Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 344: Price war

The Naian people of Shanghai Tech quickly stopped themselves! Jie Xufang competed for work, so the price of salt suddenly plunged. But it stabilized to forty-two silver coins shortly after the meal.

Leo instantly lowered the salt price to thirty-eight silver coins.

Although the price of salt has dropped, the residents of Neidel City are not stupid. They will not dance with Leo or the salt merchant's command. Now everyone knows that the price of salt will not drop, but will drop drastically.

In Lorraine's words, everyone is now holding money on the sidelines.

Regardless of whether it is Leo or the salt merchant, his shop used the power of milking to promote it. Although the scream was loud, no one came to pay.

Jerry quickly noticed this anomaly. Several shops had nothing to do with their throats. They didn't have any money, so you don't have to think about it.

Jerry Xun came to report to Leo. When Leo heard this, he was shocked and said: "It's pretty good. What you can't sell is worthless, so let's drop it. We sell it for thirty-five silver coins a pound."

At this time, Leo's shop finally had sales, and some people had already started to walk into the shop to buy.

Nidal City said it was not too big, especially in the business district, there were only four. Everyone’s shops were on the same street, and some were just across the street.

At first glance, Nian'an Salt Industry Company has simply lowered the price to less than 40, and some people have already started to buy it. The salt dealers here pinch their noses and only follow. These big masters gather in the secret room to quarrel. Simply indented into the secret room. He almost broke the blood, and only thought of a way, gritted his teeth to order, lower the price, and then lower the price.

After all, if it can't be sold, it will get damp in the warehouse. They can't get back a cent of the cost. Now, regardless of the high price and low price, sell it!

This group of people also broke their jars, and how much they could recover.

The salt merchants attached a new price of salt to the price tag that had been posted on several layers: thirty-three silver coins a pound.

Jerry shook his head and sighed. Although he knew that the order to go back to Leo must also be "reduction in price", he didn't dare to do this for Leo. Although President Leo Leo kept asking employees to increase their autonomy at company meetings, it means that at work, especially when it comes to overtime, it is not for you to make decisions for your boss.

Sure enough, Jerry reported to Leo. After the group of people lowered the price of salt again, Leo furiously said: "That group of grandchildren, when the price is increased, why is it so simple when the price is reduced. I haven't finished a glass of juice, and they can't stand it. It’s really maddening how much money I have to lose in this way. Send the order, and then."

The people of Nydal City are just like enjoying a wonderful football game, and the two sides are still playing against each other, and they are scoring goals, which is extremely exciting.

Some Neidel people stood by the door of the shop. Once I saw that Yanbai was updated, I cheered loudly, then stretched out and waited for the other's response, and when it got lower, he whistled and cheered again.

Some of the little ghosts shouted in droves, "falling again, falling again." Running around on the street in Nedl. Lorraine walked through the streets of Nidal City, feeling that it was as lively as watching the World Cup before.

Today's city of Nydal is like the grandest "Father's Day" every year, and the cheers of the people can be heard everywhere.

After the salt price dropped by thirty silver coins, both sides began to be cautious.

Leo was very dissatisfied with the degree of salt price reduction. If this continues, it seems that his president can't hold a few private money.

The salt merchants were even more reluctant to see the price of salt drop, but Nian'an Salt Industry put on a firm attitude of violating them. Knowing that they were jumping into hell, they also had to pinch their noses and jump down.

At about one o'clock noon, the price of salt is falling at two or even three silver coins at a time. It was three or four o'clock in the afternoon. The price of salt has decreased, and the price of a silver coin at a time has decreased.

Although the decline is small, the salt price is still steadily falling. This is something that Leo or the salt merchants cannot stop.

Leo found himself unable to stop this hurricane trend. This kind of vicious price war drove Leo himself in, looking at the salt price chart that Vera drew like a parabola.

Leo hung his head down in the sand. Self-blaming: "I miscalculated, miscalculated, the price war is not worth it."

Knowing this, he estimated that he would not be able to make a few money, and Leo had no choice but to reduce the salt price by one silver coin every half hour.

For this reason, he said cruelly: "No way. No way."

Drink the juice with an open stomach, before adding two ice cubes at a time, now four.

Leo was crying in his heart, and Yan Shang was bleeding in his heart.

Every time the salt price drops by one cent, they lose tens of thousands of gold coins. Many people in this group not only store salt. They also produce salt, and they have salt farms of different sizes, otherwise they would not clamor for monopolizing Nian's salt supply.

Continue this trend of price reductions. The money they invested is not only worthless, but the salt farms that these people have established and operated for several generations have to be closed.

If the money thrown in is gone, they can make more money, but if their property is gone, they can only beg on the street.

This group of Nai'an people will no longer have the pride of a few days ago. There is no wine or food, and no beautiful women to flatter them.

Now a large group of them are sitting silently in the empty room, even if someone raises their head and wants to talk and sees the crowd

This group of people has just experienced a through train from heaven to hell. In the morning, they are still calculating their profits happily. After receiving the news of the dumping of Nian's Salt Industry at noon, it has been until now. The only thing they do is to calculate their losses.

Since this group of people was urgently called up, although all of them have been racking their brains to think about countermeasures, until now, they can only passively deal with Leo's price war here.

Every time their subordinates sent to the market came in, the gang's face turned pale, because this represented another price cut by the Naian Salt Industry. And they could only bite their clenched teeth a little tighter, and said hoarsely: "Descent!"

Someone yelled: "Think of a way. I will lose all my money in this life."

"Losing money? Huh, all my properties have already lost money. Is there a way? Is there any way. I shouldn't have been confused if I knew it a long time ago."

"Why don't you say this when you are making money. Is it interesting to call this now? I lost more than 60,000 gold coins. Your little thing is a gross."


"Save effort. Shut up!"

When the net began to cut prices, these people would make noises or curse. Or wailing. When it fell below thirty silver coins, they didn't even have the strength to complain.

Most people just sat there blankly, some people couldn't hold their wine bottles, trying to get themselves drunk, and some people slam their heads against the wall.

Others frowned, tapping their fingers, wondering what they were calculating in their hearts.

At this time, the knocking on the door sounded again, as if they were suddenly frightened, they looked at the door in fear, as if a murderer would jump in from outside the door.

The competition to cut prices continued until the evening. The salt price has reached twenty silver coins a pound, and it is about to break through the heart price of twenty silver coins.

Although the people of Nydal City haven’t seen enough of this time-honored price war, it’s time for dinner, and everyone guesses it should end. The people around the shop are still talking about today’s grand occasion. , Disperse and prepare to go home.

Leo had a stomach of juice this afternoon. Now my stomach swells uncomfortably, as if I had a small bag inside.

The staff who collect information from the market are like a butterfly, and will come up to report the market to Leo every moment.

Leo felt so suffocated at the moment, he sat up from the sand staggeringly, Jerry knocked on the door and walked in, just hitting Leo who was eager to leave.

Melina said behind Leo: "Why are you going? Sister Nicole told us to go back to eat early."

Leo hurriedly walked out, shaking his head without looking back, saying, "I see." Then he pushed aside Jerry who was standing at the door.

Jerry hurriedly said: "President, the person opposite has cut prices again. We are all waiting for your opinion."

Leo jumped out of the door, rushed to the toilet in two steps, and said loudly, "President, I'm in a hurry. I won't play with them anymore. I just throw them away."

Just like that, in Leo's time to pee. Nian's salt price fell to one silver coin per pound with a bang.

The news came. The people of Nydel City rushed to tell, cheering, and the housewife took out the salt shaker hidden on the top of the cupboard, dig a spoonful, and spilled it into the soup pot.

The salt merchants who gathered together were crushed by the news. Their last hope was that they did not fry salt this time. The cost of salt released by these people’s salt farms was already more than one silver coin. They competed with Naian Salt. nothing.

When Leo was counting his income today and preparing to make a fake account for Catherine, he was surprised to find that after playing the price station for a long time, he had only earned a hundred gold coins.

The next day, Nedl seemed to be overnight. Everything is normal again. People live a peaceful and peaceful life under the protection of the imperial government. The things that smashed the shop seemed to have been born in the last century.

No one gathered in front of the salt shop, no one complained on the street that the officials were a group of rice buckets, and no more stones were thrown into government departments.

Only when passing through the closed shops, Nidel would curse at the door outside of Nian's salt disturbance. It was over suddenly.

Lorraine walked into the conference room of the Governor's Mansion as usual. Sitting on his own height, taking the hot tea from the secretary's aunt, raising his head and scanning his subordinates, they were surprised to find that they all stared at him with the same eyes as if they were looking at aliens.

Angus suddenly bulged up, and the officials below followed Angus's actions, slapped his slap vigorously in the meeting room.

Angus nodded deeply at Lorraine. Said: "It's really beautiful what the adults did."

Other people followed up and yelled: "Your Excellency is wise."

"We have been worried for so long. It turns out that the Governor has already had a countermeasure."

"Really sit firmly on the Diaoyutai."

Lorraine looked at the smiles of everyone in front of him, but smiled reservedly, and then motioned to the people below to be quiet.

Lorraine said: "Everyone, although this crisis is not a major event, you have performed well in dealing with the crisis, and I am very satisfied. Only stabilizing the market is our first step. For these price-ups We will never tolerate profiteers, but we must not use unreasonable and illegal means to deal with them.

From this incident, many problems have been exposed. Why is the authority of our Nyan government not enough to seduce him? This is a very serious political problem. Do you understand? "

Understand, why don’t you understand. The following group of officials thought in their hearts that it was not all your old people who said that they should be treated reasonably and legally. To put it aside, let them understand what the authority of the government is, and it can also make them riot.

Lorraine went on to say: "The rectification of the commercial market in Naian Province is very necessary from the current situation. The focus of our next phase of work is to comprehensively organize the market and prices of Naian. Especially. Those immeasurable profiteers who presumptuously disregarded the people's livelihood and raided ordinary people will have to be dealt a severe blow. I understand."

The following group of officials said loudly: "Yes. Your Excellency."

Lorraine nodded, and said: "I am very satisfied with your performance in the first two months. I have watched your hard work, and hope you will continue to work hard in the future.

The following group of officials are all very familiar with the favor. Our Governor Lorraine said, how to rectify the market on a reasonable and legal premise? Of course, all departments performed their duties, went down and checked hard, found out and fined them hard. Then order to suspend business for rectification or something, of course. If the fine is sufficient, there is no need to suspend business for rectification, otherwise, let him take a look at it for three or two years.

Our Lord Governor of Lorraine also emphasized that we must severely crack down on those profiteers who are ignoring the people's livelihood. Everyone knows who these profiteers are.

The salt merchants were shameless and dared to refute the Governor's face. Now that they have been stunned by a stick, they are about to fall into trouble and cut their raw pork well.

Recently, Nian's slaves have been released, and those grassroots officials whose mouths have been scorned. I was complaining about the hard time, and I was informed that Governor Lorraine was about to deal with the salt merchants. These guys, who were regarded as the lackeys of Governor Lorraine, once again clapped to celebrate and cheered: This time again. Fortune.

Here, Nian'an Salt Industry is dumping salt in the market with all its strength. On the other hand, all departments of the Nian'an government are dispatched together to start an unlimited inspection activity in Nian'an.

Lorraine and the others had already mastered the detailed information of the salt merchants. These people were listed as targets to be attacked. When the big net was hit, the small fish and the shrimps were also unlucky.

Needless to say, the tax department, the frequent surprise inspections are commonplace for them. They rely on this to eat, and now they don’t need to explain to them. Appear on the market on time, especially those whom the governor said to take care of. Tax collectors will come to check the accounts on time every day, until the market is closed, and then close the books and leave work on time.

The soldiers in the guard station are no longer just chasing after bait every day. Due to climate reasons and the close urban layout. Now is the high period of fire. Once a fire occurs, it will have a devastating effect on the entire city of Nydal. In view of the seriousness and urgency of the problem, the Governor of Lorraine temporarily signed a decree, instructing the health station to take charge of Jiang’s defense tasks, and the job is to investigate the hidden fire hazards in the city of Nydal.

Once found, it must be ordered to rectify within a time limit. If rectification is not in place, severe penalties will be imposed.

All the soldiers who are now in the garrison walked into the shops in the market grandiosely, from inside to outside. Press hard from top to bottom.

This gang of soldiers usually has the virtue of doing nothing to find trouble. Now that they have the authorization of the governor, they are even more domineering, as the old saying goes. The soldiers fought like a blow, and the boss of the market is suffering. The vast majority of people can only choose to save money and avoid disasters.

Those who are named above should be given priority attention. I just want to make money and no one dares to pick it up. People here just leave a sentence of "rectification" without saying anything.

Wait for the boss to redecorate the shop carefully. These people came to the door and threw down a ticket, left a sentence of "remediate again", and left. If they persisted, all they got was a sentence of "remediate."

This is just a simple method. The Nian government officials who are adhering to the favor of this time have fully displayed their enthusiasm and changed the law to trouble them.

Those in the port can find any reason. Suspected smuggling, suspected hiding, suspected of transporting counterfeit and shoddy products, suspected "I just suspected you, what's the matter, and then detained their shipping vessel and inspected it for three months and five months. You can rest assured that our civil servants All actions are reasonable and legal. We will not treat the people simply and rudely. If you have any comments, you can still complain to our superiors.

The same excuse was used on the level to intercept these people's abandonment.

Lorraine's revenge was simple and straightforward, and it was unstoppable. Within a few days, those who had called "I want to show this little governor" some time ago were all dumbfounded at this time.

These official methods are upright, even if they want to argue, they can't stand up. It's not that no one wants to sue Ru Mancheng, the throne of God Seal, to go to court. After all, there are not a few big relatives. After they discussed it carefully, it was discovered that Lorraine hadn't left any handle for them to sue.

All these actions are under government orders. In accordance with the legal provisions, they can never tell Lorraine, as the governor, that he is too rule-abiding, and everything must be done in accordance with reasonable and legal requirements, and he will not be aggressive at all.

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