Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 1025: 0 Bird Chao Feng (five)

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After returning to the hidden mountains of the six-eared macaques, Chen Xiaobei finally relaxed. : Le: Wen: Fiction 3w. し

With 3,000 spirit stones in one breath, plus the inventory in the previous jade gourd, Chen Xiaobei now has a full 8050 spirit stones on hand.

The next thing to do is to wait until the next afternoon to go to Sensoji Temple to receive a congratulatory gift to the Queen Mother.

Everything went smoothly. As for tomorrow's variables, Chen Xiaobei was already prepared. With his hole cards in hand, even if there is a battle tomorrow, he will not be afraid.

Of course, the best result is still not fighting.

After all, the resources at hand are limited. Only when it is used to rescue the demon fox can it be used to its full potential.

Useless consumption will lay a huge hidden danger for follow-up actions.

Of course, ideals are beautiful. What will happen to reality? Only tomorrow will reveal the answer!


No words overnight.

The next afternoon, Chen Xiaobei put on Chen Zhufeng's mask and set off on his own to the Sensoji Temple.

Knocking on the temple door, it was not Guo Shi Cai Cai who opened the door, but Guo Shi Chihuo himself.

"Young man, you are punctual!" Guo Shichi brought Chen Xiaobei into the door.

"Why? Isn't the master ready?" Chen Xiaobei smiled.

"Oh, look at what you say!"

Guo Shi Chihuo said earnestly: "The old man's rules have been maintained for decades. The reason why someone has always come to try it is precisely because the old man said that if he agrees to whom to cook, he will definitely complete it according to quality and quantity!

"That's good!" Chen Xiaobei nodded and asked casually, "Where's Miss Cai Cai?"


Vortex's look of red fire was a little stubborn, a little unnatural, and said, "She has something, and she will go out in the morning."

"That's so unfortunate!" Chen Xiaobei's gaze fixed, and he secretly suspected.

Is it true that Vortex cuisine is related to Amaterasu?

Such a simple and weak girl is really hard to imagine, she will be related to the plot.

Chen Xiaobei secretly glanced at the Vortex Red Fire with a gloomy battle. This is an old man who has no practice.

Perhaps he was suspicious.

Chen Xiaobei dispelled the suspicion of thinking, and was too lazy to think badly. Anyway, the answer will be known today, just eat early.

"Things are in it. You can go in and see for yourself."

At the entrance of the dining room, Vortex Chihuo Station set its footsteps. There was no intention to enter.

"it is good."

Chen Xiaobei walked over, put his hand on the wooden door, took a deep breath, but didn't push away immediately.

Behind the door, will it be enemies full of eyes?

As soon as the door is opened, the enemy will jump up and desperately fight with Chen Xiaobei?

"Open the door!"

Vortex said in a deep voice: "Rest assured, the old man promises to do something, and he will definitely do it. No external force can affect the old man!"

This sentence seems to have a hint of off-string sound.

Chen Xiaobei could feel that the old man did not lie.

How can a person who has been dedicated to food for decades lie to people with food?


Chen Xiaobei pushed hard with the hands and opened the wooden door directly.

For a moment, Chen Xiaobei, accustomed to watching big scenes, couldn't help but be amazed!

There are no half enemies in the big house.

Some are just a beautiful sashimi dish that grabs the sky!

Five wooden tables are spliced ​​together, and a huge plate is placed on it, covered with ice.

Above the ice block, it is made of dozens of sashimi plates.

The red tuna meat and the orange salmon meat turned into pieces of feathers under the magical swordsmanship of Vortex Red Fire.

Countless ‘feathers’ are stacked one by one to form a gorgeous bird phoenix!

Not only did the knife work well, the scrolling skills of Vortex Red Fire were also extremely particular.

This phoenix is ​​extremely three-dimensional, giving people the impression that it is as if it will flutter and take off at any time.

Fengmu used a golden caviar and ink-colored fish skin as a base, which added a sense of realism.

The lifelike charm is hundreds of times higher than the blue-fin crane crane made by the emperor's royal chef!

As for the other birds around this divine bird Phoenix, although it is a foil, Vortex Chihuo has not cut corners at all, and all worked hard!

White snapper meat, which is spelled as a crane. The transparent puffer fish meat is spelled as an egret. Pink herring flesh, being ordered to finch ...

There are all kinds of birds in various shapes and postures. At a glance, there are definitely no fewer than dozens. If you count them down, there are even a hundred of them!

This sashimi dish can definitely be called the top of the world, a work of art!

Moreover, the allegorical meaning of the hundred birds and the phoenix is ​​dedicated to the mother-in-law and mother-in-law.

"How's it? Are you still satisfied?" Vortex asked faintly.

"Satisfied! Very satisfied!"

Chen Xiaobei really can't pick up any problems with this hundred birds, and don't want to be satisfied.

Chen Xiaobei can even be sure that the queen mother will definitely like it, and she will reward her with the only nine thousand year old peach!

"Just satisfied, do you need an old man to help you out?" Guo Shi Chihuo asked.

"No need!"

With a wave of his hand, Chen Xiaobei directly put this plate of giant sashimi with the size of five tables into the space ring!

In the space ring, everything has a separate small space, which can ensure that the sashimi will not be deformed even a little!

"This ... Is this the legendary space magic weapon?" Vortex was stunned and surprised.

"Oh, I can't see it. Master, you are not in the arena. You even know the space spirit!"

Chen Xiaobei waved again, took out the first three first love peaches, put them on the table, and said, "In the future, we may never meet again. These three peaches are left to you, and they will have no future!"

I won't see you again in the future. Moreover, Chen Xiaobei still wears Chen Zhufeng's mask on his face. Naturally, he is not afraid of Vortex Red Fire knowing the secret of the space ring.

After just throwing the mask away, Vortex Red Fire can no longer find Chen Xiaobei.

After speaking, Chen Xiaobei went straight to the temple.

"Young man, take care of yourself!"

Vortex sighed heavily.

Looking at the three first love peaches ~ ~ the old man couldn't get any appetite, the old eyes showed a very complex look.

Outside Sensoji Temple.

Chen Xiaobei did not use the somersault cloud, but just slowly walked down the mountain and up to the place surrounded by it once.

How exactly was your mask seen by the enemy?

This question may be answered today!


The foot of the mountain.

In the same position and the same enemy, Chen Xiaobei was surrounded again!

"Chen Xiaobei! You can't run away anyway today!"

The four great ninjas, the ten biggest peaks, the hundred and dozens of ordinary ninjas, fully armed, waiting for Chen Xiaobei for a long time!

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