others thought he had this mental illness, but Jiang Yu, after discovering the true face of the Jiuding Organization, completely integrated into the disguise in order to reduce the other's vigilance.

Two people died, with Lin Han's ability, he could not hide it at all! Jiang Yu didn't intend to hide it from Lin Han!

One is that although he has done a good job of psychological construction, he still feels uncomfortable and very, and he needs to talk to him to ease the negative emotions in his heart.

The other is to win the trust of diving. It can be said to be paradoxical, and it can be used to guide the other side's brain supplement, but all that must be told is the truth, and no lies can be said!

Lies are actually the things that need to be debunked most! It's just that in social life, in order to maintain interpersonal communication, many people know that it is a lie, and they don't go into it because it is irrelevant or irrelevant!

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