Red Soviet Union

Chapter 810: so arrogant

This program is very overbearing, but very practical.

Originally, I aimed well at the target, but as a result, a wave of electromagnetic radiation that came out of nowhere interfered with me. This was an extremely provocative behavior, and this kind of behavior must be punished accordingly!

What is the punishment? Of course it kills you!

All of this is a choice made by the Sunburn missile after climbing for a few seconds. The internal program is running quickly, searching for the target ahead, interference occurs, and then, attacking the source of interference!

At the same time, when it took off, it also synchronized the data to the following two missiles through the data link. Instead of losing the target and self-destructing at the end of the voyage, it is better to kill the source of interference now!

And in just a few seconds, the sun-scorching missile that lifted and climbed high indicated the final target, but it was also hit by a Sea Sparrow missile fired from a nearby frigate!

Compared with the standard 2 missile, the Sparrow missile, which has been developed since the 1960s, has also developed a naval model, and this Sea Sparrow missile has also been continuously improved according to the improvement of the Sparrow missile. So far, the rim-7m advanced sea sparrow has been developed on the basis of the aim-7m. This m means monopulse, that is, the improvement of this missile lies in the use of an inverted monopulse receiver with a digital signal processor, which greatly increases its ability to resist ground clutter and can effectively deal with sea-skimming anti-ship flying. missile.

Also, it uses a new type of digital computer, autopilot and fuze. The autopilot enables the missile to fly on an optimal trajectory, saving energy only when the target maneuvers out of a certain range.

It can be said that if it is not a Soviet supersonic anti-ship missile, but an ordinary subsonic missile, such as the French now famous Flying Fish missile, the Sea Sparrow missile can completely deal with it! However, the supersonic anti-ship missiles are flying, and the opponent's flight speed is fast, so they need their own reaction ability to be fast, otherwise, the action will always lag, and it will not work.

And now, in this situation, the processing capability of the Sea Sparrow missile can't keep up. The Sea Sparrow missiles on the surrounding warships keep flying up to intercept them, but they are all in vain, facing supersonic speed, plus Snake-like maneuvering sun missiles, they can't even touch a fart.

However, the sunburn missile that just climbed up did not perform a snake-like maneuver in order to lock the target. In just a few seconds, a sparrow missile finally caught the opportunity and had a close contact with the sunburn missile!

For aerial interception, precise collision is not required. It only needs to approach within a certain range, close the fuze to detonate the fragmentation rod warhead, and sway countless nail-like fragmentation rod warheads into the surrounding airspace, which can be intercepted. to each other!

The same is true for sunburn missiles, and because sunburn missiles are fast, like a plane hitting a bird, it should be more powerful!

However, although the Sparrow missile was at close range and the seeker exploded, it was still unable to destroy it! The Sunburn missile flew too fast. When the proximity fuze of the Sea Sparrow Missile detonated, the huge body of the Sunburn Missile had already flown past! Most of the broken rod warheads flew behind the sunburn missile, and only a small amount of broken rods had close contact with the sunburn missile!

The broken rod hit the titanium alloy shell and made a ping-pong-pong sound, but instead of destroying the opponent's shell, it bounced off!

Titanium alloy is the best metal with high strength! Using this metal as the shell makes the sunburn missile very resistant to strikes! Like now, a sparrow missile did not stop the sunburn missile!

Good luck with Sunburn missiles, though! Because, a broken rod warhead was just sucked into the engine by it! I saw that this huge missile continued to fly forward for a few seconds, and when it had re-entered the ultra-low altitude, suddenly, brilliant flowers bloomed on the sea.


One of the opponent's aircraft can launch six anti-ship missiles, and so far, four have been intercepted! Only the last two are still flying! Although the aircraft carrier is surrounded by iron barrels, after all, this is a formation at sea, and it is impossible to surround it tightly. There is still space between the two warships, and the two anti-ship missiles are actually very clever. Do a snake-like maneuver while bypassing the warship guarding outside!

It should be, how can this thing be so smart? The Americans were stunned. On the sea and the surrounding warships, countless navy soldiers could only watch the two anti-ship missiles come over!

At this point, there is only one kilometer left from the aircraft carrier! The close-in defense system of the aircraft carrier, the Phalanx is firing violently! It's a pity No matter how violent it is, the Sunburn Missile is still strolling around!

"Stop, two cars, reverse at full speed!" The British captain shouted loudly on the USS Athletic, beside the US aircraft carrier.

Now, the final moment has come. If these two anti-ship missiles are hit by the USS America, the USS America will definitely be sunk! In this case, the British Navy must help the Americans escape this hurdle!

Although he knew that if these two missiles hit him, his aircraft carrier would probably sink, but this was the choice he had to make! After all, the Americans are here to help them fight! Moreover, if one's own side is sunk because of protecting the US aircraft carrier, then the Americans must continue the next war!

The opponent's attack was so fierce, there were only two endings. Either the United States dispatched more warships and continued to fight with Argentina aggressively, or the United States gave up to avoid greater losses.

The second situation is absolutely unwilling to see! And now, helping the US aircraft carrier block missiles is a kind of stimulus in disguise!

Driving a warship at sea is not as simple as driving a car on the ground. A warship with tens of thousands of tons has a very large inertia. Even now that the propeller has flipped, the huge competitive **** is still sailing forward.

Fortunately, the speed finally came down, and half of its body fell behind the USS America.

The time is very short. In fact, it only takes less than a few seconds for the two-car reversing propellers, and the sunburn missile has already launched its final attack!

Athletics God, did not block! Not that its plan was wrong, nor that it was slow, but that the interference from the USS America continued!

Sunburn missiles are so overbearing!

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