Red Soviet Union

Chapter 576: Weak chicken and big dog

"Armor-piercing projectiles, launch!" Ali gave the order calmly.

"Boom!" With the roar of the tank gun, an armor-piercing projectile left the muzzle, and a fireball appeared at the muzzle.

Throwing off the armor-piercing projectile of the stock, it flew forward quickly, and soon, it collided with the target tank in front.

"Boom!" There was almost no response, and the main armor of the turret of the AMX-30 tank was penetrated in an instant! Moreover, after passing through the back of the head, it flew out from the back!

The entire tank made a huge roar, and the detonation of the ammunition in the rear tail compartment instantly lifted the turret of the tank.

With the flames of martyrdom, the scene of the entire turret flying off is extremely astonishing.

For a moment, the Saudis were stunned.

They knew that the Iraqi army was strong and that Iraq had purchased weapons from the Soviet Union. However, they did not expect that the Iraqi army was so powerful!

The entire tank was shot down in one shot! And your own tanks can't penetrate the opponent's armor at all! How to fight this battle?

The accelerator under their feet was released, and the momentum of the indomitable movement just now disappeared. Just the explosion of a tank made them experience the cruelty of war and prevented them from fighting with all their strength.

"Boom!" At this moment, another explosion sounded, and the Iraqis' attack was quite sharp!

Beside, another tank was hit and caught fire! The tank soldiers came down from above, screaming, rolling around, covered in fire.

"Quick, retreat!" Inside a tank, the commander shouted eagerly to his driver.

The driver put in reverse gear, stepped on the accelerator, and backed away!

One, two, more and more tanks, began to retreat! At this time, rushing up is a fool! What Saudi soldiers will not do to give death in vain! Moreover, if you turn, it will delay time, and will expose the weakest tail to the other party. It is still the case, retreating backwards is the most suitable choice!

"Boom!" The Iraqi tanks are still firing. Although the AMX-30 tank has two reverse gears, the backward speed cannot be compared with the forward speed. The Iraqi tank troops rushing over are majestic, not at all. Saudi tanks can withstand it!

Although they were retreating, the tanks were constantly being hit, so the Saudis collapsed!

"Cease fire!" Ali's tank rushed in front. Although he was already a division commander, he always took the lead in combat. He saw the Saudi tank on the opposite side from the periscope, and it actually stopped. What are they going to do?

Then, he saw the Saudis get out of the tank, hands up!

The Saudis have surrendered! They couldn't fight, they couldn't escape, and in this case, the Saudi tank soldiers chose to surrender!

Ali couldn't help gasping in his mouth, Saudis, this is too hard to beat, right? They surrendered before ten tanks were just destroyed?

Yes, the Saudis are so incapable of fighting. In later generations, they have obtained a living example. Regular troops went to Yemen to suppress the rebellion. They have a full set of advanced equipment, tanks, planes, and artillery. The performance of the Saudi and UAE troops is extremely disappointing. When they go out to attack, they are often ambushed. Once ambushed, whether regular infantry or armored troops, special forces are in a panic, shooting casually, then throwing away their weapons and fleeing, it is completely a mob. make pie. A large number of weapons and armored vehicles were thrown to the Houthi armed forces, and they were allowed to be displayed to the public.

The Saudi army, a powerful army armed with advanced weapons relying on petrodollars, has no combat effectiveness, because their army lacks the blood that soldiers must have.

For the Saudis, joining the army is like going to work, just to make money, and because the country is rich in Saudi Arabia, the treatment of the army is also very good. The salary of a soldier can be compared to that of an American company commander. Saudis are rich, and even their weapons are maintained by servants, how can they have the courage to fight bloody!

For them, life is better than anything else! This is how the battles of later generations are. Some people have analyzed that it is better for the Saudis to hire an army to fight with their own dollars. This is the most suitable style for Saudi Arabia!

Ali's tank troops rushed up and captured all the Saudis.

Facing his former brother, Ali didn't know what to say. Soldiers don't need to have brains. Soldiers only need to follow the orders of their superiors. If the army has ideas, it is a sign of the country's subjugation.

"Leave a battalion of fighters, guard them, and continue to attack!" Ali gave the order.

Now, there are still more than 100 kilometers away from Riyadh, and our tanks have to continue to operate for two hours!

The weak Saudi army! Not as good as the Kuwaiti army! As he continued to move, Ali thought in his heart that when they attacked the capital of Kuwait, Kuwait's armed resistance was still very fierce, especially near the palace, it took more than a long time to attack, and now, the Saudi army is not even as good as Kuwait. !

As the sun continued to rise, the desert began to heat up again.

Although the T-72 tank has been improved by the Soviet Union, it has not enhanced its adaptability to the desert, especially the internal air conditioning system! When the noon is the hottest, the inside of the T-72 is simply a steamer!

This is also one of the reasons why their tank units were dispatched at night, and they rushed to the Saudi capital by noon!

Looking up, Ali, who was outside the turret, looked In addition to the advance of his own troops, the battle in the sky was also starting.

Although there is an American army on the opposite side, Ali is not worried. What he is most worried about is the air strike force of the United States. He is familiar with all the theories of armored troops and knows that the biggest threat to the armored troops is not the opponent's armored troops, but the air above his head. Strike force, American A-10 attack aircraft and Cobra gunships, will make Ali's powerful armored forces face extinction, even if it is accompanied by field air defense forces!

Fortunately, the attack of the Scud missile has destroyed the US Air Force base! Moreover, your own fighters will protect the sky above your own head!

"Attention, new armored units are found ahead." Ali's voice sounded on the radio again: "Prepare to meet the enemy!"

These newly arrived tanks have sharp edges and corners, and they are one size larger than the Saudi tanks. Now, they are finally on the top of the main armored forces of the United States! As long as you defeat this armored force, you can advance to Riyadh!

Knowing that the Saudi armored brigade on the front line was defeated, the 1st US Cavalry Division knew that the situation was not good. If they could not stop the flood of armored Iraq, Riyadh would be in danger! (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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