Red Soviet Union

Chapter 395: Progressing well

In the desert area on the border of Pakistan, the American troops, who had already been on guard for a long time, moved in an orderly manner and marched towards the border area.

At the same time, armed helicopters flew in the sky, attacking various Iranian border fortifications that had been reconnaissance long ago, where the garrisoned troops were located, and the large-scale invasion war officially began!

Although Iran is in the border area, it has gathered two infantry divisions and two Revolutionary Guard divisions, and moved the main Chieftain tanks and M48 tanks to the border area in an attempt to resist the attack of the American army.

It is a pity that the war was fought in a way that the Iranians could not have imagined.

Before the armored forces arrived, the A-6 and A-7 attack aircraft repeatedly bombed the Iranian army. Most of the Iranian ground forces were killed in the bombing. Then, the AH-1 armed helicopters , flying at a tree-high distance, providing fire support to the American armored forces, and when the American armored forces came into contact with the Iranian army, Iran's main ground equipment was almost clean.

The air plays the leading role, but the ground combat has become secondary. The main task of the U.S. Army is to sweep the tail off!

After a day of fierce fighting that overwhelmed several Iranian divisions along the border, the U.S. army marched straight in, across the Iranian plateau on the border, captured Zahedan the next day, and then began in the Lut Desert. After a big drag racing, in two days, I arrived at the Cavell Salt Desert, and in two more days, I arrived near Tehran!

The military action of the United States made all observers fall into the eyeballs. The Americans seemed to be stepping on Hot Wheels, and they hit Tehran in five days!

This is the strength of a world-class military power! In comparison, Iran is nothing! At least Vietnam has complex terrain and can play hide-and-seek with Americans. What does Iran have? The Americans did not go to the surrounding mountains at all. The United States did one thing and besieged Tehran!

North, Moscow.

Now, it is August 1979, the hottest time of the year, and the climate in Moscow is also a bit sultry. I rushed to Andrei from Turkestan Military Region to Moscow. After getting off the plane, I took a special car and went directly to Arrive at the Kremlin.

"Andrei, everyone is waiting for you." Seeing Andrei coming in, Ustinov said: "The situation in Iran has greatly exceeded our expectations. We are now conducting war games, and the situation is not optimistic. We expect that within two days the Americans will occupy Tehran, overthrow the hmn rule, and build a puppet government."

The speed of the Americans' advance greatly surprised Moscow. In Hokkaido, in the island country of Honshu, the Soviet army had a near-direct collision with the American army. The result at that time was that the American army did not have an overwhelming technological advantage. On the contrary, In the face of the Soviet army, the weakness of the American army was obvious.

And now, with a war with Iran, the US military has regained its own dignity! First, using a few days of bombing, completely paralyzed Iran's command structure and destroyed Iran's war potential. Then, the attack of the ground troops can only be described as extremely fast!

Even the Soviet army itself could not have marched so rashly, which shows how bold and smooth the American army is!

As long as the U.S. military conquers Tehran, it means that the existing regime will fall. At that time, the United States will support another puppet government, and Iran will become pro-American again!

In the past few years, the Soviet Union has been making arrangements to get the passage from Iran to the south, but now, watching the Americans make another trick, how could the Soviet Union not be in a hurry!

"The U.S. military is powerful, and we have learned a lot from this U.S. attack. For example, the acquisition of air superiority by the Air Force is an important part in determining the outcome of the entire war. It can be said that without air superiority, there will be no air superiority. Everything! Secondly, it is the advantage of informatization. The United States relies on the command of the early warning aircraft to launch multiple attacks in a short period of time, and the command is well-organized. The US ground troops can advance quickly, and their logistical support work is very good..." An Dere has been observing the performance of the U.S. military over the past few days, observing the progress of each division, and summarizing a lot of experience.

However, he was interrupted by Andropov before he could finish his words: "Andrei, what we are discussing now is how to deal with the problem of building a puppet regime after the U.S. occupied Tehran, as for the tactical literacy of the U.S. military. , for later. Are the troops of your Turkestan Military District ready to participate in the Iranian civil war at any time?"

"General Secretary Andropov, it seems that this issue is not something we should discuss." Andrei said: "Unless the United States uses nuclear weapons to directly raze Tehran, it is impossible for the United States to occupy Tehran."

Andrei's attitude is very positive. What are the jokes about the Americans occupying Tehran?

Andre, what are you kidding? How are you so sure? Everyone cast a questioning look at Andre. Just before Andre came, there were people who expressed doubts about the current strategic concept proposed by Andre. Obviously, it is time for the Americans to pick the fruit. ! During the whole incident, the Soviet Union did not get any benefit!

And now, Andre's attitude is so certain, most people still doubt it.

"General Comrades, we must not look at Iran from our point of view. They are different from us because they have extremely firm beliefs. They are a group of simple-minded and fanatical guys! I It is certain that the Americans' attack in Tehran will be extremely difficult, the good luck of the Americans, this is the end! In less than five days, Tehran can get the title of a blood city!" Andre said.

The blood city, the historical Khram Shahr, where the Iran-Iraq war fought repeatedly, resulting in the death of tens of thousands of Iraqi and Iraqi soldiers. The city was almost razed, so the The name of the blood city.

And now, the title of Blood City should be left to Tehran!

"At least tens of thousands of Americans will be killed in Tehran, even 20,000!" Andre said: "Moreover, the Americans will not be able to get Tehran in the end, and the Americans will suffer heavy casualties in the face of the Iranians' sea tactics! Maybe the Iranians will die even more, 100,000, or even 200,000. I can say that now Tehran is full of soldiers. Every citizen, even a five-year-old child, will be given a hand grenade. Girls, also hold up rifles, and if I were an American commander, I would definitely choose a nuclear bomb."

Andrei was extremely confident. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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