Red Soviet Union

Chapter 963: 1 to Bonn

Bernard was pessimistic, but after hearing Bernard's words, the expression on Norman's face gradually became stable: "Since this is the case, then we still have a chance to win!"

The command system is invaded, and every move of one's own side is monitored. Then, one's own side can also take advantage of this advantage and bring the Soviets into the ditch! A bold plan has been formed in his mind!

Nell Feinig Air Force Base.

All the people are waiting anxiously, even if it is Andre, with a calm expression, in fact, his heart is also anxious.

Our troops rushed towards Bonn, what will happen to Bonn? What is the attitude of the people of Bonn? There are also the chancellor of West Germany, the parliament, these people, so what? If these people resisted desperately, killed these guys during the battle, and the Reichstag was blown down, the German people would be disgusted with them, and it would pose a threat to the reunification of the two Germanys.

Although with Günter-Lal, many things have been resolved. For example, Günter-Ral can represent the West German official, and the West German official will participate in various political issues that the two sides merge after negotiation. However, if If people like the Chancellor of West Germany can also participate, of course it would be the best!

"Good news, good news!" Finally, an excited Walter walked in and said, "Our army has occupied Bonn. Prime Minister Helmut welcomes it!"

Welcome! Hearing this, everyone stood up and succeeded!

As long as Chancellor Helmut agrees, everything will be settled! As long as the situation is stable, the heads of the two countries can sit together and negotiate some follow-up arrangements!

"Finally, we can stop being cannon fodder." Günter-Lar said, at this time, his heart was very emotional.

All along, on the front line of the conflict, the West German Defense Forces are always ready to go to war with the Eastern Bloc. No matter what the final result is, in this kind of world war, there is almost no chance of survival for the first to enter the battlefield! Now, stop worrying about this happening!

After the cheers, Andre was worried about another thing: "What about the NATO army?"

What about NATO's military? So many NATO troops are still staring at them! The war seems to be about to break out soon, right?

Because the deployment of the NATO army was foreseen in advance, the troops of the two Germanys did not have much conflict with the NATO army, and went straight to Cologne and Bonn by making a big circle in the north.

Now, although this place is occupied by our own side, what about those NATO troops?

In this atmosphere, I always feel that something is wrong, and I have been waiting for a big battle, but it has never started. Before this storm comes, it is the most depressing.

"In Stuttgart, an order is being issued, asking the troops there to go straight to Bonn!" Walter said.

Because of the invasion of NATO's command system, their every move is under the surveillance of the Soviet Union!

Hearing this, Andre re-examined the large-scale map. He bypassed the heavily deployed Mount Rotar and threw the NATO troops aside. Now, they will definitely return to help quickly in an attempt to destroy their main force. , surrounded.

Americans, will never be willing to fail!

However, why is there always some anxiety in my heart? Andrei looked at the map, his mind was thinking rapidly. Although it seems a bit miraculous, it is true that many times, Andre's intuition has proved correct.

We have already invaded NATO's command system and planned many misfire incidents. Now, will NATO continue to issue combat orders through their c3i system? Are they so stupid that they don't notice anything?

Andrei doesn't believe that if the Americans have not found out that there is a problem up to now, they are simply insulting their IQ!

Continue to look at the map, if the main force of NATO is not used to besiege Bonn and Cologne, where will they go? It's very simple, of course, it's coming straight to its own side!

So far, myself, as well as Günter-Lal, are the first targets the Americans have to deal with. The last time I used cruise missiles was an example. Unfortunately, with the heavy casualties of American soldiers, the Americans had to give up. The follow-up air strike plan, besides, on the first day of the war, the East German air force abused the NATO army!

"Mr. Lal, I have an idea. Would you like to go on an adventure with me?" Andre asked.

Hearing that Andre was going to take risks, Günter-Lar had not spoken yet, but Walter, who was beside him, had already spoken to stop him: "General Andre, you can't take any more risks, let you come here from East Germany, It's risky enough, you can't keep taking risks."

"If I said, would it be more dangerous to stay here?" Andre asked Would it be more dangerous to stay here? Günter-Lar suddenly understood that although the defense is in place, it is mainly air defense! There are not many ground troops. If the main force of NATO comes here to attack, it is almost impossible for them to resist!

Although the Soviet-made tanks are very powerful, they can't handle the large number of other people's troops. They are surrounded by several times the army, and the ending will be miserable!

"General Andre, I will be with you, I will go wherever you go," Günter-Lar said.

Andre nodded: "Let's go to Bonn."

Go to Bonn! Now, although Andre has judged that the main force of NATO will come here, it must be just his guess. On the bright side, the army of NATO is advancing towards Bonn and Cologne. In this case, going to Bonn, it should be How much courage is required!

"Okay," Günter-Lar said, "I've wanted to go back to Bonn for a long time."

Back then, when he was rescued by a group of fake gsg9 special forces, from that time on, West Germany has undergone earth-shaking changes. Until now, Günter-Lal still feels that it was like a A dream! However, after so long, he really wanted to go back to Bonn to see it.

"Okay, then we will be in Bonn, and watch the NATO army surrounded by us!" Andrei said: "Contact Marshal Kulikov, our troops stationed in East Germany, it's time to act!"

Americans, do you really think that the Soviet Union will sit on the sidelines? Now, hundreds of thousands of NATO troops are stinking and killing! As a good friend of Germany, the Soviet army, of course, will also act!

World War? Go to hell! If you really dare to fight, then the Soviet Union will definitely overthrow the whole of Europe! This war is for the peaceful environment of the Soviets for the next 10,000 years!

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