Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 274: Thunder Rescue

When Lin Lao talked about the brightly lit Occupation Army Headquarters. The occupying forces have almost reached Zhufan.

Vabador frowned and sat motionless in his seat with a dark face, and the generals below were all whispering.

Lorraine took the seat next to Wabador and asked, "What the **** is going on?"

Wabador scolded angrily: "The bunch of puppies who didn't have enough food, they were abducted to Sfax Province after catching the devil, and they were offered to rent the garden. *, the bunch of guys are greedy. No brains anymore."

This is where the Marquis of Veshang also took a few new army generals into the meeting room.

Seeing them coming in, all the generals of the occupying army stood up to greet them, and after everyone sat down again, General Wabador pointed to an officer beside him and said, "I will tell everyone about the situation."

"Yes, my lord" the officer stood up, saluted him, and then said: "This withdrawal is a joint force composed of nobles from several provinces. There are more than 3,800 people in total. After breaking away from the command of the Fengye Danlin headquarters, they are under the command of their respective leaders."

He paused, and then continued: "While passing through the province of Sfax, they wanted to attack the mansion of Sfax without authorization. They were caught by the governor of Sfax more than a hundred miles across the provincial border. Surrounded by an army of around 7,000."

The crowd heard an uproar.

The officer smiled bitterly, and then said: "But fortunately, after surrounding them, Governor Sfax did not attack.

We have never received news of their annihilation, and it is estimated that these people are still holding on.

When we got the news, we hurriedly reported back. "

When Lorraine heard that it was a miscellaneous army led by those nobles, he was astonished and secretly said: No wonder this is the case.

This team is made up of various small and medium-sized nobles with their own private soldiers. This one hundred and that three hundred are put together like this. They are the weakest team in the battle of the Maple Leaf Danlin coalition, and they are also the most chaotic. , Drunken fights, harassment of women, and robbery are the key targets of the gendarmerie.

Everyone looked down on them.

And in many battles, because of their unreliable military discipline and weak combat effectiveness, they have always served as auxiliary tasks. So correspondingly, in the spoils-sharing conference, they also get the least.

The strict military discipline of the Maple Leaf Danlin Allied Forces also prevented these guys from searching the people. These nobles have been arguing and making emotions, but no one cares about those sordid scumbags.

Now that they were out of the control of the gendarmerie, these people were completely exposed, thinking about going to Sfax to save a war fortune, but they were held down by the governor of Sfax.

When the generals of the occupying army heard that they were causing trouble again, they couldn't help cursing: "It's these grandchildren again. Jing* is looking for troubles with the Laozi. You shouldn't have brought them with you."

General Wabador listened to the noise of the crowd for a long time, and even yelled for abandoning quiet several times, but everyone did not hear it.

He had to knock on the table hard, and then said loudly: "Now is not the time to complain. The key now is, how do we deal with this matter?"

"I'll let them die, let these guys fend for themselves," a general said angrily.

"That is, who cares about their life and death, let them take care of what they do. Besides, there are only more than three thousand people, and it won't take a day if the other party kills them all."

"Damn, I didn't do much work, the money was not divided, what else do they want, we have an agreement with Hardu, and now we have violated the agreement, what can we * do? Everyone is waiting for the withdrawal, now Let the brothers go and fight for these puppies, the soldiers will not want to."

A group of generals joined together.

"" Wabador listened, couldn't help but sighed for a long time, then looked at Lorraine and said: "Count, tell me your opinion."

Lorraine thought for a moment, and then cautiously said: "Gentlemen, I understand everyone’s emotions. But to save, we must save.

Regardless of whether these people are annihilated or not, we must go and see, this is a question of the attitude of our Maple Leaf Danlin Allied Forces, after all, they are still under the banner of our Tool Leaf Danlin.

There are indeed not many 3,800 people, but this is already a political incident, and it will cause serious harm to the current situation if it is not handled well. The current situation is that if we retreat one foot, Haddou might go three feet. This guy is aimed at the crown.

We can only play arrogantly, and we must not let those warlords have a little bit, "We think they can't help it, this is very dangerous for the current situation."

The Marquis of Veshang nodded immediately and said, "Master Lorraine is right."

He looked at the faces of the generals of the occupying forces, and then said with concern, "Gentlemen. Although the situation has improved now, we all know that the royal family is still not ready.

If you can’t make a strong statement about this incident, I’m afraid they will soon infiltrate the Shali River Basin, and Hafs City will be the brunt. "

The audience listened and all fell silent. They all know that Hafs City is their arteries. Once taken by the opponent, he will become the turtle in the urn. Whether he is making a steamed turtle or making a king eight soup, he will be happy.

Lorington paused for a moment, and then continued: "But it's very difficult to handle now.

Everyone knows that the brothers don't want to fight anymore. Everyone is waiting to withdraw their troops and go home. At this time, the troops are pulled up. It is difficult to ensure that the soldiers are not emotional. "

General Wabador couldn't help sighing again, and said, "I know that if the soldiers' emotions are not taken into consideration, I will go straight."

He regretfully added another sentence, saying: "I was too indulgent to those rascals at the beginning. Now they are all used to the spleen."

The generals listened, and all of them grinned secretly from below, and turned their eyes to Lorraine. You know, this is the count of the Sir Alex.

His old man has the greatest credit, but his temper is also the greatest.

He attacked Abdwad and looted the nobles wantonly, but he did it first.

The Sir Alex is rich and rich. The huge diamond ring on the finger was scattered, and the eyes of the stabbing person couldn't open. There are even rumors that the urinals he uses now are pure gold

(Lorraine said: slander, obviously it is slander. It was done by Leo, and I have nothing to do with me. Why is a child of my own rich who can use pure gold to make a small thing like a urinal, Lorraine Sir Alex hit a haha, and then slipped away quietly.)

The Marquis of Veshang gave a light cough, and relieved Lorraine, saying: "In this case, our new army can be dispatched."

Lorraine lowered his head and thought for a moment, and then said: "Maybe there are other ways. We all know that it will not take long to eliminate three thousand people, but since there is no news of them being encircled and annihilated, I think they might be there too. Waiting for Ban Ye Danlin's attitude.

If this annoys us, the Maple Leaf Danlin coalition and the new army will fight with the independent governors and expand the war. This is what General Hadu did not want to see. "

The generals in the conference room listened to his sensible analysis, and all nodded at the moment, agreeing with Lorraine's statement.

Luo Gan Ceshi said! "We only have to show that Chao You Hung who is going to fight them with great fanfare, and they will shrink back."

General Wabador thought for a while, then turned his head to look at the Marquis of Veshang, and said, "What do you think of Master Xiang?"

The Marquis of Veshang nodded and said: "This is better. Her Majesty has only stabilized the vicinity of the capital. It will take at least one year for other places to fully recover. We still can't fight a full-scale war. As long as there is enough time, the royal family has The righteous status will sooner or later resolve these warlords."

"Very" General Wabador stood up immediately, and then shouted: "My life"

A group of officers immediately stood up with a "swipe to the ground".

General Wabador said loudly: "Our weapon Ye Danlin and the new army form a coalition, march to Sfaak with the fastest speed."

The generals stomped their feet neatly, and then suddenly agreed. Said: "Yes, sir!"

General Wabador glanced at Lorraine, and then said: "Lorraine, it's better for you to go. You are the best at fighting those politicians."

Lorraine raised his hand, "Hey, saluteed a military salute, simply said: "Yes, General! "

The Marquis of Vechamp also said to the officer next to him: "General Hassel, it is still up to you to lead the ten thousand new army to cooperate with Count Lorraine. After all, you and Count Lorraine cooperate tacitly."

General Hassel also stood up and said, "Yes, my lord first."

General Wabador said: "Okay, the meeting is over, go down and prepare separately, Lorraine can choose the team you think is suitable. Prepare overnight and leave as soon as possible."

The generals looked at it, and now they were all stomping riding boots again, and then they dispersed.

For the residents of Abdwad, who have gradually become accustomed to a peaceful life, the chaos in Abdwad tonight has once again worried them.

The cavalry of the Maple Leaf Danlin Allied Forces roared and whizzed in the street, the voice of the command one after another.

The chaos caused by the gendarmerie's copying people in Huajie, and then the sound of people running wild on the street.

Some of the residents of Abdwad city were bold enough to open their homes one after another, nervously watching the figures coming and going on the street, and then these civilians unanimously thought about the direction of the Abdwad Palace and looked around.

Seeing the Almohad Palace, which was as peaceful as before, made everyone feel a little emboldened-this is not another person who has entered the city of Abdwad.

As the sheriffs got the news, the civilians in Abdwad finally felt relieved. It had nothing to do with us in Abdwad, so we went to sleep.

As for who provokes the Xie Ye Danlin people, and how the Xie Ye Danlin people retaliate, these Almohad people won't care. When going to the tavern tomorrow, they will listen to the cousin of the cousin of the older brother’s sister’s cousin. The big brother is a big guy. Talk about some second-hand idleness that is so-called inside information.

When Lorraine returned to her command post, Catherine had changed her clothes and was ready to add meals and was waiting for Lorraine.

Lorraine briefly explained what happened to Catherine, grabbing a handful of snacks and hurried to the meeting room.

Those guys who were picked up by the military police from the spring dream, at this moment, were constantly cursing the military police who had no **** and had abnormal gendarmes.

The rest of the guys, while rejoicing that they didn't go out tonight, scornfully laughed at these guys who climbed over the wall in **** and ended up being blocked.

There are also a few who drank too much and who didn't wake up, and they are still confused.

When Lorraine walked into the conference room, what he saw was this mess in front of him.

Lorraine sighed. Secretly said: "The guys who are all squatting and waiting to go home, rely on their current morale, and go to fight a war. I hope that my variant empty city plan can scare those guys, otherwise I have to rely on it. Those Almohad? Go to hell."

Lorraine still completely distrusted the Almohad.

Although the new army was quite satisfactory in the battle against the emperor. But it was a downwind battle. God knows what will happen to their determination to fight a tough battle?

Seeing Lorraine coming in, the officer at the door shouted: "The general is here, all stand up."

These officers stood up immediately.

Lorraine waved his hand and said, "Sit down."

He walked to where he was and said, "Brothers, one of our retreating troops caught over the border, but was surrounded by Hadu's men.

General Wabador ordered us to see the situation and rescue them if they were all alive. If they are all killed, we will give those Almohad a good look. "

The officers below were immediately stunned.

Everyone said: "Isn't it, this kind of thing is happening at this time?"

"Which gang of **** have caught the bounds? When I see them, I will chop them first. I lost our Maple Leaf Danlin"

More officers hugged Naoxian, and then wailed loudly. Obviously, they were very reluctant to go to war again for this kind of thing at this time.

Although Lorraine was extremely reluctant, as the chief military officer, he could not express this idea.

He knocked on the table and said, "I understand what my brothers are thinking at this time. They are all **** going home. Whoever loses his arms or legs or loses his life at this time is really wrong.

But the face of our Maple Leaf Danlin has been lost after all. In the land of Almohad, now we can only play tricks.

Those Almohad's puppies not only had to bear it, but they had to accompany the smiling face to say it was cool.

Hearing Lorraine's words, the officers below all grinned and laughed grimly.

Lorraine continued: "Of course, in order to take care of the brothers, this time the best situation, we Fengye Danlin people are going to put on airs and frighten those Hardu brothers. If they really fight, it will also be those Almohad. The new army went up desperately.

But, what I want to say, no one can say about the situation on the battlefield. When the time comes to appear, we really need to go up and work hard, but our group of people are soft, but I will not spare them. "

Be careful, sir, it's really up, Fengye Danlin will always be the weapon Ye Danlin," the officer below shouted loudly.

Lorraine saw the crowd's emotions rise, and nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Very well, everyone, go to gather the troops, and each one will bring five days' rations. Let's start the meal now, and gather to board the ship in two hours. ."

The officers below suddenly agreed and said, "Yes, sir."

Then quickly walked out of the meeting room and called the subordinates.

Although this operation was a rescue operation, for the worst possible situation, Lorraine had to send the current strongest lineup of the Allied Armed Forces.

However, Abdwad City is also indispensable for the people of the Allied Armed Forces.

Lorraine knew clearly that he was facing General Hardu's side. That general is a valiant general with hundreds of battles and countless achievements.

Lorraine had no choice but to play up a bit of energy to avoid being upset.

In case the other party makes a plan to adjust the tiger away from the mountain. After hesitating the opportunity, they pit Di Lin there, the maple leaf Danlin coalition Li Qianji's biggest joke.

For the sake of caution, Lorraine deliberately pulled all the knights of the Knights Templar, and also brought most of the cavalry units from the Fengye Danlin coalition that had not yet withdrawn.

But the mages did not dare to bring more, only seven or eighty people, leaving the large army still staring at the city of Abdwad, plus thirty or forty mages sent by the Almohad New Army. This lineup is already very strong.

When Lorraine returned to his residence, the station of the Xiye Danlin student army was already lively. The soldiers began to gather and prepare their own weapons and dry food, the cooks lighted the fire to cook, the cavalry fed the horses to prepare fodder, and the logistics troops mobilized materials. Ship to the port first.

Accompanied by Catherine, Lorraine had finished his meal in a safe and stable manner, and then went to the station, ready to take the soldiers out.

Almohad’s new army was also quickly prepared and pulled out from the barracks. Ten thousand soldiers lined up in a long line and walked through the streets of Abdwad.

The civilians in Abdwad opened the door and watched the soldiers pass by in silence.

When he was about to reach the city gate, General Hassel turned to look at his men and shouted: "For the emperor."

The soldiers of the new army of Zalmerhard also screamed after the mountain.

"For the Emperor"

"For the Emperor"

When Lorraine arrived at the port with the team of Danlin Xie Ye, the sky was already dim, and on the misty river, hundreds of transport ships and battleships of various sizes were densely arranged, with no head or tail at a glance.

General Wabador took the generals of the Maple Leaf Danlin, and the Marquis of Vishand took some officials from the Almohad government to see off the Maple Leaf Danlin coalition forces and the new Almohad army here.

Although it was an emergency operation, the Armament Ye Danlin Army still wielded its terrifying combat power.

The soldiers boarded the ship and hoisted the materials in a very short time. Lorraine and General Hassel saluted the people who were leaving, then turned around and took their men onto the battleship.

Amidst the chants of the sailors, the ship pulled out the cobalt, untangled, and lifted the sails, leaving the port slowly and heading towards the center of the river under the push of the current.

With the wind and the water, the fleet increased quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the sails of the battleship were full of wind, and the bow pressed over the waves and plowed the water deeply, leaving a long white wake behind him, fast forwarding downstream.

The place where the aristocratic coalition had an accident was not too far from here. Especially when the entire fleet was flying fast, after a day and night, Lorraine and the others had arrived at the scheduled landing site.

After the dispatched scouts completely detected the landing area, the soldiers ate breakfast on the ship again, and Lorraine and the others began to dock and land.

Since the landing area was not spacious, this operation took Lorraine and the others a lot of time.

As soon as they landed, the forward team composed of Almohad cavalry already wanted to move towards the target area.

When the sun rose to the top of the sky, Lorraine and General Hassel led a large army, neatly marching towards a place more than a hundred miles away.

After nightfall, the reconnaissance cavalry reported that the enemy was still staying in the fighting area, and the flag of the Allied Forces of Maple Leaf Danlin could be seen.

Lorraine deeply felt that there was too little information at his disposal. After discussing with General Hassel for a long time, the two of them could not determine each other’s intentions. They could only decide to concentrate their efforts tomorrow and give the enemy a prestige to rescue the besieged. The troops, let's talk about the others when the time comes.

The next day, the mighty coalition forces appeared in the sight of both sides of the battlefield.

Lorraine and General Hassel climbed to the heights, looking at the battlefield a few miles away, they were a little dumbfounded.

The battlefield where the besieged troops and the Sfax army were located was four places with a very narrow river ditch in the middle. The army that caused trouble for Lorraine and the others was in the middle of the four places.

But at this time, looking at their scale, no matter how you look at it, there are only a few hundred people. However, the flag of the Maple Leaf Danlin Allied Forces was still erected among them.

On the outskirts of the battlefield is the army of Sfax Province. The farthest from Lorraine is the main formation, with the largest number of people, condescendingly looking at the allied forces of the noble Danlin.

In the other three fronts, there is a phalanx of about a thousand people.

Lorraine and Hassell looked at each other.

General Hassel looked at the small crowd of noble coalition forces squeezing into a group, and couldn't help muttering: "What the **** is going on with them? Are they beaten or not? It won't be necessary for the opponent to eliminate them. How many minutes?"

Lorraine looked at the environment of the battlefield. There were no dead bodies and weapons scattered everywhere between the two sides. The battlefield was obviously cleaned.

And the other party can have this time to clean the battlefield and eliminate the remaining hundreds of noble coalition forces. It seems that I am correct in their estimation, but the Almohad on the opposite side does not want to fight.

He immediately let go of his heart.

The appearance of Lorraine and the others shocked the battlefield.

Although the garrison of the province of Sfax knew about Lorraine's arrival early, the soldiers in Sfax still had a little commotion when they saw the cavalry line that was one mile wide.

Those who were surrounded, just like seeing a savior, desperately shook the flag of the Maple Leaf Danlin coalition forces, and shouted at Lorraine and the others.

"Saved, saved again."

"Come and save us, please."

Some even hugged each other and wept bitterly.

Lorraine looked at the situation on the battlefield, and then simply said to General Hassell: "Rescue them first. The cavalry is attacking the enemy's weak spot, the infantry is ready to fight the enemy's main force, and the mages are ready in the rear. .Brothers, let's go"

Following Lorraine's order, the attack trumpet sounded.

The cavalry in the front shouted for a while, and the horses slew towards the battlefield. The infantry at the back lined up in a square formation, and under the command of the officer, they began to advance neatly.

At this time, a retreat trumpet came from the team on the opposite side of Sfax, and the thousand-man phalanx that surrounded the aristocratic coalition on three sides immediately turned around. Retreat towards the main formation.

Especially for the Sfax team nearest to Lorraine, the soldiers rushed to the side, trying to avoid the cavalry like a torrent of steel under Lorraine.

Lorraine looked at the scattered formations of the Sfax Provincial Army when it retreated, and knew that this team was not a well-trained standing army. The soldiers did not care about the formation. Just fled in a swarm to the rear.

Lorraine couldn't help but feel angrily. These noble soldiers really have enough food. It's really shameful to be defeated by a local garrison team. Their commander should be in military law.

Seeing that the Sfax people separated between Lorraine and the noble coalition evacuated, the remaining people of these noble coalition forces rushed towards Lorraine and their side.

Seeing the enemy retreating, his own people rushed over, Lorraine had to order the cavalry to stop attacking, shrink the formation, and retreat to his side. Those free eateries blocked their assault route.

The remaining seven or eight hundred people screamed and ran to Lorraine.

They were holding Lorraine and the reinforcement soldiers, cheering, jumping and shouting.

And the **** reinforcement army is extremely cold to these guys. All of them were cold, looking at these people with eyes that wanted to slap them.

Soon these self-professing and boring guys calmed down, calling out to the reinforcements in an unspoken manner, and then walked towards the back of the formation to the Throne of God Seal.

Several aristocratic people rushed to Lorraine’s side. These people knew that they had done something bad. They came up to salute Lorraine and the others, and said to Lorraine with a flat smile: "Thank you Lord Lorraine for your assistance. It's troublesome, sorry, sorry."

Lorraine looked at the several nobles who were looking for Wei, and said angrily: "You know too! There is no end to not complying with military orders."

Several people looked at each other, and then accompanied by smiling faces, rushing to say: "Yes, yes, yes, we know it is wrong, let the adults do it."

Lorraine pointed at the sparsely hundreds of people and said, "What's going on, are you the only people left?"

The nobles all nodded and bowed their heads and said: "Yes, yes, my lord, the other soldiers have surrendered. We know that we represent the Maple Leaf Danlin. Of course, we would rather die than surrender and stand here for help.

General Hassel almost fell off his horse when he heard it, and said in surprise: "All surrendered?"

Lorraine asked: "I would rather die than surrender. If they want to kill you all, now you have started to smell bad.

Tell me truthfully, how many soldiers have you lost? How many people surrendered? "

These nobles immediately looked at each other without speaking.

Lorraine was in a hurry. This was a battlefield. The military situation was urgent. A few of them. But still delaying time here, he couldn't help shouting angrily: "Don't talk about it, pull down the military law."

The officers next to him roared in unison.

These nobles waved their hands again and again and said, "We said, we said."

One of them said bitterly: "We fought the enemy and lost more than a hundred people. People, and then they surrounded us, and that was it."

General Hassel couldn't close his mouth in surprise, and said loudly, "You won't break through after losing more than a hundred people?"

Then shook his head and said, "I finally know how incompetent our army was at the time."

Lorraine found that he had lost face, and the veins on his angry forehead immediately jumped up. He touched the whip and wanted to jump down and beat them.

He took a few breaths, stared at the nobles, and said sharply: "How did those people surrender?"

"My lord, we lost all the weight. After being surrounded for three days, the Almohad killed a few pig stews across from us, and the unsteady guys clamored to surrender. To stabilize the military's morale, all the soldiers ran to the Throne of God Seal."

General Hassel and the other officers were stunned at this time, looking at the nobles blankly, unable to speak a word.

Lorraine fixedly looked at these nobles and said to himself: "Just a few pigs, they surrendered?"

These nobles nodded blushingly.

Lorraine suddenly clutched his stomach and lay on the horseback and laughed. The other officers also recovered at this time, and those infected by Lorraine also laughed forward and backward.

These guys are ashamed and want to find a shell to get in.

Lorraine shook his head, straightened his waist, and gritted his teeth at the few of them, "roll, roll, roll, roll, roll back, you lose all the faces of the Maple Leaf Danlin, I don’t have the time to clean you up. , You just wait for General Wabador to take your skin."

Like a pardon, these guys quickly turned around thinking and ran behind.

Lorraine took a breath at this moment and said, "Oh, this is too ridiculous."

After speaking, he was very angry and shouted sharply: "The whole team, the whole team, offensive, we have to get back the face we threw in the toilet of Pluto"

Quietly the soldier did not dare to neglect at the moment, took off the bugle, then bulged his cheeks and blew desperately.

The unique loud sound of the bugle immediately spread throughout the battlefield.

A group of Maple Leaf Danlin officers listened to the bugle, and immediately scolded and beat the soldiers under them, asking them to arrange their formation as quickly as possible.

Lorraine and the others began to regroup. At the same time, those Almohad's new army marched forward in an orderly manner, preparing to attack the army in the opposite Sfax Province.

At this time, only a group of cavalry was seen galloping out from the opposite group, their lances on top. Holding the white flag high, hurried towards Lorraine and the others.

Lorraine looked at it and frowned, then said to his opponent: "Go and see."

A group of cavalry greeted them.

Soon, the two teams stood face to face, and after talking for a while, they returned to their own spots.

The cavalry reported back to Lorraine: "Shiren, the coach on the opposite side wants to talk to you. It is between the two sides. He will not bring his men over."

"Oh?" Lorraine smiled, and then said coldly: "General Hassel, let's go to the Throne of God Seal and see what he said."

"Yes, my lord." General Hassel looked at him, then replied.

At this moment, I saw a knight walking out of Sfax's team, slowly walking towards Lorraine and the others.

Lorraine and Hassel also flicked the reins, and drove their horses to meet the Throne of God Seal.

However, Lorraine helped the short spear behind his waist, and at the same time, he carefully held the dragon soul stone in his hand.

They came to the center of the battlefield.

After approaching, Lorraine saw a burly man in his fifties opposite, with a square face, a big beard, a set of gorgeous armor and empty hands.

The man on the opposite side looked at Lorraine and Hassel with a sullen face. At a distance of more than ten steps, he brought the horse to a halt, and then said loudly, "But Lord Lorraine. I am Sfax. Governor of the Province Yurned"

Lorraine nodded and said, "I am Lorraine. This is General Hasel, the commander of the new army. Hello, Your Excellency Governor Uljad.

Governor Yuer Yad pointed at Lorraine, and said coldly and loudly: "You Zhiye Danlin people violated the contract and invaded the armistice area without authorization. We will protect the safety of our people at all costs. We ask you Fengye Danlin people to This is a sheath interpretation."

Lorraine shrugged and said: "Well, we have crossed the line, but your behavior is also outside the scope of the contract. We reserve our right to act freely."

Yulward said loudly: "You are arguing. Our Sfax actions are completely correct and reasonable. On the contrary, it is you. Are you still not acknowledging it?"

"Regarding our cross-border behavior, you should first notify us the headquarters of the Xie Ye Danlin coalition army, and we will resolve the actions of our cross-border army instead of attacking it without authorization. You are fully responsible for the situation that is caused now."

Governor Yuer Yad said: "Damn, you have all come in, can't we fight back, you Fengye Danlin never said a solution."

Lorraine bared his white teeth and said with a smile: "This solution was formulated by our Jianye Danlin. Didn't you inform you? Oh, sorry, we forgot."

Governor Yuer Yad suddenly changed his color, and said sharply: "Are you mocking us? If it weren't for our magnanimity, your team with Ye Danlin would have been gone." Two, two argued. Said loudly without corresponding! "If not: Twenty-six. You Sfax has long since disappeared."

Governor Yuer Yad stagnated, then shouted angrily: "Tell you, we Sfax people do not eat threats. See you on the battlefield."

Lorraine smiled and said: "I can't ask for it. Her Majesty the Queen has already granted us Maple Leaf Danlin coalition forces the right to move freely in Almohad. I want to see what will happen to you who disobey the emperor's order."

Governor Yuer Yad couldn't help but halted, and then said: "Don't deceive people too much, we have strong support behind us. You Fengye Danlin people can't get any benefits with their current strength. "

Lorraine "cut with disdain." He said, "Isn't it the twenty-fifth boy Hadu? You go and die for him, I think he will be very happy.

Although we Fengye Danlin people have gone a lot, it is more than enough to deal with you generalists, and General Hassel lacks credit. "

Hassel also stiffened his face, nodded, and then said stiffly: "It is the honor of our new army to be able to expand the empress's grace. It seems that the governor's appointment back then, the queen also went out of strength."

Governor Yuer Yad looked at Lorraine and Hassel bitterly, and said: "We deal with this matter with the hope of peace, but you treat us like this. This is your fair and just Fengye Danlin people. Way?"

Lorraine was stunned for a moment, and then said, "My lord, how old are you? Do you believe in the things that deceive children?

Okay, Lord Governor, I don’t want to play any diplomatic games with you here. My girlfriend is still waiting for me to go home for dinner. I understand your thoughts. I think you also know our intentions. Let’s get it straight. You let the person go, and then apologize, we will go back. "

Governor Yuer Yad snorted angrily, and then flatly said: "That is impossible. We are the injured party, and you should apologize."

As soon as Lorraine heard what he said, although he was tough, he had already acquiesced to the release of people. At the moment, he felt more confident and sighed inwardly.

Lorraine smiled. Then he said: "Your Excellency Yuer Yade, we can eat anything from the Danlin, but we won’t suffer. Our Maple Leaf Danlin people can’t afford to lose this person. If you insist on losing our face, then our Maple Leaf Danlin only has I found it back by myself. There is an old saying that you earn your own face and others give you face."

Governor Yurkind heard the threats in Lorraine’s words, but he was not afraid, and said, "You can’t afford to lose that person, so I can? If I do what you say, a family member Don't even think about going out, the foam of the Almohad can drown us."

Hearing that the governor was subdued, Lorraine didn't force it. After all, he was really unwilling to fight this battle.

Lorraine said: "Well, your Excellency Governor Yuer Yad, we will take a step back. You let go and make up for our loss, and we will go back.

To put it bluntly, General Wabador has now become famous. Under the aura of God of War, General Wabador will not let himself be stained with this stain. No matter how the Maple Leaf Danlin people will not lose this. Face off, you Sfax people have no chance at all.

If you agree, we will go back. If you disagree, we will go to the city of Sfaq and turn the unauthorized action of the noble coalition into a successful lure operation. You should consider it for yourself. "

He paused, and then said coldly: "I came here with sincerity, but please don't let the olive branch that represents peace slip from your hands."

Governor Yuer Yad watched Lorraine gritted his teeth, his face changed a lot, but he saw the coldness of Lorraine's face. In the end, he sighed and said, "For our Sfax people, well, you won."

He paused, then looked at General Hassel, and then said: "Also, General, please tell your Majesty the Queen. I did this to protect my people and do my duty as a governor. For the kindness of her Majesty, I, Yurned, have always remembered that our taxes in Sfax have always been paid to the capital."

He said, stroking his chest with his hand, and bowing his head respectfully immediately.

General Hassel nodded, and then said dryly: "I'll convey it to Master Xiang."

Governor Yuryad turned to Lorraine and said, "I will let my subordinates discuss with you. Goodbye, Lord Lorraine, we Almohad has paid too much for the emperor and Despi’s stupidity, but we Still the great Almohad Empire. And"

Governor Yurned looked at Lorraine with a false smile, and said, "Your people are too edible."

He wanted to choke Lorraine at last. But what kind of person Lorraine was, how could he make him do what he wanted, at the moment he just shrugged, then smiled and nodded at Governor Yuryad, and then watched Governor Yuryad turn and leave.

Lorraine saw the back of Governor Yuer Yad and couldn't help but stretched out his hand, and then said bitterly to General Hassel, "This family..."

General Hassel said with a smile: "It's an old fox, I know."

Lorraine was taken aback, and he also laughed at the moment, and said: "By the way, how did Her Majesty the Queen help the governor back then?"

General Hassell laughed and said: "It's nothing, just put a stamp on the appointment book. Chapter, I said. Just give him a step down, and he just rolled off without thinking of hitting this guy."

Lorraine also laughed with General Hassel.

Then Governor Yuer Yad released the nearly 3,000 prisoners who had voluntarily surrendered and sent his men. I went to Lorraine to discuss. After making up more than a dozen gold coins for each of the noble coalition forces of Maple Leaf Danlin, he gritted his teeth and cursed at Lorraine, shrank the army, and watched Lorraine and the others swagger away. Up.

When the next small nobles were named as escorts by the Lorraine people, they were all escorted to the Hafs port in despair, and then boarded the transport ship and returned to Xie Ye Danlin.

After they got there, they had to reorganize and count the number of people. Then the Fengye Danlin Command will earnestly evaluate the military merits.

The bonus of the bonus, the certificate of the award, and of course the spanking, the military police of the Maple Army will never be soft.

After all this is over, the soldiers who came to pick up cheap and windfall money will disband on the spot and go home.

Above the harbor, those little noble soldiers pouted their butts, climbed onto the transport ship noisily, and then stood on the side deck. Looking at the Lou Jun soldiers below, he was very resentful. Because they felt that they hadn't made enough, they were about to leave, giving up such a great opportunity in vain.

And the soldiers of the clothed army standing in the harbor raised their heads and looked at the soldiers of the little noble army on the ship. They were also very melancholy.

Because the other party can already go home, but he still has to stay in this place and continue to suffer. If he stays like this, the girlfriend at home doesn't know if he can keep it? Will you run away with others? Does the old sow in the house know if she has any babies? Should the plow in the field go back to the furnace again? (To be continued)

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