Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 322: What I want is feeling~!

Erguang’s time is tight, and Lorraine casually dealt with the situation and ran to flatter him. "Officials who provoke the wind, say, "His Royal Highness has been exhausted during the journey." "Need a rest" and beat them up.

Then Lorraine turned his head, taking advantage of the preparation time before the dinner, he had already called Podoch and others who had been sent to capture Baron Peter Anker.

At this time, Catherine and Adele took a leisurely bath and changed clothes in another room. Prepare a candlelight dinner.

In Catherine's words, this is just a game between Lorraine and Leo. There was no way to make money before. The old and the young were unwilling to live up to it, so they had to work **** their own. Now I finally found myself a long-term meal ticket. With insurance, I will certainly enjoy my life in the future.

As for making money, just leave it to the men. Now, all you need to do is to take care of a good dinner, a comfortable bed, and you can spend money as you like, oh ha ha ha ha ha ha, Leo Although she wanted to be in power a long time ago, after hearing her laughter, she felt as if she had fallen into a trap. Not to mention Lorraine, it's warm and warm

And Vera comes from the nature of the dragon. But it was nervously close to Lorraine and Leo. Melina is because of the aftereffects left by the heroes of Leo saving the United States, and now. It is also inseparable.

In a short while, Podoch and several other Janitor officers walked in soon.

Lorraine saw them coming in, he would salute them, waved his hand to stop them, and then said: "Has the task been completed smoothly? Have we got any conclusive evidence?"

Podovich grinned and said: "Don't worry, your lord, the Guards never make mistakes, everything is done. We took the bandit to find Baron Peter Anker, and I was listening to their conversation."

"Oh?" Lorraine rubbed his chin with a smile. Asked: "How did the bandit behave?"

Podoch thought for a moment. Then he smiled and said, "It's okay, the performance is still natural. When we arrived, it was almost dawn. When the baron was pulled up from the bed, he was taken aback. The kid quickly stabilized him. , We also said all the things we wanted him to do. After seeing him admit it, we went up and caught the baron and sent him back."

Lorraine asked: "Has that baron recruited?"

"Yes, my lord, that guy is as fat as a pig. The brothers' methods have not been used yet. He is just like a lady, saying everything. Really, he is still a robber, he has no professional qualities."

Speaking of which. He curled his lips somewhat contemptuously. Then he continued: "Our brother has sealed all the property belonging to that baron.

According to the adult's order, we expelled all the people in his family. Damn, this dead pig has four mistresses, and they live in different places in the city. Brothers really run away. "

Lorraine had specifically confessed this morning to empty the house of Baron Peter Anker's house, but Lorraine knew that Baron Peter Anker was not terrible, so he caught him and threw it into the prison. No matter how great he is, the guards who were taught by Lorraine and Leo, who used the Ten Great Tortures of the Qing Dynasty to educate them all the way, can easily make him obedient.

Worrying is the servants of Baron Peter Anker.

They might know how much property Baron Peter Anker had. If only the Baron had been caught somewhere, Lorraine could not imagine that it would be a night. When Lorraine and the others went again, the baron's manor promised that there would be no complete piece of glass.

Want to live another three to five hundred years, the imperial family of the Braid Dynasty collapsed. The eunuchs in the Forbidden City often drew up to themselves.

They have greatly enriched the art market at that time and now. The nameless low-level enterprise that created the office was probably famous from that time.

After listening to the report. Leo slapped the armrest with excitement, stood up and shouted: "Get out, out, let's go and collect the stolen goods now."

Catherine shouted angrily behind Leo: "Take your head and give me some food first."

With that, he grabbed Leo's ear and pulled him into the restaurant. Melina looked at Catherine with admiration, followed behind her obediently, carefully observing the techniques of the fourth gentle and virtuous woman in the world and learning from her.

Lorraine immediately changed their expressions when he saw Podoch and the others. Either look up at the ceiling, or look down at your boots.

"Nice ceiling"

"The boots should be wiped."

Catherine threw Leo into the restaurant, then turned around and shouted at Lorraine: "Isn't you waiting for me to urge and four invites?"

Lorraine shrugged helplessly, and said to the Podochs: "I will give you half an hour to eat, and then come here to listen."

"is big."

Leo was the same as Lorraine, both of them belonged to the kind of donkey who was holding back and retreating, and wanted to clean up him. One was Catherine’s big stick doctrine. He pulled it away without saying anything, but punched him firmly. After a meal, shut down for another two days, so that you can be honest.

The second is Lorraine’s carrot policy. As long as you hang a lingering carrot, put it in front of the famous "Leo."

At the dinner table, Leo was no longer picky, no matter what was on his plate, he hurriedly went to his mouth. In a few minutes, he swept away a plate, then swiped his mouth. Jumped up from the chair and said, "I'm done. Boss, hurry up, hurry up.

Weiren... After pushing me at noon for the second time, her big watery eyes blinked, and she looked at Luo Biao, "What Zanbei didn't know, it really seemed to be affectionate."

"Okay, okay, let's go." Lorraine saw one big and one small looking at him eagerly, only tossed the spoon, and put on a posture of surrender.

Catherine and Adele looked at each other. Adele kicked Lorraine under the table, and then gently and caringly, Ding said, "Death, come back early in the evening.

Catherine also followed "Hmm, nodded."

Lorraine smiled bitterly, and quickly agreed.

Leo and Vera were already impatient, pulling Lorraine from left to right and urging: "Go, go.

At this time, the Guards team led by Podoqi had already been waiting outside, and General Philip had been protecting Catherine and Leo in every detail. Knowing this action, another squadron of the Guards was pulled outside to guard.

These guards were also very happy, knowing that they were going to ransack their homes again this time, robbed of money and robs, and they couldn’t be enthusiastic.

Now everyone knows that the title of Governor Lorraine's Friend of Pluto is not for nothing, and with the addition of the sensitive Highness Leo, this foreign wealth is refreshing. And more importantly, because the money is foreign money and belongs to gray income, there is no need to pay taxes to tax collectors who are like sharks.

Lorraine and the others boarded the carriage and waved, the entire cavalry team carried the sound of rumbling horses. Passing through the streets of Freetown.

The manor of Baron Peter Anker was not far from the city, and the team arrived after a few miles out of the city.

The entire estate occupies a very large area. It is not the kind of "my family lives in the forest" but the kind of "there is a forest in my yard."

The buildings in Zhuangguo were divided into several places. When Lorraine and the others arrived, the whole place was dark and there was no light at all. Under the clear moonlight, the outline of the house in the distance could be seen.

Lorraine and the others rushed in with open flames.

The Guards guarding at the entrance of the manor hurried to Lorraine.

Lorraine asked, "Nothing happened, right?"

The imperial soldier said: "No, sir, a few people wanted to approach and were driven away by them. But they said they would come back.

"Oh?" Lorraine became interested and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's like the people in this manor, we can't tell, the adults and the soldiers of the ban army replied.

Leo was furious at the moment, jumped out of the car, and said loudly, "Someone dared to come and grab food with me? Little ones, don't let me be merciless. If you dare to come again, beat them to me so **** hard. understanding."

The surrounding soldiers of the imperial army listened to his aggressive declaration, and their morale increased sharply. They stamped their feet and saluted. Then he shouted at the same time: "Yes, my lord

Lorraine smiled and said: "Be more alert, if a gang is really making trouble, it will be fine to disperse it.

The officer of the Forbidden Army said: "Yes, my lord."

Leo and Vera ran up the steps first, the door above was sealed with a seal, Leo shouted: "Quick, open, open

"No need to look at Vera. Then he stepped forward and kicked the door man

"Kang, with a sound, the entire door fell down.

In the stunned eyes of the surrounding Guardsmen, Vera shook the show with embarrassment, and then "hehe, smiling and jumping to Lorraine."

Lorraine looked at the copper-lined gate, raised his hand and knocked on Vera's head, and said, "Do you know how much a gate is worth. We still have to sell this place."

Vera "Ah, there was a sound, then she rubbed her head and lowered her head and said, "Master, I was wrong again. "

Leo waved the gun in his hand and shouted: "Little ones, go in and copy it for me,".

Lorraine looked at the left and right Podoch and the others in surprise, and said helplessly, "It's just fine to get used to it."

Podoch and the others lighted the lantern and led Lorraine into the house.

Everyone walked into a large bedroom at the back of the first floor. There was no other furniture in the bedroom. It's just a big bed.

Lorraine looked at the big pink round bed and couldn't help sighing inwardly: This. Guys really know enjoy

The tapestry on one wall of the bedroom has been torn off. Hanging diagonally to one side, revealing a secret door.

Podoch pointed to the secret door and said, "My lord, the baron hid the property here.

Lorraine kicked the secret door open, and Lei Yu and Vera could not wait to jump in.

The space below the secret room is not at least as big as the bedroom above. Lorraine was surprised to find that there was a big bed in this secret room, and boxes filled with gold and silver were piled beside the bed.

After seeing it, the soldiers of the imperial army snorted and said, "Damn, fat guy, I really enjoy it."

Lorraine glanced briefly. In addition to the coin box, there were also many large pieces of work on both sides.

Vera and Leo opened the boxes in the secret room, and carefully stirred them one by one. Vera said disappointedly: "Why is there so much copper?

Podoch said: "It's not surprising that if a person exchanges so much gold and silver, they will be spotted for a long time. Not only copper coins, but also a lot of food and cloth in the warehouse behind, although they are all worth a lot of money. It's useless to us."

Seeing Leo and Vera disappointed again, Lorraine said, "Okay, there are a lot of them here. Besides, this baron is definitely going to ransack his house. We must leave something for others. If you eat alone, you will suffer. I hate it. Everyone carries the sedan chair, this is king

Podoch said admiringly: "My lord is wise."

Leo walked around in the secret room and sighed with satisfaction, and said, "Actually, I don't care about this thing, just for this kind of achievement."

Lorraine curled his lips and said, "That's a good point, is everything here for me?"

Leo said simply: "Don't think you are my boss, there is no door

The soldiers of the imperial army immediately showed admiration for Leo's actions.

The precious metals such as gold and silver in the secret room also look like tens of thousands of gold coins. For Lorraine, it is not enough for his own woman to go to the street, but the old saying of the dragon family, if you don’t take the money in your hands, you will Condemned by God.

Lorraine said to the soldiers of the Imperial Guard: "Well, everyone should remember, no matter who says, these are evidences of the baron’s crimes. We must collect these evidences and keep them properly to avoid omissions. Let that guy get away with it, you know?"

The soldiers of the Guards laughed and shouted, "I see, sir."

"We guarantee that these evidences will be handled properly. Podoch said with a smile.

"Pick up valuables, so that they can be taken away. For the rest, keep the confiscated, Lorraine urged again.

Leo and Vera still didn't give up on wanting to go around the manor a few more times, Lorraine didn't care about them, knowing that they actually regarded this as a treasure hunt, and that little money was not in their eyes yet.

The soldiers of the Imperial Guard carried these dead boxes out of the secret room and loaded them into the carriage.

This is a soldier of the Forbidden Army rushing past and said: "My lord, something has happened."

Lorraine said: "What's wrong?"

"There is a group of local people coming in. There are about a hundred people, and the brothers in front are understaffed," the soldier said.

Lorraine said: "Huh, the one who takes advantage is that the legs are very fast. Let's go see

Lorraine waved. Bringing Lei Ji, Vera, and hundreds of Janitor soldiers to the front of the manor.

At this time, a large group of people gathered at the gate, holding torches high, illuminating the entrance of the manor, and these people in front were worried about shovels. Sticks, a few cars were pushed behind, and the soldiers of the Imperial Army who were pointing at the door were shouting curses.

Lorraine smiled, knowing that he was here to grab something.

A group of imperial soldiers at the gate unsheathed their swords and blocked the gate. Without a word, they looked at the local people in front of them murderously, as if whoever dared to enter the door would kill anyone. Those people only dared to leave a dozen. Chi Yuan, play tricks.

These people are leading the servants of Baron Peter Anker’s house. They say they are servants, but they are actually thugs hired by Baron Peter Anker. They usually do not do their jobs, endanger neighboring scum, and are paid by Baron Peter Anker. Recruiting his subordinates and acting as thugs.

These people are also a little confused about what Baron Peter Anker did. Knowing this, the Baron is making money. As soon as Baron Peter Anker was arrested this time, they immediately ran away. They only found out about the arrest. I don't know where it is sacred. The Guards drove all the people out of the manor, leaving only a few people in charge.

The minds of these unscrupulous rascals became active. They wanted to take advantage of the shortage of people here, grab a handful and leave, and went back to encourage a group of fellow villagers to come over overnight.

For Lorraine, Leo, and Vera, this place is really nothing good to see, but for these villagers, it’s different. I won’t talk about the property in the manor. These furniture, carpets, lampstands, accessories, Even the door, window and house tiles are worth a lot of money when they are taken back, but they cannot be sold. It's good to keep it for yourself.

Therefore, the courageous guy at No. 100 immediately responded to the call of those people and ran over excitedly regardless of the consequences. After they saw it, the Fa did not blame the public. As long as there were more people involved, the legs were quicker. There is no way for the government to take them.

Unexpectedly, Leo and Vera's hands are much faster than theirs. Leo and Vera have been thinking about this place for two days. When these villagers came with the guys, the guards in the manor were not a few people, but hundreds of people. The empire is the most elite fighter armed to the teeth.

The small group of soldiers guarding the door looked a little impatient. If they weren't just a group of people, they might have copied them.

The royal guard was originally arrogant and abnormal. After following Lorraine, he even raised his nostrils to the sky. Seeing who was not pleasing to the eye, they all rushed up and gave him a hard beating. The beaten had no place to reason.

So I was scolded by someone pointing his nose. These ban soldiers have long been on fire.

Lorraine walked up from behind the crowd and said with a smile, "Is there anyone who is afraid of death?"

A Guard soldier at the gate saluted Lorraine, and then begged: "My lord. Let's teach them a meal."

"No hurry, we have to deal with the generals first, we have to paste people with virtue" Uh" Do you want to convince people with virtue?" Lorraine patted the forbidden army on the shoulder and said ~ These forbidden army followed Lorraine for a long time. Up. But everyone knows what virtue Lorraine is. The more this uncle wants to reason with you, the more ugly you will die.

The forbidden army soldier chuckled his big teeth and said, "Oh, your lord."

Then stood aside. I looked at these villagers across from sympathetically.

Seeing someone who seemed to be an official came out of the Imperial Guard, these people shouted louder.

"Our things are all inside, so why not let us take it."

Lorraine said: "Oh? Who are you guys?

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