Red Soviet Union

Chapter 98: need new leaders

Everyone left, Kirilenko looked at Andropov's back, and felt very uncomfortable.

Just now, I firmly suggested to use fighter jets to blow up and sink the vigilance, so as not to let the situation go out of control and make myself unable to deal with it. At that time, the general secretary also agreed, but now, the bomber did not sink the warship, and the people on the warship solved it. !

Originally, I wanted to see Andropov's jokes, but now, I have confirmed my mistake! In this fight with Andropov, he lost again!

Damn, why did you make a mistake in your judgment again? Kirilenko has a hard time accepting his failure. Although the general secretary doesn't say it, he will definitely complain about himself. You must know that if the news of the sinking of a warship of his own country is spread, no matter what the reason is, it will still make the West ridiculed. Yes, and this warship is also Soviet property.

He is back in control of the army in good condition! Kirilenko was disappointed.

At this moment, General Semyon Tsvigon walked in quietly and said to Kirilenko: "Secretary Kirilenko, I have already investigated clearly, at the time of the incident, Chairman Andropov My grandson, happened to be on that warship."

Andropov's grandson is also on that warship! No wonder that this time he said he would blow up the warship, Andropov opposed it so strongly! It turned out to have his grandson on it! Kirilenko gritted his teeth, knowing he had made an unforgivable mistake. In the fight against Andropov, he made an exception and attacked the other's relatives first! And Andropov will definitely attack himself! Damn, if this news came earlier, maybe I wouldn’t be so arguing with Andropov, let Andropov relax his vigilance, and it would be easier for him to achieve his goals!

Outside the window, the earth is still dark.

A Tu-104A jet airliner scrambled from Moscow airport. Andropov and his entourage set foot on the road to Leningrad, and the airliner could reach there in less than an hour.

At this time, Andropov's heart no longer had the tension just now. The latest news shows that there were no casualties on the warship, which means that little Ivan is definitely safe and sound. Now, he needs to figure out how to deal with the subsequent situation, which is why he came to Leningrad in person.

When the passenger plane landed in Kronstadt, the base commander and others were already waiting at the airport for Andropov's arrival.

"Strictly interrogate Saberlin and others, and ask them to explain the crime." Andropov ordered his deputy to do the most important work, while Andropov came to a room in the base.

"Chairman Andropov." Seeing Andropov coming in, Andrei sat up from his chair. At this time, he was writing this report. At the same time, there were two soldiers standing guard outside. Andre couldn't leave here until the facts were thoroughly investigated.

"Yes." Andropov made such a sound from his mouth, and then he looked at the little Ivan who was sleeping soundly on the bed in the corner, and then he was relieved.

"Andrei, what's going on?" Andropov asked Andrei.

When Andrei recounted the incident to Andropov, Andropov's frown finally stretched, and he said to Andrei: "Andrei, you can't always let the small Ivan, at home, no one can control him. He is causing trouble now. I don’t know what will happen in the future. However, the little guy is okay this time. It seems that to solve this incident, little Ivan is considered Great work."

"Yeah." Andrei said: "My report is clearly written, even though little Ivan is less than four years old, he is already a man, a brave little hero of our Soviet, just like Shu Heroes like Ra and Zoya."

Of course, Andre's words meant something. We could take this opportunity to portray little Ivan as a little hero of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union needs such a hero now. Also, it would be beneficial for Andropov to have more power.

Andropov shook his head: "Forget it, this incident is disgraceful and must be handled in secret. Besides, Ivan is my grandson, so he can't be too outstanding."

Mu Xiuyu is in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. Now, the top leaders of the Soviet Union are also in crisis. Andropov obviously still wants to let Ivan have a dull life and not get involved in these political struggles.

Andrei nodded. Andropov thought more. Politically, he still had a lot to learn.

"Chairman Andropov, this time, the superiors have not investigated clearly, so it is a bit sloppy to use bombers to bomb." Andrei said.

It doesn't take too much effort to talk to a smart person. Andrei also knows that Andropov has his opponents at the top. Unlike history, this time Ivan was present, and the bombers were still here. , certainly because of the role of Andropov's political enemies. UU Reading

"Yes." Andropov said, "Fortunately, this incident was resolved satisfactorily."

The people outside have been replaced by people from the KGB, and it is safe to speak here.

"This incident is not isolated, such a trend of thought has already begun in China." Andrei said to Andropov: "Chairman, our country has reached the point where it must be reformed. The reform of the lower level, in this way, requires more courageous leaders who can truly care about the interests of the lower-level people! Chairman, I support you."

Andrei has made a statement. In the Soviet Union, if such a statement spreads, he will be immediately arrested by the KGB and sent to Siberia for labor reform. And now Andrei still said that after this incident, Andrei knew that Andropov was not omnipotent at this time, and he also longed for more power!

According to the development of history, Andropov would not be able to take power until 1982, and by that time, Andropov would have already stepped into the coffin with one foot, and the reform was finally abandoned halfway, and the Soviet Union could not escape the fate of disintegration.

Now Andropov still has energy. If he could have seized power two years earlier, there would have been more opportunities!

"Andrei, I don't want to hear it again." Andropov said coldly, "If there is a next time, I will not be able to protect your safety."

Looking at the back of Andropov about to leave, Andrei bit his lip and continued: "Chairman, in fact, in order to strike an opponent, you don't necessarily need to target the opponent, it may also be the people around the opponent. There are many People have an inexplicable longing for the West."

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