Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 388: I will challenge you

"Can you do it? If you can't, I'll go back to the top and call me." Lorraine stared at the row of half-orcs opposite. Said impatiently.

A half-orc yelled first: "If I said, let me come, the Black Bear Warrior."

"Go away, just your virtues, the bears are about the same. Besides running away fast, what else does your clan have. At this time, only my eagle fighter can play."

"Asshole, what are you talking about. You stupid bird" The black bear waited for the eagle furiously.

"Everyone, be calm."

"I'll just say what's wrong with you, bear." Damn, Jinda won't serve this brother as a warrior. I will kill your capon for drinking. "

"Everyone, calm down." "Cold your mother."

The two orcs took up their weapons and rushed towards each other.

Nian's army suddenly clamored loudly, and they were actually cheering up the orcs. The soldiers shouted one by one, "Go on, hack it."

"Don't run, go up and fight him."

"Opening, opening, Lux vs. Min Zhan. Hurry up and bet, Min Zhan will accompany you."

"I bet that bear, twenty silver coins."

"Die Kai, don't bet if you have no money, I bet the thin one, two gold coins."

Even the commander of the legion, Ferdolith, implicitly threw a few gold coins down.

The soldiers who surrounded the dealer Xiahong were suddenly squeezed. A delicate figure. With a beautiful blue head, he just resisted the crowd. He rushed to them and said in a voice like a lark, "Quick, quick. I'll crush the big one."

Lorraine turned and glared at the soldier behind. Seeing Vera who was squeezing herself in the crowd, she said inwardly: These bastards, when are they, they are stealing my business. "

Not only is this lively side, but the half-orcs gang is even more lively. The half-orcs soldiers lined up in front of them in Lorraine also scolded at the same time, waving the weapon and scolding between the two phalanxes. From time to time there is a slipper, a few bones, and a tukola flying towards each other.

The bear and the silly bird grew up ping-pong right across from Lorraine. The two of them were beating and cursing, and they were not idle.

The one next to him still kept calling, "Everyone, please calm down. This is the trick of human beings. You must calm down."

Most of the other half-orcs were watching with cold eyes, and at the same time they were still mossing the weapon in their hands, staring at each other with stern eyes.

There is no idiot among the orcs, on the prairie. The idiot was already dead, and those who could stand in front of Lorraine were all smart people from various tribes.

They naturally know who they choose to be the first warrior in a fight. That is to be a monkey by humans, but the relationship between them is like this. If a guy rides on his head, he will be the first warrior. , That is a more serious matter than being ashamed of humans.

What's more, the small body of the governor on the opposite side looks fragile. There are no half-orcs who are sturdy, and they are delicate skin and tender flesh. At a glance, they know that they have no ability. If you really go up by yourself , Give him to Duo in two or two, then he is not just famous.

Everyone is on the scene, so it's not just about face and leeway, because of this reputation. If you say no, you can also pull up a team and enjoy yourself as a patriarch.

"Calm down, everyone. Or draw lots, go out and fight if you get it." The orcs who had been calling for peace, thought of another way.

Some applauded, but those who believed that they were strong didn't do it. It was obvious that those guys couldn't beat themselves. If they got lucky and got it, then they would be dead.

The first few big men yelled, "No. The first warrior of a half-orc has never been able to be made by luck."

Of course, if you rely on the patriarch’s father, the patriarch’s brother-in-law can also be.

"Half-orcs have the rules of half-orcs. Let's talk by our ability."

"Come on, you old tortoise, I've long seen you not pleasing to your eyes."

"What did you say, I chopped you up as a bitch."

"Calm down, calm down. At this time, Yi'an must be sincerely united and united. Ouch, which grandson attacked me, okay, I will fight with you."

At the moment everyone brandished their weapons, howling, "Ding Dingdang became a piece of land. There was noisy jokes. It was so lively.

Witchin and Torek stood at the entrance of the camp, watching the Beastmen in front of them beating and scolding each other with dark faces. Raising his hand to point at them, he reprimanded angrily: "Call them back. Will you ever fight?"

The patriarchs of the other races next to each other have their own thoughts, and they simply turn a deaf ear.

Some people stared at Vichin and Torek, some rolled his eyes, and some grunted heavily.

An old patriarch with gray hair had long been very dissatisfied with the little shaggy boy who wanted to climb on his head. At the moment, he spit on the ground with a loud "pooh" and said contemptuously: "I'm coming out to fight. At the time, your kid hadn’t been born yet. Don’t think you’re the boss when you’re crowded."

Another patriarch yin and yang said strangely: "Calling people back now is to tell the humans that we half-orcs have no eggs, humans are playing singles with us, we shrink here, and what face will come out in the future."

"That's right, how will we discipline my brother in the future."

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. You southerners eat too much sand. How can you know how we fought."

Vichin and Zi Xiaoke shook all over.

He stared at the patriarchs around him angrily. After gritting his teeth, he still didn't speak, but his heart became more determined to get rid of them.

"That's not the last patriarch to stand up and say!" We have no enemies: "We will kill first. If the humans send individuals out to challenge us, do we have to choose again? Go, tell them, the competition is okay. Only the strong have the right to survive. Just use your fists, don't kill people. If you are strong, wait for a while to kill humans."

The look suppressed the arrogant arrogance of Vichin and Torek. Several patriarchs also nodded contentedly, they have a consensus, this dead scorpion. Just teach and teach him. I really want to annoy him. The grandson ran away with his arms. Who will lead us and be cannon fodder?

After hearing the words of the patriarchs behind, these orc warriors who had been gearing up for a while, immediately regarded Lorraine as the trophy for the championship.

They threw the guy in their hands and yelled: "Vengeful revenge, grievance complaining!"

After speaking, these half-orcs waved their fists as big as a bowl, and fought against Lorraine, fighting until it became dusty. It's not lively.

The humans at the back looked more vigorously, and kept shouting out loud there, Vera blushed with excitement, standing in front of the soldier, waving her small fist and screaming.

Lorraine secretly breathed a sigh of relief and sighed inwardly: For a single spot, they fought each other in front of the enemy. It's a big laugh that can last forever

Moreover, these half-orcs clearly knew that this was their own provocation, but in the end they actually did it. It only means that the contradiction between them is so terrible that there is a common enemy in front of them, and they can't care about it.

Lorraine held his head boringly and looked at it for a while. I just feel that these guys are like bears in the circus.

The half-orcs were fighting fiercely. Fists to the flesh, flesh and blood fly. Listening to the booming Bangbang voice, Lorraine panicked for them.

But even if they were beaten with a blue nose and swollen face, these half-orcs were still desperate. Once they were knocked down to the ground, they would stare at Lorraine, and then "Oh. The ground shouted, and immediately had the courage to get up and challenge.

Seeing Lorraine only rolled his eyes, thinking about these savages. What is it to be the uncle?

After a long time, the Orcs finally decided the outcome.

The last victor finally let go of his opponent, panting and looking around, but found that all the orcs around him were lying on the ground, unable to get up, and he was stunned for a while. Then overjoyed.

He clasped his upper body with his hands facing the sky proudly, and roared like a beast.

Behind them, the orc warriors also cheered, waving their weapons and roaring to the sky.

But immediately, the roar was suddenly suppressed by the cheers from the human side. Whether it was the orc who was victorious in the end, or the orc warriors who lined up on the opposite side, they were all surprised by the performance of humans.

Where is the army applauding each other, who is this half-orc? Even we half-orcs have never done such a bold, unintelligible thing. Thousands of half-orcs looked stupidly at the human being on the other side who applauded loudly, and didn't know how to deal with it.

On the human side, it is getting more and more lively. Gulin heard someone from behind shouting: "Win, win, give money, give money

Of course there are also dissatisfaction. But shout louder.

"I'm pooh, return the Warriors, have you eaten enough? Get up and fight again, a bunch of rice buckets!"

"Cause Lao Tzu to lose money."

"Unlucky, I will go down and kill him later."

The half-orcs don't understand human language, and they are excited just by looking at them.

The victorious orc waved his fists excitedly. He yelled and shouted desperately: "I am the first warrior in the grassland, and I am the first warrior."

Lorraine looked at him, breathlessly breathed out, and said: "Yes, you have to thank Kick Wei first."

The orc froze for a moment, then drew his big knife from the ground, pointed at Lorraine, and shouted: "It's your turn, come and fight me."

Although Lorraine didn't understand what he was saying, he knew what he meant by looking at his movements.

He shrugged, then stood up lazily, pressing the armrest.

The Guards around him nervously said, "My lord, we don’t need to do this.

"Everything has been said, and they have been beaten. We should mean something. Why? Afraid that I won't win?" Lorraine said.

The guard said, "No, sir. You are the governor."

But with the expression "I'm worried that you won't win" on the faces of the Guardsmen, Lorraine could see clearly. If there is something wrong with Lorraine, they won't all have to find a stone by themselves.


Lorraine patted the Guardsman on the shoulder. He laughed and said, "Don't worry, I'm still quite sure about dealing with this guy who has never been in level 4 or 6 before."

The half-orc slashed a few times with a big knife, pointed at Lorraine and yelled again.

Lorraine straightened his belt and stepped forward two steps to the opposite side of the orc.

For a while, the entire battlefield was quiet, and the more than 20,000 fighters on both sides were engrossed in watching the two confronting each other.

The Guardsmen drew their weapons and guarded behind Lorraine nervously, planning to go up and **** Lorraine back whenever there was any danger.

Saw Lorraine Shi Shiran walking over. The orc hung the knife on the ground and said gruffly to Lorraine: "You," Where's your knife? "

Lorraine gave the guy opposite him a lot. He is tall and strong, and his upper body is full of muscles. The head is like a hedgehog.

Lorraine murmured to himself: "Put on sunglasses. Is he a governor?

The orc shouted again, "Where is your knife?"

Lorraine fingered him impatiently, too lazy to say anything.

The half-orc was furious at the moment, holding the sword high above his head with both hands, big

Lorraine drew the musket, pulled the hammer away, and took a deep breath. Raise the musket level. Aim at the approaching Orcs and pull the trigger.

Immediately afterwards, "ping" made a crisp sound.

The half-orc shook visibly, and stopped abruptly after rushing for two steps. His eyes widened and he looked at Lorraine in disbelief. He coughed twice in his throat, and then softened with a heavy thud. Planted to the ground, splashing the boss's smoke.

Lorraine retracted the gun and blew the white smoke from the muzzle. He inserted it back into the holster at his waist, and then pointed his **** to the orc. Said: "Return the master, I'm pooh."

Lorraine defeated the enemy with one move, and overturned the opponent without moving. The atmosphere on the battlefield was frozen. Everyone stared at Lorraine, looking at the strange weapon on Lorraine’s waist, wondering what it was. How did you do it.

Vera cheered first, with her hands folded to her lips, and shouted to Lorraine: "Master is great." Then she changed her hands, stretched out her hands, and urged the soldiers around her: "Give me money, give me money."

The soldiers on the human side also followed suit: No matter how he died, it's just us who killed him here. At this time, even if Governor Lorraine caused him to lose money, he would have to applaud loudly.


"Long live!!"

Human beings cheered like a tsunami.

The shouts were higher than the waves, shaking the earth.

But the half-orc became quiet.

After fighting again and again, everyone was watching. The guy just now can be described as the first warrior worthy of his name.

The humans here only took out a small black thing, with a clear sound, and then a smoke, just like the first warrior born from the cruel boys' selection contest?

If every human being has a weapon of this kind,

Although the half-orcs had a simpler mind, they were not stupid, thinking of the consequences. Everyone touched their necks unconsciously.

Although I didn't figure out what it was. However, guess that is probably not the same as the crossbow



Really mean

The half orc under the hillside reacted at this moment and jumped at Lorraine to curse.

Although Lorraine didn't understand, he used his toes to think and knew what they were talking about. He immediately pulled out another musket and hooked his finger at the orc.

These people weren't fooled, they didn't step forward, they just stood still and yelled.

Now that the goal was achieved, Lorraine didn't seem to be squatting here to eat the wind, and shouted in Orc language: "Coward" and then turned and walked back.

Among the orcs down the slope, someone looked back and forth sneakily. There were not many people around Lorraine, and they were a little far away from the camp. He suddenly shouted, "What are you waiting for? The human beings will surrender if you catch him." Everything is there."

Hearing this, the Orc was taken aback. Suddenly took up his weapon and rushed towards Lorraine.

Lorraine felt movement behind him, raised his musket and turned around suddenly, and the guard soldiers in front of him also roared, raising their weapons to meet the half-orcs.

"Magic, Master Cover." Legion commander Phil Dolis waved his hand calmly. A dazzling light burst from the human camp.

In the exclamation of everyone, a row of huge fireballs crossed Lorraine's heads, and one of them was the size of a grinding disc.

With a whirring sound, those fireballs flew into the crowd of half-orcs accurately.

"Boom Rumble"

A violent explosion sounded as the mountain shook.

The huge red fireball engulfed all the orcs in an instant. Immediately after. A scorching heat wave rushed towards Lorraine.

That fierce wind. It caused Lorraine to narrow his eyes involuntarily.

The guards in the front had to bend over and raise their hands to cover their heads.

When the fire dissipated, Lorraine suddenly appeared. Only a piece of scorched land was left in front of him, and there were a few dark objects on the ground, still blowing smoke.

The orcs in the rear lined up immediately.

The orcs in several of the squares clamored. Want to rush to the human camp.

The commander of the legion, Ferdoris, immediately ordered the drums to be sounded, and the human soldiers of the brigade immediately formed a formation. Amid the roar of the officers, they stepped forward down the slope.

Lorraine took the guards, crossed the group phalanx, and returned to the front of the camp.

Vera ran out of the crowd, waving her large magic wand all the way, and quickly rushed to Lorraine's side, grabbed Lorraine's arm, and said anxiously: "Master, are you okay?"

Lorraine knocked on Vera's forehead without annoyance, and said, "I want to play with Young Master so close."

"Oh," Vera screamed with a and said embarrassedly: "Are you worried about the young master?"

"Humph." Lorraine snorted, and said sternly, "Go ahead. Take a bet on me. How much did you make?"

Wei stretched out her finger, and compared it with a little look, the thief smiled humorously: "A little bit."


"Well, it's a big deal. It's really a little bit. Master. Don't be so angry,"

As he said, he stretched out his hand to hold Lorraine's arm, dangling in front of his plump chest, constantly acting like a baby.

Legion commander Phil Doris came to Lorraine. He said without a good hair: "My lord Governor. I beg you. Don't play anymore. If you hurt your roots, how can I tell the lady."

Lorraine smiled embarrassedly, and said, "Although I have detailed information, I won't go out. Seeing them with my own eyes, I always feel uneasy." At this time, there was another screaming sound.

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