Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 226: Lose the face of the aggressor

Let those rushing behind the beach knights. Countless small boats were put into the water lambs, carrying their armor and equipment. And food supplies quickly rowed towards the shore.

Above the head, the magicians screamed. Fly around and be on guard.

Then nearly a hundred carriages also rushed out. The horse pulling the cart, amid the rain of whip and the roar of the coachman, dragged the heavy cart to the shore with difficulty.

Soldiers and sailors next to them were also holding hands and shoulders, dragging the car ashore.

Since everything was planned well in advance, the whole operation was orderly and extremely fast. In less than three hours, nearly two thousand people have already boarded the beach.

After everyone rested for a while, the patrons showed their well-trained qualities, put on their shiny armor again in a very short time, and then began to form a lineup. The horse-traveling post was released in all directions.

in the mean time. Supplies were also put on the carriage.

Except for the mages, a few patrolled in the sky. The rest of the crowd and pastors also squeezed into the carriage. Then the coachmen waved their whip and roared, drove the horse pulling the cart, followed the knights, and rushed inland.

Behind them. The rumbling explosion continued to sound.

The warships that had originally served as escorts turned their bows one after another and began to bombard the expensive transport ships. The transport ships that stopped and could not move were blown to pieces.

It was only a moment's work, except for the footprints left on the sandy land by the beach, and the fragments of the ships in the sea, there is no more evidence to prove that an elite force just landed here.

There is no need to worry about the debris of the footprints and ships. Just after the next high tide, the footprints will be washed away by the sea. And ship debris, wood boards, etc., will also be washed away by the tide, enlarging the depths of the sea.

At this moment, the warships made a loud horn when they saw the mission completed, and then they turned their rudders and set sail, chasing them in the direction of the fleet.

Lorraine rode forward, and when he was galloping up a small hill, he glanced back and saw that those warships had all turned into small black wars on the sea level.

With a whistle, he led a crowd of people to wait, rushed to the inland, and then along a road that was in disrepair. He ran down to the southeast.

Fortunately, it was mostly hilly plains at this time, and those vehicles were all carefully built and modified by the Flying Eagle Company. The tires have also been specially widened, so you can run on this kind of road. If you change to another vehicle. Within twenty miles, he was distracted.

Rao is so. The people in the car were also confused and complained endlessly.

They ran all the way. When it was close to dusk in the afternoon, someone in front came to report, and a small town appeared a few miles ahead.

Lorraine rode on the horse, thought for a moment, and then waved his right hand over his head.

Now the knights have galloped out.

Looking down from mid-air, you will see that they are divided into multiple strands, like a pair of tongs, tightly surrounding the town.

Several wizards also flew into the air, looking down on the ground fiercely like a condor, closely monitoring the situation in the town.

See here for Lorraine. Let's go ahead and rush to the throne of God Seal.

They rushed into the town, and the thunderous sound of iron hoofs immediately alarmed everyone in the town.

A group of residents were sitting at home eating dinner, and suddenly they saw these murderous ruffians, and they didn't know which way of the monster crossing the border, and they were all scared to death.

When they saw that these guys were angry and ferocious, the uniforms they wore on them were not like bandits coming down from a mountain, but they were even more frightened.

As ordinary people at the bottom, this "bandits are like combs, and soldiers are like baskets." They still understand the truth that is unchangeable and universal.

There were a few daring ones who wanted to escape, but they were immediately spotted by the magicians in the sky. They threw a few fireballs down. They blew their heads and screamed.

Lorraine rode his horse to the square in the town.

The mayor had already received the news at this time and greeted him with a smile on his face.

Lorraine hadn’t spoken yet, and the mayor had already nodded and bowed his head and said: "Sir, you have worked hard, you have worked hard. I understand the rules, and please show mercy to the officers. Haha, show mercy.

After that, he took out a shabby red envelope from his pocket and handed it over to the Throne of God Seal.

Lorraine took the throne of God Seal in amazement.

The mayor took out a few more red envelopes and pointed them one by one to the officers behind Lorraine. One side said: "The sir has worked hard, the sir has worked hard, a little bit of fun, please smile, please smile,"

The crowd could not help being stunned for a while. Although as an aggressor. Robbing money and things is a matter of course, but taking money in this way seems a bit embarrassing.

They accepted the red envelope, neither did they accept it, nor did they retreat. They turned their heads to look at Lorraine in embarrassment.

Lorraine took the wallet quietly and said, "Do you know who we are?"

The mayor raised his head to look at the crowd, and then smiled cautiously, saying: "Every commander has a mighty army. At first glance, you can see that you are a mighty hero with one enemy and a hundred, the empire's elite. Please wait a moment, please. Worry. We will prepare meals for the adults right away."

Lorraine couldn't help laughing or crying. He turned around and looked at the officers next to him, and saw that many of them were pressing the hilt of their swords and looking at the mayor viciously. He couldn't help but feel a movement, and then asked the mayor who was about to be scared to pee his pants. Said: "Then my brothers

The mayor slapped his chest as if he was amnesty, and said in a big way: "Sir, don’t worry, sir, don’t worry. Come to town. Just like when you are at home, we will let the brothers eat, drink and rest."

Lorraine was the only one who was so happy, nodded happily, and said, "Very well, lead me ahead!"

The mayor bowed to the ground and said, "Yes, sir, thank you sir. Please follow me."

Then, as soon as he turned around, he was about to lead the people of Lorraine towards the largest and most luxurious house in town.

Lorraine heard the officer behind him with a sly smile: "What did he thank us for? Is it because we thanked us for not robbing them?"

Everyone couldn't help but burst out a burst of laughter.

Hearing their laughter, the mayor knew that although these rascals were a little better than the officers and soldiers he had seen before, they were not easy to serve, and his face became paler.

Lorraine turned around and reprimanded: "All the gangsters will be honest with me. Don't let me relax when you get here."

"Yes, sir." All the officers agreed.

Lorraine then ordered, "Let the people vacate all the houses outside the town and drive them all to the center of the town. If anyone dares to move, I will kill him."

At the moment, an officer agreed and said, "Yes, sir."

Then he glanced at the trembling mayor, and rode away murderously.

Lorraine looked at the green-faced mayor, but ignored him, and continued to order: "Send me all the guard posts and horse-seen riders. After a while, I will go to the God Seal Throne to check the guard to see who is lazy, Lao Tzu. Strike to death with a whip"

Two more officers agreed and galloped out.

Lorraine stood on the spot and waited for a while, hearing the voices of officers and various commands coming from all directions.

Immediately afterwards, the cries of women and children, and the anger of men continued to ring.

Knowing that they had completely surrounded the town, Lorraine began to clean up and interrogate the people from house to house. Then he looked at the mayor with a smile and said, "Mayor, didn't you take us to rest?"

The mayor heard the cries and angers coming from not far away, and then saw the gentle smile on Lorraine’s face. He turned a deaf ear to those voices. He couldn't help but slam in his heart. Secretly said: "This guy is really a monster"

If Lorraine knew what he thought in his heart, he would definitely laugh at the hillbilly for not seeing the market. Because this is the limit he can do, like freezing to death without tearing down the house. The army that starves to death without grabbing food is mostly in literary and artistic works, and they are specially paid to hire people to brag for themselves.

In reality. This kind of thing cannot be said to be absent, but it is extremely rare.

Lorraine took a few officers and guards and followed the mayor to the most luxurious house in the town.

After entering. Lord Lorraine looked around and immediately looked down on the mayor, seeing that it was tacky and crude inside. Very average, even compared to the villagers' residences in their own territory.

But at this time it was getting late. However, it is troublesome for Lukai to camp, and it takes time, and his old man is not used to living. Unlike the patrons, no matter how much suffering they have suffered, they are still happy. At the same time, I sincerely thank God for giving them hardship and experience.

In the eyes of Lord Lorraine. That's because the bald gang of the Holy See deducted them too hard in order to squeeze out the funds for the activities of "playing hard back", and then turned their heads back to the foolish soldiers and asked them to fight hard.

However, anyway. Living in the room is better than living outside, and Lorraine is not welcome at the moment, just staying in that room.

And Luo Linna and the others came in and looked around, but found that the house was too unqualified, and went back to rest in their carriage.

In addition. The soldiers also followed the order, all drove the people out, and then settled down on the outskirts of the town.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Lorraine's instructions, the mayor took more than a dozen strong men from the town and randomly caught more than ten fat pigs and goats. There are also poultry such as chickens and ducks, slaughtered in a hurry. Then, under the surveillance of the guards, the meal was made and sent to the throne of the past **** seal.

Everyone was tired for a day. When they saw the food, they all rushed up, stuffed their stomachs casually, and then fell asleep at the end.

When Lorraine was eating. Seeing Leo sitting opposite, eating and eating, there was still a bone in his mouth. He fell asleep on the table and fell asleep to the Throne of God Seal, unable to help but feel pity.

Ordinary people think that the emperor is good, the one who eats fragrant, and the one who drinks spicy, and the pants he wears are embroidered with nine dragons. The state can also pay for him to provide mistresses and raise many wives.

But these are all the pain of seeing the thieves spending money when eating and drinking, but not seeing the pain of the thieves being caught, being beaten and kicked by everyone. It is not easy for them.

Not to mention that Goujian gave his girlfriend Xi Xiaoshi to Fucha boss in order to be the boss. Also tasted the stool of Fucha boss.

Nor does it say that classmate Li Shimin killed his brothers and forced his father to abdicate. (Later, he killed his son?)

Not to mention that in order to be a qualified emperor, Chongzhen reluctantly gave up her peerless beauty Chen Yuanyuan and gave it to Sangui.",

Just take Leo as an example. Ordinary children are still peeing and muddy at this time, and playing carefree, he has to take the risk, follow himself to fight, learn knowledge and accumulate experience, so that he can become a qualified emperor in the future.

According to Catherine. Ruman's royal family and the proud Flying Eagle family have always cultivated heirs in this way.

Archduke Julian... Feng joined the army when he was two years old. Only when he fought in the army with a single shot did he achieve his reputation as a Mao Yidao general. No one dared to face it. Otherwise, the Ruman Empire would have become part of the sacred and indivisible territory of a certain country.

Catherine watched Leo lying on the table and fell asleep. The saliva in her mouth flowed out. She couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and stretched out her hand to lift him up gently. Then he greeted everyone in Lorraine, then turned and left.

Lorraine looked at their backs disappearing outside the door, turned her head and frowned. It seems something is in my mind. What is thinking about. Can't help but say with concern: "What's wrong, is there anything?"

Lorraine thought for a while and said, "You know? Our journey seems to be a little smoother."

Rowling couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. Qidao: "Smooth? Shouldn't it be a good thing?"

Lorraine touched his chin and said, "Maybe I am superstitious. I always feel like doing something. If it goes too smoothly at the beginning, it doesn't seem to be a good sign."

Rowrina couldn't help being angry again. It was funny again, and said: "What is your logic? If it goes well, it is not a good sign. You mean, we will encounter a storm along the way, and then we will die when we land. This is considered good. Omen?"

Lorraine smiled bitterly and said: "That's why I said, I may be a little superstitious."

He had a meal, and saw that everyone around him was tired and crooked, he couldn't help but get up and said, "Well, everyone has eaten, so hurry back to Xiu County.

Tomorrow we have another one on the way. do you know? "

In the last sentence, he suddenly raised his voice and gave a violent shout.

Everyone was shocked at once, all came over coolly, got up quickly, stamped their feet heavily, and replied in unison: "Yes, long"

Then they dispersed.

Lorraine also sighed heavily while sitting on the chair, with a tired look on his face.

Lorraine glanced at him, and then faintly said: "Lorraine, if you are tired. It's better to go take a rest earlier and have me on duty here."

Lorrain rubbed his face and shook his head. Said: "No. I have to go out to inspect and check out the guard posts. Let's see if anyone is lazy. We are on the land of the enemy country, and everything is better."

With that, he beat the spirit, stood up, and walked out the door.

Lorraine patrolled outside, and Anxian these patrons were indeed the blades of the Holy See. Even though they ran all the way, their faces were very relaxed, just a little bit of wind and dust, as if they were just taking a walk.

He turned around and found no problems, so he relaxed. After going back. Also exhausted. Wrapped in a blanket casually and fell asleep at the end.

Just as he slept ecstatically. While dreaming, I suddenly heard a voice coming from the side, "Lorraine, Lorraine

Lorraine was dreaming that she was talking about serious postmodern philosophical issues with the short, slender Demon girl, and she was so happy. After a few words, Wang wants to turn over and go to sleep.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the voice say: "Go and bring me a pot of boiling water."

Lorraine's mind suddenly shuddered and followed. Woke up suddenly. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a delicate jade face in my eyes.

He couldn't help sighing, and when he turned his head to see that the night was still dark outside the window, it was still early, and his heart sank. Knowing that the person wouldn't yell at himself for no reason, he hurriedly turned over and sat up, and said, "What's the matter? Luo Linna."

Luo Linna said with embarrassment: "We just caught a house who wanted to run out to report.

Lorraine was taken aback, and said, "Do you still want to tell me about this trivial matter? You are a star officer, can you just handle it yourself?"

Rowling was stuck.

Lorraine looked at the look on her face. I couldn't help but sigh, knowing in my heart, don't look at this woman who is usually fierce. Sometimes killing people is relentless. But if she really wants to order a civilian to be killed, it is estimated that she will not be able to do so.

He waved his hand and said, "Forget it. Bring that person up and let me see."

In a short while, a blood-stained, bruised and swollen guy was pushed up with his fives tied up.

Lorraine looked a little familiar, and took a closer look at and realized that the man was originally the mayor himself.

After the mayor came up, his head was held up. With a brave and unyielding look, he cursed: "You **** aggression"

Lorraine couldn't help being surprised, and said: "How do you know we are the invaders?"

The mayor curled his lips and said contemptuously: "The money for the red envelope is so small that you actually accepted it. And you only slaughtered a few pigs, sheep, chickens, and ducks, so you were not picky. In the end, the big soldiers didn't take advantage of it. Night, take this opportunity to harass women, I have never seen our empire’s army be so honest"

Lorraine, Rowrina, and the officers and guards standing nearby couldn't help but stare at each other.

They only realized that they had thought that harassing the place and harassing the people would have done too much, but this style of work is too early, and it is actually inferior to the local army. It really embarrassed the invaders. Exhausted

Everyone was ashamed for a while.

Rowlingna looked at the person and said, "Isn't this a good thing? Why do you want to escape to report? Is this empire that only oppresses you so worthy of allegiance?"

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