Red Soviet Union

Chapter 925: 1 unlucky car

And now, the United States has not developed a new depleted uranium armor-piercing projectile, they use the same dm33 armor-piercing projectile as the Germans.

The American army responded very quickly. In fact, when the Soviet tanks opened fire, they had already started to prepare for shooting. When the Soviet tank shells fell on their side, the American m1 tanks, Throw the cannonballs too!

The heat jacket made of glass fiber casting is used to keep the temperature of the gun barrel constant. The German craftsmanship keeps improving, so that the accuracy of this tank gun is also quite high. Now, although the distance between the two sides is still more than two kilometers, the tank The bombing of the cannons has already begun!

At the same time, the sighting system of m1 is also very advanced, and they have the confidence to hit each other at a distance of two kilometers!

Now, I just hope that this German-designed 120mm tank cannonball can destroy the opponent. In this case, our morale will be greatly boosted!

With their expectations, with a loud bang, a flame flickered at the muzzle, and a shiny piercing rod dropped the 3-lobed aluminum shell and flew forward!

The new 120mm tank gun, with its high chamber pressure, allows the gun to pop out of the muzzle at a speed of up to 1500 meters per second! The distance of two kilometers will take more than a second to fly!

At the same time, after discovering the salvo of artillery shells on the opposite side, here, the attacking t-72 troops came to a big stop!

Continue to drive at a constant speed? How arrogant and arrogant commander would he have to do?

The t-72 tank in the gallop made a creaking sound, the body leaned forward, and the sudden braking in motion was also a challenge for the tank. I saw one of the tanks. Under the inertia of the brake, the gun barrel almost died. He poked the ground in front of him, shook it back and forth twice, and then stabilized again.

Braking is a tactic commonly used by tank troops. After all, braking is easier to change the movement of the tank than rapid acceleration. Therefore, many of those whistling shells hit the open space in front of the tank.

In the dynamic-to-static shooting, the computer of the tank has already calculated the advance amount, which is calculated according to the constant speed of the target. Therefore, when the target suddenly changes in speed, it will lose its accuracy.

However, there were also some shells, which were originally aimed at the turret, and hit the main armor in front of them heavily after the target braked sharply!

The slender tungsten alloy core drilled into the main armor, and the first thing it encountered was the explosive armor! After the explosive armor consumes part of the energy, the core continues to drill inside!

Get inside the armor and keep drilling in, drilling in! Finally, it stopped drilling!

In fact, it has penetrated the interlayer in the middle, and it is still a few centimeters away from the main armor, and it is about to drill through!

Unfortunately, it was still blocked!

This 120mm shell, at a distance of 2,000 meters, can penetrate 560mm of homogeneous steel, just within the resistance of Soviet tanks.

The number of millimeters of armor penetration is also related to the type of armor-piercing projectile. For example, explosive reactive armor has better protection against shaped warheads, so it can prevent metal jets that penetrate static 800 mm thick homogeneous armor, but , The armor-piercing projectile that is resistant to hard hitting can only resist about 600 mm.

T-72, after all, is still a low-end product in Soviet tank equipment, and its protection level cannot keep up with the more advanced t-80.

However, for now, enough is enough!

Of course, there are bad luck too.

A slender tungsten alloy piercing rod was stuck on the main armor of a t-72 tank, without detonating the reactive armor, it went directly in.

The reactive armor is block-shaped and fixed by bolts. For various reasons, it is impossible to cover all the positions with reactive armor. As a result, this armor-piercing projectile just passed through the gap between the two reactive armors!

Without the blocking of reactive armor, the armor-piercing projectile of tungsten alloy immediately penetrated the main armor! When the debris generated during the penetration process hit the ammunition of the turntable automatic loader, in an instant, a powerful explosive force lifted the turret over a meter high!

Thick black smoke and fiery flames enveloped this unfortunate tank. The turret fell heavily from the sky and turned to the side. The black smoke was still emitting, as if it was telling something.

Fighting requires sacrifice, and for freedom, this sacrifice is worth it!

It works, it works! Montell watched the tank on the opposite side being destroyed, and was instantly excited. Other shells flew away. This one hit the opponent and destroyed the opponent!

If so, what are you afraid of? Keep shooting!

And just after discovering that a tank had been destroyed on their side, the East German armored soldiers were completely angry.

"Cannon-fired missiles, beat the Americans!" Carl shouted over the missiles! Compared with the Western world, the Soviet Union's equipment also has a unique weapon, that is, artillery-launched missiles!

Originally, at this distance, it was enough to use depleted uranium armor-piercing projectiles. However, the destruction of one's own tank completely made the East German armored soldiers angry, so they did not hesitate to sacrifice a big weapon.

In the last island war, the Soviet Union already had a mature artillery-launched missile, the 9m112 artillery-launched missile, with a maximum range of 4,000 meters and a theoretical hit rate of 80%, and a vertical static armor-piercing power of 600 mm. tough.

Now, a few years later, the Soviet Union has developed a newer gun-launched missile, the 9m119 Reed Flute. Compared with the original 9m112, the biggest change is to change the original radio command guidance to semi-active laser guidance, which greatly Improved reliability.

The maximum range is still 4,000 meters. At the same time, a new warhead has been improved, and the rocket motor is creatively forwarded before the main charge. From the tip of the bullet to the back, the order is: the first-stage hollow armor-piercing drug cover, the rocket motor, and the second-stage hollow armor-piercing drug cover (main charge). In this way, the tandem hollow armor-piercing charge was realized for the first time on the length-limited gun-launched missile, giving the gun-launched missile the ability to penetrate reactive armor!

The missile warhead has a vertical static penetration power of 700 to 900 mm. Needless to say, the m1 now using Chobham armor, even the m1a1 which uses depleted uranium armor, will definitely not be able to withstand the blow of this kind of missile!

The fire of the Americans made the East German tank soldiers extremely angry. With the roar of the muzzle, they dragged the flaming 9m119 and flew towards the opposite side!

The only unpleasant thing is that the flight time of the artillery-launched missile is a bit long, but the Americans manually load the artillery shells, and the speed is not very fast.

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