Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1245: B-Two bombers

In the United States, there are a series of default rules for the development of military aircraft. For example, even if the United States advocates the use of a competitive mechanism and chooses the best, there are still other considerations.

For example, in the competition stage of the f-35, there is also Boeing's x-32 verification aircraft, but in the end, Boeing lost, in addition to the fact that the performance of the x-35 is really good, there is a bigger problem , is Lockheed, which is engaged in the x-35, and only has military aircraft projects. Once the military aircraft project fails, Lockheed can only eat shit, and Boeing, or the world's top producer of civilian airliners, lost the military aircraft. contract, they can still live very well.

Therefore, the final contract was given to Lockheed, which is also based on other military aircraft developed by Lockheed. The US Air Force has a strong impression of Lockheed, because during the f-117 period, Lockheed has already It shows their advantages, the progress will not be delayed, and the cost control ability is also very strong.

Unfortunately, it turned out that when Lockheed became the only military aircraft contractor, they also played the game of capitalists, completely making the f-35 a money-burning game.

Similarly, there is also the b-2. Originally, Lockheed thought that it had come up with the f-117, which was deeply liked by the US Air Force. According to reason, it should let itself develop the b-2, right?

As a result, surprisingly, the US Air Force announced that Northrop won the bid, which was a surprise!

One of the important reasons is that Northrop has already followed up. As the manufacturer of the f-5 fighter, Northrop has successfully sold it to many countries. When Northrop improved the f-20 , When I wanted to copy the myth of the f-5 fighter, I found that the follow-up was weak.

In order to compensate Northrop, the U.S. Air Force gave this big cake to Northrop. Of course, they also regretted it later. The Northrop project was seriously overrun, and finally came out with more than 2 billion US dollars. The sky-high bomber! Several times more expensive than gold!

Originally, the US Air Force planned to equip nearly 200 aircraft, but in the end, it was found that only 21 aircraft could be equipped!

These are all for later.

The b-2 bomber project can be traced back to 1975. The US Air Force decided to develop a new stealth bomber in order to be able to break through the interception of the Soviets' new generation of air defense systems such as the s-300. At that time, it was called the Sabre Penetrator.

After that, Lockheed, Boeing and Northrop were all interested, but because the data proposed by the US Air Force at that time was too harsh, in order to meet this serious challenge in terms of cost and technology, the Air Force encouraged aerospace companies to cooperating. So two competing camps emerged—the Lockheed and Rockwell teams, and the Northrop, Boeing, and Ling-Temco-Valter teams (ltv).

A few years later, all the way to '81, the USAF declared Northrop the winner of the ATB contract, aircraft number b-2, with an initial contract for 6 test aircraft and two static test aircraft, plus 127 for production Intentional order for the type bomber, it is planned to reach initial operational capability in 1987. Since then, the advanced bomber has been spent on Northrop.

Because the three companies cooperated, there was also a division of labor. Northrop was responsible for the manufacture of the front center fuselage and cockpit, the leading and trailing edges of the aircraft, and the control surfaces, as well as the final assembly and overall planning coordination. Boeing is responsible for manufacturing the rear center fuselage and bomb bay, as well as the outer wing sections and landing gear. ltv is responsible for the manufacture of the midsection of the wing including the engine nacelle and the tail nozzles. Final assembly takes place at U.S. Air Force Plant 42 Site 4 in Palmdale, California.

This is a historical process, but now, the situation has also changed to a certain extent.

The Soviet Union has already cracked the stealth aircraft technology of the United States and found out the countermeasures. Therefore, from this point of view, it is useless to develop stealth aircraft.

However, now, the nuclear strike capability of the United States has been castrated, and the US ballistic missiles will be destroyed as long as they are launched. Therefore, the United States must find another way!

If you want to release a nuclear bomb, ballistic missiles are the most suitable way, because ballistic missiles have high speed and are difficult to be intercepted by air defense missiles. The tmd and nmd systems of later generations of Americans have been engaged in so many years, but they are not fully mature, which shows the difficulty, but , the Soviets solved it with laser weapons!

All ballistic missiles have been abandoned, and the most important missile site in Alaska has also been abandoned. Now, the only other way left in the United States is air-launched missiles!

In the past few years, the b-2 project progressed slowly in the United States due to financial constraints. After the Jews took control of the United In order to give the United States the ability to fight the Soviet Union, it began to increase its investment in the Air Force, especially It is a b-2 bomber, and it has been taken care of as a priority. At the same time, in order to allow the b-2 bomber to enter service as soon as possible, various companies have vacated their factories to specialize in the manufacture of such bombers. Boeing is quite good at manufacturing large aircraft. Experience, so, they first produced a prototype.

At present, the b-2 is still not in official service, it is still in the development stage, and during the development period, several prototypes are needed to test flight.

As a result, the built prototype was captured by the "Canadian" army before it could be sent to Area 51 for a test flight!

This is really good news! When they received a report from the German army that they had seized a strange-looking fighter plane, the Soviet aviation experts were very excited. They all recognized that strange bomber and used it by General Secretary Andrei. The model made by hand is the same!

That's an American stealth bomber!

At the moment, a supersonic business plane took off from the Soviet Union, flew directly to Alaska, and from there, overland to the Washington area, under heavy guard, Soviet experts began to study this aircraft.

American aviation technology is still advanced in some fields! The bomber with this flying wing layout can only be imagined before, because its flight control is too complicated! But now, the Americans are actually making a fuss!

What's more exciting than getting this bomber is the aviation experts who control many Americans! In Boeing, engineers are grabbing a lot, and now, of course, they can't be let go! They want to protest human rights or something, that's for later! Now, let them tell the secrets of b-2 first!

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