Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 534: Defenses can not do without


The team of 300,000 people stretched for hundreds of miles, and the teams of imperial soldiers and half-orcs were intertwined, mixed but distinct.

After the victory, the morale of the imperial soldiers was so high that they even wanted to get the sun in their nostrils when they walked. They howled happily from time to time, and they sang the military song and eighteen together. It was also unique.

However, one day, after Her Royal Highness Princess Catherine discovered that Leo was also humming the tune of eighteen touches, Long Yan was furious, and the fat beat the future emperor Leo Young Master, and then scolded Lord Lorraine. A dog's head is bleeding.

Since then, everyone has become more honest. These tunes are beautiful and close to life, and they can also cultivate sentiment to the greatest extent. Everyone can only hum in private.

The soldiers of the Empire talked about Governor Lorraine’s gossip while enjoying the endless cattle and sheep along the way, and then swept the half-orcs not far away with contemptuous eyes.

Compared with the imperial soldiers, the half-orcs were like chickens drenched in water. They looked awkward along the way, but hung their heads on the way under the surveillance and drive of the imperial soldiers.

Especially the little boys of the half-orc patriarchs who were forced to join the army and were about to receive the perfect, balanced, and up-to-date cultural knowledge of the empire.

They looked around the surrounding imperial soldiers with vigilant eyes, for fear that the demon of Lorraine who cannibalize people without spitting out bones would change his mind and kill them all here.

Looking at the bright swords and dazzling armors of the imperial soldiers, the orcs secretly compared them, and they agreed that the three best orc warriors could not beat a human soldier.

But Lord Lorraine didn't care about this. One rest every thirty miles and one stop every fifty miles every day. It was very pleasant.

When it’s okay, look for those cat-eared girls, pinch their cute furry ears, and then listen to those girls begging softly, until they say “tooth sellers foolishly”. "After this curse, Lord Luo Jue is now Long Yan Joye, let go of his hand.

Live a happy life like heaven.

Other than that, the only task. We will temporarily organize another military exercise or two to toss the young and strong soldiers.

Let those half-orcs who are about to become cannon fodder in the Ruman Empire have a look at how the imperial regiment fought, and educate those half-orcs who can't even queue up and coordinate.

And the world's first non-magical artillery is the top priority of training.

Since the artillery has just been established, the coordination with other units is not good enough. It was already manifested in the war that just ended.

The half-orcs who lacked unified command just relied on the bravery not afraid of death, and rushed into the artillery barrage wave after wave. The artillery only needed to load the artillery shells in and shoot out according to the dark crowd.

In addition to the opposing half-orcs and barbarians, if this tactic is against the old empires with deep art of war, such as the unfamiliar generals Amor and General Haddou, he might immediately find loopholes in the simple artillery tactics.

Moreover, artillery is a new military subject, and no one knows it well. Lorraine has a lot of knowledge in books, but Lorraine knows the disadvantages of talking on paper.

Therefore, these exercises are extremely important.

What kind of artillery was combined, continuous shelling, barrage shooting, gunfire cover during the march, etc., etc., Lorraine tried everything he could think of.

Even planning to turn around, build a few heavy carriages and install artillery. Try to see if you can make a few primitive tanks.

Although he has now defeated the half-orcs, he has beaten them with fear, and howling ghosts and wolves. From then on, for at least 50 years, wherever the empire's flying eagle and banner go, they will be surrendered.

But Lorraine knew that he needed to face a bigger enemy now. That is from the intrigue and coldness of the puppies from within the empire

And this kind of internal struggle is often more cruel, **** and shocking than war.

Although Sir Alex Ferguson is now well-known and famous. But the more so, the more we must have a clear understanding.

Don't say he is a governor, even if he is an imperial emperor. What can be done?

Facing the strong pressure from the imperial officials, he also had to think before and after.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been just a word from the officials, and easily agreed to let His Royal Highness Princess and the Almohad Empire marry.

"Marriage with relatives, the tree of concubine friendship will last forever." No matter how nice it is, it can't conceal the fact that land is ceded and the compensation is paid.

Moreover, after his death, the historians will truthfully record that the little emperor cede land for compensation, bereavement and humiliation on a certain day, a certain month, and a certain year.

The Grand Duke of the Empire and His Royal Highness the eldest princess are the backbone and political leaders of the Empire. Even though his attitude has always been extremely tough, he had to swallow his words in the face of this situation. This led to the subsequent escape for thousands of miles.

And Leo’s rogue playing a kid is a petty temper. For this kind of situation, I feel I haven’t had enough for this situation, and I want to come back again.

On the contrary, those dog officials were not only provoking the restlessness of the empire, the people who tossed about their lives, and the first family of the empire was at odds.

And they can also throw their hands up and down from the middle, holding a large amount of gold and silver treasures, and then put their sons and grandsons on the official positions, pick themselves up at work, and finally pat their buttocks proudly and go home. .

And now, Lord Luo Jue has laid down this large piece of land, and the fat is not flowing oil, but directly flowing gold.

If there is no guarantee of a powerful army that has been absolutely trusted, the puppies who have been greedy for a long time must be hungry for a winter on the prairie, becoming skinny. And like the more cruel shooting wolf, he swooped viciously. Tear him to pieces. Even the bone scum was chewed up and swallowed into his stomach.

Of course, at the end, maybe everyone will get together. She shed a few drops of crocodile's tears, and flooded it with only a trace of sympathy to show his condolences to Lord Luo.

Lord Luo Jue is a senior hooligan. He was not taken away by this victory. Although now holding the power of victory, no one dared to move.

But Lorraine knew that they were all coveting the loud fat, just quietly observing their own movements. Under the surface of the calm water, there was an undercurrent surging, extremely dangerous.

Even if they are afraid of their victory now, they dare not move, but it does not mean that they will not do it in the future.

But "the heart of harm is indispensable. The heart of defense is indispensable" is an ancient name. The reason why it has become a cliché is to let the listener hear it.

The biggest and most terrifying reason is that people will suddenly show up whenever they don’t get an opinion. It turned into a **** reality again. Shocking

And the most important thing is that even if they are all good people.

Everyone is a living Leifeng. Don't do other things every day, nor are you afraid of starving to death if you don't work. The whole day is to send carbon in the snow, and to send umbrellas in the rain, two barrels of oil and three bags of rice will be carried during the New Year holidays, which will give warmth to the five guarantee households.

But as an excellent politician, a large group of people have high hopes, and there are also a group of relatives who need to be guarded at all times. Lorraine cannot place that hope on the kindness of others.

It is not only emptiness, but also an irresponsibility, even a crime against those who believe in him.

Because, this world has never lacked those short-sighted, treachery, profit-only, and extremely silly choppy.

Hope and belief are two completely different concepts.

One can hope that "the world is full of love, the flowers of happiness are blooming everywhere, there are little friends who help old grandma to cross the road, and there are people who respect the old and love the young, five talks, four beauty and three love. The mercury is not full and warm, and there is no unevenness. Everyone has their own house to live in" Uh. The last one is too difficult, even if

But if he believes this, then he is a super silly fork. Deserves to be rushed by a group of hungry wolves Killed alive, the living bones will end.

Those peerless celebrities who go down in history, the double bonus red sticks have fully proved this truth.

"Bai Qi, Li Mu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhou Yu, Du Xun, Lu Meng, Yue Fei, Lan Yu, Duo Erxiang, the world's first loyal minister, Obai, Nian Gengyao" "Which one of these is not the best? Megatron, the world's peerless fighter, and the first-class fighter. But which one got good results again?

Even Sir Wei Xiaobao, Lord Wei, are you friends with the emperor. And also seduce the princess, let the emperor's children be a cheap brother-in-law.

What's more, for the sake of the Qing empire, he was born to death, not afraid of sacrifice.

Kill Obai, undercover heaven and earth, and eradicate Shenlong Sect. To appease Galdan, suppress the three tribes, form an alliance with the Raksha kingdom, and even attacked Yaksa with an army, which severely hit the Raksha invaders, and saved the emperor’s life many times. After countless feats, the result is not a fraudulent death, this is the end of preservation.

Fortunately, Lord Wei also has a special skill for building money. Otherwise, you will become a pauper. Can't escape the fate of running as a big teapot in the brothel.

Of course, because the world is still very loving. Therefore, not all double bonus red sticks have a bad end.

But under normal circumstances, those who got good results eventually became Taizu Taizong. But this also proves from another small aspect that there is still not much good in this world.

If Lorraine does not start from day one, prepare carefully. At that time, once someone jumped out to hit him. Under the hasty reaction, even if he survived the first attack, he must have suffered heavy losses. Not to mention the next, there will be a second, third, fourth,

In the end, all of his painstaking efforts will fall apart

And as long as he holds this powerful elite in his hand. Not afraid of where the challenge comes from

Even though it was the abyss demon in hell, Lorraine had enough confidence to knock the opponent down to the ground, then took out his soul and the magic crystal and finally got those livers, dirty, and legs. It’s meat, I’ll whip and sweat, and I’ll lose my waist." All the flowers are broken, and they are auctioned.

On this day, Lorraine is leading a group of soldiers in a military exercise.

With an order, more than ten artillery fired.

Amidst the loud noise, the artillery shook immediately, spitting out more than ten feet of flame from the muzzle of the black hole.

Immediately afterwards, a dozen black smoke rose on the horizon in the distance.

Then, the sound of the bomb explosion came from afar, like a muffled thunder in the depths of the dark clouds in the sky.

Seeing this, the artillerymen immediately burst into enthusiastic cheers.

Afterwards, they ignored their faces like a pot of black smoke, and immediately picked up the shells and refilled them.

Leo covered his ears with his hands next to him, watching the exercise with excitement, every time the gun sounded. He also screamed loudly like a pig.

On several occasions, he even planned to run to the Throne of God Seal himself and fire the artillery. But due to the military order, I couldn't make it through. Can only stand not far away. Watching eagerly, having an eye addiction.

The hooligan was in a hurry. But there is no way.

You know, these artillery pieces are all treasures of Lord Luo. Every step must be in accordance with strict operating procedures, and you must never go wrong.

Not to mention that the little kid Leo wanted to run over to the Throne of the God Seal and fire, even if he wanted to walk to the Throne of the God Seal and touch it, Catherine had to nod her head in person.

But this one is absolutely impossible.

At this moment, Lorraine put down the telescope in his hand and made a slight gesture towards the map beside him. Then carefully discussed the distribution of these artillery shells with the officers standing around. Specific parameters such as the intensity and lethality of the artillery fire. And to teach those officers how to use it.

The officers nodded at once, and then carefully recorded them in their respective folders.

These officers are all wearing dark gray uniforms. Riding boots are shiny and uniform.

The small lightning badge on the shoulder and the umbrella pattern embroidered on the right arm show their extraordinary identities.

These people are all senior officers of the Flying Eagle Company.

Note that it is an officer of the Flying Eagle Company, not an emperor. They only follow the orders of one person. The order of the boss who gave them.

These officers are all loyal royal guards. Originally, his eyes were above the top, but now he has joined the Flying Eagle Company, and he can listen to it under the command of the Flying Eagle God of War.

In their eyes, even if Mr. Xiang came over, everyone would treat him as a shit.

not to mention. Now Lorraine has entrusted them all with important tasks, of course, even more loyal.

They listened to Lorraine's explanation at this time, and now they are all studying earnestly, and they don't hesitate to understand what they don't understand. Ask seriously.

Lorraine also answered one by one.

Lorraine is not only to educate them, but the main reason is that he intends to use this opportunity to defeat the half-orcs and become the king of war. Selling arms and arms. The artillery, this big killer, was promoted to the East and omitted.

You must know that Grand Duke Julian spent money on Almohad’s naval ships.

In Lorraine's calculations, those broken ships, he would spend money so much, if his own cannon was sent to the Throne of God Seal. That bald old guy is still incontinent and has a brain stroke?

And he can make a fortune from the middle.

Although Catherine knew about it, she opened her eyes and closed her eyes.

Eryun's father, on the other side is his own adulterer one by one, one love magazine, six very pure lover.

The two of them can make a good relationship, unlike before. As soon as they met, they fought each other like two black-eyed chickens, letting themselves be caught in the middle. Of course it is a desperate thing.

And these excellent Royal Guard officers were commanders specially trained by Lorraine to export artillery.

These officers have seen it with their own eyes. Lorraine only used a hundred artillery to destroy the line of defense of 500,000 half-orcs, and beat them all over.

Not to mention that after joining the Flying Eagle Company, the small salary, bonus and benefits have risen a lot. What's more, if you really want to export artillery, because artillery is a new branch of arms.

This artillery commander is the only poisonous part of the scorpion's stool. At that time, he must also follow the past God Seal Throne, as the artillery commander responsible for commanding and fighting.

At that time, didn't this promotion and wealth still come in?

None of these royal guards are fools. Seeing this opportunity fall to their heads, their ears no longer know how to grasp it, and that ear is really lack of heart.

After all the officers had understood clearly, Lorraine now withdrew back, letting those officers also step forward one by one, and let them personally go forward to deal with and command artillery troops under various circumstances. Practice various tactics.

Or fire a salvo, or fire coverage, or cover shooting, or alternate retreat, etc.

Lorraine watched them wielding sabers there, yelling and directing the artillery to shoot indiscriminately, and felt a little heartache.

You know, after this casual shot, several gold coins are gone. But these are all compulsory subjects, and these artillerymen must try it out in person.

Real knowledge can only come from practice. Relying on theory alone, it depends on how well others do, but when it's your turn, you will always have problems of this kind or that because you have not noticed certain details.

These are nothing in normal times, but once on the battlefield, these small problems will become big problems, and ultimately affect the entire battle.

The so-called practice is to solve these problems.

Lorraine didn't want to see the so-called "because of missing a nail, missing a horseshoe, broken a horse's leg, fell the king, and ended up losing the war" in his head.

Otherwise, there will be another literary youth named Shakespeare who once again wrote down the words "One horse loses the society", just like the one named Richard III that year, he will be stinking for thousands of years.

Therefore, although the heartache, Lorraine can only bear it.

Beside them, Luo Linna was professionally sensitive. Although her pretty face was disdainful, she kept watching these artillery carefully with a surprised look.

She wants to figure out how they work, it's obviously a mixture of several common things. Why is there so many fire elements suddenly exploded in an instant.

This gold trainer turned out to be a **** profession. When everyone had a party, they always looked down on those gold trainers. I even felt that the invitation to them was simply insulting that piece of paper.

But why in Lorraine's hands, all of this suddenly became so magical?

But as soon as she saw Lorraine looking towards her. He gave a cold snort, slanted his waist, and then turned around.

Lorraine had to smile wryly, but honestly. If a elder chef sees someone playing with the wok in front of him, of course he will feel uncomfortable.

At this moment, I heard a rush of horse hooves in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a tall war horse raising a sliver of smoke and dust, galloping toward this side quickly.

The knight held the urgent red flag in his hand and carried a large letter bag on his back.

Lorraine was shocked.

At this time, someone greeted him. Stopped the messenger, matched the password, and checked the letter, then brought him to Lorraine.

The messenger put his hand on his chest and bowed to Lorraine, saying: "Your Excellency, our army has returned a good news. It has already disobeyed the leadership of the empire, and regardless of the overall situation, all the Silver Wolf tribes are moving against the trend of history. Defeated, fled south again.

The army of our empire is under the leadership of General Volkal, pursuing victory with victory""

While talking, he unzipped the letter bag, gave Lorraine with both hands, and then said, "This is a good news handwritten by General Volkar. Please check it out.

"Rout, Lorraine smiled immediately, and then said with satisfaction:" Good, good. well! Takkar is beautiful. "

While talking, he unfolded the military newspaper and glanced at it briefly.

But looking at the essays written by Zhanmian is called a literary talent. The battle was extremely difficult. It was almost a failure.

At this critical moment of life and death, General Volkal came to the front in disregard of safety. Encourage the soldiers loudly and inspire everyone with the glorious deeds of Lord Luo.

When everyone thought of Lord Luo's stalwart figure, and the expectations of the people of the empire, all of them were possessed by magical powers. They gathered up the courage to take the lead, bravely and desperately killed the enemy.

This defeated the enemy and achieved a great victory in this battle.

Lorraine glanced at it twice and threw it aside. There was no need to look closely at those things, he knew that this must be written by those clerks.

They are all used to fool themselves, so that they can repay their exploits.

However, while reporting victory, Volkal attached a personal letter.

The words on it were written like a dog crawling, in Volkal's handwriting.

This is what Lorraine needs.

The letter wrote the simple process of this battle. And also greatly praised the performance of those half-orcs servants.

After the gang of puppies pulled off their camouflage, they fully used the nature of the half-orcs as a traitor, and thought about the imperial soldiers everywhere. They all rushed to the front line for the money and things, but when the spoils were divided, they waited for the emperor to finish the selection. Take again, but also pick the least share.

If it weren't for Volkal's extreme restraint, these puppies might have wiped out all the Silver Wolf clan and hit the place where it is said that the sun would be high in the northern sky at noon.

Leo poked his head curiously and saw the document, which was very strange at the moment.

He looked at Lorraine and said, "What's the matter with Volkal? The head and **** are reversed? Look at the logic written on him. It doesn't seem to be a big deal to destroy the enemy, but it seems to defeat the enemy."

Lorraine smiled slyly and said: "Think about it again?.

Leo looked at his smile and couldn't help but startled, and then suddenly realized: "Oh, that's how it is.


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