Red Soviet Union

Chapter 564: F-117

Khamis Mushay Air Base, southwest Saudi Arabia. It is 2,073 meters above sea level, 1,202 kilometers away from the Saudi border and 1,665 kilometers away from Baghdad. It can be said to be the rear of Saudi Arabia.

The sky was already dark, and in the constant temperature hangar, the fighter plane that had been maintained slowly slipped out of the hangar.

This plane has a very special shape. It is completely different from the sleek shape of the previous planes. It has edges and corners. The entire fuselage can be said to be composed of countless polyhedron shapes. The structure, and the whole black.

No one can tell what kind of aircraft this is. If the engineer of the Sukhoi Design Bureau is here, it will definitely be a surprise. Isn't this a model of a stealth aircraft that General Andrei once pinched?

Yes, it's a stealth plane! Now, what appears in this air base is the 37th Tactical Fighter Wing, the 117th unit of stealth aircraft that the United States has put into service! Although only five fighters have been in service with this wing until now, they are about to go into battle!

117. When it was deciphered in later generations, countless military fans were amazed at its shape design, which was like science fiction, making it impossible to imagine that this thing could be an airplane!

As the air defense system continues to tighten, how to penetrate the enemy's air defense system to attack is an intractable problem. The emergence of radar makes high-altitude bombing more difficult, so more aircraft begin to try ultra-low-altitude penetration. , and the early warning aircraft makes the ultra-low-altitude penetration invisible. All the keys are radar!

As long as it is not detected by the radar, it can hide its whereabouts and pursue the stealth aircraft in front of the radar, which is the choice of the US Air Force. The movement of the huge aircraft during flight is destined to be unable to become a true stealth aircraft.

The first stealth aircraft that can really be put into use is the 117! This aircraft came from Lockheed's Skunk Works, and the original source was actually their nemesis, the Soviet Union!

Advanced technology is inseparable from mathematical calculations. The explosion of atomic bombs also has mathematical models. How to solve the mathematical model of radar reflection is the key to the development of stealth aircraft! Just in 1964, Peter Ufim Shev, chief scientist of the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, published an academic paper titled Fringe Electromagnetic Wave Diffraction in Physical Theory. Based on Maxwell's equations modified by the German master of electromagnetics Sommerfeld, he derived a set of equations that can be used to estimate the scattering of electromagnetic waves at the edges of a given geometry. In the paper he demonstrates how to calculate the radar cross section for a given shape of an arbitrary two-dimensional object, including the lines of the object's faces and edges, and explains how to use a computer program to parse this set of equations.

Because of this paper, he is called the father of stealth technology, which is extremely ironic, because his paper did not attract any attention in the Soviet Union. For a very simple reason, he can only figure out the radar reflection cross section of a two-dimensional object, but the plane is three-dimensional! As a result, his paper was deemed to have no practical value and was published as a theoretical article.

After the Americans discovered it, they made a change and regarded the plane as a two-dimensional plane. Although the aircraft created by this scheme has a strange shape, the radar reflection cross section is extremely small! When the Haefran prototype was made, the unique shape of this aircraft attracted protests. A good-looking aircraft is a good aircraft. This aircraft is too ugly!

Limited by the computing level of the computer, they cannot continue to shrink these planes. Although the shape is peculiar, its performance goal is still achieved!

During the testing of the prototype, this aircraft could not be detected by any ground radar, only 3 early warning aircraft were able to detect it at close range! They finally achieved a stealth fighter in front of the radar! It was 76 years now, and the results of the experiment made the U.S. Air Force very happy. This aircraft with such a unique appearance could actually fly! And it can also be invisible!

In 1977, after the prototype had not yet completed its test flight, the US Air Force placed a deposit and awarded Lockheed a contract to build 20 117 stealth fighters. Relevant contract details.

Historically, the 117 was only delivered for production in 1982, and now, under pressure from the Soviet Union, the progress of this aircraft has been greatly advanced. Historically, delays have been as long as 11 months simply because of the party rotation between Democrats and Republicans.

And now, the Soviet Union's offensive posture is aggressive, the United States may face a head-on war with the Soviet Union at any time, and the third world war may also break out due to the expansion of the Soviet Union. After the reduction of military spending, the funds for the 117 project have been maintained!

Last year, the production of 117s began to be delivered, and this year, the first five 117s delivered have completed all training! Have the initial combat capability!

However, the deployment of this state-of-the-art aircraft to Saudi Arabia caused some controversy in the United States. It was not until the day before yesterday that Defense Secretary Weinberg finally persuaded the president.

Now Iraq is all Soviet equipment, not to mention those 200 missiles, just Sam 11 missiles, enough for their own busy! Moreover, in order to save lives, Baghdad's strict air defense system in Iraq can even be compared with Moscow! So, during the daytime fighting, there was no bombing of Baghdad at all. Flying conventional combat aircraft to Baghdad is tantamount to suicide.

But now, if you want to win the battle against Iraq, you must blow up Baghdad's command and control center and its communication network. Only by paralyzing Baghdad's air defense system, Baghdad can't command the army outside. , can make them leadless!

The Iraqi command system is still a typical tree-like structure. The top node is blown up, and the bottom is a mass of loose sand.

And only 117 can complete this task!

America has no choice but to win this war! The consequences of failure are unacceptable to the United States!

Sitting in the cockpit, the radio was on, Whitley, commander of the 37th Tactical Fighter Wing, heard his subordinates muttering: "God, I swear, may this stealth guy work." to be continued. ..

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