Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1159: hit on cotton

Everyone in the White House is ashen, Alaska, the indivisible territory of the United States, and now, actually surrendering to the Soviet Union?

After the surrender, Alaska has a high degree of autonomy. In addition to the fact that some Soviets are stationed in Alaska, it can be said that the independence of Alaska has been greatly improved! Anyone with a discerning eye can see that with such a policy, Alaskans will surely cheer!

"We must not allow such a thing to happen." On the side, Secretary of Defense Brafman said: "We have to mobilize the entire American army, through Canada, to Alaska to fight, we must take our territory back!"

"Yes, Alaska is too important to us, we must take it!"

How important is Alaska? Just look at the minerals in Alaska. Oil, gold, and any kind of minerals are extremely valuable resources! Especially now, after the Soviet Union monopolized oil resources in the Middle East, the United States can only rely on domestic oil exports to generate income. How important is Alaska's oil? The daily output is 2 million barrels per day, not counting shale oil, just ordinary oil, accounting for nearly a quarter of oil production!

As for gold, it is even more important. With the continuous return of the US dollar, it is conceivable that all the currency issued by the United States over the years will be returned to the mainland, which will cause a terrible depreciation of the US dollar. In this case, only gold is the hard currency! U.S. gold inventories determine the strength of the dollar.

The United States never thought of losing Alaska, let alone Alaska's strategic position. Those militia missiles were all prepared for the Soviet Union! Now, if the Soviet Union replaces the seeker of the militia, it can hit the United States at any time!

"We, the United States, have never lost any territory since the founding of the country. This is the first time that we must not compromise!" Cohen also said on the side.

Lost an entire state! This is absolutely impossible for Americans to swallow this breath!

"Crackling." At this moment, the door opened, and Old Deren was already in a wheelchair!

"Mr. Deren, what's going on?" Bush asked involuntarily.

Old Deren pressed the wrench on the wheelchair with his right hand, and the wheelchair advanced a certain distance and came to Bush.

"The day before yesterday, I suddenly had a stroke. Western medicine has given up on the rescue. Fortunately, I knew an old Chinese medicine doctor and used silver needles to save me. However, half of my body is already paralyzed." Old Deren said.

Old Deren's words made Bush sigh for a while.

With a high position and authority, he seems to be able to call the wind and the rain, and he is incompetent. He seems to be very majestic. In fact, power and obligations are complementary to each other. The core personnel of the group are also under the greatest pressure.

Just the day before yesterday, the main force of Israel had been surrounded in Tel Aviv. The arrival of this news must have made Old Deren anxious, and he suffered a stroke.

Old Deren has to consider not only Israel, but also the United States. It can be said that on the surface, the United States is President Bush. However, Bush always feels that he is a puppet and has to listen to other Jews.

Now, for this kind of big event, Old Deren must also be involved. Since he is here, let's listen to his opinion.

"Right now, the idea of ​​us taking back Alaska by force is unrealistic," Old Dren said. "If we can't even defend Alaska, how can we retake it?"

Taking back Alaska is not a matter of words! This is different from World War II. In World War II, the island country attacked Pearl Harbor, which made the entire American angry. They joined World War II without hesitation and became the core of the allies.

now what? In the United States, the anti-war sentiment is very serious. Under the deception of the Soviet Union, many ordinary people in the United States believe that this is a Jewish conspiracy! It was the Jews who drove these wars, provoked conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union, and eased the crisis facing Israel.

This is probably one of the reasons why Alaska surrendered, they didn't want to fight!

Moreover, with the U.S. military, if there is no special means, it is absolutely impossible to win this war. Just look at the performance of the U.S. Navy. The formation composed of two aircraft carriers dare not approach others with one or two knives. aircraft carrier! Moreover, during the routine training, a serious accident occurred.

Without air dominance, sea dominance, what kind of war? On land, who else can compete with the mighty Soviet troops?

"Then we'll just watch the Soviets get our Alaska?" Bush asked.

"Of course not. Although the Soviets occupied Alaska, they absolutely can't keep it. As long as we provoke conflicts between the Soviets and the civilians in Alaska, we can invest in the establishment of local guerrillas in Alaska, so that the The Soviets are caught in the quagmire of war, and we can realize our Alaska strategy at the least cost, and when we cannot retake Alaska, we also make it impossible for the Soviets to gain a foothold in Alaska!"

It can be said that Old Dren's method is obviously more Hearing that, Bush can't help but nod his head. The decline of the navy makes Bush old also extremely angry.

Before World War II, Britain was an empire on which the sun never sets, but after World War II, Britain declined to become a second-rate country, and the United States rose. Now, with this series of wars, will the United States completely decline and the Soviet Union rise to become the only superpower? ?

Absolutely not! Soviets, don't even think about staying in Alaska!

"We can also provoke public opinion to build momentum and let the residents of Alaska know that Treadaway's surrender is invalid, unconstitutional, and even against our American tradition of freedom and democracy. Treadaway cannot represent Alaska, he only represents him. Individuals, even if they want to join, are all citizens of Alaska who hold a vote to determine the final ownership of Alaska." Old Dren said: "In short, we are to let the Soviets in Alaska become the public enemy of the people, and let them Can't stay here!"

Although he is a businessman, Old Dren still has a long way to go. Years of experience are his most precious wealth. In fact, governing a country is like running a family. Punishing the scum in the family is of course disgusting to the rest of the family. This scum.

No matter what method is used, it is enough to discredit him. Decades ago, Old Deren used this method to defeat his competitors and gain the trust of the previous patriarch.

It's too easy to create a few conflicts.

"Mr. President, the interim government of Alaska, has just issued a new statement, and in order to make Alaska's independence more effective, they have decided to hold a referendum!" At this moment, Secretary of State Baker hurried in and said.

Referendum! The Soviets actually dare to do this! Old Dren suddenly felt like he was punching cotton, and he had already guessed his own plan in advance!

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