Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1143: Laser beam, bombard!

A sharp siren sounded inside the huge ground effect aircraft: "Attention, we are about to be attacked, we are about to be attacked!"

A huge ground-effect aircraft has the same carrying capacity as a ship, but it is definitely not as strong as a ship. As long as a short-range missile can cause it to suffer a lot of damage!

And now, after discovering the f-16 flying from the opposite side, the pilot of the ground effect aircraft has begun to operate the huge ground effect aircraft and is ready to turn into a dive state. At the same time, all kinds of infrared decoy bombs are also ready. Now, launch at any time, but they don't know what to do!

"Open the front hatch, quick!" At this moment, Tikhonov shouted loudly.

At this time, this type of ground effect aircraft has been redesigned, and there are hatches at the front and rear, so that there is no need for complicated reversing to enter, just drive up. go out!

Now, Tykhonov's order, of course, is not to go on! Now, they are still dozens of meters above the ground, and they will definitely fall to their death!

The soldiers around him already understood what Tikhonov meant, and at the moment Tikhonov ordered them, they jumped on the laser tank at the front!

System startup, preheating, supercapacitor charging, reactor, 100% power output!

All this is going on quickly, and according to Tikhonov's order, the front hatch is slowly opening!

In an instant, a huge noise came, and the top of this hatch was exactly where the eight engines side by side were located! At the same time, the ground effect aircraft flying at a speed of more than 500 kilometers per hour has a relative airflow of 500 kilometers per hour! These airflows were directly blown into the interior of the aircraft through the open hatch in front. In an instant, although everyone was wearing seat belts in their seats, they still felt the airflow surging, and some things that were not fixed also flew. stand up! Fortunately, the hatch was not opened at the back, otherwise, it would just blow out!

System, start normally! After getting into the laser tank, several operators were also extremely nervous. After all, during their training, they experimented with using laser beams to hit air-to-ground missiles, which proved to be completely effective, but now, they are flying! Can the processing speed of the sighting system of our own laser tanks keep up?

Fortunately, they were the first car, and they were almost next to the front hatch. When the hatch was opened, the situation in the front hemisphere was already in sight!

The photoelectric sighting system of the laser tank turned into an air defense state, and soon, it maintained stable tracking.

"Ten percent charge, only 0.05 megawatts of power!" said another soldier in charge of the laser cannon.

Supercapacitors are charging too slowly! With this little energy, I am afraid it will not be able to destroy the opponent's fighter!

Meanwhile, above, the pilot Kritsv, listened to Tykhonov's orders in the whistling wind: "Keep the flight steady and let our laser tanks kill it!"

As a result, Kritsff can only maintain a steady flight, which is simply a perfect target!

Suddenly, he saw a white smoke coming out from under the opponent's wing!

"No, the f-16 fired a missile!"

missile! The ground effect aircraft with aluminum alloy skin can never stop the bombardment of missiles!

And almost, at the same time, he saw the most unforgettable scene.

A red laser beam came out of the open cabin door of one's side and flew towards the missile!

Almost instantly, it hits exactly! The missile turned somersaults from the air and fell down. It seems that the power of the laser beam was not sufficient, but it hit the missile's guidance system accurately!

So handsome! Kritsff almost wants to shout, he has a wide field of vision and sees it the clearest!

When the laser beam was discovered, it was obvious that the f-16 pilot on the opposite side was stunned.

what is that? Tom was very confident in his missile just now, and the other party is definitely his best living target! The missile locks onto the target with ease, then, just like in training, hit the button and fire the missile!

and then? Then, the missile was actually destroyed by a beam of red light shot by the opponent. What is this red light? Absolutely laser! The Soviets have not only laser cannons in space, laser cannons on ships, but even such huge ground-effect aircraft, now they also have laser weapons?

Thinking of this, Tom already knew that something was wrong. Although as a National Guard pilot, he was responsible for defending the soil, but he still had a more important task, which was to return to the base and inform the base commander of the news!

The place where the Soviets landed was not in the south, but in the north!

Thinking of this, Tom pushed his nose, ready to make a 180-degree turn, and then fly back!

Unfortunately, it's too late!

"The supercapacitor is fifty percent charged."

"Lock on beam, bombard!"

Then, from the laser transmitter at the top, a thin laser beam was fired again, this time, directly at the aircraft that was turning!

"Boom!" The part bombarded by the laser beam is the fuel tank in the middle of the fuselage. Although the power of the laser beam is not the largest, the laser beam easily tore the aluminum alloy skin, and then ignited the fuel tank inside the fuel tank. fuel.

This is different from the warhead attack of missiles. The warheads of air-to-air missiles are all broken rod warheads. Relying on these broken rods, the skin is broken open, or it is sucked into the engine, etc., and then the fighter plane fails. Because the temperature of the jet engine is very high High, so, it can also start a fire, and eventually let the other party crash.

And now, more directly, the 0.25 megawatt laser beam directly ignites the fuel!

Although the front hatch has been closed after the laser beam is fired, at this time, the interior of the entire ground effect vehicle has changed. Many people's faces feel that a layer of skin is about to be blown off. However, they were all very excited.

One's own laser weapon destroyed an American plane!

Looking at the fireball that appeared in the sky, Kritsff was extremely excited. Those weapons of the army are really powerful! If these ground effect aircraft of our side can also install this kind of weapon, then we will not be afraid of anything!

However, the early warning aircraft has been notified, why haven't the escorting fighter jets come yet?

Originally, their formation was escorted by a group of MiG-29 fighters. However, a few minutes ago, those fighters were transferred to the south to participate in the air battle. At the same time, according to the scheduled plan, the Northern Fleet's Novorossiysk aircraft carrier The carrier-based aircraft group on the board should also be flying over, right?

What the **** is wrong?

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