Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1077: challenge


Here is the birthplace of the Jews, but after many centuries, the Jews have begun to wander around the world. They live in no fixed place, and they wander everywhere, so they are more eager to have a home!

So, in this century, they continue to flow back to Palestine, the number of Jews is increasing, and finally, the Jews demand their interests, here, to build a Jewish state!

The reason is simple, because we were here before, so now, we are still here, here is ours!

The surrounding Arab countries, of course, did not agree, so the huge Middle East war kicked off.

After several Middle East wars, not only did Israel not perish, on the contrary, they continued to expand! The land of Israel, which has expanded many times in size, has been content with them.

Constantly driving out Palestinian refugees, tearing down their dilapidated houses, then building up Jewish high-rise buildings, and constantly building Jewish settlements. As for the Palestinians who lived here before? Who cares about them?

Israel, must survive first! When Israel is comfortable enough, think about how to live peacefully with Palestine!

During World War II, the catastrophe of the Jews was vividly remembered. At that time, the Jews had a dream in their hearts, they wanted to build a country of their own!

Now, this country has finally been established. Although it is small, it has the most powerful combat capability in the Middle East!

Although surrounded by enemies, Israel has never compromised or despaired. They know that only by taking up arms and fighting bravely can they win! They are fighting for their own survival!

But now, in the Prime Minister's Office, the senior Israeli officials are all embarrassed.

"The Soviets asked for the inspection of our nuclear reactors, which is absolutely impossible, and we cannot agree to their demands." Said general Ariel Sharon, a tough soldier, the greatest hero since the founding of Israel, and who has fought many times on the front line: "Once the inspection starts, we will be quite passive. Even if they inspect our nuclear reactors and don't find our equipment, they will never give up. They will ask to continue to inspect any of our sites. Until it messes up our country. Earth turned upside down!"

In the United Nations, the United States is trying its best to prevent the serious and brutal interference of the Soviet Union. However, the Soviets are determined this time. They have already released their words. As long as Israel does not accept verification, it means war! The Soviet Union will maintain the world order. Except for the five permanent members, other countries cannot possess nuclear weapons! Israel violates this rule and will be punished!

Soviet Union! This huge empire, after conquering the whole of Germany, has no power in the world that can stop the expansion of the Soviet Union! The whole of Europe is trembling under the iron hoof of the Soviet Union!

The Jews are also making their last efforts to save the world situation. At this time, only the Jews have stood up and fought hard for the entire Western world!

It is a pity that many Westerners do not support it, and all their actions have failed!

Now, the Soviet Union must be looking for an excuse to attack Israel!

"Then what else can we do?" Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin said: "We all know in our hearts that our current strength is simply unable to compete with the huge Soviet army, and now the Soviets are waiting for us to refuse. , and then they have the opportunity to invade us! Once the Soviet Union uses force, we have no hope of winning!"

"Then we will use our force to defend our last dignity!" Sharon roared: "What are you afraid of! We have a nuclear bomb! I will also pull some people on their backs and die together!"

"The Soviets have space weapons, and our nuclear bombs, if they can't be fired at all, will be shot down by the Soviets," Rabin continued.

"That's the Soviets' bluffing! Now, the Soviets have at most three space laser cannons. They have to focus on defending North America, and it's impossible for them to be waiting for us at any time!" Sharon said: "Our nuclear bombs, although not many, are also It's enough to make the Soviets fear! The big deal is that they will die together! Only with the determination to die will there be a turnaround! This is the foundation of our existence in Israel!"

The foundation of Israel's founding is the determination of the Jews to die. They fought with the belief of mortal. Of course, their fighting power is stronger than that of the surrounding Arab countries!

Rabin shook his head. Now, it is really not something that war can solve! Our own army can compete with the surrounding Arab but cannot face a huge Soviet Union!

"Bang." At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Nahum Edmony, the Mossad chief, walked in with an ugly face: "Everyone, tell everyone the worst news."

There is no worst, only worse, the latest bad news is too much!

"Uday's visit to Moscow has been detained by Moscow." Nahum said: "All the people who followed Uday have not returned. Just two hours ago, Qusay returned to Chakhbahar, He will take the Republican Guard and go back to Baghdad."

Uday! This is only a small-scale secret at the top of Israel! After Iraq conquered Kuwait, conquered Saudi Arabia, and established relations with Iran, Israel knew that their biggest enemy was Iraq!

After several years of arrangement, especially after Mossad found a person with the exact same appearance as Uday, their work has finally made a breakthrough!

But now, the only advantage is gone!

"The Soviet Union's Black Sea Fleet is passing through the Turkish Strait, and the Soviet Union's Indian Ocean Fleet is also sailing in the direction of the Suez Canal. Their target must be us in the end."

They will definitely reach the Mediterranean! Set up a sea blockade in the west of Israel! Israel's weak navy is simply unable to break through this blockade!

"It seems that the war is still coming." At this time, Prime Minister Shimon Peres, who had not spoken for a long time, finally said: "We can't escape, even if they agree to the verification of the Soviets, they still We will find excuses, this is to challenge all of our Jewish people! We will let the Soviets know what a heavy price to pay for challenging us! We, fight!"

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