Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1005: only hope

Cape Town.

"President, now, those black people have reached the suburbs, you better get on the plane." In the temporary presidential palace, Defense Secretary Mocona said to President Mares.

The combat effectiveness of the South African Defense Forces was originally quite powerful! After the direct armed intervention in the civil war in Angola, it relied on the horn tanks independently produced by South Africa under external sanctions to beat the opponent to the ground.

However, in this black riot, the South African Defense Forces did not show much combat effectiveness. The big reason is that the main force of the South African army is still black!

After all, the Boers are a minority. The vast majority of South Africa’s population is black, and the same is true for the composition of South Africa’s military. Whites are more commanders, training and commanding their own black soldiers, acting as the main force in battle, and whites mainly master high-tech. Equipment, such as Air Force fighter jets, etc.

As a result, in this turmoil, the blacks who were incorporated into the South African Defense Forces were simply unreliable. During the battle, black soldiers could not be allowed to go to the battlefield for fear of defecting. Moreover, in their own rear, they were not stable, and could be at any time. It's the bomb!

As a result, as they expected, these black soldiers often rebelled at the most critical time. As a result, the Boer army in South Africa suffered heavy losses!

These black soldiers are all elites who have been trained. Their participation has made the rebellion even more out of control, so much so that now, they are all coming to the capital of South Africa!

In fact, in many areas, there are still white troops fighting and defending the territory of the white people. However, the situation is already quite obvious. They are divided and surrounded by black people like a tide, and they may not be able to hold on for long.

In this case, his subordinates have already begun to suggest that he leave by plane!

Mares shook his head firmly: "No, I am the president of South Africa. Now, being forced to leave my land by the rebels in my own country, that is impossible. Even if I die here, I cannot leave. !"

"We still have hope. As long as the Soviet army can arrive, we will be able to win, and we must block it!" On the side, Prime Minister Bode is also very firm: "The Soviet navy will arrive soon."

Now, the Soviet Union is their only hope! If we knew that there is such a situation today, why not cooperate with the Soviets earlier? In this rebellion, the civilian casualties of the Boers have also been huge! Those rebellious blacks are simply beasts! They don't talk about humanitarianism. When the white people fall into their hands, the end will be miserable!

This rebellion has gradually evolved into a genocide! Unfortunately, the current Boers are the weaker one!

Of course, the reason why black people have such a strong fighting power is inseparable from the support of the Americans. Many of the weapons of black people are provided by the United States, and now, the Americans are even more blatant, sending many retired personnel to guide these Black people are fighting, otherwise, black people who only know how to enjoy themselves with only a single tendon in their head, how could they have driven the Boers to a dead end in just one year!

"President, Prime Minister, Minister of Defense! The Soviet Army is here!" At this moment, a voice came from outside, and a cheerful subordinate rushed in anxiously to report the good news to these people.

"Where are they?" Mares' eyes lit up and asked quickly.

"At the southern mouth of the Mozambique Channel, prepare to launch the first round of attacks on the black armed forces," the subordinate said.

In the Mozambique Channel? Isn't that in the south of our own side? Still far! Where to launch the first round of attacks? How is that possible? Are their fighter jets far enough? Where do they look for a suitable port to land in? Everyone present was stunned.

"These Russian guys, shouldn't they be coaxing us?" Defense Minister Mokona said disappointedly. Although they have a bad relationship with the West, they are white people after all, and they are countries with a capitalist system.

"Probably not. They came all the way here. How could they just come here for a visit? If they can help Argentina win, they will definitely help us. Now, let us look forward to the support of the Soviets!" Ma Reis said, his voice low.

In the distance, there was a rumbling sound of cannons. Maybe, tonight, the black people will be able to advance into the urban area here. At such a time, how he hopes that the Soviets can appear next to him immediately!

But now, the Soviets are still hundreds of kilometers away!

For the Soviets, Mares still held out hope, because he knew that this time it was the hero of the Soviets, led by Marshal Andrei. In specific battles, he has never failed!

He must be able to help the Boers!

At this time, the Boers, who were in a panic, hoped that the support of the Soviets would come as soon as possible, but all of them could not figure out, what were the Soviets doing there? If it was a few months ago, when we were still in the capital Pretoria, then it is good to say that now, we have been driven to Cape Town, the capital of the The Soviets want to be first Help yourself to recover the capital there?

The American intervention in South Africa was for the gold on South African soil, while the Soviet Union's intervention in South Africa's affairs, in addition to blocking the United States and preventing the re-emergence of the United States, was not for the gold!

On the sea, the blue waves are rippling, this is a good weather to take off!

For the Soviet aircraft carrier, another combat attack is simply too much to look forward to!

On the deck, the steam was filled, and the Su-33 fighters, loaded with ammunition, ejected from the deck.

Standing in the flight preparation room, watching the fighter planes take off, Christoph was very upset. Because, in this first battle, there is no him!

"Christoph, what's wrong?" A voice came from beside him.

Christophe turned his head and saw that it was Marshal Andrei! In an instant, Christophe stood at attention and saluted.

"Comrade Marshal, I also want to go to battle." Christoph said: "I am flying the most advanced fighter plane, but it is not the time to fight."

"Using our most advanced and expensive fighter jets to carry out ground bombing missions?" Andre asked: "Christoph, you must know that your fighter jets are our fists and our secret weapons! If you were bombed and shot down by an anti-aircraft gun or a shoulder-mounted missile, do you think you would be reconciled?"

"Yes, I know." Christoph said, "I just want to launch into the air too much, I don't know when I will have the opportunity to catapult and take off?"

Along the way, other carrier-based aircraft have been continuously trained, and there are routine take-off and landing training every day. Only these two stealth aircraft have always been secretive, and only one day in the middle. Just take off and land.

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