Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1080: supersonic interception

The successful realization of the chain reaction to generate a nuclear explosion is a threshold, and the miniaturization of the nuclear bomb is the second threshold.

With a nuclear bomb, there must also be a tool for throwing the nuclear bomb. Therefore, if the nuclear warhead is relatively large, it is of no practical significance. The nuclear bomb made by the United States at the time weighed a full 4 tons and must be carried by a strategic bomber.

Now, the main tool for launching nuclear bombs is missiles. If a 4-ton nuclear bomb is installed on the warhead of the missile, it will never fly!

Therefore, the miniaturization of nuclear bombs is more practical. It took the United States ten years to make nuclear bombs small.

After it is smaller, it can be installed on the head of the missile. Even, after it is smaller, a missile can carry several warheads, and the power is even greater!

And Israel has been quietly developing nuclear weapons. For the Jews, they have endured many years of humiliation. They can't wait to become stronger, so they can only have nuclear weapons!

The Jews looked at the world and finally found South Africa. At this time, South Africa was sanctioned by the world and was also actively developing nuclear bombs. The two sides hit it off and even successfully achieved a nuclear explosion.

However, Israel will not give South Africa advanced technology, the two sides are just cooperative relations.

No one knows that Israel has achieved the miniaturization of nuclear bombs!

Of course, there is also Mossad's huge effort here. In fact, the design drawings of this miniaturized nuclear warhead were plagiarized from the United States!

In any case, Israel needs to have weapons to protect itself when necessary!

As for nuclear war, Israel is not afraid! Now, Israel has no other means!

If Israel uses conventional means, it will not be able to win the war. The Soviet people's attitude has been very firm, that is, to let Israel destroy the country! And Israel's nuclear weapons are to ensure Israel's national security. At this time, it is time to use nuclear bombs!

As for the Soviet nuclear retaliation? There are a large number of Palestinians in Israel.

Although Israel has occupied Palestinian homes, Palestinians move in large numbers every day for work. They leave refugee camps to work in Israeli factories, and then go back at night.

If the Soviet Union wants to use a nuclear bomb to fight back, then even the Palestinians will be killed!

Jews are not as hesitant as the United States, at the juncture of life and death, they do what they say! What triggers the world nuclear war, the Jews don't care so much, the Jews are going to perish, and what about the whole world!

At the same time, although they mounted the nuclear bomb in the cabin, they still faced new problems.

The f-22 was originally designed for air combat. It does not have the ability to attack the ground. Therefore, this aircraft does not have the ability to guide precision-guided ground attack weapons. At most, it throws ordinary free-fall bombs!

And ordinary bombs, the accuracy is quite poor. The power of the nuclear bomb is enough to make up for the gap in accuracy, so you have to throw the nuclear bomb accurately!

To be on the safe side, they used two fighter jets this time, in case one of them misses or the nuclear bomb doesn't explode, there's still one insurance.

The reconnaissance satellites in space are in a malfunctioning state, and the Jewish attack can only be guided by ground personnel.

Therefore, they chose to do it in the Turkish Strait, because on both sides of the strait, there are Jewish eyes and ears, they can visually determine the position of the Soviet aircraft carrier formation, and then contact the two fighter planes by radio!

When they are guided within 100 kilometers, the fighter's radar can be turned on, accurately determine the location, and drop nuclear bombs at the same time!

This is also the reason why they choose to fly at high altitudes. At an altitude of 10,000 meters, they can drop bombs from dozens of kilometers away! They're not worried about their own safety, they just want to be safe and secure! Nothing can be changed as long as the nuke is thrown!

Pilot Raymond, sitting in his cockpit and flying continuously, has exhausted him, but he is still full of energy.

Jews will not lose!

They don't know that they have been discovered as far as 300 kilometers away!

"Two targets, three hundred from the formation, due east." After receiving the order, the pilot of the Su-37 fighter, Major Matkowski, immediately pushed his control lever to turn to the Su-37 who was flying with him. 33 The pilot said: "Topol, the blacksmith is going to intercept first."

blacksmith! Matkowski had flown the Yak-36 before, so he also got the nickname of a blacksmith. Although the Yak-36 has now been eliminated, Matkowski was quite satisfied with this nickname and kept it. .

Stop it first! Because the speed of the two planes is different.

In the fast interception, you need to sprint as soon as possible! Therefore, Matkowski turned on the afterburner without hesitation, and the surging thrust of the d-30 quickly pushed the fighter into a supersonic state!

At the same time, on the screen in the cockpit, the position of the signal detected by the fleet came synchronously, it was a stealth aircraft!

Ordinary radars can detect stealth aircraft very close, and phased array radars have certain advantages in this regard! Matkowski watched the distance between the two sides approaching rapidly. At a distance of 80 kilometers, his phased array radar, according to the target position transmitted by the data link, gathered all the electromagnetic waves to the target position. superior!

At the same time, the power is fully on!

Finally, at a distance of forty kilometers, the target was captured. At this time, the two sides were in a head-on state!

At the same time, the photoelectric radar has also observed the target in the gray sky!

Missile launch!

At this time, they are already in the airspace of Turkey. Since both sides are stealth aircraft, the Turkish air defense system has not found anything. However, even if they are found, they dare not do anything. They have been attacked by the Soviet Union. Scared!

The belly of the aircraft, in the middle of the air intake, the bomb bay was opened, and two r-77 missiles were ejected from the aircraft. After falling a few meters, the engine ignited, and the missiles dragging the flames flew out one after another!

The target is a stealth aircraft, and the radar reflection area is quite small, and the missile-borne radar of the r-77 missile is limited by its caliber and has limited performance. Therefore, it still works in passive mode now.

The phased array radar is divided into two beams to provide guidance for the two missiles. The distance between the two sides is constantly approaching! Relying on the initial speed provided by the carrier aircraft, it has been accelerated to Mach 4. This distance is only a few tens of seconds!

However, when the active phased array radar split the beam, it also triggered the radar warning receiver of the opposite f-22!

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