Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 151: Minor incident

After Lorraine's question, Baron Rasmore was suddenly excited. He struggled with sweat. Then he shouted: "Those aliens, those filthy inferior races, they are not worthy to be side by side with our Nian people."

"Alien?" Lorraine was surprised at the moment. Said: "Are you talking about elves and dwarves?"

Baron Rasmore pulled his throat and hissed: "Nyan is the ten land that our ancestors developed with life, blood and sweat. The empire has never helped us. Why should we pay taxes? So let's not say. Now, you people from Ruman City, in order to take Nian'an, you almost killed all of Nian's pioneers in four hundred years. Now, we still want those aliens to be among us. This is a blasphemy against our ancestors. "

Lorraine was surprised, and said to her heart: I know that the brains of the nobles in the countryside are the most stubborn, but I didn't expect to be stubborn to this point. It's been four hundred years, how can this group of people still hold this Nazi Not let go.

Although the dwarves and elves are slightly different in appearance, they didn't steal or **** them. They just came here, relying on their own hands to eat by labor. Want to thrive here. To make the greatest contribution to the economic prosperity of the region.

Say a thousand words and ten thousand. No matter how many theories these guys concoct. But in essence, seeing people have money in their pockets is not pleasing to the eye. Do everything possible to put the money in his pocket.

Thinking of this, Lorraine glanced at him in disgust. For such a stiff-headed fool, there is really no need to tell him anything.

For this kind of scum, the best way is to put a rope directly around his neck and let him hang on the tree like a thief and enjoy the autumn

As the heir to the throne, Leo was born to engage in racist theories, attempt to split the country and destroy the good situation of the Ruman Empire’s stability and unity. The guy who wanted to pay out of his pocket was extremely angry and immediately angry. The rage was thunderous.

He grunted angrily, pointed at Baron Rasmore's nose, and said loudly: "Your Nian? If there were no Imperial Navy to protect the southern waters, you would have killed the Parthians a long time ago.

If there is no empire to guard the Eastern Front. You have already become slaves to the desert people.

Your Nian, who allowed you to hide here and sell slaves comfortably, is not all dependent on the protection of the empire.

You guys. Enjoy the barrier provided by the empire with blood and sweat to dig the corner of the empire. Undermining national unity, you are still a nobleman. Being ungrateful and blatantly defying the imperial laws, you are justified"

Leo copied his hands, squirting rough air in his nose. Angrily said to the guards: "Copy home! Copy it to me quickly and copy his home to me clean. Let me change my mood, it really irritates me. I can't justify this kind of elm head.

Directly sent to the hospital, let the Imperial Ministry of Justice tell him a good talk about the strict imperial laws! "

Lorraine waved his hand, letting his men look at the Baron Rasmore family first.

General Philip came over and reported to Lorraine in a low voice, saying: "My lord, we have arrested several people who ran to the nursing home, including the housekeeper and servant.

He paused, then took a look at the Rasmore who was detained by the guards, and added: "This baron, the armed men alone have raised two hundred. Not to mention anything else, just tell He "explains and raises private soldiers with the intention of rebelling." It was enough to make him die three times. "

Unexpectedly so

Lorraine was also secretly surprised, although he also knew that these nobles had been secretly raising their own private arms, but according to the imperial law, as long as they passed thirty, it was a violation.

However, since he can raise so much for a baron, there are probably no less other nobles.

Thinking of this, Lorraine couldn't help but shrugged. With a wry smile, he said, "There is a long way to go! There are still two dowries for the three cities. In this case, Nai An Province,

To put it bluntly, Lorraine has been in office for the past few months. His orders are also valid in Nydal City. After leaving the Neidel area, everything changed.

Either it is not taken seriously by the local nobles. Take the file directly and wipe the butt. Or it is being used by guys with ulterior motives. Asked a few crooked-mouth monks who were called beasts from the brick house to distort the order and execute it. Then, they made their own money and made Lorraine a substitute for the dead, and they were blamed by the common people and carried on their backs.

Lorraine wailed, complaining about high housing prices in his previous life. If I can’t marry a wife, my life will be even worse. This is asking me to use all the idle real estate in the three cities as a dowry, or the housing prices in second-tier cities.

A man who is tortured by the huge dowry of two wives, the hardship of marrying a wife. All in this long sigh.

General Philip glanced sympathetically at Lorraine. How many people saw Lorraine eating meat, but not Lorraine being beaten. As the closest guard with Lorraine family. Everyone's miserable experience of Governor Lorraine is all they have seen and heard with their own eyes, so on the whole they are sympathetic. Although the girlfriend is very beautiful, he treats our governor very well. However, I cannot go to Yihong Academy and I cannot be equipped with a beautiful female secretary. Can't play office romances. Even if you get home late, you have to report first. As a man, such a life. It's as bleak as a warrior facing the blood...

Although Lorraine continued a bleak life here. But on the other side. Vera and Leo were very happy.

Having been busy for so many days, just waiting for this time, the two of them proceeded enthusiastically. The treasure hunt started in the manor.

Except for finding a secret passage and a secret room, Leo and Vera have not gained much. Baron Rasmore was pulled back by the Guards at the secret crossing.

Through interrogation, La Xun was not a baron’s butler, cronies and others. Leo Cai knew that this manor was just a wish: Baron Rasmore and his family didn't come very much. Their old house in the city of Tethyr was the place to hide the money.

Leo furiously said, "Why didn't you tell me such important news earlier? Didn't you know that wasting time is wasting the president's money?"

At the moment the team gathered again, against the moonlight, and swiftly moved towards Tai Xier.

It's more than twenty miles away from the city of Taishir, and it won't take long to arrive along the main road.

Lorraine and his team were halfway through, and suddenly there was a large fire shining in front of them, and a team raised a torch and ran into Lorraine and them.

At the front of the team is a pair of samurai riding on horses, wearing armor and swords, behind them, you can see the fire reflected from the weapons.

The guard in front yelled: "Stop, who are you?"

Someone on the opposite team also shouted: "The City Lord of Taixier is here, stop on the other side. Otherwise, let's release the arrow."

Lorraine and Leo glanced at each other suspiciously. Lorraine turned around and asked General Philip: "Did we notify the Lord Taizier?"

General Philip shook his head and said, "No, sir, we did not notify anyone in the place."

The guards in front approached them cautiously and said, "We are the guards, please come here."

I heard the people on the opposite side shouting at this moment: "Huh? It's the Imperial Guard again.

"Okay, okay, reinforcements are here. These are nothing to us."

A knight walked out of the opposite team, talked to the soldiers of the Imperial Guard, jumped off the horse, and trot all the way to Lorraine.

"I'm Sabine, the lord of Shir, please see the governor."

Lorraine said to the guards beside him: "Bring him here."

Sabine, the lord of Taizier, followed the guards to Lorraine, and knelt on one knee first. He lowered his head and said, "The subordinates are incompetent, and the subordinates are not strict, so that things like Ansheng have to be handled by the governor. I am willing to take all the responsibilities."

Lorraine said, "Please, Master Sabine. Baron Rasmore is hidden deeply. If it weren't for a coincidence, I wouldn't be able to spot him."

City Lord Sabine stood up from the ground, Lorraine saw sweat on his forehead, and his collar was all wet. Lorraine and the others ran all the way, but in the cool night breeze, they didn't sweat at all.

"Baron Rasmore?" City Master Sabine said in confusion, and then City Master Sabine asked cautiously: "My lord does not know? The subordinates are talking about Baron Rasmore's nephew."

Lorraine wondered: "Could it be that something happened?"

City Lord Sabine had a bitter face, showing an expression that was more ugly than crying, and said: "The local soldiers stationed at the checkpoint in front of you mutiny, detain the governor. You send the messenger to capture the chief, the chief belongs to Baron Rasmore. Nephew, don’t you know, my lord?"

Lorraine was stunned, staring at the city lord Sabine in front of him, and then sternly said: "You mean, your soldiers, mutiny?" Leo followed with a stare, and shouted: "What? This kind of thing happened in the hinterland of Nian'an? What did the magistrate do to eat? Is it a bunch of rice buckets?"

City Lord Sabine glanced at him and immediately knew the identity of the little fat man who was following Lorraine. I knelt down again, sweating and trembling: "Yes, your majesty, your subordinate is incompetent. Please be angry and sinful."

Leo felt right at once, his big eyes widened, and he had to play a little more prestige.

Lorraine pulled him aside. Then he glared at him fiercely, and Leo was unconscious and closed his mouth obediently.

Lorraine thought for a while and said, "City Lord Sabine, I am also responsible for this matter. I did not consider it carefully."

Sabine hurriedly said: "Yes, yes

Speaking of this, I suddenly felt something was wrong, and hurriedly changed my words, saying: "Don't dare, don't dare"

After saying a few words, I realized something was wrong. I wanted to say something more, but my tongue was gaping. I don't know what to say. Anxiously sweating profusely. Secretly raised his head. He glanced at Lorraine from the corner of his eye, then lowered his head again.

Lorraine didn't understand what he said, knowing that it was because of his mutiny and fear of being held accountable. He smiled immediately and said: "This time something happened suddenly, don't blame you."

Sabin was relieved immediately, wiped the sweat from his head, and said solemnly, "Thank you, Governor. Thank you, Governor."

Lorraine turned the curtain around, looked around, and said, "By the way, where is the mutiny post?"

"The gate in the previous few miles, there is an important checkpoint in the city of Taishir, and there are usually more than 300 soldiers from the city of Taishir."

Lorraine said, "Let your people lead the way. Go!"

"Yes." City Lord Sabine jumped from the ground. As soon as he turned around and ran back to the team, the team in Tessier City started quickly. The soldiers were urged by the officers to speed up to the front checkpoint.

Because of the mutiny, this was the top priority of the empire, and Lorraine had no intention of doing anything else. The more than a hundred guards who led the work at the moment followed them.

Along the way, City Lord Sabine explained the passing to Lorraine.

The Imperial Guard sent by Lorraine carried a warrant. In the afternoon, I rushed to the city lord’s mansion and asked the Sabine lord to send someone to arrest the leader in front. Baron Rasmore sent slaves out. That checkpoint was an important route, and Baron Rasmore paid him a lot of money. His nephew bought that seat.

City Lord Sabine did not dare to neglect, and immediately sent Li's subordinates to lead this group of guards to the pass to arrest people. Unexpectedly, after the guards detained the guard, the soldiers guarding the pass suddenly mutinous and wanted Snatch it out.

The Guards were arrested immediately with them... the next day, they retreated into the guardhouse in Guankabu with a sharp crossbow. Ten one person in a row. Forced the soldiers back.

There were also some soldiers at the checkpoint who were unwilling to accompany them to make trouble. Knowing that it was a capital crime, they sneaked out to report to the Lord Sabine.

The Lord Sabine who received the news was immediately silly. His own subordinates mutated and besieged the team sent by the governor. In any case, his city lord is not responsible for running away. If it is not handled well, it is likely to be implicated in him as the city lord, then the imperial prison is waiting for him.

Lord Sabine immediately led all the garrisons of Tai Xier. Killing at Xiangguankou, I didn’t expect to encounter Lorraine on the way, and Lorraine and the others came to capture Baron Rasmore. This kind of thing happened continuously under their own rule, which made City Lord Sabine deeply aware of the future Dim, wondering if I should resign now, and when Lorraine investigates it, the trouble will not be small.

Lorraine and the others came to the front of the level. I only saw the gate on the checkpoint closed tightly, with black lights on it. I couldn't see anything, but I could hear the noisy sounds inside, and when I heard sounds outside, only a few people ran to the checkpoint wall and looked out with their heads.

The subordinates of City Lord Sabine shouted: "Listen to the people inside, you are going to behave like this now. Open the door quickly and come out to surrender, otherwise

Suddenly someone shouted at the checkpoint: "We are the Guards, where is the team below?"

Philip said loudly: "I am the head, how is the situation inside?"

"The head is coming, we can't rush out. But we can stand it. Two people were injured."

Sabine’s subordinates then shouted: "Hurry up and put down your weapons,

Leo ran up to him; kicked the man, pointed to his nose and yelled: "I'm still a Mao, even the boss and I dare to block. Protect the criminals, make a public mutiny, and leave them for?

There are so many troubles in your place, so quickly solve it. Master, I still have very important things waiting to do. "

City Lord Sabine looked at Lorraine, who was always black, gritted his teeth and ordered his subordinates loudly: "Bump the door and rush in. No one is allowed to run."

Lorraine said, "Don't bother, Vera. Blast the door open. We have to ransack the house."

Vera was impatient for a long time, and after tossing it all day and night, she hasn't got a gold coin yet. Vera had a fire in her heart.

Listening to Lorraine's words, he nodded and said: "Okay, Master. Just take it easy."

Vera jumped out of the team and raised her extra-large wand. A fireball the size of a tabletop gathered in front of Vera, and the surrounding area was bright yellow.

Vera flicked her magic wand, and the big fire ball flew out with a scream and hit the gate of the checkpoint. Then there was a loud bang. The explosion of the fire light covered the wall of the whole checkpoint, and the smoke and dust flew to the four sides. Falling from the sky crackling.

The group of people in Taixier City were stunned by the shock.

The level before them stupidly, they saw that the entire gate was gone, and the wall was a big circular hole. At the same time, there were still stones falling down continuously, making rustling. The sound of it, looking like that, seems to collapse at any time.

Lorraine looked at the dull City Lord Sabine. Angrily said: "What are you still doing, rushing into the poison."

"Ah, yes, my lord" City Lord Sabine came back to his senses. He glanced at the proud little maid next to him who was almost waving her tail, and realized with fear that this innocent and cute girl who looked like a doll was actually a dangerous existence like a three-headed **** dog.

He hurriedly turned his head and said loudly to the soldiers under him: "Go on, all on. Rush in."

The team of Taixier City shouted through the bombed gate and rushed into the checkpoint.

Lorraine and the others only heard the shouts inside the level, but they had not heard the sound of fighting for almost a quarter of an hour. I saw the soldiers of Taixier City begin to **** the soldiers out of the checkpoint.

A group of soldiers of the Imperial Guard and an attendant of the Imperial Guard, escorting a man in uniform in the middle, and supporting two wounded men, walked out of the checkpoint.

The guards and attendants came to Lorraine and General Philip, and saluted, the captain said: "The subordinates are incompetent, let the adults and the generals run this trip."

Lorraine nodded and said, "Brothers have worked hard. You deserve to be the Guards. They did a good job."

General Philip also nodded and said with a smile: "You guys, this little situation is still not going well, go back and practice again."

"Mainly with the Otherwise, with these third-rate soldiers, we are all back to Nedl now." The captain said depressed.

The back team of imperial guards glared at the captain.

"Okay, okay, the matter is resolved. Now it's time to do business, it's almost dawn." Leo yelled.

Lorraine sighed and said, "It's really hard to do something business. From top to bottom, all are bad guys. No wonder everyone likes being a faint lord."

Leo sighed and nodded in sympathy. He counted with his fingers: "Business tax is really easy to tax, consumption tax, income tax. Nicole said he would add my resource tax, and even said that he would collect it. Is it easy to return to the country and want to be a good businessman!"

How much money does the slave trade make? Just look at the current mood of Leo and Vera.

On the boat back to Neidel, Leo kept chanting "The hard work of this trip was not in vain" and yelled beside Lorraine, "Boss, this slave trader has finished copying, what business should we do next."

, Read a good book and do everything you can

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