Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 223: Embark on a journey

If Lorraine was overwhelmed, the unsharp officers were quite moved. Time went one after another and started talking in a low voice.

The barracks in Nuo Da are full of buzzing like a hive.

But after a while, they gradually became silent again strangely. Sitting straight in their respective positions. Like a mud puppet, he closes his mouth tightly, just doesn't spit.

This is also easy to understand. Although fighting will not kill people. But those sitting there are noble officers.

They not only have the force to protect themselves, but they also have war horses. Even though he couldn't beat him, he rode away and ran away. As for the life and death of those big soldiers. These uncles don't care at all, they really can't, they will go back to catch some strong men and fill in the numbers.

Ask them to pay for it. Buy insurance for your soldiers. That is extremely difficult.

Lorraine looked at the ruffians who had never plucked the copper plates on the ribs and couldn't help but sighed and said, "Well, this is what you forced me."

Talking. He stretched out his hand and took out a document, then spread it out, saying: "According to the spirit of the No. 3 Document of the Year Danlin Academy, the following is hereby notified."

The officers couldn't help looking at each other, and they didn't know what Lorraine was doing.

Lorraine ignored them and continued: "Under the correct leadership of the three official deans of the three official schools of Maple Leaf Danlin, General Wabador, Archbishop Oberham, and the Great Sorcerer of Lester, All members of the expeditionary force are united and united.

All soldiers and officers emancipated their minds, forge ahead, worked hard, boldly explored various effective ways of expeditionary military work, and established long-term management mechanisms. Efforts to promote team innovation, mechanism innovation, and management innovation" make the military expedition into a legalized, institutionalized, and regular management track.

"Make your due contribution to world peace and the tranquility of the galaxy,"

He Taotao kept talking for a long time, and all the officers were drowsy. But no one dared to stand up and resist. For fear of provoke Lord Lorraine, and then let him send himself to the death squad.

Lorraine spoke for a long time, but was also dry-spoken, and finally read to the bottom of the document.

He hurriedly read: "According to the requirements of the meeting, in order to reflect the three principles of justice, fairness, and openness, and to establish a perfect market access system, every soldier participating in the expeditionary force must purchase insurance."

All the officers complained immediately.

"Is there any reason?" someone shouted.

"Yes. We are here to help."

"We are holding a sincere heart" said Renwang. He immediately remembered the experience of his companion with appendicitis and shut up immediately. Then he shrank up. For fear that Lorraine caught his speech disorder, he praised him twice and transferred himself to the death squad.

Lorraine dropped the file in his hand and looked at everyone coldly.

A group of nobles saw that his eyes were not good, and their complaints gradually lowered and finally disappeared. Nuo Da's meeting place fell silent, even though an embroidery needle dropped. It is also clear.

Lorraine pressed his hands on the table and leaned forward. Bright eyes swept across the faces of the people waiting. Seeing that many of them bowed their heads with guilty conscience.

He coughed slightly and said, "Everyone, let's open the window and speak up. As soon as you hear that the college is in trouble, you will lead your army to come. The college is very grateful and moved. Here, on behalf of the college, first Say thank you to everyone." He said. Bow to everyone.

A group of officers stood up and said loudly: "Serving the academy is our glory."

Thank you all. Lorraine straightened up, and then continued: "Now the war is calm. If you want to lead your army back, the college will give you military pay and travel expenses. In return, I will give you a medal of honor. In recognition of your contributions during the college’s crisis.

Does anyone want to go back? "

Everyone looked at each other, and they all smiled. I am very clear in my heart what I am leading the team to do.

Isn't it just looking at the rare opportunity, the turtle has enough strength to follow along to let go and grab a pass.

Just for these beautiful words, they can't be beaten.

Lorraine smiled and said, "It seems that everyone’s hearts are aligned, so I will open the window to speak brightly. I also know what you want to do. But don’t forget, once you step on the other side’s Land, your every move represents the academy. And Maple Leaf Danlin Academy’s reputation for justice and integrity can’t be harmed casually.”

Everyone listened to what he said reasonable, and unknowingly they all fell silent and listened carefully to his speech.

Lorraine said: "Whether it is the civilians of the enemy country or our soldiers. No matter what happens, Fengye Danlin is responsible for this.

We don't want to see civilians on the other side being killed at will because of a copper plate. We also don't want to see our soldiers die on the battlefield without compensation, leaving behind their lonely families. "

He paused, then slowly raised his hand, pointed at the door of the camp, and said: "If you can't even get this amount of money, or don't want to get it out, I think I need to ask you to leave. Because we need loyal soldiers. Not a bunch of beggars. Or bandits."

He finally concluded: "This insurance premium is not just a sum of money, but a performance of strength. When you have the ability to take out this sum of money, it also means that you will not go for a few small coins. kill."

This is the reason. As long as you account for it. It's not hiding, just fearing that others will know. Rather, it breaks apart and crumples Chu. Even if there is a loss, everyone will not support it. Because... Dao is maintaining everyone's common order.

Even the dejected wolf has its moral code. Just relying on cruelty and cruelty, I thought that the world was invincible and would be killed first.

The aristocratic army officers were no exception, they saw Lorraine's point. It all defaulted. But when I think about the premiums I have to pay, my heart trembles with pain.

In order to reduce expenditure and increase efficiency, we have also begun to tailor private troops on a large scale, and all the rookies and strong men who have been drawn to make up the number have been disbanded. They left behind relatively better men and women. In this way, the money paid is a little less. In the future, I can be a little more able to grab things.

Lorraine watched them come up one by one and reported the number of people after the reduction. This was a long sigh. This measure is now passed. Finally, they changed from a leafless locust to a scavenger dog. In this way, while the combat power is increased, the damage caused by aggression can be reduced a little.

Lorraine hired a company insurer who followed him and asked him to register the number of people. He walked out, letting out his breath.

Catherine thought for a moment. After following, he admired: "Your idea of ​​a market access system is really killing two birds with one stone. You have also collected money to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the troops."

Lorraine smiled and said, "This is not what I came up with. It was an emperor named Philip the Redbeard in our place. He played the Crusades, went to the Holy City to kill people and set fires, grab money, things, and women. I figured it out at a time." (attached, the author seems to remember it?) Catherine frowned, but was also used to him often talking nonsense about "ours", so she said softly, "Oh", and then asked : "So did he succeed? "

Lorraine thought for a while and said, "No. He fell into a small river ditch and drowned."

He turned around and watched the registered officers come out one after another. I couldn't help sighing in my heart: Finally the problem of these nobles' private arms was solved.

The warships full of troops were assembled in batches at the estuary. Soon, within Lorraine's sight, they were all shadows of masts and sails.

Looking at the dense sail shadows, one can't help but sigh, how strong this team is.

Lorraine, who was staying in the fleet, was quite sure that he was in the forward position of the fleet, but did not know where the head and tail of the fleet were. I don’t know how wide the fleet is.

Therefore, he could only stay on the battleship with his men, looking bored at the battleships around him.

Only now has the important role of the regular navies of various countries revealed.

Command such a huge fleet, arrange guard ships to protect the transport ships of personnel and materials in the middle of the fleet, and make the operations of this huge fleet consistent, complicated signals, and troublesome to mobilize outside the range of far-sightedness.

These were far beyond what Lorraine and his crusaders who had been accustomed to the land could handle. This kind of movement is tens of thousands of level legion moves, and it has to be an experienced veteran like Wabador.

Even though Lorraine had this ability, he still couldn't rank in the army, the place where seniority was the most important. Secondly, Lord Luo can always sit without standing, lying without sitting, let him spend that time. Might as well drink two more glasses of fine wine, and play with Meimei around me more.

The ship he was on was an armed battleship modified from a large merchant ship. In addition, there are dozens of modified warships exactly like this one, surrounded by the battleship Lorraine is in.

These battleships were equipped with all the personnel of the Maple Leaf Danlin Crusade Army, and Lorraine stayed on the same jumper with the mages led by Lester.

These ships are the best in the entire fleet. And the capacity is big enough, except that the people on the boat are crowded a little bit together, life is still pretty good.

As the commander of Ye Danlin's student army in this crusade, Lorraine was also assigned a good cabin.

At this time, the sound of the bugle came, the captains shouted orders, and the sailors began to set sail.

The bow slowly broke through the waves. As the boat gradually increased, the water trail behind the stern became larger and larger.

The crusaders of Lorraine and Xiye Danlin officially embarked on their journey.

The people gathered on the deck blew their whistle, applauded and cheered.

A mage behind Lorraine yelled to the sky: "Almohad bastard, we come"

The others also yelled.

Although Lorraine did not shout. However, he felt that the man also spoke his own voice. This time, I definitely want to show those brave guys good-looking, and burn the flames of war on their land, so that those guys know that even after a thousand years, they can't look at Mechanical Ye Danlin!

Lester looked at the people on the boat. Then he turned his head and smiled at Lorraine and said, "Okay. It's finally started."

Lorraine shrugged and said, "I thought these guys would be arguing until next spring, so that we could go to sea in a warm time.

Lester shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said: "This period of time is the best monsoon period for sailing from sea to Almohad. Those guys will not miss this time, otherwise we will have to make a big circle and spend more time at sea. It's been floating for half a month."

Lorraine looked around, and saw a wizard flying by from time to time on his head. So he said: "Our mages are on this journey.

Let them eat and drink well. Try not to get seasick. The current naval strength of the Almohad is still not weak. If you try hard, the damage and damage will be great. It is so bad that it depends on air superiority.

Lester laughed, looked at Lorraine, and said, "Don't worry, the mages of Little Maple Leaf Danlin have been tried, and they just crossed the sea by boat.

Those Almohad" I'm looking forward to it.

If they can run a boat back from me, I will throw away the title of Forbidden Magic Mage. We Fengye Danlin sacrificed one person. I want Almohad to accompany a hundred people." Lorraine bowed his head and said, "Don't multiply the loss and profit of our Maple Leaf Danlin by one hundred and take it back from the Almohad. I'm sorry for this expedition. "

Lester said: "Speaking of this, grab everything from these guys."

Lester pointed to the surrounding ships, which were all volunteers sent by other forces, and then said: "It's all up to you, don't mess it up with me. In the end, we are here to avenge you. There are not as many gangsters as they can get, and Fengye Danlin has tens of thousands of mouths open. If we can't feed us, see if they will go back and tear you up."

Lorraine looked at Lester and said, "Old man, you have to have a limit for your insatiable greed. Look at the construction sites in the college now. In the past three hundred years, the house built by the God Seal Throne did not have the three of you in the past few months. A lot of building. Look at the group of prisoners. It’s only a few days before they can be *people. The most important thing is that you can’t deduct everyone’s bonus just for building a house.

Lester's face blushed, and he scratched his hot cheeks with his nails, and said, "Isn't it already four million? The amount of work is huge; the capital turnover is not open, it's no no, wait for the return."

Saying, waved heavily. As if this way, those things can be driven away.

Lorraine smiled and said, "It's yours."

It's just that I thought to myself: How can I find that you are more and more like the principals before me? Be careful in the future, don't lend you money, in case one day you are double regulated. The money will not come back.

Lester didn't know the vicious thoughts in his heart at all, otherwise he would definitely kick him off.

Standing on the bow of the boat, he felt that the sea breeze was a bit cold, and he couldn't help but coughed softly, and said, "I'm old and can't stand the cold wind. It's still warm in the cabin. I'll go down. Call me if something happens."

After speaking, he turned and walked into the cabin.

Lorraine looked at his back and shrugged. I secretly said: Such days are really boring. I have to spend more than half a month on the sea. I have to figure out how to spend such time. How about a sea barbecue meeting? Or a sea fishing contest? Count it, let's come together, it can be more fun!

In the next few days, everything was calm. The battleship is heading south every day, and the news from the forward guard ship is always normal.

When the net went out to sea, Fengye Danlin people were still very excited, staying on the deck all day, and after two days, everyone was only willing to stay in the cabin.

Lorraine started fishing with a fishing rod and squatted at the stern of the boat, and then had a barbecue meeting with a group of wizards. This was only fresh for three days, and then the group of guys groaned and suffocated in the cabin.

After ten days, the battleship ahead encountered an Almohad patrol fleet. The alarm bell of the enemy suddenly rang. Lorraine was asking the captain about the news from the flag. Lester walked out of the cabin and asked Lorraine: "Encountered in that direction?"

Lorraine said: "The news came from the forward. Three patrol ships."

Leisi nodded and said to the wizards around him: "You few follow me." Then he took them into the air. Fly forward.

Soon, the explosion sounded from the front, and the sound of the ship breaking and breaking.

Immediately after that, the news that the alarm was lifted arrived.

Lester landed on the boat. After standing still, he twisted his neck and straightened his waist. Then he waved his hands and said, "It's much more comfortable to go out and walk around. I'm going crazy when I'm stuck on the boat." Then he made a stretched posture. , Said: "Shhh, comfortable."

Said and walked down the cabin.

Lorraine asked a mage who followed Lester: "What's the matter?"

The mage said: "It's just three small boats. I wanted to run when I saw our fleet. Before turning around, Dean Lester blasted them to pieces. The fireball is really overwhelming. what."

"That's it," a mage next to it said in an interface: The boat is worthless, it sinks and falls down. "

Several other wizards nodded in agreement, and one wizard said with emotion: "If it is a big ship, it will be 10,000 gold coins."

Lorraine laughed twice, a vengeful wizard, a group of wizards who wanted to grab a red eye, Almohad was in trouble.

Lorraine think about it, now that he has already met the enemy. That means that this place is not far from Almohad, so you should be more careful.

Lorraine immediately summoned the mages under him and ordered them to go out in groups of four and patrol them in eight directions. The air superiority of the mages was enough to ensure that the coalition forces would present the Almohad fleet.

Two days later, it was clear that the Almohad had already known the arrival of the crusade fleet, and small speedboats kept appearing at the horizontal line. At first Lester was still interested in destroying them one by one. Two more days passed. Afterwards, Lester didn't bother to do anything about these flies, and the mages didn't like this kind of fish, and even complained all the time: Almohad really doesn't give face.

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