Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 319: How the legend is made (part 2)

Tell Yao the shining lighting magic in the sky to play first. The bandits looked at the phoenix in amazement. ※All the officers and soldiers were either holding spears, bright swords, or bowed arms, each with bright armor and sharp weapons. At a glance, they knew they were elites.

But the one who was surrounded by those officers and soldiers was a fat boy.

Although it was already dark, his that hadn't bred up yet, and his slightly flat nose still had two black objects standing in front of him. It seems that the most obvious is a sorrowful bag, a faction of flying and overwhelming

A knowledgeable bandit recognized at a glance that the thing was made of expensive pure natural black crystal. The value of the two pieces alone was enough to offset the ten-year tax of the previous town.

He was shirtless and shirtless. His body was white and tender, showing a hideous tattoo. Although it has been carefully taken care of, in many places, it is still a little fuzzy. Obviously the tattoo was painted.

Note, Leo is a blue-quality silver-scale breastplate that can increase the charm value of 80 points. Uh, chest hair, Catherine's approval was not passed in the end. But it is not without benefits. At least after his trouble, Catherine has now given in. Basically, he has ignored his tattoo instead of violently as before.

Surrounded by guards with indifferent expressions and bright armor, he stood in the middle with one foot in front and one behind, shaking his legs constantly.

Those big eyes passed the crystal lenses and stared at the panicked bandits. The cute heads were slightly raised at an angle of thirty degrees, and the words "fierce, strange and harsh, but triumphant." Treacherous laughter.

He held a musket in one hand and a long knife in the other.

A breeze blew him, and it moved the slightly messy blackness of him, and the cloak behind him was also slightly floating, looking majestic.

It is as long as Guan Yu, and like Zhuge's Liang.

It is a pity that, like him, a group of officers and soldiers next to him were taught the classic "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" by Lorraine's words and deeds. Therefore, all of them did not know to make fun of them, and came up with the sentence "Why does the general laugh?" Grandpa Lei's wise and martial leader as the leader, is unparalleled in wisdom.

Secondly, those bandits were not educated by the imperial popularization, nor were they cultivated by the Ruman imperial government with correct aesthetics and values.

Therefore, for Grandpa Leo’s attack plus three hundred, charm plus one hundred and five, agility plus seventy, and the golden suit placed under and above the bull, I really don’t understand. They all stared at the top master grandfather blankly, not knowing who the sacred master was.

Leo watched them not moving for a long time. He raised a big loudspeaker and shouted: "Listen to the people inside, you are already surrounded by us. If you are acquainted, quickly put down your weapons and raise your hands to surrender. Otherwise, If you do, it will destroy all of you humanely"

Only then did the bandits react. All panicked at the moment.

A bandit grabbed the leader and screamed: "Second master, what should I do?"

The bandit leader saw the dense silhouettes of people outside, and knew that he was in an ambush. It's as cold as a topping with ice water.

His face was as pale as a ghost in hell. Said tragically: "We were betrayed, and we are dead in the end.

As he said, he waved the big sword in his hand and shouted with all his strength, "Brothers, rush out if you want to survive.

The group of thieves also knew that they had been arrested by the government. No escape, he listened to his encouragement at this time. At the moment, it was like a coyote falling into a trap, screaming, and then each raised his sword and gun. His blood-red eyes were about to rush out the door.

Leo looked at the bandits who were ready to go desperately. At the moment, he curled his lips in disdain, and cursed angrily: "I hate you guys who rob you the most. They don't have any technical content. Life is ruining our reputation as a promising career. Everyone looks down on me.

At this time, the bandits had already shouted and rushed out of the hotel.

Leo looked at the moment and waved his hand happily, and said: "Forget it, these guys are not good enough, solve them

General Philip roared loudly at the moment, and shouted to all the officers under his command: "Come on, solve them, none of them are allowed to run away.

As his voice fell, from the forbidden army surrounding the bandits, several dazzling shots immediately


The lightning, like a heavy javelin in ancient Rome, traversed an arc, leaving hot white lines on the retina of the crowd, and then stabbed into the crowd of bandits relentlessly.

Immediately afterwards, electric lights flew, and a sound of electric shock, mixed with the screams of the bandits, came out from the crowd.

The dozen or so bandits who rushed to the front of the team were shocked by electric shocks, and then became charred on the outside and tender on the inside. Their whole body was like charcoal, with black smoke, and finally fell to the ground.

When the other bandits saw this, they suddenly lost their color.

They desperately backed away. Shouted in panic: "Magic, magician.

There is magic among them.

The second master grinned immediately, and then looked at the boss who was still **** next to him very sadly, and cursed in his heart: What is this shit? We are just one, and we are just one. The poor jingle is pitiful. Is it worth using the magician as a killer?

The bandits looked up and saw a scene they would never forget.

At this time, I saw more than a dozen high-level mages from the opposite side.

They looked at themselves coldly, the blue electric light in their hands flashed and wandered, illuminating the cruel and cold peace on their faces like a wolf.

A group of bandits were frightened and frightened. Like a helpless lamb who had encountered a beast, they all kept backing up, finally holding their heads and squeezing together tremblingly.

These ignorant guys have grown up listening to the song of the bard, and the preschool education they have received since the age of three is "If you don't be obedient, I will send you to the magician. Let him" she, Turn you into a toad, then throw it in the pot to make a pot of potato and toad soup"

Therefore, in the minds of these less educated guys, the only thing you know is how good magicians are.

There is a tempting saying: "If you offend the supreme in the world, it is a death at most, but if you offend a magician, you don’t even die.

Facing the swordsmanship and the sea of ​​fire, these bandits might have a hot mind and dare to fight for it, but facing the magician, they dare not even think of resistance.

If by any chance the magician finds out and extracts the soul, even **** will not go down.

The wizards still looked at them coldly. The lightning in his hand crackled and kept accumulating energy, and only waited for an attack order to smash the lightning violently.

Leo looked at it and immediately raised his hand. He shouted: "Brothers, don't give me face. Smash them to death."

With that, the hand is about to fall.

The second master was immediately heartbroken. He knew that as long as the fat boy's hand fell. There was a lightning storm immediately.

To that. At that time, there was absolutely no vitality in the entire hotel.

Thinking of this, he suddenly murmured. Screamed suddenly and said: "Stop!"

Thunder enemy could not help but stunned.

The second master smiled miserably: "You don't bring people like that. You are a magician. And one is enough. You actually used so many magicians at the same time. You can't fight this battle. , We vote"

With that said, he threw the knife in his hand to the ground, then raised his hands high, and grabbed it.

Leo couldn't help but disappointed.

He asked tentatively: "You don't want to hold on for a while, just do it once.

I have always wanted to see the effects of lightning storms. "

All the bandits heard this, and they were all afraid.

Everyone raised their hands one after another, and angrily used their actions to express that they would surrender immediately, and not even a half

At that moment, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard rushed forward, the two **** one, tied all the bandits, and escorted them out. Sent to the open space in front of the hotel.

The residents of the town heard that there was no movement outside. Courageously crawled out from under the bed. Then I sew through the window and look out from the door.

After they saw all the bandits had been caught. They all shouted, and then came out from their home, angrily surrounding the bandits who were tied to the ground.

Carrying weapons such as hoes, clubs, and protruding sticks, the residents shouted at the bandits: "Kill them, kill them."

The soldiers of the Guards sneered at the residents of the town who killed dogs, and their faces all showed contempt.

Leo looked at the enthusiastic crowd outside, and snorted disdainfully, and said to Lorraine: "Now that those who came out and shouted to kill, why did you go early? There are only these hundred bandits, and they have the least in town. More than a thousand people can drive these bandits away with only sticks, and they are so weak that they look like this. Now I am embarrassed to come out and pick them up.

The soldiers of the Imperial Guard formed a line of defense outside, guarding these bandits, and they impatiently drove the angry residents away.

Lorraine stood up and looked at the dark crowd outside from the window.

The guards outside the hotel held a torch to watch over the bandits and also illuminate the residents outside.

Lorraine smiled and said, "Have you seen those goats chased by wolves?"

Lei Cong shook his head and said, "I have seen wolves and goats, but I have never seen how wolves catch sheep."

Lorraine said: "There are far more sheep than wolves. When they are chased by wolves, they can only flee desperately. Once the hapless guy is caught by the wolf, the sheep will stop and eat grass. Even if the wolves are gnawing at the carcasses of their kind, the sheep will not care."

Leo said: "Aren't sheep born to be eaten by wolves? The nature of animals?"

Lorraine smiled and said, "Yes, but there are far more sheep than wolves, and sheep have horns. Why don't you unite and drive away the wolves?"

"Huh?" Leo said, "That's the same, why?"

"Because once the wolf catches the sheep, the other sheep are temporarily safe. If you want to go out and fight the wolf, you will probably be killed by the wolf."

"Oh, that's why you often say that the dead daoist is not dead and poor." Leo said clearly.

Lorraine clapped his hands and said, "Yes, that's what it means.

Not only are animals walking, but people are also divided into wolves and sheep. The society we live in is just one, the prairie. Some people are born as sheep but can become wolves, but more people are born as sheep and can only be sheep in their lives. Remember the story of the Big Big Wolf that I told you. Although the wolf failed very much, it always catches the sheep, not the sheep.

When you are a sheep, don’t complain about the cruelty of the wolf. The first thing you must complain about is your own weakness. Don’t resist.”

Jiaou nodded and said, "The residents outside are just a flock of sheep."

Then Leoto held his chin and said to himself with a sense of understanding: "The bandits are a group of wolves. We are better than wolves, then we are lions. It seems that the eagle flag of our house is still very good. Prescient."

Lorraine slapped Leo's forehead and said with a smile: Son, you are too ambitious. Whether it is a wolf or a lion. They are animals that obey the natural life, in other words, they are the enforcers of the rules.

What we have to do is the makers of the rules. We say that lions can only eat grass, and lions have to eat grass. We say that wolves should not exist on the grassland. They will disappear from the grassland.

This is our goal.

Inside the sandbox, we are always the tin people who are inserted by people, and the players outside the sandbox. "

Leo slapped his thigh and said, "Why don't I just say it? No wonder I can't beat my elder sister. The rules are all set by Nicole. If I can't do it, I can have a good meal. Play as you like."

Lorraine rarely looked at Leo by analogy, but Lorraine still sighed and said: "Don't say it's you, I also think, but in this kind of thing, we two are the fate of sheep. , Recognize it."

Leo pointed to Lorraine and said angrily: "You, you, boss, how can you have no ambitions at all, you are so embarrassing to our men"

Lorraine snorted and said, "Cut, you should save yourself first."

Catherine's warm voice came from behind Leo like a spring breeze, "I don't know if it was the one who made the rules? Is it you? Lorraine."

Lorraine shook his head quickly and sold Leo without hesitation. He pointed at Leo and said: "I've just been discussing with Leo about some important issues in life. Those are Leo himself said."

Leo whispered to Lorraine: "Boss, you are too interesting."

Lorraine also lowered his voice and said, "Doesn't the dead fellow Daoist die poor Dao?"

What kind of character is Leo? A rare political genius in a thousand years.

When he turned around, he changed a smiling face, put on the cutest look, and said to Catherine: "Don't listen to the boss's nonsense, I was just boasting that your rules are well set."

Catherine squeezed Leo's face and said with a smile: "I don't know what virtues you two are. I don't care about you today. What will Lorraine do with these robbers?"

Leo said first: "According to the laws of the empire. It's altogether to hang. I've grown up and haven't seen so many people hanged at once. It must be spectacular."

Catherine gave Leo a kick in the **** and said, "Go, let's play."

Lorraine said: "What else can we do? We only walk through the road. It should not be too much to interfere with the place. Let's leave it to the magistrate. Let's just listen to the result."

Catherine nodded and said: "Well, I think so too. The key is how to deal with the baron."

Leo corrected next to him: "It's Baron Peter Anker."

"The role of passerby, my sister doesn't care what his name is." Catherine said lightly.

Lorraine said: "The bandit has been out with Leo's men overnight. You must contact the baron before the news of the bandit's arrest, so that he can be exposed."

In order to successfully capture the Baron Peter Anker, Leo sent his subordinate Nyan to die, the team’s gold medal combination "Dragon, Tiger, Dog"

Podoch was personally appointed by Leo as the director of the operation, with more than a hundred Janitor soldiers. Holding that one, two or five bandits, after solving the bandits in the town, they immediately went out and hurried towards the city of Freetown.

Leo wanted to follow along and instruct him himself. But Catherine hurried back with an angry rebuke. Only stunned in the hotel.

Portocchi and other guards were part of the guards' forwards, part of them changed into civilian clothes, and accompanied the bandit directly to the manor of Baron Anker outside the city.

Lorraine and Leo only asked after catching all the bandits that Baron Peter Anker is now the sheriff of Freetown.

This made Lorraine really amazed. This baron is indeed a character, and he is a robber with an official hat. Of course, business is going smoothly.

When I saw that everything was dealt with almost. Vera rolled her eyes, walked quietly to Lorraine, took Lorraine's arm, and whispered a little embarrassedly: "Master, Master."

Lorraine looked at the begging look of Baba in Vera's big blue eyes, and couldn't help pinching her nose, and said, "What's the matter?"

Vera blushed and said, "That young master, you know."

Lorraine looked at the golden light in her eyes, smiled immediately, and said, "Do you want to copy that. The bandit's camp?"

Vera nodded vigorously, and then said embarrassingly: "Of course you can't let it go if you have a chance. Besides, the young master also said that the money will be tempted if it is left, and it is better to let it contribute to the economic development. Hehe laugh"

Lorraine said, "Okay, I can't go tonight. Who knows what's still in the woods, we will bring someone in tomorrow morning and copy the mountain"

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