Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 381: I have a dream

Uncle Bei Lin has always been careless about various official activities, and on the surface he is not serious about it. In fact, he didn't know where he was flying.

But the officials below only saw our Governor’s devotion very much. Naturally, they didn’t dare to be scornful. They laughed more brilliantly with the priests on the opposite side.

Ever since Nyan's Archbishop Sylmelia set foot on Nedel's land, no matter it was the common people burning with the soul of gossip. The subordinates of the Governor, who still take the responsibility of studying Shangguan's thoughts as their own responsibility, began to dig into the past of our Governor's family and Miss Silmelia in Maple Leaf Danlin.

Although Miss Lorraine who arrived at the same time is also very honorable, she is a magician. In the eyes of ordinary people, these magicians are perverse, moody, and all behave mysteriously. Maybe they have something to do with the devil.

Besides, when you were young, who was not used by your parents to intimidate you by saying "If you don't obey, the magician will turn you into a toad frog, and the lizard will be thrown in a pot and stewed." The shadow.

Even the heir to the throne of the Ruman Empire, Leo, was threatened by Catherine like this, and she was worried about dealing with wizards since she was a child.

Otherwise, Leo Xiaozi and Lorraine learned the king’s domineering "All yours is mine, mine is mine" and he hesitated for a long time even after running Lester a kettle for five minutes.


Until the magician pile of Fengye Danlin. Leiou, the little ruffian, knew that magicians wouldn't change to toads, so he became arrogant and spent the whole day fighting dogs and chickens in the Tool Leaf Danlin Academy. Bring a gang of mafia with a smile on campus.

But, we have always placed the hope and love of countless people, representing the extremely glorious future of the empire and the future of continuous victory. The brave, fearless, clever and wise His Royal Highness Leo learned from the tragic experience of Lorraine. Although the wizard Unchanging toads, but people who like electric people, especially those who like electric ones.

And when the wizards make big moves, especially sister Vera, as a teammate, although it is easy to hide farther than the enemy.

It can be seen that everyone kept their doors closed all day long to make some fire and wind, bat wings. The nose of a lizard, the eye feces of a three-month-old baby. The tears of the old virgin ah, mages like weird things. It's all fear from the heart. Except for the tax officer Gretan's duties. Under the banner of Dad Luolina’s subordinates, I went to visit this eldest lady. Although everyone knew that Dad Luolina was the undersecretary of the empire’s finance department and the small group of big people at the top of the pyramid, no one dared to bother Luolinna. For the cultivation of the young lady, come to her for a walk.

Especially when I heard that Miss Luo Linna was in Maple Leaf Danlin. When she was okay, she liked to call our Governor to play,? ? ! ! !

The Naian people have a deep understanding of what a ruthless character Lorraine is, but just like this, after a cold war, the gossip crowd automatically filtered Lorraine, and everyone treated her as one. It can only be hidden when there are invincible items.

But Silmelia is different. According to the inquired news, our young and excessive cardinal, when in Maple Leaf Danlin, was solemn, fair, upright and unselfish, and has been doing arduous and extraordinary things with bad elements. Struggle and achieved a huge victory.

Our archbishop is with the two governors' wives. In the battle, they formed a deep friendship, not only love the sisters, but also Bishop Silmelia lived in the governor’s mansion longer than in the temple. As for fighting side by side or fighting each other. Anyone who says this is vague.

Anyway, Bishop Silmelia has a very good relationship with our Governor’s wife, and a good relationship with the Governor’s wife means that we have a good relationship with our Governor. The officials who are striving to make progress secretly made up their minds. It seems that we will have to run to the temple in the future. , When was the last time I went to the temple? Oh, by the way, the last time the priest girl came to the temple.

Of course, there are also people who are daunting. Secretly hit the beautiful archbishop's idea, thinking that he would climb this. Gao Zhi, then it will be so high. Although priests can't get married, everyone knows what's going on in the temple. "The title of the **** kindergarten is not for nothing.

People who thought that Silmelia could not understand the customs and sent flowers to engage in ambience. In the end, no one could escape the care of the venture capital company, and Lorraine would all let them pry the mountain. went.

Lorraine was absent-minded, and some officials moved their own guts, but the people of Neid who attended the ceremony had simple and pious beliefs. Only saw Hillmelia's holy gesture. It's really like an angel descending from the gods, and they can't help but shout long live, and throw themselves into this celebration.

Faith, in this era, is an important part of all intelligent life, and the spiritual sustenance of the people.

Even Catherine, who gritted her teeth and hated the Holy See, and Vera, who is a dragon race, is no exception. The half-orc Gailba Shaman, every time he mentions that the Durche has pushed the statue of the ancestor, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

Lorraine came from another world. Quite disapproving of these things, what about God? Vera's father is just one. It's not that I haven't seen it before, I'm still a bit afraid of my wife.

What about the devil? Lord Lorraine had beaten a witch in a dark and confused manner.

Judging from the other's jerky reaction, it is probably the first kiss. But it's just like a little girl who doesn't understand the style.

These gods and demons should look like thousands of years ago, they are all intelligent beings standing on the pinnacle of power.

Lorraine has always believed that those slogans of the gods who have just used the slogan of the gods are just professional flickers, and they are just robbing jobs.

Lorraine looked up at the crowd and quickly found Belém, who was squatting on the second floor of a restaurant. Seeing Lorraine looking over here, he raised the wine glass in his hand to indicate to Lorraine that everything was complete and the entire square was in. Under their surveillance.

Hundreds of Janitor soldiers put on light armor. Wrap casual clothes outside, mix in the crowd, and be responsible for maintaining law and order. As long as someone makes trouble, he rushes forward. I knocked it out with a stick, and then sent it to the Auschwitz model labor factory with food and accommodation.

At this time, I heard a loud horn. The priests below chanted a long divine canon. Finally retreated.

Just as Lorraine thought it was about to end, several young female priests lined up to the center of the square to see beautiful women on stage. The atmosphere became more enthusiastic, and the people on the square roared with tsunami.

Lorraine sighed silently and turned to look at Silmelia solemnly looking at the square in front. Lorraine stretched out under the table to probe Silmelia's feet, and then rubbed her calf ambiguously.

Silmelia's face was strange. In an instant he changed back to his dignified look, but he turned his head and looked at Lorraine helplessly, and then he folded his legs under the table. Avoid Lorraine's harassment. Lorraine was boring and tight, and of course he would not let go of interesting things, especially Silmelia's joyful and helpless expression, trying to hide but not being able to hide, it was really attractive to Lorraine.

Lorraine and Silmelia then made small movements under the table. Suddenly, Adele on the other side coughed heavily. Lorraine hurriedly got up and sat down.

Bodoqi of the Janissaries was running up from the side of the rostrum.

Lorraine's heart is very dangerous. He was so excited just now that he didn't even notice someone approaching, and almost shrugged.

Lorraine grinned flatly at Adele and patted Adele's tender hands.

Adele glanced at Lorraine, then gave a sneer, and the spear-sharp high-heeled heels stepped heavily on Lorraine's feet, and then turned around calmly.

Lorraine’s smile solidified in an instant, and he kept cursing the person with high-heeled shoes in his heart. This is fashion, which is obviously fierce.

Podoch approached Lorraine, just in time to see the Governor holding Adele's little hand, looking at the Governor's second wife with love.

Podoch couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and see what our governor did, so that he is called a man. Except for the two children, the rest are all beautiful women. Let the guys who are jealous of adults and choreographers afraid of their wives go to hell.

Podochson came behind Lorraine, bent over and said, "My lord, there is an emergency military report on the southern line."

The sound is not high. But it happened that the net was good enough for the three people on the podium to hear

Lorraine and Adele, Shilmehya were all taken aback.

Lorraine sighed: It's finally here.

Silmelia solemnly said: "The war is important. Lorraine, go quickly."

Adele also patted Lorraine's hand and said, "For such a formal occasion, the two of us have to keep one. I am here with Ximei. Go ahead."

Lorraine nodded, pushed aside the chair, stood up, looked up to the opposite, but found that Belen was no longer there. Lorrain patted Adele on the shoulder, turned and followed Podoch to leave the rostrum.

Angus saw a guard saying something behind Lorraine, and Lorraine got up and left the seat, knowing that something must have happened, and gave the person next to him an explanation, chasing Lorraine.

"Three days ago, in the early morning, three cavalry brigades of the Eastern Tenth Army formed a reconnaissance team. At a distance of more than 200 miles from the border, they encountered enemy scouts. There were five wolf cavalry men and more than fifty cavalry men. Eight and a half men were captured. Orcs, the others are cut. After interrogation, it was learned that these scouts were soldiers of the Durche tribe. Strangely, most of the enemies had not yet entered

Lorraine held the battle report in his hand and sighed: "It's finally here. I waited until the flowers were also thanked.

Angus hurriedly ran into Lorraine's office, sweating on his forehead, and entered the net so that he could hear Lorraine's words. He wondered: "What did your lord say?"

"No". Lorraine waved. Said: "Why did the enemy only appear two hundred miles away? Didn't it mean that the scope of investigation has been expanded to three hundred miles?

Angus was taken aback, and said dumbfounded: "My lord, you forgot, our border network moved once."

Lorraine slapped his forehead, and then he remembered that he was playing with Leo and moved the boundary monument a hundred miles south. Bring in all the orc tribes on the border, this will be preparing to sell those lands.

Belen also suddenly walked in at this moment, smiled at Lorraine, and gestured for success behind Angus.

Lorraine raised the report in his hand, smiled and said, "They are finally here."

Belen smiled proudly. Said: "Waiting for them for a long time. Now let's watch those clowns jump out

On the shore of Xingxing Lake, thick smoke billowed in the huge camp that covered the earth to the horizon. A camp is burning.

The wooden fence was smashed to the ground, the messy footprints piled up the debris into the soil, and the leather tent was pushed to the ground and lit up, emitting black or white smoke and a pungent burnt smell.

The ground was full of dead bodies. There was still blood in the wound cut from the sword. The dry and yellow weeds were soaked in blood, and the blood even pooled into a pool in low-lying places.

On the pile of corpses in the middle of the camp, there were a few half beasts standing straight, and some of them broke their arms. Some have swords in their chests. Some body divinations were cursed, bone wounds, and ordinary people had such wounds on their bodies, and they had long since died unable to die, but these orc warriors were still standing upright, with no emotion in their sluggish eyes.

All this shows that a fierce battle has just occurred here, a camp has been completely destroyed, and the entire camp has been slaughtered to death.

Outside the camp, half-orc warriors with weapons surrounded the place. Nearly ten thousand warriors looked at the abattoir in silence, saying nothing, the atmosphere was solemn and weird, and the strong wind blew the swaying flames. There was a thumping sound.

These orc warriors seemed to surround the camp, but they were clearly divided into two camps. There is a gap of tens of feet in the middle.

The few orc warriors, all wearing the same black leather armor, have black scorpions tattooed on their arms or cheeks.

Among the crowd, there are also shamans who are holding their miserable white bone power skills and are wrapped in black clothes, visible to the naked eye, and black veil-like smoke is surrounding them.

On the other side, there were more orcs wearing all kinds of messy clothes, with different patterns painted on their faces, crowded together, staring at the middle of the destroyed camp.

The half-orc warriors on both sides were vaguely hostile, staring at each other with malicious eyes, while the swords turned to each other intentionally or unintentionally.

At this moment, a deep long laughter sounded among the black-clothed half-orcs.

The half-orcs in black separated like a tide, giving way to a passage in the middle.

Vichin and Torek walked out of the crowd in gorgeous black armor, standing next to their soldiers.

An all-metal armor is invaluable on the grassland. It can be exchanged for twice the weight of the armor. Even some of the faces in the encircling circle are painted with yellow and white colored orc collars. They only wear a simple dress. Breastplate.

A patriarch on the opposite side roared: "Scorpion King. Give us an explanation, why do you want to slaughter the people of the Chimedea tribe? What? Do you want to annex us?"

On the other face beside him was dressed as a totem patriarch, and the strong orc picked up the long sword in his hand. Pointing to Vichin and Torek, he said loudly: "I, bah, he's done this a long time ago. When it comes to rebuilding our empire, all the people of the ancestor's blood are dead. It's not that he wants to be emperor. There is no way for us to survive."

"That is, give us an explanation, otherwise" we have more people than you. ".

Vichin and Torek waved to the people behind them. The black shaman chanted an obscure incantation in a hoarse voice, and the upright orcs in the camp fell to the ground with a thud like a puppet without support.

The orcs on the opposite side screamed.

Witchin and Tolek sneered with disdain, then raised their hands and said loudly, "I said, I have a dream.

Dream that we half-orcs will no longer go hungry and cold.

Dream that we have beef bread every day.

Dream that we can laugh to our heart's content. I dream that one day, the valley will rise and the mountains will fall; the tortuous road of Canco will be smooth, and the light will be revealed, and the world will be full.

For this great dream, we are going to conquer, to conquer that piece of buttery land. Let us half-orcs live a life that will never go hungry and cold.

For this great dream, we will inevitably shed blood and sacrifice."

He paused, his voice turned cold, and he sternly said, "If you don't want to follow my command. You are afraid of death, well, I have no objection.

As long as you hold the human soldiers, we Durqi will attack the human city by ourselves. I will still abide by the covenant and distribute land and spoils to you, although the food, gold, women, and slaves are exchanged for the lives of our Durchi soldiers.

But for our great and heroic orc race, for our children, for the glory of God. We are willing. "

The Durche soldiers raised their weapons and roared at the same time. The wailing screams even shattered the cold wind through the sky.

The patriarchs of the orcs on the opposite side were quite moved. You can pick up things for nothing without having to do it yourself. Anyone is willing to do that.

They looked at each other, and a patriarch said loudly: "We are not since we dare to come here. It is for the land of mankind.

But King Scorpion, why did you kill the Chimidians? Give us an explanation, or we will go home. The orcs are not afraid of the sword opposite, but don't want to die under the dagger behind. "

"Cimedians" Vichin and Torrekke said loudly: "They are afraid of humans and want to escape. They even want to attack us Durchi and steal my woman and treasure.

As soon as these words came out, the orcs on the opposite side looked at each other and talked a lot. The patriarchs looked at each other and thought that we were idiots, but your woman was really good, and it was worth taking it.

The half-orcs were all gathered together, and Chimediya was dissatisfied with Durche's leadership and the arbitrariness of the Scorpion King. Everyone knew what they wanted to leave. It would be understandable for everyone if Chimediya had a vote before he left.

Half-orcs have been fighting each other all the time, with such a temperament, it is strange that they don't do it this way. Everyone has tried this idea.

But I didn't expect that the Durche would start so quickly, so absolutely, and kill the Chimedians cleanly in one night. There are many ridicules of old Shan Xun books

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