Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 395: Veteran

The first sentence at the beginning of the emergency report shocked Lorraine.

As early as in Krony City, after Vera's continuous investigation for several days, Lorraine determined that there were only 20,000 orcs in front of Krony City, and he dared to lead the army south to face them.

Originally, Lorraine Ji Ge Xiao wiped out this group of half-orcs, which could relieve the pressure on Cronie City. Squeeze out the surplus power to support those areas with weak military power.

Facts have proved that there are smart people among half-orcs, and there are many more.

Even if it is not like Lorraine, there is a Vera-class dragon-shaped reconnaissance plane, which can always keep track of the frontline dynamics, but the Orcs' scouts are not for nothing.

The orcs had long known that there was a human army placed south of the city of Kroni, waiting for the orcs, who were the Scorpion King, to fight them head-on.

And a hundred miles east of the two thousand half-orcs, there is also a tens of thousands of half-orcs team composed of several tribes.

After learning that Lorraine was leading the imperial team and was about to die with the Durqi people, the patriarchs immediately realized that the opportunity had come.

The more than 10,000 half-orcs immediately pulled out of the camp, relying on the guidance of several half-orcs slaves who had fled back from the human world, rushed their noses into the city of Krone almost around the clock.

At that time, because the war was before, Lorraine asked Vera to only pay attention to whether the enemy on the other side was in ambush, and did not dare to let Vera go out too far, which left a gap for these half-orcs.

"It's careless, Lorraine slapped his forehead. He sighed heavily and said in his heart: I'm still a little bit careless, but there is no way. After all, the front is too long. My own forces are too small. There is really no way to go. Take good care of.

And he didn't expect that these half-orcs were really brain-dead, and they dared to divide their troops before they could solve them, and they even went deep alone and attacked the city behind him.

It’s really an old saying, "Meat Eaters. One can never overestimate the IQ of those second generation ancestors who inherited the position of patriarch from Lao Tzu."

Fortunately, these half-orcs did not pose much threat to Kroni City. When they arrived at a distance of several tens of miles from the city of Krone, General Larry had already been reported by the scouts and had the exact information.

At that time, there were only three thousand regular troops in the city of Krone. The militia has a total of 5,000 people, but most of these militias are armed citizens and farmers. The combat effectiveness is not high, and it's okay to defend the city, but let them go out and attack.

But "Ginger is still old and spicy." Although General Larry is not political. I don't understand it. But as the hero Wei Jue said, the more people who don't know how to flatter, the more capable they are.

At that time, the defenders in Cronney unanimously asked to defend the city, and at the same time they asked Lorraine for help. When the time came, none of these orcs would even want to run away.

But General Larry simply rejected this suggestion. He knew that Lorraine was fighting with twice as many Orcs as the Emperor, and he should not be distracted at this moment.

I really wanted Lorraine to ask for help. When Lorraine wanted to withdraw but couldn't withdraw, he dropped a tail behind his back. Maybe it was a chaos under the city of Cronie. General Larry rejected all the opinions and decided not to ask Lorraine for help. He knew that these half-orcs were advancing. The action must be frizzy, and a trap was set up in the city of Krone.

Two days ago, Colony went down.

The convoy outside the city was waiting in a long line, like a traffic jam, stopped motionless on the road outside the city gate.

There is no way. There are too many vehicles and the city gate is that big. It took a lot of time to check the registration, and today it seemed that something happened at the gate of the city. A large group of people gathered at the gate, clamoring around the guards at the gate, and blocking the entire gate. Real.

The guards of the team have been blowing the autumn wind outside the city for a long time, and their skins have been blown dry. The guards can only lick their dry lips, tighten their clothes and scold their mother impatiently at the back, and just throw the car away without waiting. , Crouched on the side of the road and gambled.

The officers who patrolled in front and back of the convoy had their faces tense and looked solemn, but the actions of their opponents were just as blind as they were.

Looking at them, they are also a little impatient. Frequently looked at the head of the city.

A few ordinary people who dragged their families with their mouths drove to the city of Krone in groups. They were probably the last people to evacuate into the city.

The soldiers still had their spears on the side, crouching on the ground gambling with their heads leaning together, and several people passing by looked at them with excitement and yelling.

A gray-headed old man teased a soldier on the side of the road and asked: "Brother Bu, what are you transporting?"

The soldier glanced at him and said angrily: "Supply supplies."

"It's not like it!" The old man murmured to himself, "Look at your rut, the indentation is so shallow, where is the munitions. There are now more than 100,000 people in the city, and there is no enough food to eat."

The soldier waved his hand and said, "I'm a small soldier. How do you know. Maybe it's the horse material."

The old man laughed and said, "Brother, you are fooling people, and you have to pack the hay so tightly. "

The old man knocked on the tarpaulin on the car with a cane and made a "boom boom" sound, wondering: "Huh? Why does the car look like wood?

The soldier waved his hand impatiently and said, "I said, old man, why do you care so much? Go your way, maybe it's for winter.

The old man stopped the abduction and said, "Don't care. The half-orcs of a **** are coming, and the old saying has made our family boast about the city soldiers disaster. What if we farmers do not eat or drink?"

The "you old" soldier grinned and didn't know what to say.

At this time, an officer drew up to the front, black face and shouted, "What happened here?"

The soldier hurriedly stood at attention and said loudly, "Captain, this old man has been asking questions."

The old man bent towards the officer on the horse. The honest smile.

The officer glanced back and forth, turned his head and glanced at the horizon behind him, and said impatiently: "You, send these people to the city, hurry up."

"Huh?" The soldier was surprised at this weird order, and said, "That, I".

The officer flicked his whip and roared: "If you let you go, you will go, send them all in within a quarter of an hour, and come back quickly."

"Yes" the soldier agreed with a voice, pulling at the old man. Urging: "Go, go."

As he walked through the city gate, the old man watched a group of officers gather at the gate to talk nonsense, but he didn't care about the cart parked at the gate, and didn't mean to rush into the city at all.

Only the gate hole was empty, and a row of carriages blocked the gate hole in the city.

The old man was very angry when he saw the officers doing their jobs, and wanted to stop and teach them a few words. A high-ranking officer at the gate of the city waved his hand impatiently, and said: "Come on, go to the Throne of God Seal from the side street."

The little soldier hurriedly pulled him into the city.

Seeing them go in, everyone at the door seemed to be relieved.

After a short while, a cavalry ran straight to the gate of the city from a distance. Turn over and jump off the horse.

The officer at the city gate looked up in the distance and asked, "Are all the people outside having withdrawn?"

The cavalry stood at attention and said, "Yes, sir. There are no civilians nearby."

The officer nodded in satisfaction and said, "Tell everyone, brighten your eyes, and our punishment cannot be missed."


"Why haven't you entered the city?" The guards at the back waited until they were hungry, but saw the officers at the gate of the city, they still didn't mean to move their nests at all, and they hid behind and shouted. "Dangdangdang"

Suddenly a rush of bells rang. Following the yelling sound from the city wall, there was a panic at the city gate, and the officers blocking the city gate quickly disappeared.

The soldiers looked at each other and wondered: "What is this sound?"

A soldier suddenly yelled, "Damn it, it's a wake-up call, someone has killed it."

The guards panicked and ran around in a mess, hurriedly trying to lead their carriage. Pulling the reins forcibly, to hurry the horse into the city.

The officers ran across the convoy and shouted: "Cut off the cowl belt and hurry the horse into the city. The carriage is gone, fast, fast. Bastard, what are you doing in a daze, lead the horse in."

The soldier who heard the order did not dare to neglect, drew out the weapon and cut the horse's belt, pulled the rein and pulled up the horse and ran into the city.

For a time, the people on the avenue roared and became a mess.

The soldier behind the convoy turned his head and looked. I saw that in the distance, a large group of cavalry was swiftly approaching the city gate. Behind them, there were black figures on the horizon. By all accounts, there were thousands of people coming and going here.

An officer came to the end of the team, pointed at a few soldiers, and cursed: "What are you doing? Go in, the orcs are here. You guys, throw the spears on the ground. No more. Damn, hurry up, I'm all I will be killed by you."

"Captain, how can you lose the guy who eats?" the soldier asked suspiciously.

"Which so much nonsense, let you throw it away." The officer shook his whip and said anxiously: "Leave the car alone and follow me."

The three orc patriarchs were on a slope. Looking at the city of Colony a few miles away.

At this moment, human beings are throwing down the cart full of supplies in a panic, rushing into the city in a panic, but in the city of Krone, the rapid bells have rang, and the soldiers on the wall are running around.

It's just two miles away from the gate of Colony. A team of pure orcs is the most powerful unit. The assault team composed of wolf cavalry is all rushing towards the city gate.

The huge black sitting wolf, carrying the most powerful warriors of the orcs clan, lined up in a row, rolled up the dust on the ground, and rushed towards the gate with a dignified prestige.

Behind them. It was a half-orc cavalry, brandishing this weapon, yelling, following behind the wolf cavalry, staring at the gates of the human zealously.

Two miles behind the cavalry was a large army of orcs, following the cavalry. Under the strong physical strength of the half-orcs, these people are not slow at all.

The three orc patriarchs looked nervously at the human gate. Pray that the strong door will never be closed.

They all stared with blood-red eyes, their faces were grim, and they didn't pant. The excited blood rushed to their heads, and the tendons on their foreheads jumped.

The patriarchs waved their fists and yelled at the half-orcs in front: "Chong, seize the city gate at all costs."

"Take the city, everyone will live enough in their entire life."

"Kill, kill!"

Two miles passed in an instant, and the leading wolf cavalry bypassed the taxi blocking the city gate and rushed into the city gate from the gap.

When the orcs in the back saw that they successfully rushed into the city before the humans closed the city gate, they roared feverishly, with a greedy and cruel roar, which further aroused the blood of the orcs.

In their opinion, as long as they rush to the city wall and hit a city that they have never talked about before, it must be him who deceives the river. Although human armor is powerful, they can't keep them crowded.

The three patriarchs laughed loudly at the same time.

"We succeeded in protecting the soul of the ancestor. We succeeded."

"I never dreamed of seeing such a big city. Now, it belongs to ours, and everything in it belongs to us. Patriarch Doretta. You will be the hero of our prairie forever."

The patriarch of the orc, known as Doretta, resisted the big sword. Looking at the city of Krony with a wild smile, there was a loud cry of killing from within the city gate.

Patriarch Dolletta said triumphantly: "After a thousand years, a full thousand years, we finally won the greatest victory in the war against mankind. Patriarch Orerchi, Patriarch Velidu, this glory belongs to you. "

Patriarch Orelchi watched the infantry rush into the city gate following the footsteps of the cavalry, thinking that the big deal had been decided, and all that was left was the soldiers who slaughtered all humans in the city, and took a bite. Hanging his eyes and disdainfully said: "The idiot Witchin and Torek. I'm still desperately fighting with humans in the south. I didn't know if we picked up the cheap, dead scorpion with no full hair. I really thought I was. The boss on the grassland, wait for me to see how he faces us

Doretta waved his hand and said, "I still have to thank that little scorpion. If he hadn't led this and the city's human army away, I wouldn't think of this way."

Chief Veridu rubbed his minibus; his sinister eyes shone greedily, and said gloomily: "When that little scorpion fights out his men with humans, at that time, let's go south again. The human army was killed with the dead scorpion, from the grassland to the human place. That is all of us."

After speaking, he clutched his stomach and made a sharp laugh.

Dolletta squinted her eyes in fascination, and said with a smile: "Okay, everything belongs to you. I only want that woman.

Orelchi and Veridou looked at each other. He swallowed greedily.

The shouting and killing of the city gates became louder and louder, mixed with screams and wailing sounds, and the patriarch of the half-orcs seemed to think this was the best music in the world.

Thousands of half-orcs are crowding at the gate of the city at the moment, and those who are fighting for the first time are going to kill in the city. For this reason, they even scrambled on the avenue, raising their weapons to the half-orcs beside them first.

The impatient half-orc climbed into the cart abandoned by humans. Tear off the cloth above, the other half-orcs also rushed to reach out to the cart at a glance. The cargo on the cart collapsed, pressing down the half-orcs below, but it was just a cart of dry wood. .

The orc cursed disappointedly, and then pushed the man in front of him into the city.

A group of military officers followed General Larry on a tall building in the city, looking at the half-orcs inside and outside the city gate.

The half-orc cavalry in front, after they rushed into the building, soon encountered a high barricade on the street, which was built with earth and stone foundations. It was almost twenty feet high, the barricade was connected in an arc, and the two ends were connected to the city wall, enclosing all the vicinity of the city gate, forming a circle.

The orcs cavalry rushed right and left in the street, looking for a way out, but the orcs who followed smashed through the doors and windows of the houses on both sides of the street, jumped into the house through the doors and windows, and ransacked the contents.

But what was left for them was an empty house, and there was not even a bench left in it.

Seeing that the half-orcs rushed into the encirclement were already full, General Larry waved his hand. Shen Sheng said: "According to the plan, act."

The soldiers on the city wall copied the tarpaulin behind the arrow, and quickly shot the rocket into the cart inside and outside the city, and the rocket fell continuously. All under the cart was filled with kerosene, and after it was splashed with sparks, he said, "Boo. A blast ignited piles of wood, and a fierce flame instantly rose into the sky, wrapping the nearby half-orcs tightly in the flames. The whole body was on fire. The orcs roared and struggled desperately.

The other half-orcs hurriedly dispersed. But the avenues are all lit fires. These half-orcs can only avoid both sides.

Especially at the gate of the city, where there are the most piles of carts, and a fire soon ignited. The fire blocked the two queens inside and outside the gate. The orcs who were still in the city gate were panicked and couldn’t retreat. .

With a "clam," a gate made of iron bars as thick as an arm fell from the top of the city The sharp bottom end sharply pierced the orcs under the iron gate, together with the corpse. Stuck to the ground.

A few stone bricks in the city gate suddenly shrank back at this time, retreated into the wall, and a small door came out on the side of the city gate.

Outside the small door, the orcs looked surprised. The gem on the top of a staff gleamed dazzlingly, and a large number of sharp ice cones shot out from the small door.

The ice cone that reflected the flames turned a coquettish red, and instantly plunged into the bodies of the surrounding orcs.

Then there was another cone of ice, until the small doorway was cleared.

The soldiers of the Nyan Legion, wrapped in armor, gushed out from the small door, and slashed at the orcs with their sharp weapons. In just a few minutes, all the orcs in the city gate were slashed to the ground. The soldiers of the Nian's Legion pushed up the heavy gate and slowly closed the gate.

The gate of Kroni city closed again with a "clang" in front of thousands of orcs.

The officers in the city shouted hoarsely: "Counterattack, kill his mother." If you want to know what's going on, please log in, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!

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