Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1136: 2nd tier air force

Dutch Harbor! Located on the east coast of the Alaska Peninsula, it is a natural deep-water harbor and excellent natural conditions, making it a strategic location. The U.S. Navy and Air Force have important bases here!

During World War II, the island nation regarded this place as a thorn in its side, and dispatched two aircraft carrier formations to attack here and blow up the U.S. naval base. Unfortunately, it was still unable to destroy the war potential of the United States.

The superior geographical location allows the US Air Force to take off from here, and it is easy to bomb the Soviet Far East. Therefore, the air force base here deploys a b-52 bomber fleet, and at the same time, a fighter team is also deployed to **** the bombers, all of which are f-15s.

At the same time, the Navy also has an air station, and the P-3 took off from this air station. This air station now has more than a dozen Marine Corps AV-8 fighter jets.

Now, the Soviet aircraft carrier is sailing towards its own side in its southern waters, and it also shot down one of its own planes!

This news made the U.S. army extremely angry, so, just after the order was issued, a fighter plane of the f-15 squadron took off!

A squadron of the United States, is 24 fighters! And now, in addition to the five maintained, they have taken off a total of nineteen fighters! This group of aircraft flew towards the sea in a mighty manner!

In the United States, the combat targets of the Air Force and the Navy are different. The Air Force's F-15 fighters have no anti-ship mission at all. They mount anti-air equipment, and anti-ship is a matter of the Navy's fighters.

They are not dispatched now to destroy the Soviet naval formations, and then the war will really start. The task they received was to teach the Soviets' carrier-based aircraft a lesson!

Two hundred kilometers away from their aircraft carrier, and beyond the range of the aircraft carrier's anti-aircraft missiles, shoot down a few MiG-23k and combat the arrogance of the Soviets!

Avoid escalating disputes!

Captain Yorkson, the squadron leader, sat in his cockpit, turned on the agp-63 radar, and scanned the airspace ahead.

If the Kremlin is coming with an advanced stealth aircraft, then the f-15 is definitely not an opponent, and now, only the second-generation aircraft, the MiG-23k, is coming. No matter how advanced this aircraft is, it cannot compete with Fight against your own fighters! This is generational difference!

Thinking of this, Yorkson also felt some sadness. Now, has the powerful U.S. Air Force degenerated into a backward fighter that can only bully its opponent?

No, the US also has its own stealth machine! I hope that those f-22 fighters can be equipped with their own wing!

Just as he was thinking, echoes had already appeared on the radar screen.

Four fighter jets! Facing its own aircraft group, the other party actually dispatched only four fighter jets! Yorkson was overjoyed. The news he received now shows that under normal circumstances, the Minsk only carries about ten MiG-23k carrier-based aircraft. At the same time, the method of ski-jump take-off also limited the dispatching ability of the Soviet fighters. . Being able to send four fighter jets at a time is already very efficient!

The distance between the two sides was rapidly approaching, and Yorkson shouted on the radio: "Attention, the second team is on alert at high altitude, the first team is setting up the eagle wall, the target has been allocated, two salvos are fired, and these four enemy planes are eliminated. !"

At this time, both sides were flying head-on, and the distance between them was already close to within 80 kilometers.

Yorkson deftly flipped switches to provide guidance data to his two Sparrow missiles.

With the service of the Soviet Union's active air-to-air missile r-77, the sparrow missile equipped by the United States has quickly fallen out of date. In this case, the United States stepped up development and developed the aim-120 missile. However, due to funding problems, it has not yet been matched with the f-15 fighter, which requires modifying the code of the fire control system, which requires a lot of work to be done. Therefore, the current f-15 fighter can only mount sparrow missiles for air combat.

Even so, they have absolutely nothing to worry about, after all, the target is only the backward MiG-23k, what are they afraid of!

These pilots, who have always been in the United States, have never fought a Soviet fighter before, if they knew what kind of pervert the MiG-23k had been transformed into, they would not think so.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer. When they reached 60 kilometers, Yorkson suddenly found that the four targets on his radar screen suddenly turned into eight targets.

Damn, they turned out to be a dense formation of four double planes, fooling themselves!

In air combat, the mastery of the air situation depends entirely on one's own airborne radar. After all, airborne radar has limited capabilities and cannot distinguish fighter planes in dense formations because they have already overlapped.

Four, turned into eight, even so, we still have the advantage!

The next moment, this idea was finally swallowed back by Yorkson. On each bright spot, two bright spots appeared. They were firing missiles at their own side!

Sixty kilometers, head-on attack!

Although some missiles have a nominal range of up to 80 kilometers, in fact, the missiles will be falsely marked. If the target is 80, in fact, it will only be assured if the missile is launched within 40 kilometers.

And now the other party actually launched a missile at a distance of 60 kilometers!

Here, the Soviet pilot Joseph, was quite excited.

The MiG-23k has not been improved on a large scale. However, as an aircraft carrier, their mission is very important. Therefore, their weapon system has been upgraded. Now, what they launch is the latest R-77m missiles! This missile using a ramjet has a maximum range of 150 kilometers!

Now, launching at a distance of sixty kilometers is an absolute must-kill! Two salvos, the first round of blows, will kill the eagle wall in front!

They had long spotted the Americans in action. After shooting down that patrol plane, they waited. When the reconnaissance satellites in space detected the takeoff of the fighter plane from the air force base near Dutch Harbor, the Minsk here began to release its own fleet.

Eight MiG-23ks are almost the limit that can be dispatched at one time. Now, facing the American fleet, they disguised themselves as four, and then slammed on them!

Eight MiG-23Ks, sixteen R-77Ms fired, Grim Reaper, looming over the opposing American fleet!

"Watch out, turn sideways," Captain Yorkson shouted over the radio.

Swivel to avoid! Although I don't know what kind of missile the other side fired, but since the other side fired it, we have to deal with it!

Turning sideways is a common way to avoid the opponent's radar lock. This second-tier air force has also done this kind of training in normal times.

But now, in the actual combat, especially when the opponent's missile was discovered, it quickly soared to Mach 4. Listening to the radar-locked alarm in the headset, some pilots began to feel inexplicably flustered.

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