Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 239: Battle of Manhill (2)

In addition to the phalanx fish of this legion, in order to encourage the ten poisons. A few pine nuts kept making noises. Some play comedies, some play songs, and some play sad music. I don't know which red and white meeting it came from.

On the other side, dozens of disheveled, upper-body guys line up, line, Yu, Qian! , Uh, dancing the great god.

They either kept shaking their bodies like convulsions, or kept screaming loudly, dancing weird dances, or kept yelling at their soldiers with bigots. It looks like a miasma, which is extremely magical.

Although I don’t know how the effect is, they are all very dedicated at least. They are sweating and panting. They bluff the stupid big-head soldiers who have not read a few days and have no culture. Stunned for a while.

This is understandable. Because "God must make people mad if he wants to perish. This is a great truth that is unchangeable throughout the ages.

"Xia Jie, Shang Zhou, Zhou Youwang, Sui Shuo, Tang Xuan, and Song Huizong", a series of great figures who have been famous in history, all used their own blood and lives to confirm this great truth.

Even Almohad is no exception.

When the old Despi and his son, under the favor of the emperor, pushed the queen aside and took control of the state power, without supervision, they sold officials and lords. Even positions such as officials are unceremoniously on sale.

In order to make money by selling officials, they randomly find a reason to dismiss the original officials, and then sell them for short.

And these judges, known as "the last line of defense of the empire, have no choice but to agree with each other. Once someone dismisses, everyone will join together to help him buy it back.

But then everyone was dismissed together,

The political situation deteriorated drastically.

The hooligans from the husband flooded the court.

There was even one time when His Majesty the emperor summoned an education official of a certain province, he saw one of them who was eight feet tall and full of flesh, and asked his resume under curiosity. Only then did I know that the uncle was not only illiterate, but also a thief who crossed seven provinces and was a major criminal of the Empire.

He saw this opportunity to bring glory to the ancestors, and immediately bought an official Dangdang.

The old man Xie saw His Majesty the Emperor with his own eyes. In his excitement, he patted his chest violently, and promised the supreme that if his Majesty sees who is not pleasing to his eyes, he will say hello to him. They rushed up and gave the man one. The white knife went in, the green knife came out to pierce him

And if you frown when doing this kind of thing, you won't be a hero.

Only from this, we can know the collapse of the court.

What can be known is that the reason why those rascals spent a lot of money and bought official posts was not to contribute to the feudal happy family.

They want to recover their investment

Therefore, as soon as these guys arrived, they thought of ways to search the people and blackmail places.

In order to improve efficiency, everyone used the few remaining brains and did not even do any decoration work. They directly hired a large number of gangsters like "Niu Er. Brother." They used those lawless and conscientious. The guys act as minions.

Beating up the elderly, beating up children, kicking the widow door in the middle of the night, "doing everything, crazy sucking the flesh and blood of the people. This has caused their suffering in a deeper level."

And when the Maple Leaf Danlin Crusade Army appeared, in order to preserve their property, they were also afraid of the angry secret arrows shot from the back by the people, and they naturally ran away in a blanket.

When His Majesty the Emperor wanted to consolidate his army and prepare for war, it was only then that his army had been wiped out under the joint efforts of those dog officers.

In addition, a large number of ordnances have disappeared in the hands of increasingly rampant bandits and pirates. A large number of well-crafted weapons have appeared. In order to make money and recover the money spent on buying officials, there is nothing, but the grandsons dare not. Sell

Under these circumstances, in order to resist the aggressive Armament Ye Danlin army, His Majesty the Emperor had to order the use of "Strengthening Ding, a clever means with a long history and tradition, to force the people everywhere to supplement his army.

The appointed military commander General Sogar also understood that he could not win with quality. I had to rely on the quantity to fill,

Therefore, when he executes, he will take all the activities and breathe. Regardless of whether they are young or old, they were caught together. Charge into the army. The enemy is almost a copy of "Shi Hao Li" from another world.

Even so, he still found the last madness of those officials in the army to lay hands on the munitions, to withhold military payments, or to kidnap girls from the countryside, and to drink and revel every day." All kinds of ugliness are different. If the big barracks became a big red light

General Sogar was daring not to say anything about this, but he passed the news and knew what happened to General Remitide during the last expedition.

After the old Despi came back alone, he shifted all the responsibilities to the general who had already been captured, but only one was left. The fate of ransacking the house.

If it hadn't been for a loyal subordinate who risked his death to **** his daughter's wife and hide it in private. Now they have opened the door to welcome guests in the official red light district,

And some of the remaining magicians in the empire followed General Hadu to the south to suppress bandits. The other part is because imperial officials would rather embezzle and accept bribes, but are not willing to spend money to redeem their captured colleagues. In anger, Diao Bizheng

"Maybe this empire really deserves to die" Sogor thought of this, and he let out a heavy sigh in the cold weather, then raised his head and looked at the opposite, murderous, wolf-like Fengye Dan. Lin Jun.

I saw that the opponent had lined up the array, accumulating every bit of strength, the messenger holding the red flag ran back and forth in front of the formation, the officers brandished the commanding knife, and kept yelling, obviously they were ready to attack. quasi. In the next moment, he rushed over with the momentum of Wanjun Beast Ting.

General Sogar hesitated for a while, and then decided not to wait for the army of the other two camps to assemble.

He raised his right hand high, and then he waved it down strongly.

A group of soldiers clashed their throats and shouted loudly: "The general has an order, the whole army will advance. The whole army is in front"

Following that loud yell, the order was passed on one by one.

Almohad's phalanx, under the scolding of the officers and the sharp swords behind the supervising team, stepped forward and started to drive towards the Maple Leaf Danlin Crusade Army.

Seeing the full performance of the Almohad people in front of them, General Wabador and Lorraine constantly gathered information on the battlefield, analyzed them, and implemented targeted plans in order to obtain the greatest benefit with the least loss.

The lightly-clad scouts rode on fast horses, closely monitoring the other two enemy camps.

Although the Almohad people there have also begun to gather for battle, they may be afraid of death or not professional enough. Their assembly is far less than the enemy on the opposite side of Lorraine, not to mention that they are still not short of the battlefield. .

Seeing this, Lorraine turned to General Wabador and said: "It seems that they are not planning to attack together. It is difficult for the enemy forces of the other two camps to reach the battlefield before noon.

General Varendor laughed twice, and said confidently: "If you were the opposing general, would you count on joint operations?"

Lorraine stagnated, then slowly shook his head, and said, "Of course not. I'm also afraid that their eateries will rush up and disrupt my formation."

He thought for a moment, and pointed out the danger cautiously, saying: "However, as long as these Almohad can catch up with the battle, attacking us from the side is also a big trouble."

General Wabador snorted and said: "Resolve the enemy in front of you as soon as possible.

They have only 10,000 concubines, and their military strength is not dominant. According to the original plan, the heavy infantry will stand up to the front to ensure that our front will not loosen. The mage and the archer perform over-the-top attacks behind the battle line. Don't care about the money, don't care about the loss of magic power, and don't care about the consumption of arrows. In a word, don't care about anything, smash me hard.

Even if I can't get rid of the enemy, I will disrupt their position. By then, it will be time for the cavalry gang to play. "

Lester had a sullen face, looked at the enemy army on the opposite side coldly, and said in a cold voice: "After holding back for so many days, I am finally able to do a good job. I want those guys to "Shiye Danlin." Remember these few words one thousand more"

The generals left, leading their teams, preparing for the war.

The soldiers of the Maple Leaf Danlin Legion watched the performances of the Almohad on the opposite side, and they became impatient. The soldiers of the Crusade Army couldn’t help shouting, “Grandson, you have Endless?"

A group of officers were eager to try, and only waited for an order to direct the soldiers to rush forward and solve the enemies in front of them.

Probably he was aware of the contempt of all the crusaders here, or they had already added enough state to themselves and exhausted their mana. Or even after a group of soldiers from the Armory Fort Legion gather together, the ability to pull monsters is still acceptable.

In short, all the weird guys in front of Almohad's formation were called down.

Immediately afterwards, the bugle of the Almohad Army sounded. Various drum horns and gongs rang together. The bugle sound originally used to boost morale sounded very dramatic at this time. It was as if hundreds of circus troupes had gathered together.

But the Almohad did not care about this. They raised their flags, yelling loudly, cheering for themselves, and marching towards the crusaders.

See this situation. Fengye Danlin also sounded the horn immediately. The officers immediately roared loudly, "Strengthen the battle, hold the battle"

They watched the opponent approaching coldly, waiting for the opponent's attack.

As stated in "A Theory of War", "Although the offensive on the battlefield is active, the defending side has more advantages. Because the offensive side has to give up its own geographical advantages and attack those who occupy the geographical advantage and the advantage of the enemy. Defender,

Almohad's legion plucked up their courage, and they had just walked forward for less than a mile, and gaps had begun to appear in their team.

Because of the lack of seven trainings, the soldiers' paces are not consistent. The only elite troops left in the center are the Almohad people who are always walking towards the crusade army at a fixed pace.

Two miles later, Lorraine saw that the Almohad's troops were divided into two parts in a big shape.

Each part is clearly divided into several pieces, and the distance between each group of soldiers ranges from a few feet to several tens of feet. It's like herding sheep, all of them belong to one tuo and one tuo. Even though the officers and the supervising team kept beating and shouting, they still couldn't gather them.

Obviously, those who can walk in the front and gather together are the regular Almohad army or more powerful fighters. Those who fall behind are all forced to conquer.

The two sides got closer, and the Almohad formation became more and more scattered, until the plains in front of the crusade army were crowds of twos and threes.

The two armies were one mile apart, and as the horn sounded, the Almohad in the front row shouted, raised their weapons and shields, lowered their heads, and started running more.

Under the orders of the officers, the soldiers of the crusade army also squeezed their shields, raised their swords, tightly capped their feet, and watched nervously at the oppressive crowd.

Three hundred yards away, it can maintain a complete formation in front of the crusade. Only Almohad's Imperial Forest Army remained.

One hundred yards, the wizards, under Luo Linna's order, began to cast the spells they had prepared.

In an instant, the magic with great destructive power bloomed at the forefront of Almohad's army like brilliant colorful fireworks.

There was a dull explosion.

The legion phalanx at the forefront reached a large area in an instant, and the Almohad's footsteps immediately slowed down.

Although the troops in the middle suffered casualties, they only paused, braved the gunfire, and continued to advance through the smoke.

Instead, the legions on both sides stopped. The officers and soldiers of the supervising team couldn't help gritting their teeth. They had to slap them with swords, yell at them, and drive them away. Only in this way can those guys move forward. Keep moving forward with more and more steps.

Seventy yards,

With the sound of the Fengye Danlin officer, the archers immediately threw the arrows in their hands into the air.

Those arrows flew into the sky, scraped through a beautiful arc, and then dropped like a torrential rain. Now another piece of death was created,


Another round of spell bombing, but this time the Almohad people in the area covered by the spell ran very scattered and did not cause much damage.

But this time the spell frightened the Almohad people behind, and their back team's offensive slowed down. A huge fault gap is formed in the middle of the square.

Finally, amid the shouts of the soldiers, the Crusaders and the Almohad collided together, and countless sparks sputtered out of the clanging sound of swords.

The two armies were mixed together, as if the waves hit the reef bank, and water splashes were shot out in an instant. At that moment, soldiers continued to fall down, and the soldiers behind roared and bravely made up for their position. He clenched the weapon in his hand and slashed at the enemy on the opposite side.

Under the attack, the originally neat front line immediately became crooked and jagged.

But the Almohad could not shake the front of the crusaders.

The number of the Almohad Royal Forest Army who first came into direct contact with the crusaders was not large, and the Almohad who came up later were not capable of fighting, and more Almohad were still rushing to the battle zone.

Under the command of Lorina, the mages poured their third spell attack at a very close range, just a little behind the warring crowd, where Almohad gathered in large numbers.

With the spell crashing down, the moment went to the next one again. The screams and crying of those people, mixed with other sounds on the battlefield, turned into a huge noise, resounding across the entire plain.

Lester looked at the battlefield in front of him, waving the magic skills in his hand anxiously, and couldn't help muttering: "It's almost, it's almost."

What he meant was that the Almohad forces in front had dispersed too much. Even with him as a magician, he can't cover such a large area. Facing the 100,000 people who have not yet reached the battlefield, it is obviously unwise to waste mana.

Lorraine said to him: "Don't worry, our striker is now completely able to withstand the enemy. Wait a while!"

"Damn it Almohad" Lester couldn't help but yelled at him, saying: "You don't want to fight a battle. I have prepared this spell for three days."

The spells continued to fall behind the fighting Almohad, not only completely blocked the Almohad behind from coming up, but also frightened the militia-like troops, even if the supervising team swears and swishes their swords, but the rear team Almost stopped moving.

The **** battlefield and the howls of the soldiers stimulated the senses of these civilians. Every time the martyrdom's spell fell, it took a lot of life away.

The broken arm and the **** body are like shattered flying around in the loud explosion. The bright red blood was sprayed everywhere like rain.

This is not the battlefield where the bards are singing. A hero rides a dragon, takes out an unparalleled sword, and with a light wave, kills the heavy generals of the demons, and then there are gold and beautiful princesses. .

Here is the battlefield swallowing life.

The cruel-faced soldiers in front of the Crusaders slashed their weapons on the Almohad, and splashed blood on them like a violent spring.

The Almohad soldiers behind saw the Fengye Danlin soldiers roaring like a monster. Immediately there was a panic, feeling that he would not be the opponent of those murderers at all.

Moreover, they have to risk their deaths to pass through the area where spells are constantly falling, and the fierce screams of the supervising team behind have never stopped, and these rascals who have just transferred are caught in a dilemma.

Lester shook his hand at this moment and said fiercely: "It doesn't matter. They won't be able to get together until tomorrow, only to change spells."

Speaking of raising the magic skills, chanting the spell silently, staring at the battlefield in front. !

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