Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1215: Military Agreement with Canada

Reduce tariffs! This has been considered by Prime Minister Martin as the biggest concession. Tariffs are to protect a country's own enterprises. If tariffs disappear, the influx of low-cost products from the outside world will completely overwhelm the country's manufacturing industry!

Canada, a mature capitalist country, will not reduce tariffs easily at all. Now, it has been reduced by 90% all at once! This will already have a serious impact on the country. After all, generally speaking, the reduction of tariffs is gradual, and the initial reduction of 10% is already very scary.

However, compared with this military agreement, there is nothing to fear in terms of economy. This military agreement is simply killing Canada!

In view of Canada's weak military strength, in order for Canada to increase its resistance to the United States in the south, the Soviet Union has a responsibility and obligation to help Canada provide military strength!

First, the Soviet Union can export advanced military equipment, including MiG-29 and T-72, to Canada at cost prices to improve the combat effectiveness of the Canadian army. These require Canada to deliver funds on time.

Second, military exercises are regularly conducted by the Soviet Army in Alaska and the Canadian Army every year to help the Canadian Army improve its combat effectiveness. The location of the exercise is set on the border between Canada and the United States.

Third, when necessary, the Soviet army has the right to rush out without notifying the Canadian government, cross the Canadian border, go to the border between Canada and the United States, and help Canada resist the attack of the American army.


These conditions are unbearable for Canada. It can be said that if Canada agrees to these conditions, then Canada will lose its national defense power and become a servant of the Soviet Union!

"I'm sorry, Marshal Andre, we can't agree to this condition." Martin frowned, read the document, restrained himself from hitting the table, and said to Andre.

When I came, the biggest condition that came to my mind was to lose a piece of land, but now, the ambitions of the Soviets are extremely huge, they actually want to control Canada!

"Really? I didn't expect that your vision is so short-sighted! Where did your courage to go to the White House to set fire to it?" Andre said: "Over the years, you have been oppressed by the United States, and you and the United States have The agreements signed are much lighter than the current agreements. Now, we, the Soviet Union, are willing to help you, but you still don’t want to accept them?”

Many people will have a question, Canada is a piece of fat in the mouth of the United States, why does the United States not eat it?

Canada has a population of over 30 million, compared to 300 million in the United States! If Canada is annexed, the territory of the United States will be doubled immediately. Canada also has rich crude oil reserves, various minerals, fresh water, forests, and wildlife resources. At the same time, Canada also has a weak army.

In fact, there are many historical origins in the middle.

In the early days, the relationship between Canada and the United States was of course quite poor. Therefore, when Canada chose the capital, it did not choose Toronto, the largest city in Canada at that time, but chose Ottawa. Invasion, the forests around Ottawa can temporarily resist the attack, at least not immediately destroyed.

In history, two conflicts broke out between Canada and the United States, and in these two conflicts, the weak side was not Canada, but the United States!

Canada became a British and French colony in the 16th century. After that, Britain and France fought a war for the Canadian colonies, and because France was defeated, Canada became a British colony.

At that time, Canada was under the control of the United Kingdom, and it was very good. After all, the United Kingdom in this era was still an absolute empire on which the sun never sets.

In 1774, the then independent thirteen states of North America found a reason and began to develop their own territory. They first aimed at the north to attack the British province of Quebec! The U.S. Army at the time, led by Richard Montgomery and Benedict Arnold on an expedition to Quebec.

As a result, Montgomery was killed in the siege, and Arnold retreated wounded.

After the arrival of the British reinforcements, the Americans were driven back to the starting point, and the first war of the American army failed!

After that, the United States was still not reconciled. In 1812, the Americans saw that the United Kingdom was at war with Emperor Napoleon of France, and felt that the opportunity had come, so the Americans decided to attack north again!

The results of it? The Americans miscalculated again, and even the White House in the United States was burned by the Canadian militiamen who rushed over from the north! The Americans were disgraced and completely dispelled the idea of ​​going north. They still felt that Mexico in the south was better to bully than Canada.

This time is World War II. After World War II, the United States has become the most powerful country in the West. The war more than 100 years ago has long passed. In order to contain the Soviet Union, the United States has contacted major Western countries. The country surrounded the Soviet Union and created NATO, and Canada was one of the early members of NATO.

At this time, the United States and Canada are already allies. Canada has a superior geographical location and is the firm northern bridgehead of the United States.

Of course, the real intention is clearer. The cruelty of war makes the United States know that if the problem can be solved without using war, then it is best not to use it. The United States and Canada have friendly relations and can still pass the Various trade methods are used to **** the blood of Canada. In this case, why use force?

Canada is adjacent to the United States, with a vast land and sparse population. After the decline of the United Kingdom, they alone are not enough to protect their safety. Moreover, Canada does not have the ability to maintain a strong military, so they simply signed a defense agreement with the United States. According to the agreement, Canada's security is protected by the United States, while Canada mainly focuses on economic development and does not have a strong military strength.

And now, the situation has changed again, the United States, has declined! The United States is unable to protect Canada, so, in this case, it is better to let the Soviets protect Canada!

In this world, the strong eat the weak is a truth! The Soviets, just like the original Third Reich, can only continue to expand! Do not give the opponent any living space!

"Your side, think about it carefully, now, our troops are all in Alaska, waiting for the first military exercise with you!" Andre said, the weight of this sentence is enough, as long as Canada does not agree, the war to overthrow Canada will start immediately!

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