Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1115: Oscar, attack!


Nilgayev stood calmly in the conning tower. Smoking was not allowed in the submarine. For entertainment, he was chewing a piece of chewing gum in his mouth.

As time passed, they could hear the movement on the sea, especially the explosion of the Perry-class frigate, the sound was very shocking, and now, the only thing they can do is to wait.

In fact, the first wave of the attack was a test of the U.S. aircraft carrier formation to test their firepower channels and how many missiles could be intercepted. Now, the test has ended. Only 36 missiles, nearly ten have broken through. Their anti-aircraft firepower was finally intercepted by the Phalanx close to Cheng's defense.

That's because the p-500 missile has a dull ballistic trajectory and won't maneuver at the end, and if it can maneuver at the end, at least half of the missiles can hit the target!

Therefore, there is no need to call the Tu-22m bomber again, and there is no need for the cooperation of land-based bombers. Just relying on your own navy, you can send the American aircraft carrier formation to hell!

Finally, waiting for an echo, the Kremlin sent an order, the two Oscar-class ships, to launch all the missiles at once!

Oscar-level, a killer specially tailored for the US Navy aircraft carrier formation! It carries the same p-700 missile as the Kirov class!


The target data has long been bound into the missile through the one-way satellite antenna tethered to the sea!

The biggest advantage of submarines is their concealment. Seawater is their best camouflage. However, seawater also isolates most radar waves. If they want to detect targets, especially hundreds of kilometers away, they must rely on other s method.

Fighting an aircraft carrier is a systematic project. Soviets, have been studied for many years.

At this time, the Oscar-class has already floated up to 20 meters of water. The one-way satellite antenna floating on the sea only receives signals, but does not transmit. By receiving the signals sent by the satellites, it firmly grasps the precise position of the US aircraft carrier formation. !

Now, it's finally time for them to go out!

The round lids of the brick red launch tubes are opened one by one! At the moment of opening, the sound of high-pressure air reverberated throughout the hull.

"Bang!" It was like the sound of a huge air gun firing! Like other Soviet ballistic missiles, this p-700 missile is cold-launched underwater!

The obliquely arranged P-700 missile, from the launch tube, was compressed air, ejected the launch tube, and popped out of the water! Its posture is well maintained, like a newborn baby, curled up with its own body!

When the projectile is completely out of the water, the folded wings are opened, and then the rocket boosters on both sides of the tail are ignited first!

A fiery flame appeared on the sea, as if it was a giant dragon emerging from the water, and the p-700 missile rose from the sea!

When the missile was ejected by the high-pressure air, the 20,000-ton Oscar-class just shook slightly in the sea!

Then, the second missile was also ejected from the launch tube!

One, another, one second apart, 24 p-700 missiles were launched quickly!

A nemesis tailored specifically for the US aircraft carrier! Needless to say, the P-700 missile, the Oscar class has been designed from the beginning, and the goal is to eliminate the US aircraft carrier formation! This cruise missile submarine is a unique product of the Soviet Union!

And now, these missiles are out of the water!

When the missiles left the launch tube, the sea water poured into the original launch tube to balance the weight. After all 24 missiles were launched, the upper cover was also covered.

"Two cars, five ahead," Neil Geyev shouted from inside the conning tower.

Originally, the Oscar nuclear submarine was a launch platform. After launching the p-700 missile, they didn't need to worry about anything. It was their choice to withdraw from the battlefield. But now, instead, Nilgayev ordered full speed ahead!

This order has puzzled many people. However, as a submariner, discipline needs to be strictly followed.

Oscar, attack! Neil Geyev was very excited. Although the missile has been launched, his mission is not over yet! If the U.S. aircraft carrier is lucky not to be sunk by missiles, then we need to go up and make up for it!

As a submarine armed to the teeth, the Oscar class not only has those huge heavy missiles, it also has torpedoes!

650mm heavy torpedoes and 533mm torpedoes are its conventional weapons. Among them, 650mm heavy torpedoes can also kill American aircraft carriers!

If the opponent's aircraft carrier is gone, and there are cruisers and destroyers next to it, in short, since the Americans took the initiative to provoke this maritime conflict, they must be prepared to bear the consequences of being destroyed!

Oscar, an underwater monster, begins the attack!

At the same time, the 48 missiles launched by two Oscar-class have also formed a formation on the sea and flew towards the US aircraft carrier 300 kilometers away!

The e-2 early warning aircraft first discovered these missiles. When they saw the bright spots on the screen, the personnel on the early warning aircraft were stunned for a while.

At this time, surprise even overcomes fear.

What suddenly appeared out of the water must be the Oscar class of the Soviets! This kind of submarine, from construction to service, has always been the highest degree of secrecy! The United States can't even figure out what missiles it is carrying and how many!

At the same time, this Oscar-level, quietness is also very good, if it sails at a very low speed, it is impossible for an aircraft carrier formation of several hundred kilometers to find it!

Our own aircraft carrier formation originally had two Los Angeles-class escorts underwater, but these two submarines were derelict in their duties, and they did not find such a huge threat!

The personnel on the early warning aircraft were stunned, but after the data link was transmitted to the aircraft carrier formation, Captain Mark had already reacted: "Shrink the formation and escort!"

The last time more than 30 missiles flew, one of them slipped through the net, and now, more than twice as many came! These missiles are so ferocious, the aircraft carrier formation of one's own side can only protect the safety of the aircraft carrier by shrinking the formation and relying on the cover of the **** ships outside!

In particular, at this time, all the carrier-based aircraft were 300 kilometers away, intercepting those missiles that came from the southeast, 700 kilometers away, and the missile group that appeared at a distance of 300 kilometers. Has avoided the interception circle of one's own carrier-based aircraft!

It can be said that these missiles are the deadliest! The existing defensive firepower of our own fleet will definitely not be able to stop the arrival of more than 40 missiles! We can only rely on the sacrifice of the **** ships outside to protect the safety of the aircraft carrier!

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