Red Soviet Union

Chapter 883: GSG Nine's Rescue

When people lie, there will be physiological changes, such as abnormal breathing rate and blood volume, respiratory depression and breath-holding; rapid pulse, increased blood pressure, increased blood output and changes in composition, resulting in significantly pale skin on the face and neck or redness; increased secretion of subcutaneous sweat glands, causing sweating of the skin, first between the eyes or on the upper lip, especially on the fingers and palms; dilated pupils of the eyes; stomach contractions, abnormal secretion of digestive juices, resulting in dry mouth, tongue, and lips ; muscle tension, tremors, stuttering, etc.

Because these physiological parameters are controlled by the autonomic nervous system, they are generally not controlled by human consciousness, but are autonomous movements, which can be said to be conditioned reflexes.

In general, start with pulse, respiration, and skin resistance. Among them, galvanic skin is the most sensitive and is the main basis for polygraph detection.

If you are a professionally trained person, you can evade the inspection of the polygraph, but the average person will show his feet in front of the polygraph.

Although Lal's mood was calm and he had already thought of the answer, when he answered this question, he could not help but react, and these reactions betrayed him.

"No, we didn't lie." Lal resumed his calm at this moment, and then said: "I just thought that the East Germany showed me this project, in fact, they had their ideas, they wanted to convert us Sidra goes in and joins the development of this project."

After all, Lal is an old guy. At this time, he quickly reacted. He must not say anything else, and just continue to talk about what sounds reasonable.

"My visit to East Germany this time is to learn about East Germany's air force equipment, and they have shown me so much, of course, they have their intentions, they use national justice as a rhetoric, trying to let us West Germany join them. The fighter aircraft development project is used to detect the advanced aviation technology of our West Germany." Günter-Lar continued: "So, just now I was thinking, we should just take the plan and add it to this project in East Germany, we can borrow machine to detect the scientific research of East Germany, and the scientific research strength of the Soviets.”

The intention of the Soviets is too obvious. If it is not to win over West Germany, why should they reveal their plans to themselves? Now, Günter-Lal can only be half-truths. Telling these words to the U.S. side is best if the U.S. side can agree.

"Boom, boom." At this moment, suddenly, the sound of a helicopter sounded in the distance.

At this time, it was already late at night. The flight of the helicopter was very prominent in the silent night sky. At the entrance of the embassy, ​​two sentries stood guard, looking at the helicopter flying by in the sky, they couldn't help shaking their heads, these guys, it's so late Are you not afraid of accidents when flying over residential areas? Also, the height is too low!

Wait, something doesn't seem right? How did the other party fly upstairs of their own embassy and then hover? Then, in their sight, an even more amazing scene happened!

An elite special soldier actually descended from the rope thrown from above!

All dressed in black, with helmets and masks on their faces, the origin of these people is unknown, but, in West Germany, there is only one special forces unit like this, the gsg9!

In 1972, the Palestinian "Black September" organization hijacked and killed 11 Israeli athletes participating in the 20th Olympic Games from the Munich Olympic Village. During the rescue operation by the Bavarian police, the rescue operation completely failed. This incident forced the International Olympic Committee to decide to suspend the Olympic Games. The Olympics, it left the German government with an unbearable stigma.

Therefore, the German government decided to set up an anti-terrorist special force, the gsg9 special force, headquartered in August, 3 kilometers east of Bonn, with a total of about 350 members. After the formation of this force, it quickly became an important special force in West Germany. force. Mainly undertake counter-terrorism tasks.

However, no one thought that this special force would actually appear in the US embassy, ​​and it was still on a combat mission!

Not to mention anything else, just look at the weapons in their hands. They carried submachine guns, quickly lowered their cables, and ran towards the interior of the embassy.

Although West Germany was at the forefront of the Cold War, in Bonn, security has always been good. The US embassy only has a few soldiers. Anyway, the US has troops stationed in Germany and is not afraid of anything.

But now, the German troops are actually in the US embassy, ​​which is simply too hateful!

The two sentries gritted their teeth, held their automatic rifles, and rushed in. Unfortunately, before they took two steps, someone who appeared in the dark grass pointed their guns at their heads.

"What are you doing?" When the door of the room was kicked Bowen was still very angry. In Bonn, in Germany, the United States is the occupying force. The United States has a unique advantage and can enjoy diplomatic immunity. A series of powers such as power, and the embassy, ​​more symbolizes the sovereignty of the United States! Are these Germans going crazy?

If they dare to make a move, the American troops stationed in Germany will quickly control them! At least, the army commander who dares to issue this order will definitely be dismissed immediately!

And what greeted him were several jet-black mp5 submachine guns! The gun pointed at his head, making him dare not make any movement. With the light of the flash, the lens of the camera was fixed on Günter Lal, who was undergoing a polygraph test. Günter- Lal, it's a complete picture of abuse.

His eyes were full of daze, looking at the special forces who came up, what happened? Was it his adjutant, or the original driver, who found himself taken to the U.S. embassy and notified the military?

Damn, how stupid! The German army rushed to the US embassy and rescued the German defense minister. If this news spreads, Germany will be in turmoil in an instant!

"Who gave you the order?" Günter-Lar asked sharply, he said, "I won't go with you, you go back first. I want to take responsibility for your immediate superiors. If you do this, you will put us Germany dragged into hell."

It's a pity that Günter-Lar's words were just finished when he was held up by two big men. The muscles of these two big men were quite developed. Günter-Lal couldn't move. The helicopter landed on the ground, and then rose straight from the ground!

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