Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1007: horn tank

Ground effect aircraft, what are the benefits? It has the capacity of a ship and the speed of an airplane! It can not only fly on the sea, land on the sea, but also fly over the land and land at the airport on the land! This is simply designed for amphibious landings!

At present, the ground effect aircraft coming across the sea are continuously delivering the entire armored division directly!

If the British had such equipment in the Falklands War two years ago, why would they not have won the war!

And now, they can only look at this weapon of the Soviets and show their talents!

With a fearless spirit, the first ground-effect aircraft landed on the runway abruptly! When the wheel touched the ground, it bounced up slightly, causing everyone inside to scream.

Fortunately, it continued to slide forward, and finally, stopped.

"Quick, quick, quick! It's time to show our Hammurabi division, rush out for me!" A voice roared loudly in the cabin.

Armor Ali! Once only the brigade commander of the Eighth Armored Brigade, after a series of battles, he continued to improve, and now he is the commander of the Hammurabi Division!

He is fond of war. When the Middle East was at peace, he thought he would never have a chance to fight. Now, participating in this South African battle can just show the strength of his army. Therefore, he almost resolutely carried out the orders of his superiors. At the same time, under his insistence, his troops were finally the first troops to land here in a ground-effect aircraft!

Moreover, as a division commander, he rode in the first one, which requires a lot of courage!

The stout figure, but quite skillfully got into the t-72 tank on the side. At this time, the wide hatch at the rear has been opened, and in the roar of the rumbling engine, the fully equipped Iraqi armored division is about to drive out!

When loading, it is upside down, so when unloading, you can go out as long as you open it! This is the most direct and convenient! As the cabin above his head disappeared, Ali's heart was relieved for a while, looking at the blue sky outside, Ali's heart was surging, South Africa, Lao Tzu is here! Black people, tremble under Lao Tzu's tank!

When the first ground effect aircraft landed here, the nearby defenders wanted to organize a resistance, but when they found out that it was a tank driving out of it, they immediately retreated knowingly.

Only idiots can use their own assault rifles to compete with tanks!

When fighting against the wind, black people are quite brave, when they bully white women and children, they are also very brave, and now, of course, they are quite brave when they run away!

Soon, everyone ran away, so that Ali, who got off the ground effect aircraft, actually found that he had no targets to hit!

And at the back, one ground effect aircraft after another is constantly landing!

Ali didn't wait for the follow-up troops to gather at all. Now, the biggest advantage of his own arrival here is the suddenness! We had to wait until the black people did not react, and when the forces behind them did not react, they would occupy the predetermined target, that is, the Witwatersrand Gold-Uranium Conglomerate Deposit!

Anyway, there are endless plains here, which are most suitable for tanks to charge!

With his own vanguard, Ali has already set off!

The engine of the t-72 tank roared, and the tracks rolled over the grass. This seems to be a new place for the tank. It has never been here before!

It seems quite peaceful here!

"Commander, a force suddenly appeared out of nowhere and occupied our airport. Now, a large number of tanks are coming towards us!" In the mining area, black people of course know that this is the most important place. They are stationed with a garrison of more than 8,000 people!

And, of course, they not only have rifles, but also some heavy weapons, such as horn tanks!

Approaching, the rebellious blacks are unacceptable. This kind of trained black soldiers actually defected from the South African Defense Forces! Many black people killed their white officers and led the team to defect!

And the commander here, Chief Caesar, killed his battalion commander, led a tank unit, and defected, so he was valued by Mandela and became the commander here.

After all, he has been the deputy battalion commander, so he is quite knowledgeable. Hearing the report of his subordinates, he was immediately angry: "Sangvini, your head was kicked by a donkey? Tanks airlifted from the airport? Now, the largest transport plane can transport one tank at most at a time! How many tanks can come here? Don’t be joking! Catch me those who lied about military intelligence and slap them hard!”

As a black man, of course he knows the nature of black people. Maybe it was a few Boers who started a tank and came out of As a result, the subordinates were frightened and passed it on. , it has become a large number of tanks!

A bunch of idiots!

"Tank troops, dispatch!" At the same time, Chief Caesar was not afraid, after all, he was also a tank soldier! Here, there are more than 20 powerful horn tanks!

The establishment of the South African armored force began in the 1950s with the purchase of the British "Centurer" tank. At that time, South Africa was still a member of the British Commonwealth, and the "Centurer" was a tank with quite good performance after World War II. South Africa purchased about 300 "Centurer" tanks, becoming the backbone of the South African armored force.

After that, the South African army satisfied the powerful firepower and strong armor protection of this tank, but this tank using gasoline engine has a maximum speed of only 32.6 kilometers per hour and a maximum travel of only 90 kilometers. This made South Africa have to make great efforts to improve.

Due to the sanctions and blows from the international community, South Africa could not continue to import. Therefore, on the basis of the "Hundreds Captain" tank, many major improvements were made in artillery, engine, suspension, fire control system, etc. Horn Tank. This kind of tank, in the battle with the t-55 tanks of other countries, can be regarded as majestic.

The most majestic thing is that it is tall, because it is 3.5 meters high!

This is simply an outlier! Of course, for the designers in South Africa, it is necessary for them to design this way. The space inside is very spacious. If Armor Ali sees it, he will definitely be amazed!

However, it didn't take a few minutes for the armored Ali to see it. When he saw the tanks rushing over from the tank's commander's peripheral vision instrument, Ali was quite excited: "Attention, the black tanks are all Aim for me!"

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