Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 286: To bear you for a long time

The officer Dan in Xiaochang showed a "second-level tone like a Shiyou at the bottom of the dry food chain," Lorraine couldn't help but squinted, squinting his eyes, and looked at the man carefully.

I saw that the man was white and fat, with small eyes, but his eyes were like a rat with a small pistol in his waist, and he looked extremely clumsy.

Although he was also wearing a clean military uniform, and his boots were spotlessly cleaned and black and shiny, it gave people a feeling that the clothes were stolen. How can I feel that this is a guy who climbed up on a woman's skirt.

And what makes Lorraine feel strange is that he can obviously feel the hostility radiating from the opponent, but he never remembers how he has offended him.

Under Lorraine's gaze, the man was a little uncomfortable, stabs him on the shoulder impatiently, and shouted domineeringly: "Are you deaf? I ask if you are Lorraine?"

Lorraine frowned when he saw that the other party was so rude.

He stepped back half a step, and passed the opponent's finger calmly, and said, "I'm Lorraine. You are Lieutenant Colonel Barton, aren't you?"

The officer snorted immediately. Then raised his head, looked at Lorraine, and said, "Yes, I am the head of the personnel transfer department for graduates of the Military Academy of the Imperial Affairs Department, Lieutenant Colonel Batong."

Lorraine sneered and said, "Very well, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, I hope you haven't forgotten the rules in the army. My rank is the commander of the army. Would you like to be polite to me?

Don't forget to salute me, Lieutenant Colonel. "

Speaking of later, he smiled slightly at the other party?

Lieutenant Colonel Barton couldn't help but get stuck?

At this time, all the students closed their mouths when they saw the two people pinched.

Lieutenant Colonel Barton looked around and everyone was staring at him. He didn't want to lose face at the moment, and sprayed a cold air from his nose.

He stretched his thumbs up and compared behind him with an arrogant look, and then said: "Lorraine, Chief of the Legion? No matter how beautiful you are as Ye Danlin, what is the relationship between you and the title of Chief of the Legion."

Lorraine grinned, and then said: "Sorry. Correct you. I didn't get into the legion commander by my relationship, but on my own strength. I was able to fight the army commander with real swords and guns."

Lieutenant Colonel Barton couldn't help being stuck again.

There was a low laugh among the people around

Lieutenant Colonel Barton immediately furious.

He pointed to Lorraine, and shouted angrily: "So what? This is the Ruman Diplomatic Department, not the **** and ruined academy. No matter how big things I have done in Jianye Danlin before, you have to give me weight here. Let's start."

He paused, took a few breaths, and then continued: "I'll tell you the truth. Here, even if it's a dragon, you have to keep me obediently. It's a tiger and you have to play it. I lie down honestly. If I dare to make trouble, I want yours."

Lorraine heard what he said, tilted his head and thought, then said: "Okay, then. My file"

With that said, a document in his hand was handed over to the Throne of God Seal.

After Lieutenant Colonel Barton took it, he didn’t even look at it. At the moment, he threw it into the sky and took out the lowest-level clerks who were shaved off by the leaders from time to time. The attitude of the common people, said in an irritating manner: "Don't you understand the rule of first come, first come? Haven't you seen so many people still queuing here?"

The document flew up in the air, and the countless papers in it "crashed and scattered all of a sudden, like snowflakes flying in the sky. It fell to the ground."

Lorraine looked at the officer's arms around him, looked at himself provocatively, and suddenly had an urge to laugh. It felt like the lion saw a mouse in a skirt dancing hula in front of him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help baring his white teeth and grinning extremely ugly.

Lieutenant Colonel Barton looked at the nasty smile on his face, and now he added fuel to the fire. The anger in my heart rose straight up.

He looked at Lorraine and said: "Why? Why are you smiling? You are not convinced, are you? If you are not convinced, please complain to me. Tell you, the Complaints Division is just around the corner. You can try to complain. There are more lines than here. It's long. And even if you have a complaint. So what?

Will they help you, a powerless guy, or will they help me, such a person who holds the real power, they are very likely to ask for it, and they are still colleagues who often meet?

Besides, even if you have complained and dealt with it, what then? At most, I will be fined one month's salary, and I will still take care of you guys. At that time, let's see who is unlucky! "

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help being speechless.

Lieutenant Colonel Barton sneered: "If anyone is dissatisfied, please stand up and give it a try. In the end, who did we clean up?"

As he spoke, he looked at the faces of everyone around him, and the youthful officers also showed an expression of indignation. But even though more people clenched their fists, they lowered their heads quietly. Dare to meet his eyes.

Many people are old at the top and young at the bottom, and they all carry the burden of supporting their families. Not to mention, there is still a forty-year mortgage to be repaid. It's nothing to lose a little for such a small matter. Shinobi passed the throne of God Seal.

If you really do it with him. If these people make things difficult, if they don't pay their wages and don't pay their loans in the future, will this family be driven into the street to drink northwest wind?

Seeing everyone's expressions, Lieutenant Colonel Batong immediately felt as if he had won the Mozu coalition. He couldn't help but flicked the fat on his cheeks up and down, and laughed contemptuously.

He still consciously wasn't very enjoyable enough, and continued to shout: "Anyone who disagrees with me? Some who disagree with me stand up. Look at how master I will give you your shoes. What kind of army commander you are? You transfer to Gulag in Siberia and let him spend half his life there!"

After speaking, he deliberately paused for a while, waiting for everyone to completely treat themselves. After the threat of Hong Guoguo was completely digested, he glanced at the triangular eyes, and from the slit of the 30-degree angle, glanced at Lorraine obliquely, and then coldly said: "Now, Commander of the Legion Sir, what do you say? Do you want me to salute you?"

Lorraine couldn't help smiling bitterly, and then sighed: "According to what you said, I only realized that we were really pitiful, not even one. There is no place to reason.

Lieutenant Colonel Barton said: "You didn't say anything"

He raised his head and showed the heroic posture of the snake head boldly, and said: "What you said is correct, you don't even have a place to reason. Even if you report to the Chief of Military Affairs, it is useless.

Think with your toes, you also know, the concave swordsman, but protects me, a cron who is very capable of doing things, is to protect you all. Once on the battlefield, you will be killed by a knife and beheaded? "

Lorraine couldn't help sighing for a long time, and said: "You are right. We really seem to be unreasonable. But"

When he said this, he suddenly changed his tone and stopped.

Lieutenant Colonel Barton was startled and said coldly, "But what?"

Lorraine said: "But I think, I still have a way."

Lieutenant Colonel Barton said in surprise: "There is another way? What way? Could it be that you have to go to the street and take off your clothes. Performing performance art, will it cause a stir?"

Although this joke seemed awkward to the rest of the people, it didn't prevent this messy guy from thinking he was humorous. After saying it, he couldn't help laughing out loud "hahaha".

There are people nearby for flattering. He also laughed a little bit "haha". But then, among the contemptuous eyes of the alternate officers, they closed their mouths.

Lorraine said: "My method is like this."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his right leg and kicked it on the fat belly of Lieutenant Colonel Barton.

Lieutenant Colonel Barton screamed immediately, put his hands on his stomach, and bent down.

Lorraine heard the scream. At the moment, he paused comfortably at the toe of the shoe, and said in his heart: The bad idea that the army boots are covered with iron toes, which wicked **** came up with? Sir Ferguson's appetite was really right, and he had to give him some bonuses later.

It's really a pleasure to go up with this foot and kick on that soft belly.

But after seeing that straw bag wrinkled. It looks the same as the cabbage, and it is estimated that he will have to urinate tonight.

The crowd onlookers didn't expect this Sir Alex to look smiling. He was polite, but with such a bad temper, he was shocked when he stretched out.

Haven't waited for them to react. Lorraine was unforgiving at this time. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Barton's collar. Then, with the whirring wind, his right fist the size of a pot altar hit the opponent's eyes. Just then Barton's eyes were bruised and swollen.

Immediately afterwards, he proficiently reached out his hand again, grabbed Lieutenant Colonel Barton's head, and then pulled hard.

Lieutenant Colonel Barton screamed again immediately, but he was involuntarily pulled by Lorraine to the wall.

He reacted at this moment. Waving his hands, the net is struggling.

Lorraine immediately raised his leg, and used his knees to hit Lieutenant Colonel Barton’s stomach fiercely again. Lieutenant Colonel Barton’s fat body jumped up to almost three feet high, and then again. There was a scream.

Lorraine heard that scream, and his heart was upset again. Because of this period of time, the psychological shadow caused by people slipping back and forth disappeared by one third.

Lorraine pressed his head. Then he touched the wall decorated with marble next to him, and then he said: "This is what you told Sir Alex to wait for you to touch."

He touched it again, and then cursed: "This is for you to dare to throw my papers."

Then there was another touch. Said: "This is what you don't salute to Sir Alex Ferguson."


"This is because you dare to be arrogant with Sir Alex."


After Lorraine had touched him, he couldn't remember what to say, and he was taken aback.

Lieutenant Colonel Barton screamed and asked, "What is this for?"

Lorraine thought for a while, and yelled angrily: "Shut up, these are nothing. It's just to take advantage and not touch the white."

After speaking, he pulled the head of Lieutenant Colonel Barton and faced the hard wall "Peng Peng Zhang. The ground touched wildly."

If the people who participated in the negotiations had watched it, they would know which gangster Leo learned from the shameless set of invincible black fists.

Lorraine pressed Barton's head and touched it violently. The marble wall he touched cracked like a spider web, and small stones and **** fell continuously.

Lieutenant Colonel Barton was now screaming and wailing again.

Lorraine heard the scream, and his heart felt like a breeze. He ate a large piece of ice cream during the dog days. In the high temperature of 45 degrees, he ran to the bank hall to blow the air conditioner at 20 degrees." In short, my heart That's called a Shuchang, that's called a. Qingliang. Even if it's another three million five million gold coins, it's just that.

At this time, a group of officers rushed forward and rushed over to persuade them.

Lorraine found that Morpheus was really bad.

The ruffian yelled, "Don't fight, don't fight.

Be careful not to hurt the lieutenant colonel, and do not hurt the lieutenant colonel. "

Then he bent over while taking advantage of Lieutenant Colonel Barton, unable to see the back. Secretly used his big feet and kicked Lieutenant Colonel Barton in the ass.

Others took the opportunity to slam Lieutenant Colonel Barton’s tailbone with their elbows. There were also cavalry officers who used spurs on military boots to stab Barton's calf.

The painful Lieutenant Colonel Barton screamed again.

There are also people who really block it.

Seeing this, Lorraine pressed Lieutenant Colonel Barton’s head and slammed it against the wall again. He screamed again in pain.

Lorraine heard his slightly hoarse scream, and knew that the vocal cord of this guy was already hoarse. He flicked up Barton's head at the moment, and then let go of his hand like lightning.

Barton now fell backwards.

Lorraine looked at it and felt that the angle was really good. He reflexively raised his leg and kicked at Barton's front door. He suddenly heard a soft "click", which was obviously kicked off. The bridge of the nose.

At that moment, everyone onlookers could even see a bright blood flower blooming between the soles of Lord Lorraine's shoes and Barton's nose, which was extremely coquettish.

Barton screamed again. The bright red nosebleeds rushed out like a stream without money.

Nuo Da's fat body fell heavily backwards, overwhelming the few moldy guys standing behind him.

At this time, hearing the noise here, the security gendarmes in the Military Affairs Department also rushed over.

They rushed to the front, and sternly asked: "What's going on, what's going on. Who is so bold. If you dare to make trouble here, do you want to go to a military court and shut down a small black room for food?"

Lieutenant Colonel Barton hummed his nose in his back and got up from the ground. Then he opened his beating little bruised eyes with a tremor and pointed at Lorraine.

Before he could speak, Lorraine looked at it, and a cold light burst into his eyes. It's not good to know now. If you let the other person say something, you will definitely not run away.

He immediately gave a low drink, then touched his feet on the ground, jumped up to a height of one person, and then caught everyone's amazed eyes. The old Dianqin leaned forward and flew around like a whirlwind in the air, facing only a whirlwind leg on the face of Zhen Fei, and drew it to the Throne of God Seal.

The poor baby of Lieutenant Colonel Barton, how could he ever think that Lord Lorraine had the courage to do it in front of the military police.

Let's talk about it again. Even though he was prepared, how could he escape the whirlwind of Lord Lorraine with his physique of a fat civil servant.

Right now, the one who was pumped hit the cheek, and the teeth in the mouth spurted out, and then the whole. Under the strong force, the person was drawn off the ground and flew, smashing the throne of God Seal at a crowd of military police.

At that time, the military police smashed into a large area.

Lorraine raised his arm and shouted: During the fight, those few hid next to stealthily take advantage. The black punch guy, don't think I haven't seen it. If I get caught, don’t even think about it."

The ruffians listened, and there was an uproar immediately.

At this time, the gendarmes struggled to get up from the ground, and their eyes were red when they looked at Lorraine. They couldn't help roaring.

"It turns out that you are pounding here.

"Xiaobai with oily noodles"

"I'm not a good person at first sight

"Grab, grab him.


Then the gendarmes took out their batons one after another, and they were about to rush to the Throne of God Seal.

Lorraine looked at the crowd, but he was not afraid at all. He sneered at the moment, and then waved his right hand to reveal his fighting spirit." But then he thought about it, and felt that this was still an internal conflict among the people. , If you really see blood, it will change from quantity to quality, and become an irreconcilable contradiction.

He thought for a moment. To be on the safe side, even though he put away the Battle Soul Sword, his left hand shook, and the light shield was illuminated and protected in front of him.

The gendarmes saw the magic weapon he showed, and they were all taken aback. Although everyone is not too knowledgeable, but they also know that the guy who can possess magic weapons is either rich or expensive, and it is not something ordinary people can provoke.

At this time, I saw Lieutenant Colonel Barton covering his nose with his hands, and using his teeth-breaking mouth, he exclaimed angrily: "Naimen dry hair? I was bullied to come to the door, and Naimen still stood up. , Do you want me to tell my brother-in-law, let him transfer these **** to guard the reservoir"

When he said this, he saw Lorraine staring at him, panicking, and hurriedly backed up two steps, hiding behind the military police, and then dared to shout: "Go, here. I'm on. Beat me hard

The gendarmes shouted angrily at the moment, and then rushed towards Lorraine like ferocious wolves.

Lord Lorraine is easy to deal with. At this time, he saw a fight, and he broke open at the moment. He stretched out his hand to copy a mop from the corner behind him, and then broke the head of the mop with one foot, and then, with a shield. , And hit the opponent with a wooden stick.

You know this is the Ministry of Imperial Affairs. The core of the powerful military machinery of the Ruman Empire.

The core content of everyone's daily work is all about how to go to other people's sites to grab money and things to grab women. Just to give people the courage, who would dare to fight in groups here and be a gangster?

All those who work here are rich, connected, and back-end guys. Although these guys come from all over the world, they came together for a common lofty goal. Everyone has a preference, and everyone is different, but they have one common characteristic.

That is, with money, relationships, and backstage, everyone enjoys it with their feet crossed, not many. People also run to exercise and practice martial arts with suffering.

The military police are no exception. Can enter the military department. Basically, they are all the same roles as the younger brothers and second generation ancestors. It was because of his relationship that he went to the Military Affairs Department for peace.

They are usually the masters of pampering. A bite by a dog is already the heaviest injury.

When everyone was okay with drinking and fighting, they all didn't talk about cooperation or formation. They just yelled, and then they rushed forward, with more people bullying and fewer people. He ever had a fight with a professional soldier like Lorraine who was really trained.

Lord Lorraine watched their steps scattered, and now he had a shield in his hand, a wooden stick in his hand, and a foot step on the phantom step, replacing the sword with the stick, performing swordsmanship, and ping-pong with the gendarmerie. .

He took advantage of the small space. Wandering around the officers, and from time to time they pushed or pulled on the officers, let the guys help themselves to disperse the hatred of these elite mobs called "gendarmes" .

Those gendarmes cited attack. It has repeatedly hit those officers in a dangerous manner.

And at the same time, his mouth was not idle, and he kept yelling: "The military police beat someone, the military police beat someone."

The eyes of the angry gendarmes almost dripped blood. They immediately rushed to Lorraine more bravely on the Throne of God Seal.

But I don't know who was in the chaos and beat an officer by mistake. The officer screamed immediately, and yelled at Lorraine’s voice, saying: "The military police beat someone, the military police beat someone.

Then he shook his fist and fought against the military police.

The rest of the officers looked at them, and now they couldn't stand their excitement and shouted. Burst.

Everyone rushed to the Throne of God Seal and fought with the military police.

All of a sudden, the scene became chaotic.

Catherine and Adele were escorted by the guards, along the national highway of Ruman Empire, towards Ruman City.

Although these two young girls didn't say anything, the most worrying thing in their heart was that the fool Lorraine should not be deceived by those idiots.

The two of them still don't know that Lorraine is fighting with Ruman's bureaucracy. In their eyes, Lorraine is a precious Lorraine, but now they are poor and nobody cares.

Long-distance travel, no matter what era, is always hard. The distance between cities is too far, although there are always towns and villages on both sides of the avenue. But the country hotels can’t provide high-class conditions. Most of them cut two catties of beef and sift two bowls of wine.

So for these two, charming girls, eating and sleeping are still a big problem.

Fortunately, Adele and Fengye Danlin's theater company tour every year. A little more experience when going out. And Catherine is between her hometown and Maple Leaf Danlin. Two times a year. No stranger to travel.

And because the carriage that Lorraine carefully remodeled was much more comfortable than before; it was less bumpy.

After three days of departure, Catherine and Adele had already passed Ruman's flat city. The convoy drove on a quiet road.

Seeing the darkening of the sky, the shadow of a small town finally appeared in the distance. Catherine and Adele discussed it. It seems that we can only stay here for one night tonight. If we go further, we can only recommend it.

The guards immediately guarded the convoy and turned on the road leading to the town.

This is an ordinary small town on Ruman Avenue. There are green wheat fields on both sides of the road, with smoke-bearing houses in the middle.

There is only one short street in the town, and in the middle is a brick-and-wood structure of the Father’s Church. The two-story look looks like the best building in town.

There are also several stone houses on both sides.

There is an inn on the side, because it is close to the avenue, the scale of this inn is not large, and there is a wall made of thick logs.

Seeing this large-scale convoy approaching here, the guys in the inn hurriedly opened the door.

There are still many trucks parked in the inn, and a group of people are busy unloading goods.

Seeing a team of guards with bright armors, armed with swords and swords, guarding the carriage coming in, these people looked up and hurriedly lowered their heads. The people who were chatting and laughing loudly in the yard were also quiet at this time. , Watching Catherine's guards cautiously.

In the eyes of these civilians, people like Catherine were a nobleman at first sight, and by looking at the guards' fully armed appearance and sharp gaze when looking at people, they knew that this was still a nobleman with great style.

In this hierarchical feudal society ruled by nobles, it was only because of disrespectful eyes. Nobles can beat all these civilians violently and throw them out of here.

These people didn't want to cause trouble, so facing the guards under Catherine, these civilians chose to hide away.

The owner of the inn hurried out of the house and came to the guard's horse. He nodded and said, "Listen to your orders. I don't know what the adults are."

The guard glanced around at the people in the inn, jumped off the horse, and said, "We are the prince, the best guest room here, and all the rooms nearby."

"Grand Duke? Ah? Yes, yes, but now there are people. I immediately ask them to change rooms, please wait a while.

"The owner of the inn hurriedly said.

The guard said to the boss: "Take me to the Throne of God Seal."

The innkeeper hurriedly took the guard into the inn.

Soon the guard walked out again, went to Catherine and Adele's carriage, and said, "Sister, it's all set."

"Well, trouble you." Catherine put on a wide-brimmed hat, pushed the car door and walked out of the carriage with Adele who was also dressed.

I saw two slender women coming down from the car. Although the hats covered most of their faces, they had luxurious clothes and elegant manners. Indicate two. People are famous ladies.

Those onlookers and caravan hired workers, habitually thinking about it, and the guards standing around Catherine and Adele were already staring at them with fierce eyes.

A year-old chamber of commerce led the opponents and said loudly: "Lower your dog's eyes, work quickly, and you can't finish eating."

Catherine and Adele walked into the guest room led by the guard.

The guest rooms are in a small independent courtyard behind the inn house. Although it is still a wooden house, it is divided into several different rooms and it is fairly clean.

After Catherine came in, she threw her hat aside and watched her elder sister suffer such a serious crime. When it came time, I would take care of him. "

Adele stretched. Stretched out and said, "Okay, my eldest lady, don't be picky. I often live in more primitive places than this. I should rest as soon as possible. I will go as early as possible tomorrow. There are still ten days away. . When you see Lorraine, you must take care of him."

Catherine gave a light sip. Said: "Sing little girl, now I miss men."

Adele smiled and touched Catherine, picking Catherine's chin and said: "Pretend to be high, dare you to say you are not."

"Dead girl,"

"Hey, itchy."

Catherine and Adele were fighting here, and the voice of the guard and the innkeeper came from outside.

Catherine and Adele hugged at once, and fell silent, listening to the vague conversation outside the door.

Catherine frowned, then said loudly, "What's going on outside? Come in and talk."

The guard opened the door and walked in and said: Miss, the innkeeper said, there is a noble lady of the Holy See, and the innkeeper wants the lady to spare one. room. "

Adele picked up her glamorous eyebrows with disdain, and then said, "The lady of the Holy See? Is it amazing?"

Catherine said without thinking, "Is it a high-level saint? Let her go and communicate with those devout believers."

The guard nodded and said, "It's the young lady, I will chase her away."

The guard turned around and wanted to go out. Catherine thought for a while, then changed her mind. Said: "Wait. Forget it, let her have a room, anyway, Dai'er and I still sleep together. It's not easy to go out."

Adele was very surprised at the moment. She held Catherine's shoulders, looked at each other carefully, and said, "Huh? Nicole, when did you become more considerate?"

"Dang, for the sake of those bald guys who are still obedient." Catherine waved her hand immediately.

In the past six months, the church in the Grand Duchy has been cleaned up by Catherine. The fact that they only had a life of beans, the priests were forced to hardly live.

However, in this hard life, there are also many priests who really think for the people, but they are revealed. Catherine has some good feelings for those people.

The innkeeper went out again immediately.

A little while later, a tall nun was wearing a moon-white robe with a hood on her head. Walked in from outside the door.

As soon as the nun walked in, she bowed her head and put her hands together to thank Catherine and Adele.

Looking at the lady of the Holy See who walked through the door, Catherine and Adele felt that each other was a little familiar, and then listened to each other.

Catherine and Adele glanced at each other, and then exclaimed in unison, saying: "Hihir Mephia

When the nun on the opposite side heard the exclamation, she also raised her head in surprise.

Under the hood, there was a beautiful face that was not inferior to the second daughter, and was peerless. It is Miss Shirmehoya, the deputy captain of the maple leaf picket.

Shirmehya didn't expect to meet two people in this remote place, and immediately said in surprise: "It's you two."

Adele curiously said: "You are not in the academy to catch people, can you run out,"? "

Silmefia rolled her eyes and said angrily, "Of course I was looking for Lorraine and Leo. Your baby brother, but I abducted my cousin."

"Huh?" Catherine and Adele just remembered, Leo kidnapped the one from Neodos. The little girl Melina eloped, and this time followed Lorraine and Leo into Ruman City

It's like a parent who is bullied by another child by one's own child. Catherine couldn't help being extremely embarrassed at the moment.

She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, she could only "hehe" and laughed twice. The student Lorraine was like before, and said, "Today's weather, hahaha,"

Adele didn't care.

With a wave of her hand, she made a strong statement and said: "Then you are a sister, you can't interfere with your sister's freedom of love. Besides, it is Leo's ability to abduct your sister and run along with her. "

Shirme Tiya was furious, and said: "But Melina is only ten years old, and it's a bit far from the freedom of love you said. Lorraine is also really good. What is bad to teach him? I learned the ability to pick up girls. ."

Adele stroked her pretty face with her hand, smiled sweetly, and said, "When is love divided by age? What's more, if you say who kidnapped whom now, maybe it's your sweet talk by Meilinna. , Deceived poor Leo's innocent feelings"

Hilmewanya was anxious and said: "You"

She took a deep breath, calmed down, and then sneered, "Do you think other people are like you, a vixen, bewildering people everywhere? Our family, Melina, is a good girl."

Adele is so icy and smart that she can't tell, but what Shirmehya means is that she is not a good girl. I was furious at the moment. But he sneered twice. Said: "Good girl? Did the good girl elope with someone?"

Silmelia immediately said angrily: "That's not the one who followed your house. The little gangster has learned badly."

Catherine was immediately unhappy.

She straightened her chest and said, "Hey, hello, what's wrong with Leo in our family? She is so old that she can elope with a little girl and pass it on. Who wouldn't say Leo is smart?"

"That's right, we usually catch us Lorraine so diligently, but now we are complaining." Adele also said with dissatisfaction.

Silmelia stopped.

In the end, she waved her hand happily. Said: "Well, I'm not here to quarrel with you. It's fine for Melina to follow Leo to Lorraine's hometown. How did Lorraine take her to Ruman City? Her father gave her to me to take care of , I have to do my duty."

Watching her back down, Catherine didn't feel complacent at the moment, and she explained softly: "What happened suddenly! Lorraine is also worried about letting a little girl's house go back to the college by herself. Otherwise, what else?"

Silmefia sighed, and then said: "Forget it, I didn't blame Lorraine, but I have to go to Ruman City to see it myself."

Catherine and Adele glanced at each other, and then said, "Let's do it. Let's rest. We will be on the road tomorrow. Are you here alone?"

Silmelia shook her head, and then said: "That's good, I have brought two Mailena's servants."

Like the innate hatred between all magicians and priests, Adele looked at Silmelia with anger in her heart.

She said coldly: "The saint's appetite must be different from ours, so it's not clear that you will eat together."

Silmelia was not angry either, just shook her head, and then said, "You two, please do it yourself."

Early the next morning, after Catherine and Adele got up, Hilmefia was now sitting neatly at the dining table for breakfast.

Seeing these two young girls coming in with an early and lazy flattery, Shirmehya was also taken aback for a while, and she couldn't tell what it was like, this kind of beauty that I see pity. Even when I saw it by myself, I couldn't help but feel contended and combative, and wanted to compete with them.

Looking at the breakfast set on the table, Catherine and Adele looked at each other.

Silmelia gathered up the thoughts in her heart, and then said quietly: "I made it myself, please taste it, and hurry as soon as possible after eating."

After breakfast, the guards had prepared the carriage and mount. Catherine and Adele walked out of the room, just to see Silmelia’s carriage stopped in front of them?

Looking at the appearance of the Hirme Hakoya carriage is not gorgeous, but looking at the steel structure and the finely crafted springs, it can heal the bumps on the car and reduce it to a minimum.

Adele couldn't help being surprised, "Hey. She pointed to the carriage, and whispered to Catherine: "This looks very familiar, it looks like Lorraine made it specially. "

Catherine glanced, and she couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, then nodded. Said: "Really familiar?"

Silmelia looked at the two of them like lilies, and whispered together. I frowned, walked over, and said, "Is there any problem?"

Adele pointed at her carriage and said, "Your car is very good."

Silmefia immediately "cocked. With a soft sound, she said in her heart: I didn't expect this.

This carriage was secretly given by Lord Lorraine to Shirmehoya, with four great Aberdeen horses, which was of great value.

Silmelia used the unique instincts of to desperately suppress the anxiety in her heart, and said calmly: "I bought it in Mechanical Leaf Danlin and spent a lot of money, which is of course worse than yours. Far.

Okay, let's get on the road? "

After speaking, he raised his foot and got into his carriage.

Catherine and Adele looked suspiciously at the carriage, and then at Shirmehoya sitting in the wagon, but seeing Shirmefia always had that kind of indifferent expression, although it was a doubt, However, he could only press the gossip to the bottom of his heart, and boarded his carriage in a calm manner.

When Lorraine was still in ruins in Ruman City. The three women closest to him had already met, and it seemed that the gods didn't want Lorraine's life to be too comfortable. Lorraine didn't know that today's big harem bomb was approaching Ruman City step by step.

A humorous master, Douzi, the author of "Nerve World" and "Xiaoxian Toxic", caused trouble to classmates, and finally opened the new book "Moving Mountains". This week, he said that this bean has been waiting for us for a long time. Yes, there are stubborn stubborns, support, Douzi will not let everyone down.

"Moving Mountains" Book Number:

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