Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 246: I will follow you when I go to hell


pain. Pain~!

Pain, pain, pain~!

Lorraine felt like a group of dwarves wearing steel boots with shaggy thighs in their heads, dancing very hard like the cancan of the French Red Mill described by the famous painter Toulouse and Lautrec.

In the lively and cheerful music, he kicked his thighs over his head in a uniform and uniform manner, and then slammed it heavily on the floor with a deafening noise.

At the same time, they kept hitting their heads with the mallet in their hands.

Lorraine couldn't help holding his head tightly with both hands, and let out a low moan. Then he scolded: "Go away, get out of here..."

But those guys responded even more severely, carried him up, and then began to spin around the house quickly, making him dizzy.

After struggling several times, Lorraine finally got rid of their shackles and successfully woke up.

He got up from the ground, staggered towards the window and rushed over, then vomited violently. The sky is dim and dark when I only vomit, as if even bile is vomiting out.

After vomiting, he felt better now, his mind became clear, and the group of dwarves dancing the thigh dance also disappeared.

It's just that the blood vessels in the head are still jumping wildly. There is still some pain in my head.

Lorraine returned to his senses slowly, and then remembered that at the carnival banquet last night, he was overwhelmed by a bunch of ruffians.

Everyone is just looking for reasons to drink alcohol. From the birthday of the great **** Zeus to the full moon of the Queen Mother, he even celebrated the everlasting friendship between Almohad and the Academy. God knows, they have not just put down the sword in their hands for less than twelve hours...

Lorraine felt another headache hit, and he couldn't help groaning low, then rubbed his temples with both hands and kept massaging.

While massaging, he turned his head from the window and looked at the room in front of him. Immediately, he was shocked by the pile of diamonds, golden, or gems of various colors that almost reached the hill on the ceiling.

Lorraine immediately forgot the headache, looked at the pile of gems, rubbed his eyes desperately, thinking it was like a dream. I am afraid that these gems will disappear in front of my eyes in the next moment.

After a while, he couldn't help crying out: "Vera, Vera?"

At this moment, I heard a shaking in the treasure pile, making a jingle sound, and then, I saw a beautiful young man with blue hair and a pretty and charming face poking out of the treasure.

The man opened his ignorant blue eyes, flicked his small fist angrily, and said, "What? What did you tell me to do early in the morning? I also have human rights. Believe it or not, I bite you~!"

Lorraine knew that she was fine, but she got up more angry. Don't care, just beckoned: "You come here. You come."

Vera rubbed her eyes reluctantly, then twisted her petite plump body, and got out of the treasure pile with great pains, and said dissatisfiedly: "What are you doing?"

Lorraine didn't speak, walked over, and then reached out and held Vera's small hand, and then opened a big mouth, facing her white, soft, smooth, and delicate jade hand, it was a bite.

Vera yelled in pain and jumped up to a full three feet high. A layer of mist immediately clouded his two big eyes, and tears were almost falling.

She yelled: "Master, what are you doing? It's going to hurt me~!"

Then he shook his small fist and kept beating Lorraine on his body.

Lorraine hurriedly grabbed her little hand, then looked at the red teeth marks on it that he had bitten out, and asked with concern: "Does it hurt?"

Vera suddenly became anxious, stomping on the brand-new bright black patent leather shoes, whispering softly: "Nonsense, you let me take a bite, does it hurt?"

Lorraine breathed out immediately, and said, "It seems that this is true. This is true. All these treasures are true. Vera, we are rich~!"

Vera still doesn't follow. Said: "If you want to know the truth or not, you won't bite yourself, you really hate it..."

She stomped her feet and wanted to hit Lorraine twice, but then turned her head to see the shining pile of treasures, and her eyes instantly turned into two huge hearts, which could no longer be removed.

After watching for a long time, she lowered her head and took a bite at Lorraine.

Lorraine also bared his teeth in pain, and said, "What are you doing? It hurts~!"

Vera ignored him and murmured: "We are really rich, I thought yesterday... I was just having a dream yesterday..."

As he said, he let out a loud cheer, then pounced and rolled happily on it, and then hugged those treasures with a grinning eyebrow, and put his fair and delicate face, which can be broken by a bomb, on it. It's rubbing, smiling brightly.

Then he brought into play the characteristics of the dragon clan. Before Lorraine could see it clearly, he twisted his body for some reason, and got into the treasure pile again. Stroking those gems and gold, happily almost running out of water...

Lorraine couldn't help but sweat, and he sighed inwardly: This girl is indeed a member of the dragon clan. She is greedy for money, and she is ashamed of a person who claims to have plucked her hair.

Just as the two of them were intoxicated in this sea of ​​treasure. At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, the door was kicked open, and a fat little boy jumped in from outside the door.

He looked at the pile of treasures. It was also a daze, and then reacted, yelled, and then rushed over like a whirlwind, lying on the pile of treasures, rolling again, playing with a dog planer, and kicked.

Finally, I learned how Vera looked, and made a hole in it, wanting to bury myself in it.

But this fat boy didn't have Vera's talent at all. He just scratched it twice, and the treasure mountain shook immediately, and then collapsed suddenly.

‘Ah...uh...’ Leo couldn’t help but stared at him, watching the gems rushing towards him like a tide. He just made a scream in time and was drowned in the treasure pile.

Lorraine and Vera saw each other, and rushed over, and before he was crushed to death, he digs out the little ruffian from the treasure.

Leo almost didn't get crapped to death in it. As soon as he was planed out, he opened his mouth desperately and took a few breaths. Then he raised his head and looked at the concerned eyes of Lorraine and his eyes blushed. There was a gleam of water in his big eyes, and he almost cried.

Lorraine hurried for a while.

Vera quickly took out two lollipops from her white skirt, handed him one, and took one herself.

Leo lowered his head and glanced, then he burst into laughter, "Ahhhhhhhhhh, he stuffed the lollipop into his mouth all at once, and took a few more bites.

Lorraine looked at it and couldn't help but roll his eyes madly. It would be extremely difficult to be heartless to the point where he was.

He watched Leo sniffle. After he stabilized his emotions, he asked, "Why are you here?"

Leo patted his head, remembering something, and then said: "Boss, you go out quickly. Nicole and the others are in a hurry."

Lorraine was taken aback, and said: "They are waiting in a hurry, what are they? Since they are in a hurry, why don't they come in?"

Leo chuckled twice, shrank his neck, and took out a diamond from his body that accidentally got into his clothes and stabbed his skin with pain, and then took a look at the magnificent colors reflected by it under the sun.

As he watched, he said unhurriedly: "I will answer your second question first. They say there are too many things here, which affects emotions. But my opinion is that they are afraid to be the same as you two. When they come in, Seeing those gems, I can't move anymore."

Lorraine couldn't help but hesitated, turning around to see Vera holding the gems happily again, rubbing her pretty face hard, not afraid of being caught, although she was a little reluctant, but she couldn't. Don't admit that Leo is right.

It is said that the reason why dragons like to catch women is because they all have the same hobby for gems and the like, which is similar to vicious competition in the same industry.

Lorraine thought for a while, and then asked, "So what about the first question?"

Leo glared in surprise, then shouted in an incredible voice: "Don't you know?"

He patted his head, woke up, and nodded: "Oh, yes, you really don't know. Once you come back, you will get down~!"

Leo paused, and then said: "Now it's gone crazy outside. It is said that someone has obtained a treasure map. It is the money obtained by old Despi's corruption and bribery, and various collections. Treasure. Because there are too many things. There are too many. He couldn't take it with him, so he found a place to hide it."

As he said, in excitement, he opened his hands greatly, a gesture that was too much, too much, too much to hold his arms.

At this time, the pain after the hangover struck again. Lorrain rubbed his head, feeling extremely confused, and said: "Then...what does that have to do with me?"

Leo immediately widened his eyes and pointed to Lorraine’s nose angrily: "Boss, what do you mean? Do you want to swallow it alone? This is not enough. Believe it or not, I will report to the gendarmerie now. You~!"

Lorraine groaned with a headache, then looked down at his big shiny eyes with angry stars, and said, "What are you trying to say?"

Leo couldn't help but sighed for a long time, and said, "Do you remember the magician we caught?"

Lorraine nodded. Wonderful way: "What happened then?"

With that, he suddenly woke up and said: "You mean to say..."

Leo nodded and said, "That's right. According to my sister's estimation, that piece of paper is a treasure map."

Lorraine immediately woke up and hurriedly lowered his head to search for him, and found that Noramo's wallet was still hanging around his waist, and he let out a long breath. Then he said: "Okay, let's go out and discuss it carefully."

Leo agreed immediately, and rushed to the door.

Lorraine looked back at Vera and saw that she was still lying on the pile of gems intoxicated. He sighed and said, "Vera, stop playing. We have business to do."

Vera held the gem in both hands, raised it high, and then loosened her hand, listening to the beautiful music of the dingling with a grin, and said: "Master, what I am doing now is business."

Lorraine sighed and said, "Vera, you know there is a bigger treasure waiting for us. If you don't come, when the time comes to divide things, you won't have your share~!"

"No~~Don't~!" Vera exclaimed, and immediately jumped up and ran to Lorraine's side quickly.

She hugged Lorraine's arms tightly into her delicate and plump arms, filled with amazing elasticity and plump jade, and then shook it gently like a baby, making Lorraine feel dizzy.

The sweet and innocent blue-haired girl didn't know how much damage this was for Lorraine, she promised loudly, "Master, don't worry. Even if I go to hell, I will follow. Yours~!"


Old Despi’s study is gorgeously decorated, with crystal lamps on the ceiling and table lamps placed around the room illuminating the entire room, and there is a large desk in the room.

After holding back their men, Lorraine and Catherine hid in the study and closed the door to study the piece of paper-it really was a map.

Not only was it covered with Old Despi’s seal, but also the emperor’s private seal.

Lorraine got two pieces of glass, clamped the hand-drawn simple map, put it on the table, and then met Catherine and Vera to study the map under the lamp.

Leo stood on a stool, pouting his hips, his entire upper body lying on the table. Pretending to be able to understand, he looks like a beast from the brick house, and he joins in the fun.

Catherine frowned and watched for a long time, but still couldn't see the reason, she couldn't help asking: "What the **** is this painting on?"

"Map, cut, long hair and short knowledge." Leo glanced at Catherine disdainfully, then said.

Catherine snorted immediately, then raised her hand and slapped Leo **** Leo's ass, making a loud "pop".

Leo screamed, then he kept rubbing his **** with his hands, while looking at Catherine angrily, and said: "What are you hitting me for? I'm not wrong, this is a map~!!!"

Then, he pointed at the map with his chubby fingers and said, "Look, this is a road, this is a small river, and this should be a village. The house in the circle drawn here is our goal, eh, it seems like the back There are more words?"

With that said, Leo lifted the glass plate holding the map from the table, turned it over, and faced the light.

Catherine watched Leo lift up the map and yelled: "Hurry up and put it down for me, it's dirty~!"

After speaking, he retched disgustingly, and turned around quickly.

Vera also gave a "Hey", and hurriedly covered her eyes with her hands, and said to Leo: "Don't you think it's dirty?"

Leo turned left and right while holding the map, and said strangely, "Is there? Why don't I feel it."

After speaking, he raised up and looked at the lamp carefully, and then said, "It's very clean. You adults just like to make fuss."

After finishing speaking, he snorted contemptuously from his small nostrils to show his contempt for these women.

Catherine immediately furious and said: "Are you itchy again?"

Lorraine saw that they were about to fight again, and hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, stop making trouble, business matters, you only need to think of this map as a gold coin that can bury us all."

After a daze, Vera slowly put her hand down, staring at the map, and then her eyes started to light up and said, "I feel better after hearing what you said."

Catherine said on the side: "Vera, you really are from the Lorraine family~!"

Vera immediately squinted her eyes happily, and said: "Yes? If you can practice to be like a young master for money, my mother won't scold me again."

Catherine slapped her forehead and shook her head helplessly. Secretly said in my heart: This silly girl~!

Leo knocked on the glass plate and said impatiently: "Business, business, which is all money~! Do you still want it?"

Lorraine plucked up the courage to reach out for it, but still felt a little uncomfortable, and finally put down his hand, and then asked, "What is written behind this?"

"Oh." Leo looked at the map and said, "It says, "Garden", just this one word."

Lorraine paid for it and said, "Well, now the key is to find out where this place is. Get the map of Abdwad."

Adele hurriedly pulled out a map and handed it over.

Lorraine spread out the map, and several people looked at the map, immediately all dumbfounded.

I saw this map of the area around Abdwad only marked with roads and rivers, and the towns connected by these roads and rivers.

The place names on the map are densely packed, but they can't show such a small place at the manor level. Just comparing it with the sketch obtained by Lorraine and the others, nothing can be seen.

"It's impossible~!" Catherine sat back sullenly, and said: "The Almohad Empire is so big, it is said that there are at least a few thousand places like this around the city of Abdwad. The magician doesn't know anything, hell~!"

Speaking of the end, I couldn't help but cursed bitterly.

Leo snorted, and said: "That's because you can't use torture. Let me tell him, first give him a tiger stool, chili water, and then the Ten Manchu tortures, and finally the Sino-US Cooperation Agency..."

Catherine raised her hand to reward him with a violent shudder, and cursed: "You can accumulate some virtue~! Is there any humanity, you actually want to do this kind of thing~! We are civilized people, not beasts, let alone perverted? Murderer~!"

Leo groaned his head and said, "Then we are here to watch?"

Catherine stagnated and was speechless for a while. (!)

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