Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1262: It's a scam

Another intruder! At this moment, Jenny pressed the last character and finally stopped.

Of course, Jenny will not forget how she was tricked to come here in the first place! That Stevenson is a big liar! Now, it is even more necessary to pull everyone to the funeral!

If so, what else is there to say? When Jenny found out that the self-destruction program had terminated, she was also relieved, and then found that the exclusive elevator in Stevenson's office moved! That being the case, she simply changed the program and released the elevator's braking system, and the entire elevator was almost in free fall!

Crazy people should have a crazy end!

In the distance, the explosion sound is getting closer and closer!

"Da da da." The bullets of the machine guns were strafing, and the guards in the base were shot and killed piece by piece. Their mission was often to prevent the infiltration of personnel, and they simply could not compete with the heavy equipment!

So, now, in addition to being shot in a large area, they can only surrender! There is no shame in surrendering when victory cannot be won!

All the way, from the periphery, all the way to here, Tikhonov once again forgot the advice Andrei gave him, as a commander, he needs to stay behind, he can't rush in front!

However, Tikhonov could not control his excitement, what is here? It's Area 51! It is the most secret place in America, especially, according to legend, there are even aliens here!

And now, where are the aliens? Where?

"Right, attack to the right!" Tikhonov shouted loudly. After repeated comparison with the satellite map, he could almost believe that the building on the far right was the alien spaceship and aliens that appeared in the TV footage. The green house! It is said that it is also the place where the President of the United States most hopes to come after his inauguration!

Rush, rush over!

The engine of the t-80 tank rumbled, and one tank after another surrounded the green house in the roar, and then, on the infantry fighting vehicle behind, they jumped down, holding ak74 automatic rifles in their hands , completely surrounded here!

At the back, the two laser tanks have also completed the energy storage and are ready. If a huge alien monster jumps out of it, they will attack as soon as possible!

The military boots stepped on the ground, and Tikhonov also came out. Under the protection of the heavy soldiers, Tikhonov was very safe, and he was not afraid of danger at all.

People who have come through the hail of bullets will understand a truth. Only if you despise death first, death will fear you. Those who are most afraid of death will often die first!

"The door is closed and cannot be opened," said the adjutant on the side.

"Blow it away with our artillery!" said Tikhonov.

Blast it off! The 125mm tank gun fired a tungsten alloy armor-piercing projectile towards the gate here.

"Boom!" In the huge roar, the armor-piercing bullet was inserted into the gate, and it has been submerged, leaving only a hole in the tail, but the gate has not been penetrated!

The gate is at least made of steel plate with a thickness of more than one meter! It seems that you can't open it at all! Tikhonov was still a little discouraged when he saw the door in front of him, which was slowly opening!

what happened? When the door opened, Tykhonov was stunned. Could it be some conspiracy?

At this moment, the adjutant ran up and said, "Zhanhu Bureau has sent us a message that they have already controlled the system here. Now, as long as we need it, they can help us open the door of any place."

The war is over! Tikhonov knew that it must be Ivan and the others who succeeded! Now, there is nothing to worry about anymore: "Control the buildings here! Don't let any scientific researcher go!"

After speaking, Tikhonov strode inside.

It can be seen that there is indeed a large aircraft in the center of this green house, which is the same as the one seen in the previous issue. However, when Tikhonov touched it, it was not the texture of metal, but the texture of metal. It's... plastic!

Nima, can this thing fly? Do not make jokes! Everything here is a scam! It was originally to fool the Soviets, and even that alien must have been disguised!

Think about it too, if Americans really got alien technology, how can they be beaten up by themselves now? Just come up with an alien technology and you can dominate the world!

And, according to many accounts, the Americans acquired the crashed alien spacecraft and aliens in 47 years. If this is the case, after decades, what should the Americans have achieved?

Now it seems that Americans are just playing tricks!


No matter how rough the sea is, underwater, it will always be calm!

Here, there is darkness everywhere, and a huge submarine is sailing The high ridge on the back represents that this submarine is a real strategic weapon! This is the only remaining weapon of the US Navy, the Ohio-class strategic missile submarine!

The United States Navy, once the most powerful navy in the world, has completely declined! At first, it was possible to walk sideways around the world, but now, the main force of the US Navy is curled up in the San Diego Naval Port, motionless.

They dare not move out, if they move out, then it will definitely be the end of destruction!

The main force of the navy has not moved, this does not mean that the navy will keep watching, watching the United States suffer from the north and south, watching the United States is about to fall, the navy also needs to fight back!

The Navy, the only one with the ability to counterattack, is the Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine! They carried Trident missiles, cruising in the deep sea, waiting for orders from the Pentagon.

Yes, now, they follow the orders of the Pentagon! As long as the Pentagon orders them to launch a nuke, they will do so without hesitation!

So far, a total of six Ohio-class ships have been commissioned in the United States. This underwater monster with a displacement of more than 18,000 tons is the last nuclear bomb barrier in the United States!

They know that underwater is not safe, they are the last resort of the United States, and the Soviets will strangle them with all their strength!

All six Ohio-class ships were dispatched, and within half a month, only the current one was left, and the other nuclear submarines no longer maintained any contact with the Pentagon!

However, as the US Navy, as long as they are alive, they will continue to patrol and remain on standby!

"What? Change the target coordinates and throw all the missiles into Area 51?" At this time, in the submarine control tower, the captain just received a signal from the long-wave radio station, and the captain looked confused, what happened? What happened?

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