Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1039: Privatization of America

Sitting in a wheelchair, Andropov's eyes were already dim, and his spirit was not very good. After a serious illness, he felt quite weak, but when he just came here, he still came here without hesitation, because he was General Secretary of the Soviet!

Under my own eyes, such a serious incident happened, and I didn't even notice it beforehand! If Andre hadn't acted in time, the entire Soviet would have fallen into the hands of the conspirators!

Although Andrei is young, he has shown enough skill! Originally, I was still worried that Andre knew only the military, but not politics, especially, how should Andre choose in the face of his former colleagues.

And now it seems that he is overhearted, and when necessary, Andre will kill decisively! He used force to stop this political crisis, Andrei is the most suitable leader of the Soviets! His youth made the Soviet more energetic!

Andropov's hand gently patted Yekaterina's hand: "My little Nana, what an excellent man you chose back then."

Yekaterina's heart is also infinitely satisfied. Although this incident is too tortuous, the final outcome is satisfying. Her man has become the successor of this huge empire!

The coup that took place in June 1984 was quite abrupt, and suddenly the entire Soviet people did not react at all. At most, the news they heard was the death of Marshal Ustinov, and no other news was known at all.

In the middle of this month, Moscow officially released the news, announcing a series of appointments, and at the same time, a large number of political prisoners were interrogated, some were shot, and some were taken to distant Siberia, through the mines. labor to pay for their sins.

During this period, the 4th Tank Division has been staying in the urban area of ​​Moscow. The official explanation is that several murderers with heinous crimes have escaped from the Moscow prison and need to be subject to martial law and arrest. Ordinary citizens, too. They are all consciously inspected.

At the same time, on the Internet, all kinds of speeches soon disappeared, replaced by the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, how cruel they fought against the enemy in order to defend the Soviets, today's happy life , not easy to come by!

Pravda, Red Star, and even began to publish various articles, how can we hold high the banner of our predecessors and continue to push the Soviets to new heights?

Behind this, of course, is Andre's handwriting, and now, Andre's most important thing is to stabilize the political situation of the Soviets! He will never let the conspirators continue to have a stage to show off!

A few months later, across the ocean, the magnificent election also came to an end.

There is no doubt that Bush won this election. Bush's opponent, the Democratic Party's Mondale, won only 13 electoral votes in his home state of Minnesota and the capital Washington, D.C., setting a record for the largest electoral vote gap. Bush's votes , is 525!

Bush won this election! For him, the new battle has just begun, and what Bush faces is a mess!

Due to European reasons, the United States is now almost betrayed, and the American economy is also sluggish because of the depressed oil price! The United States had planned to obtain blood transfusions from Africa, but the war in South Africa had slipped to the brink of being out of control.

How does America emerge from these adversities? How can the United States continue to develop its own economy and continue to become a world power?

The first thing Bush did when he took office was to promote privatization!

As a capitalist country, the United States still has huge state-owned enterprises! These state-owned enterprises control the lifeblood of the United States and control industries that are extremely important to the country and the country, such as aerospace and nuclear industries. Of course, the US is not called a state-owned enterprise, it has a new name, it is called a federal corporation.

Regarding the true positioning of these companies, scholars from various countries have different opinions. There are many theories, and some people even call them private companies. However, after all, there are big differences.

The United States is one of the few developed countries in the West that has not gone through the iterative process of nationalization, privatization, and then nationalization. For example, in the UK now, the Iron Maiden is firmly promoting the full privatization of state-owned enterprises and successfully turning losses into profits.

In the United States, the federal corporation has a large scale of operation and special business contents. It still has an important position and influence in social and economic life, especially for the federal government to stabilize the social economy and carry out macro management.

Now, the business activities of federal companies are mainly distributed in the fields of letters of credit and finance, insurance, public services, communication satellites, transportation and media. The well-known national railroad passenger company, commercial credit company, communication satellite company, public broadcasting company, overseas private investment company, and Tennessee Canal Authority are all federal companies that play a pivotal role in various fields.

Bush's approach is to completely privatize a large number of federal companies! In this way, the US government can raise enough funds to deal with the returning US dollars, otherwise, those returning US dollars will completely destroy the US economy! At the same time, the government will also have more funds to continue to develop the economy!

Moreover, after privatization, with the injection of private capital, these companies can develop greatly.

For example, in the field of aerospace, the United States has fallen far behind! If the United States wants to catch up, it needs the injection of private capital!

The United States has opened up the authority in the aerospace field to allow private companies to conduct aerospace exploration. Just after this news was released, the first private aerospace company in the United States, the Space Exploration Technology Company, was established!

Of course, this company has nothing to do with the later company of the same name, the guy named Musk is still a minor. No one knows the background of this company, but this company has just been established, and the initial start-up capital is as high as 10 billion US dollars! And the follow-up injection of funds will also be tens of billions of dollars!

As a result, many rocket experts who served NASA have resigned from the company and were dug into this company with high salaries. At the same time, the company's first project has been in full swing!

Develop a high-thrust rocket with a near-earth carrying capacity of 200 tons! This rocket will be transformed on the previous Saturn-5 rocket! In this way, the difficulty of research can be reduced to the greatest extent, and at the same time, it is also convenient to complete the research and launch as quickly as possible!

SpaceX claims that they will complete the development and launch of this rocket within three years! At the same time, they will also develop space stations and spacecraft, and will compete with NASA's space shuttle! At the same time, they will also open a business model, if someone wants to experience space flight, they can carry passengers!

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