Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1163: Counterfeit money from the UK

Then, the refugees in front, the Jewish elderly and children, jumped out of the car, holding submachine guns in their hands, and some carrying m60 rocket launchers, and launched a counterattack against the tank troops behind!

This is a trap! In this desert, the Jewish team has been ambushed in advance. The camouflage nets covered on their bodies are integrated with the desert. The individual anti-tank missiles in their hands can easily destroy the armor of the t-72 tank!

And this group of refugees is responsible for introducing them into the encirclement! Although it is difficult to transport heavy weapons to Israel now, Israel has obtained a lot of these light anti-tank missiles. Now, the anti-tank missiles that are dragging flames and flying out are coming to ask the Iraqi army for their lives. !

One after another t-72 tanks were destroyed, Hammurabi Division, suffered a serious test!

"Quick, call air support immediately," Ali shouted from inside a t-72.

Now, they can't act blindly and can only use machine guns and tank guns to counterattack. It is conceivable that enough anti-tank mines must have been planted by the Israelis on both sides. If their tanks are moved, they will definitely hit the mine!

In the event of a disadvantage, call for air support as soon as possible! At the same time, relying on advanced digital equipment and air support, they appeared in three minutes!

The Su-24 attack aircraft dropped a large number of bombs and rockets one by one towards the Jewish positions, flying out from under the short wings of the Hindu helicopter. The Jews were hit in the air and suffered heavy casualties.

The soldiers in the BMP infantry chariots, after the air strikes ended, launched a fierce counterattack towards the Jewish positions. The AK rifles in their hands spit out flames, and as long as there were live openings, they all shot to death.

No civilians! Even a child under ten years old holds a grenade in his hand! If you're not careful, they'll throw it over!

The battle was finally over when the sunset turned red in the western sky. Looking at the fiery sunset, Ali finally breathed a sigh of relief. This battle was really useless. He lost more than 30 tanks! If it weren't for the timely arrival of air support, maybe he would have lost even more!

At the same time, this also strengthened his belief that Jews cannot stay, and every Jew has been armed. This is a war of genocide, no forgiveness, no compromise, until one side ruthlessly wipes out the other side!



"It seems that this battle to resolve Israel is entering gaochao, informing Syria and Iraq that no matter what the cost, the Jews must be completely wiped out, and they must not be let go. Every Jew is a fighter, absolutely Don't be soft-hearted!" Listening to the report from the Middle East, Andre gave instructions.

"What about the Egyptian army? They have also pledged allegiance to us. When will they be dispatched?" Yazov asked Andrei.

Egypt! It signed a peace agreement with Israel, and exchanged land for peace. Through negotiation, the Sinai Peninsula was returned. At the same time, it also made the Middle East countries completely spurn Egypt. Egyptians are cowards!

This is also Egypt's helpless choice. When the war has failed to solve the problem, they can only turn to peace. In later generations, even Arafat will have to bow his head and try to obtain a living space for the Palestinians through peace talks.

But now, under the strength of the Soviet Union, Egypt finally made the right choice and returned to the embrace of the Soviet Union. At the same time, Egypt was also ready to wait for the Soviet Union's call to join the besieging of Israel.

In several Middle East wars, Egypt has also suffered countless casualties. They were unable to defeat them, so they negotiated peace. Now, the situation has become obvious. The demise of the Jews is the final outcome. If this is the case, then what is Egypt afraid of?

Of course you have to fight!

However, Andre did not immediately let Egypt participate in the war. Egypt, this is a back-up move. Let Egypt participate in the war at the most suitable time. Now, the time has not come!

"Wait for the opportunity." Andre said: "Now, there is no need for Egypt to do it."

"Marshal Andre, we have already investigated the issue of counterfeit money in our market." Putin Hui reported: "Now, we have 100% certainty that these counterfeit money are all made in an underground factory in the UK. from."

U.K! It's almost the same as my guess! Andre nodded: "Since the British are going to die, let's give them a ride. They want to use counterfeit money to hit our economy, so we simply use economic means to completely turn the pound into waste. Paper!"

U.K! As a veteran capitalist country, the contradiction with the Soviets is absolutely irreconcilable, and only during World War II, facing the threat of the Nazis, can the two sides be able to cooperate.

The continuous expansion of the Soviet Union will of course cause dissatisfaction in the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom and the United States wear a pair of trousers. Now that the Soviet Union is attacking the United States, of course, it will also hurt the interests of the United Kingdom.

Moreover, what angered Britain the most was probably the Falklands War a few years ago. At that time, the Soviet Union fully supported Argentina and crippled the British Navy! The United Kingdom was disgraced and suffered huge losses. In the end, it was unable to recover the Falkland Islands. This war also marked the overall decline of the United Kingdom.

And the United Kingdom, after all, is an old capitalist country, and only they can make counterfeit banknotes so similar!

At the same time, this is also a last resort for the United Kingdom. The continuous decline of the United Kingdom has made their economy difficult. Now, the ruble is becoming the world currency. Therefore, the United Kingdom simply gave it up and risked its death to make a profit. The United Kingdom printed a lot of rubles, Shop internationally and save the UK economy!

Because they are so similar in printing, they cannot be distinguished in many places. As a result, a large number of counterfeit banknotes have become popular, which has damaged the interests of the Soviet Union and is also a major challenge to the ruble world system!

"Call Helmut Schlesinger over here." Andre said: "We need to discuss it carefully. Now, with only Mark, we can completely snipe the pound. Through this operation, all the British people's Wealth has come to Germany! Let the rest of Europe see how strong the German mark is. Only by following our Soviet is the most promising."

Helmut Schlesinger, President of the German Central Bank after the merger! After receiving the order, he immediately came to Moscow from Berlin, and had a detailed consultation with Andre and others for up to seven hours.

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