Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 338: Enclosure

After the malicious hype of the evil businessmen, the Shihu Mengmo of Nai An Province rose all the way in a short period of time, rising to twenty-four times.

Fortunately, although salt is a necessity, the demand for households is not large. If it's expensive. Just eat less.

Although the Naian people complained about this, they have not been forced to survive. It is not worthwhile to challenge the authority of the government for some salt. It's really short of salt, it's a big deal. Next time, I will learn about the old dirt in the mountains. Just pick up your nose and don't just throw it around.

Therefore, the group looked like fools. After taking five copper plates from the merchants, the civilians who rushed to the front were slammed into flames and hit the muzzle of the little grandpa Leo. Of course, it was not easy.

Little Grandpa Leo, what kind of person is he?

Although the young gangster was old, he was the son of the blood-hand butcher Archduke Julian, the future emperor of the empire, and grew up under the hands of the iron-fisted governor Catherine.

The world's number one princeling party, the top second generation ancestor. Plus this period of time was Lorraine. After the bad guy with sores on the head and pus on the soles of the feet was carefully educated. Regardless of the experience value or the Yin skill, swish upwards.

In order to improve his "skills proficiency," he fights dogs and chickens every day, even if nothing happens, let alone these guys who dare to jump out and look for him.

Facing the riots. Young Master Leo felt his face damaged. Immediately ordered the Royal Guards to crack down.

A group of soldiers got the order, took up the wooden sticks and beat them very much. They were also convicted of disturbing public order, and they squatted in a dark room for several days.

But then again, "the wisdom of working people is infinite."

All the people found out that they could not be more than the Governor of Lorraine for playing hooligans, and they could not offend the businessmen. Now Wu can't afford salt, so cook it yourself, anyway, they are not far from the sea.

Many families simply took the pot and went to the beach to cook the salt by themselves. For a while, the smoke and dust billowed on the beach, but the efficiency of cooking salt was really not high. It was just a temporary helpless act and would not last long. Everyone has to feed the family and don't have so much time to squat on the beach and burn fire every day.

As the governor, Lorraine has never made any administrative intervention in the soaring price of salt and spices, and even at the recent political meeting, he stopped mentioning this matter as if it had already ended.

And the strength of Princess Catherine is well known to the Nian people. Those local nobles who speculate on salt prices are just trying to blame the public, and the people who are pushed to the front desk are all small people. If Catherine gets angry, just push them to the front to commit the crime. She thinks of a "temporary worker" as an excuse.

However, Catherine and Adele, except for appearing twice at the slave release meeting, never left the villa again. They walked out, and also went straight to the pedestrian street, making crazy purchases.

Seeing that Lorraine had been indifferent. There are various speculations below, and some think Lorraine is powerless, so just ignore it. Some think Lorraine wants to use the method of buying salt from other places to force the storm to the throne of God Seal.

Lorraine and Catherine did not start to clean up their salt merchants. The local nobles were optimistic at the gathering that Lorraine was taught this time, and now it is just for the sake of face. Before long, he will automatically surrender.

At that time, Nyan will still be everyone's Nyan.

There was a brave and insecure guy who was fooled by others and wanted to be the first person to eat crabs. Be bold. Acting against the wind, they turned the workers back into slaves, and brought the thugs to lock up the workers in the saltworks.

When the rest of the crowd saw this obvious temptation, they all held their breath and opened their eyes wide. I want to see if this young governor will pretend not to see it and compromise to everyone.

But what surprised them was that the imperial Naian Xing provincial government led by Lorraine showed unprecedented efficiency. It is not surprising that people are copying other people's homes. When grabbing money for things, they always run fast.

The officials under Lorraine appeared in the salt field in less than an hour and caught the silly salt merchant up and down.

Lorraine was also extremely annoyed by the guy who dared to commit crimes against the wind, so shamelessly challenged the authority of the empire, and signaled the legal officer to sentence him. "Catch the good as a slave, arrogantly indulge in lawlessness. The accusation, this short-eyed guy is waiting to be beheaded.

As soon as this happened, the province of Nai An immediately shook.

The people in Naian knew that Governor Lorraine was determined to solve the slave problem. The local dignitaries also knew that Lorraine didn't seem to have any plans to compromise with them, and they immediately showed no weakness. The price of salt doubled overnight.

Even the officials who had been watching. Also stand up and support Lorraine. In the eyes of these officials, these people are not dealing with Lorraine, but are challenging the power of the Nian government.

In the face of increasingly severe situations, more and more officials asked Lorraine to order administrative intervention at the government affairs meeting.

Lord Lorraine knew, although among these officials. There is no shortage of people really asking for orders. But even with his most conservative estimate, the vast majority of those officials are not good birds. They have long been greedy for the huge benefits in it, and they still want to take the opportunity to reshuffle the cards, kick others out, and let their own Guys like my brother-in-law have these resources.

Of course, if the benefits are too great, they just take off their clothes and go into battle shirtless themselves.

The more excited those expressions were, they rolled their arms and sleeves, and yelled: "My lord, just give the order." The more loyal to the liver. The guy with the word courage, the more ill-intentioned.

But everyone gave themselves face so much, Lorraine was also embarrassed to expose their intentions face to face. Because he himself has no good intentions.

Therefore, in the end, Lorraine could only use the imperial law as an excuse to reject all the rationalization proposals of the officials to Weiwan.

During this period, Lorraine had been doing his job as the governor as usual. Taking advantage of the salt storm this time as a cover, he passed two decrees in Nyan quietly.

One is the "Land Development Reward Regulations" promulgated in order to stimulate Nian's economic development, stipulating that all people who reclaim barren mountains and wastelands will be rewarded by the government with varying amounts of bonuses per acre.

This decree has no major impact on Nian's humanity. They have basically occupied the plains of Nian'an. They don't lack land, but lack manpower.

Originally because of the limited financial resources of Nai An, this decree was impossible to implement, but the emperor of Lorraine had an annual allocation of 1 million gold coins. As long as the amount of hundreds of thousands of gold coins was used, Nai An province could increase by more than 100,000 mu each year. Arable land or fruit forest.

The half-elves, dwarves, and half-orcs in the vicinity of Nasshi welcomed this decree very much. They plowed their fields and planted fruit trees and planted them to harvest. It's all my own. That's not counting. And the inconspicuous governor gave himself money. Where can I find such a good thing?

Therefore, everyone is unusually enthusiastic. In a short period of time, there was an upsurge of covering land and mountains.

The other decree is the "Patent Protection Act", which is somewhat confusing.

Recently, officials have all focused their eyes on the conflict between Lorraine and local dignitaries, and paid little attention to this patent protection law. When Lorraine proposed it at the meeting, there was only one official. Thinking, this governor is too young, and the young people are so happy. Fuck some weird things. It is also understandable.

Moreover, with the "Patent Rights Act", there will be one more project to collect money in the future, which is not bad.

After the passage of the patent law, the accompanying management agency was soon established. This small department with only a dozen people was inconspicuous at all, and it was only located in the corner of the office building of the Governor's Office.

The staff in the patent office also didn't know much about their new positions, and they did their homework with the patent law promulgated by Lorraine.

Lorraine attaches great importance to this institution. Far from enthusiasm for rewarding land development, Lorraine threw the matter to the agricultural officer and his assistant.

The day the Patent Office was established. Not only the Governor of Lorraine personally unveiled the cards, but also the eldest princesses Catherine and Miss Adele, as well as Leo, Vera, and Melina. Even the two elves who had reached the Lorraine's home were all one of them who attended the celebration.

Seeing the governor's family gathered here, this made the first chief patent officer very frightened. At the same time, he was also stranger. Did he pick up a bargain himself? This grandma doesn't hurt. My uncle doesn't love it. Could it be said that the patent office that tells no one to come is a rich and powerful government office?

Witnessed by the Lorraine family, Alva ordered his employees to create files and save data, and then signed the document under the first number of the patent case. Solemnly affix the seal of the Nyan Patent Office.

Lorraine took the document, looked up and down satisfied, and also signed and stamped the name of his governor.

Leo had already watched eagerly, the Lorraine Internet Cafe's seal was removed, Leo stretched out his hand and grabbed it, leaning in front of his face, looking up and down.

While watching it, he laughed and said, "With this thing, our Flying Eagle Company monopolizes the salt industry, and it is just around the corner to dominate the world."

Catherine snatched the patent certificate from Leo's hand and said: "This proof is so valuable for several years. I have to find a frame to install the skills.

A few months later, Catherine ordered. In the jurisdiction of the Julian Grand Duke, the provinces of the East began to implement patent protection laws. In the following two years, after demonstrating the tremendous effect of patent law on technological progress, especially after the nobles of Ruman knew that the patent was granted After money is more profitable than hard hoarding, the patent protection law was passed and implemented in the coat of arms.

In this era, it is only these nobles who have spare money and time to engage in these crooked things. Other people who have ideas and no funds are just like pulling venture capital. Will also go to the nobles to invest money.

In addition, the aristocracy can directly grab the patent from others and get his own money by using a black belly.

This No. 1 patent certificate became the testimony of Leo Bi's wise Shenwu in the future, and it was hung up in Leo's office.

Those court painters, when they gave their emperor portraits, were told that they must paint this patent certificate.

At this historic moment, the Governor of Lorraine came to Catherine and Adele to praise Vera and his hands became popular. Leo was looking forward to a good life as a salt merchant.

In the afternoon, the works officer Sexton was found by Lorraine into the office.

Leo was already waiting impatiently, kicking his calf on the chair, touching this one while moving that one, and complained to Lorraine constantly: "Why not come, I ordered the temporary suspension of the shipyard "Plan" Those employees are idle now, how much money do I have to lose if I drag it for a day? .

Lorraine just didn't hear Leo's broken thoughts. He is in Lorraine and Cather

When the works officer Sexton walked into the office, Leo cheered loudly and exclaimed, "You finally came

Sexton was taken aback by Leo, and Lorraine hurriedly called him, he didn't know that. Looking at Leo's appearance, he was even more worried.

After Sexton sat down, Lorraine smiled and said, "Master Sexton, Leo and I need to talk to you about work."

"Yes, please

Leo couldn't wait to yell: "You are the works officer, right? You are in charge of the land grant."

"Yes, Your Highness, Nian's land is managed by me and the farm officer." Why did Sexton say respectfully.

Leo chuckled and said, "That's right, I want you to approve the land."

Sexton said: "His Royal Highness, please give orders."

Leo drew the map near Nidal on the Lorraine table, pushed it in front of Sexton, pointed at a beach, drew a big circle on the map with his finger, and said, "This is the beach. I want it all. Up."

Sexton looked at it, and saw that the place Leo pointed to was below the entrance to the sea, not far from the city of Neidel. It was only a few hours' boat ride away, but it was a deserted beach. There is not even a fishing village nearby.

Sexton was surprised at the moment, and said: "Huh? Such a large area? This is a deserted beach. Your Highness, what do you want here? There are many good places near Nidal. You say where you want. Let's circle. His land is gone."

Sexton thought it was Lorraine or Catherine who wanted to build some properties in Nedel, and do it in a small scale.

Leo glanced at him disdainfully, and said, "If you are young, you still need to find you, the works officer. I'm going to build the factory. You'll know then."

Sexton said: "Yes, Your Highness, I will handle it now."

Leo waved his small hand, and then he tucked his stomach. Showing his general demeanor, he said with a smile: "No hurry, no hurry. I heard that we Nian has the "Land Open Reward Policy"?"

Sexton gave a wry smile, and said in his heart: Your old man is trying to pretend to be confused.

Sexton said: "Yes, Your Highness. We Nian has a reward for reclaiming wasteland.

Leo slapped the table and called out loudly, "That means you don't need to spend money on this piece of land in my circle, but there should be big rewards, right?.

Sexton said in his heart: How could it be that simple? There are no loopholes in this order. Otherwise, I would come to cheat some money and run away. Governor Lorraine can't kill me? but"

He then thought about it: But the empire is owned by others, dare I not implement it? This kind of thing related to the royal family must be executed if you understand it, and if you don't understand it, you must pretend to understand it, and then execute it. Forget it, just treat it as a humane implementation.

Sexton said, "I know what to do, Your Highness."

Leo said with satisfaction: "Okay, okay, you still know how to do things, go ahead, I will see the approval today."

Lorraine shrugged helplessly, meaning that he listened to Leo.

Sexton quickly sent the fierce approval letter to Leo. Leo took a round of nearly five thousand acres of beach land. Together with the approval, there was a bonus of 10,000 gold coins. Leo took When returning to show off, Catherine was confiscated neatly.

Catherine poked Leo’s chest and abdomen and cursed: "You can still take the money for digging your corner.

Under the arrangement of Lorraine and Leo, the Flying Eagle Company held a meeting overnight, and Leo waved the approval to deploy the work. Since Feiying Company received the order to start the salt farm, the managers below have been preparing, recruiting staff. The purchase of transportation tools, preparations for the construction of warehouses, office buildings and workers’ housing, etc. have already been carried out in an orderly manner.

The Flying Eagle Company quickly started work. Now that the Governor of Lorraine urgently needs salt, the managers of the Flying Eagle Company temporarily set up some sheds to live in. It is summer anyway, which doesn't matter.

Then he took his subordinates to devote all their efforts to the work of building salt Leioushan Rabbi had personal experience. Catherine has always used Leo as free labor. After that, he kicked aside without even thanking him. Leo Fuliang understood that if he wanted a horse to run, he had to feed the horse. The salaries of saltworks workers are not low, and there are expensive performance bonuses.

Nian’s salt price is still at a high level. The high-ranking character who stirs up the salt price is laughing at the gold coins flowing into his pocket while laughing at the little furry governor who does not know the heights and heights, what if he has the princess backing him? The strong dragon does not crush the ground snake. You don’t have any cronies here. We will use this legal means to play with you. What can you do to us?

Of course, Leo couldn't hide the fact that Leo opened the salt farm. These people had already thought about it when Leo asked for thousands of acres of beach from the work officer. Lorraine wanted to make salt by himself. This group of people also laughed at Lorraine in private. We, the governor, seem to be out of action. We are all dressed in battle. As much salt as he produces, we will take away as much salt from him. In the end, it is still us. When we earn money, we just treat him as working for us.

Lorraine didn't care about them now, because Catherine had made up his mind to give these black merchants a look. Catherine rushed and the consequences were serious. Just ask the pastors in the Eastern Province to find out, the whole history of blood and tears.

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