Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 379: Information Station No. 56

A shop assistant listened to him, but still bowed his head. Indifferently, he continued to threaten the table. He waited until the man walked onto the bustling street, then raised his head, revealing a slightly immature face.

He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a fair complexion and flexible eyes. Looks extremely clever and shrewd. He watched the other side's back fade away. Turning his sly eyes, thinking for a moment, then dropped the guy in his hand, and hooked his finger at a ten-year-old kid at the door.

The little child bit his finger and ran to him, looking at him blankly.

The shop clerk raised his hand and said softly: "Is it the tall one who saw it?"

The child nodded quickly.

The shop clerk took out a copper and shook it in front of the child, and said, "Follow him and see where he lives."

The child turned his head and looked at it, then agreed. He ran over to the Throne of God Seal.

The shop clerk watched the child follow the customer and disappeared to the corner of the street. He couldn't help but smiled, and then shouted at the shop: "Xiao Mai, take Wu for a while."

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hands, slapped his greasy clothes hard, and hurried out of the hotel.

He skillfully turned a few guides along the alleys behind the street, and then walked to the front of an ordinary courtyard.

Looking around, the whole street is full of exactly the same houses. The courtyard looked extremely inconspicuous, if not unusually familiar. It is impossible to find it accurately.

He raised his hand, knocked **** the door a few times with a strange rhythm, and then pushed the door and walked in without waiting for someone inside to respond.

The yard was very quiet and empty.

But after he came to the courtyard, he dared not take one more step.

The boy looked at it, and then yelled to the house in the middle with his neck. Said: "Is Lord Manger here?"

The door of the house opened with a clatter, and a young man appeared at the door.

This man has a standard Nian's face, tanned.

Wearing the uniform of a guard officer.

After he saw the young man in front of him, he gave him an impatient look and said, "Why is it your son again? I said, don't* trouble me with those thieves and liars all day long, Ben The captain still looks down on those little fish and shrimps."


The young man smiled flatly, nodded and bowed, and said: "It's definitely not this time, I promise. I guess what I'm looking at this time is the bad "yell" you have been talking about, Lord Captain.

The captain of the guard glared, and promptly said: "Bad people!" Yes, yes. You have said that people like this are dissatisfied with our Nian's good situation. It is especially terrible, what potential fear... "Terrorists. By the way, terrorists. The young man nodded quickly and said: "Captain, you know, I've been in this street for more than ten years, and I've never been eye-catching in this street. Good people and bad people. I can tell at a glance. , I pack the ticket. I saw that person must have a problem today."

Captain Manger pinched his chin for a moment. Beckoned to the boy and said, "You son, come in for me."

Wait for the little guy to run into the house. Captain Manger looked up at the opposite side. In the opposite yard, there was a person on the second floor. Shake the white sheets at Captain Manger.

Captain Manger nodded clearly, then turned around and walked into the room.

The young man walked into the room, and the surprised concubine appeared on the table in the middle of the room. There were three people sitting on the table in the middle of the room. With a bit of scorn, the other is about thirty or forty, with a scar on his eye, and a military uniform. With the logo of the city guard on his chest.

There is also a child who is like a jade carving. He was fat and cute, dressed like an ordinary landlord's little master, with **** and bright eyes. And the big-eyed thief kept sneaking around. At first glance, he knew that this guy is a master who beats up dogs all day long and makes trouble.

Captain Manger said to the young man: "This is Lord Bolt from the City Guard, but the big man from the south, you kid be respectful. That is the adult's clerks, this is the adult's nephew."

Piliank secretly said: What big man, isn't it just the captain of the first squadron?

However, he respectfully saluted three people on his face.

At this time, the door of the room slammed shut tightly. The yard was silent again.

This is a stronghold of the venture capital company affiliated to the security team of the Flying Eagle Group in Neidel. Specially responsible for collecting news from the city and tracking some "key people" in civil activities

Belém, an old intelligence industry, has no need to say about his expertise. Not long after the venture capital company was established, Belém spread his network all over the city of Nydel.

In addition, Belém's mind is extremely meticulous and thorough. In order not to attract attention, he deliberately recruited a group of people from police agencies such as the health station.

Catching thieves, patrolling the streets, and maintaining law and order were originally the duties of the officers and soldiers of the guards. Now the captain of a guard comes forward to ask the suspicious elements. Not only is it convenient, but it is also not suspicious.

Once the target is confirmed, the action to capture them can be executed by the guard of course.

In this way, even if the big bosses behind the scenes were arrested, they would only suspect that they were showing off their feet, and would not think that Lorraine wanted to clean them up.

Since the establishment of this intelligence station, the key task here has been to track down two types of people, one smuggling to the half-orcs and the other secretly selling slaves.

Both of these businesses are dangerous professions, and all people who do this are inquiring people, relying on checkpoints, docks, and money! This kind of official organization is very stubborn about their whereabouts.

But the activities of these two types of people cannot escape the market and the hotel below. In places such as vehicle and boat transportation, Belem focuses on collecting information from these places and looking for suspicious persons.

These desperadoes, after all, still have to live, eat, buy, and even women. And in these places, these people will involuntarily show their deeds.

Captain Manger kicked a stool for the boy, pulled a stool and sat opposite the boy, and said: "Okay, if you have something to say, Lord Bolt is an old friend of mine.

"What an old friend, isn't he just trying to be promoted?" The young man slandered in his heart. Then hippie smiled and said, "Captain, I have news."

Captain Manger snorted and said, "Your news is better this time. The group of people last time. You said that those people are slave traders, but I led people to chase them for more than 200 miles and arrest them. Upon investigation, a group of swindlers he forked were also engaged in fraudulent marriage business.

After spending such a big battle, I took all the city guards with him. As a result, he caught two monsters and threw them to grandma's house. "

The young man smiled sly, and didn't care about the few people in front of him. He sat awkwardly on the chair and joked: "Come on, Captain, who doesn't know which two ladyboys you sold for a good price. The news is from me. You can just give me an informant fee.

Captain Manger said angrily: "You dare to mention it. I'll take all the money to take care of the city guards. Let's talk about it. So everything this time?"

Piriank said: "Just now, a weird guy came to our store. He was dressed in black and a big hat. As soon as he walked in, I knew that he was wrong.

The style of the man's clothes was ordinary, similar to mine, but the material was actually linen. Who wears our clothes, but which one makes the linen cloth? "

Captain Manger suddenly remembered the slogan "Details are the devil" in the venture capital headquarters and cast a glance at Lord Bolt next to him.

The three people looked at Piriank with interest, and smiled at each other from time to time.

Pirianke wondered at this moment: "Captain? Captain?"

Manger froze for a moment, and said, "Oh, you go on."

Piliank danced with his hands. Said: "The man picked a seat opposite, ordered a bottle of wine, sat for less than a meal, threw down the money and left.

Before leaving the house, I Yi said, "I must let the master know, huh, mage"

The young man Pilianke vividly studied the man's expression and demonstrated to Manger.

"You think, we Nian people know it. The governor-sama himself paid a lot of money to hire the mages to protect our Nian people and beat the **** half-orcs.

Those of us who met the masters of the mage were excited but not in a hurry, where would we speak in this tone. is not it? "

Captain Manger shrugged and said, "That's it? This is not very convincing. This guy may have been a salt merchant before, but those guys are not cheating, they are losing money, and now their mouth is stinking."

Piriank grinned, waved his hand and said vowedly: "It's absolutely impossible. He ordered the bottle of wine and didn't move it. I have never seen such a salt merchant.


Also, that guy was definitely a master who sprinkled incense powder. Who am I, Piriank, may be the royal chef of His Royal Highness Leo in the future. The nose can be pointed. "

The chubby little boy next to him heard the words. Can't help but giggle.

He pointed to Piriank and said, "It's up to you? Will you cook Parthian whole camels?"

Piriank curled his mouth, straightened his chest, and said with a grin: "Don't look down on people, you can't learn, just rely on my Piriank nose and craftsmanship, sooner or later."

Xiaopang nodded happily, and said, "Yeah. Courage, OK, I'll just wait and see."

Although Pirianke was dissatisfied, he knew that this should be a child of a rich family, but he raised his face and snorted.

Captain Manger looked at Lord Bolt next to him and saw that he didn't react at all, but he was smiling and recording the seeds.

Captain Manger frowned for a moment and thought, "Do you have any whereabouts of that guy?"

Pilianke smiled triumphantly: "Don't worry, I will let the Senjoer's kid follow him."

"Minghao" Captain Manger slapped his palm. Said: "You are waiting for me here, I'll call someone."

When Captain Manger went out, Piriank's glowing eyes sighed back and forth with the three in front of him.


The little fat boy curiously turned around Piriank twice, tilted his head and looked at him, and asked: "Are you a cook? In that shop?"

Piliank scratched his head embarrassedly. "Old Oak Hotel, I'm a handyman. I'm not a chef now, but I will leave soon. I will be working for seven years in February next year. I can be promoted to chef."

The little fat boy shook his head and sighed: "Just your look, let's be your promising running class."

Piriank glared at his child and said in an air: "Don't look down on people."

Not only was the little fat boy not angry, but he said with joy; "Okay, this kid is good."

Lord Bolt suddenly said, "Pirianke, right? You are very clever and have a good vision. Do you want to change to an interesting job?"

Piriank looked at Lord Bolt slowly, and said, "What do you mean? Let me talk about it first. I'm not a liar."

Lord Bolt shrugged, and said: "Give you a chance, I am short of people, and the salary is high." If you are better off, you can get a job as an official, Mi Zong Yaozu.

"You can let me into the army? Say yes first, if the boss does errands and the like, it will be exempted." Piliank asked Lord Bolt.

Lord Bolt said with a smile: "Don't enter the army. But it's not for your mother servant, and sometimes you kill yourself. The treatment is good and the work is very enjoyable. It depends on whether you dare to do it?"

Piliank immediately became nervous and said, "It's not an illegal business. If you didn't see me today, leave."

With that, he jumped up and wanted to run outside.

All three people in the house laughed. Lord Bolt shook his head mockingly, and said, "I'm a royal officer, what kind of thing can I do? Don't worry, it's absolutely legal, and even the law belongs to you."

Seeing that Lord Bolt spoke with great magnificence, Piliank couldn't help but was taken aback, and said to himself: Did you really meet a nobleman?

He tentatively asked carefully: "Well, can you give me more money in a month?"

The little boy said generously: "How much do you want?"

Piriank opened the palm of his right hand and said tentatively: "Five"

"The little fat boy waved his hand carelessly.

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Piriank quickly opened his left hand. They stretched out together and said anxiously: "I mean ten.

The little fat boy was startled. Looking at the two people at the table with weird expressions, they suddenly walked up to him. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "You shamelessly look like me back then."

That tone sounds particularly vicissitudes of life, coupled with the immature face, the contrast is extremely obvious.

Pirianke couldn't help but froze, frowning for a while, not crying or laughing.

After the little fat boy proudly said that sentence that was often said by others, he couldn't stretch it anymore. Then he clutched his belly with one hand and laughed haha, with the other finger pointing at Piriank, and said with a smile: " I’m starting to like you. Have personality. Okay, ten gold coins are ten gold coins."

He froze for a moment, then jumped up and ran out, yelling: "When I haven't been here, I can't make this money."

At this moment, Captain Manger returned to the house with an old man who seemed to be gentle and kind, and saw Piriank jumping out, grabbed him, picked him up, stared at him and said, "You son what the hell?"

Seeing the people in the house, the old man hurriedly bent over and nodded to them.

Lord Bolt said to the text beside him: "How is it?"

Wen: "Knowing what can be taken and what can't be taken, it’s hard to be so sensible at such an age. OK, it’s a talent

Lord Bolt nodded and said, "Well, Manger, put him down. We scared him just now."

Manger threw him back on the chair like Xiao Shao. He smiled and said to Lord Bolt: "My lord, this kid Ichii grew up ignorant. If he offends you, I'll clean him up later."

"No, Manger, I wanted to give him a job and pay him an apprentice's salary. As a result, this guy was frightened and thought we were not doing the right thing." Lord Bolt explained: "Piriank , You can ask Captain Manger, he can guarantee that we are doing a legitimate business and we have a bright future."

Captain Manger rushed Piriank up and down for a while. He patted his head and said: "Your son. There is a blue smoke on the ancestral grave, which can be appreciated by adults, all right. Work hard, this is a glorious opportunity for your ancestors. If you lie in the kitchen and peel potatoes, you will be talented"

Pilianke asked carefully: "It's really right? You can make money? You can't fool me. My mother's hometown and you are neighbors."

Captain Manger kicked Pilianke with a black line on his forehead, and cursed: "You are so much nonsense, let you do it, not only for money, but also for him to be promoted."

Piriank rolled his eyes and thought for a moment. Weeping and nodded, and said, "That's OK. I'm all up to you. If I can't come back that day, you will tell my mother that my son is not filial and he didn't become an imperial cook."

"What is your mother's nonsense?" The veins on Manger's angry forehead popped out. He slapped his brain with a slap, and Pirianke almost turned over his head.

Lord Bolt said, "Manger, you will take him to the Throne of God Seal tomorrow." Tossed a wallet to Manger, and then said: "Give this child to his mother, and he said that a baron is attracted to him~ Be a playmate for your children."

Mange raised his hand and said, "Yes, my lord."

Seeing Piriank's thief's eyes have been staring at the wallet in Manger's hand, Manger brushed his head and said: "Okay, it's not for you. Do the business first.

Manger pointed at the old man. Said to Pilianke: "Now, tell us what this person looks like."

The old man nodded kindly to Piriank, turned over the wooden plank under his arm, took out a charcoal pencil from his pocket, and said: "What kind of face does that person have, square? Pointy? Garden?"

Piliank tilted his head for a moment. Then he took a look at Manger, and he said nothing.

Manger kicked him and said with a smile: "You bastard." Then he popped out a gold coin.

Piriank grabbed it, now took a bite in his mouth, and smiled: "A square face, like a horse's face, with a big hooked nose."

The old man smiled and shook his head, and drew on the paper.

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