Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 221: Military song loud and bright

You see,

The brutal enemy raised the **** flag against us,

Did you hear me.

Fierce soldiers howled in our land.

Take out the weapon.

Use the flesh and blood of the enemy as fertilizer to water our land.


In the early morning, another group of soldiers lined up in a messy line, singing the song that was adapted from Lorraine, passing by the road not far away.

They were like rivers converging to the rivers and lakes, and they gathered towards the garrison camp of Xie Ye Dan Limbo to the throne of God Seal.

The soldiers' boots stepped on the road paved with bluestone. There was a low rumbling sound. It was very messy.

Many soldiers did not even grow a beard on their faces. The belt still has slender hairs, making it extremely immature. At a glance, I can tell that these little soldiers were pulled over without much training.

Lorraine stood in front of the huge French windows of the restaurant, watching them pass in front of him, and couldn't help thinking: What is it?

Fengye Danlin finally revealed its hidden strength under the iceberg.

Because of various countries. Whether it is military, magic, or the Holy See, or even all aspects, there are disciples who graduated from it. Many of them are in high positions and hold great power.

They form a family of their own, entrenched in obscurity in every corner of the world, like a sleeping dragon. But now the dragon was awakened after learning that Fengye Danlin had been invaded.

Everyone may really hate their alma mater being invaded by other countries. Either you want to take the opportunity to make a big profit, or you want to make a stumbling block for the Almohad Empire, hit a black spear and set a dark arrow. There are even some ruffians like the second generation ancestor. Relying on the shadow of the family, it is purely for fun.

Anyway, when the news of the crusade against Almohad came out, people from all walks of life organized one after another. Gather here and join the crusade.

Nearly the allied forces of the 20 nations gathered together, and the flags of all colors were all flying high, colorful and dazzling. Lorraine couldn't help but think of the coalition in the Gulf War.

Although everyone came from all corners of the world and came together for a common goal, they are not fools.

Those rascal nobles, politicians, and warlords saw that there was a lot of oil and water in them, in order to get a lot of money. Grab as many things as possible to grab money, and they made a splash.

They know that "the big fist, the louder the voice, this universal truth is universal. In order to expand their right to speak, therefore, they desperately expand their own reality.

A large number of soldiers who had not undergone much training, or even those who had not been trained, were hurriedly dispatched.

Some impatient guys even directly pulled the strong guys, and **** those guys who could lift the dung fork, and came to charge them as soldiers.

This also caused the extreme unevenness of good and bad. There are mercenaries who have been fighting for a long time and live by killing. There are also noble private soldiers whose hair has not yet grown. How can these guys get together rashly?

every day. There are constant disturbances in the barracks of the Joint Crusade Army.

Some are crying and want to go home, some are clamoring to pay more, some are drunk and fight, some have had disputes before and find a place to play a duel.

He even didn’t have eyes and went to the magic academy to molested the female magician. After knowing this, the brave little rascal Yi Leo was surprised and sympathetically expressed that the girl was really unlucky because it was not wrong. Long eyes, but death.

And the danger of molesting a female magician is three points lower than that of molesting the girls in the priesthood college. You know, there are a large group of dead backs there.

Being caught by them, although there is no life-threatening thing, once they fall into the hands of those guys who scream all the time: blood for blood, tooth for tooth, and the way of man, the consequences will be More terrible than death.

As a result, various violations of military discipline have occurred frequently, making the newly formed weapon Ye Danlin the picket gendarmerie squad to be busy and unable to deal with it.

As for everyone's enthusiasm for volunteering to send troops, General Wabador is not easy to disobey, as long as it is too much, just open and close your eyes, you can only fight haha ​​and let them go.

With this kind of acquiescence and connivance, everyone also had fun, and every day was like a carnival."

The reorganization of the legion is even more difficult and has been delayed. Coupled with the interest disputes between countries, everyone has been arguing and unable to come up with a feasible plan.

Even with Lorraine's optimistic estimate, it will take 2 to 3 years to attack Almohad.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard a voice coming from behind him, saying: "What are you thinking about? I've been standing for a long time."

Lorraine looked back. I saw a pretty figure standing behind him. Deep concern could not be concealed in those gray eyes.

Lorraine couldn't help but smile, and said to the man: "Nicole, it's okay, it's just that there are too many people coming. It seems a little messy, a little worried."

Catherine glanced out of the window, then snorted coldly, and said, "You care about them! The old guys in Wabaduo's trouble stabbed them, let them wipe their buttocks, not for them."

She paused, then frowned and said, "Today you are going to the military camp to sell insurance business. Can it work? We did so much publicity, but the guys are just like iron cocks, they're just as stubborn as they are. Kill them a bunch of **** miser! Lorraine Chengzhu patted his chest and said, "You can rest assured. I will be the one who will succeed, of course."

Adele also said to the side: "Yes, that's right. Nicole. Don't worry, Luo Village has a bad stomach, and it's not enough to clean up a bunch of stupid soldiers."

Lorraine stagnated, then gave her a harsh look.

Adele was not afraid at all, then she looked back provocatively with a breast.

It means you come to try it. Then Tan's mouth opened slightly, sticking out his deft tongue, and licking lightly on his beautiful red lips.

The enchanting amorous feelings that are natural and invert all beings are infinitely alluring.

When Lorraine saw him, he almost had a nosebleed and beastly.

He moaned lowly and cursed in his heart: This fox who eats people without spitting out bones

Then he sat down at the table as if he had been defeated.

Adele immediately snorted proudly.

At this time, I heard the sound of "puff, puff, footsteps."

Immediately afterwards, a small figure showed that there was a fire behind the buttocks. The fire ran in scorchingly, and repeatedly shouted: "Are you late, are you late?" Catherine raised her head and glanced at the sun just rising in the sky. Nodded, and said: "Fortunately, today you are not counted as late."

Leo immediately received an amnesty, then pulled over the chair, fell heavily on it, and gasped and said, "Oh my God. I finally caught up today. It's not easy. I didn't expect to be in order to be. The governor for one day. It's so numb."

Catherine bowed her head and elegantly cut the bread in the plate with a knife, and then asked faintly: "Leo, do you have a good political plan?"

Leo immediately got a shock, jumped off his chair, and said, "Of course, I had already thought about it. If you become governor, the first thing is to cut taxes."

After that, he glared at Catherine and angrily accused: "Do you know that your personal income tax collection is so heavy. My liver hurts."

Catherine ignored him, but said indifferently: "No. Your policy plan is not good. You cannot be the governor today."

Leo was short of breath. Taking a step forward, he asked angrily: "Why? Why not

Catherine pointed the orchid elegantly, took a sip from the water glass on the table, and then said, "You have too little tax. You can't form an army. As a result, you, the governor, were given by a bunch of bandits when you were in office. Killed."

"Huh?" Leo was stunned immediately. He opened his mouth and couldn't say a word. After half a day. Only then did he scratch the back of his head and muttered, "Is there any more to say?"

Catherine gave him a disdainful look, and said, "Since Fei is going to become the governor, you have to think about it all the way. Do you expect others to wipe your ass?"

Leo thought for a moment. Then carefully said: "Then I will increase taxes?"

Catherine sneered and said: "You think it's good, but don't forget. You only have one chance a day."

Leo was instantly dumbfounded.

Catherine looked at him and couldn't help being in a good mood, hehe chuckled twice, and then said: "For the sake of my good mood today, I will give you another chance. However, the small promise is not enough."

She saw Leo still talking, and stretched out her hand to stop him, saying: "I know what you want to say. Governor Leo, because you collect too much tax and don't have the protection of the army, you have been given by the insurgent mob. Killed. The corpse hung on the top of the city, and it was exposed for three days. It was terrible.

As he said, he put his hands on his chest and made a gesture of salute to the priests.

"Huh cyan!" Leo immediately pulled his head angrily, then sat angrily on the side, grabbed the bread on the table, and slammed his mouth fiercely.

But he took two bites in the net and was choked immediately. He jumped up from the chair, and while he was awkward, he thumped his chest to find water all over the world.

Lorraine couldn't bear to look at it, and handed his water glass to the Throne of God Seal.

Leo took a big sip and immediately felt that he was alive again. He patted his chest and took a deep breath. Said: "Wow, I almost died. It's so risky!"

Then he sat back.

At this moment, he saw a guard brought a plate of apples. He cheered immediately, then chose the largest and reddest apple, and held it with both hands happily, and chucked it.

Lorraine couldn't help but sneered. This little ruffian was really broad-minded. No matter what happened, he would forget about his paws, and he didn't even think about it.

He looked out the window. It was almost time now, so I stood up and greeted the few people sitting there, "You eat slowly, I'm going to the barracks."

Leo heard it, and immediately jumped up, his mouth full of food spurted and shouted: "Mm, no, no.

Don't wait for him to finish. Catherine flashed a cold light in her eyes, and shouted angrily: "Don't talk cyanotic while eating!"

As he said, he had already slapped the back of his head with a slap, spraying out his mouthful of food.

Leo’s eyes were in pain, but he knew he was wrong, but he didn’t dare to say anything. He rubbed the back of his head, and then whispered: "Okay, I get it. Don’t hit me on the head without moving. You will be stupid. of."

Then, along with Lorraine, a step his little short legs, "thump thump thump, tight all the way to Teng, quickly run past the throne of God and India.

Lorraine walked to the door, and found that Vera hadn't followed, she couldn't help but look back, and found that she was sitting at the table with a look of embarrassment: she seemed to be between the food and the pinch. Doing hard thinking

He couldn't help but smile. Said: "Vera, if you are coming, you have to know that the insurance premiums collected are a lot of money."

Vera immediately moved.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Lorraine add another sentence: "For such a large sum of money, maybe there will be a bad idea to beat us for money.

To grab our money. "

"What" what? "In Vera's beautiful blue eyes, two groups of flames burned suddenly.

She suddenly got up. Said: "Master, I will accompany you. See who dares to steal us"

Adele looked. She couldn't help sighing, and said: "Vera, if you weren't so cute, you just looked at your greedy look. I thought you were a giant dragon."

Vera was shocked immediately, remembering the bad things that other dragons had said about human beings before, and her face became pale, and she trembled and said: "I" I am not a dragon. "

Lorraine looked at this with tears and laughter) The timid girl, raised her hand to give her a violent shudder, and said, "Nonsense. Silly girl. Do you think you are? Pretending to look like that, do you want to act? "

Vera was relieved.

She forced a smile and said: "It's a joke, isn't it? Haha. Me, I'm also joking. Hahaha,"

As he said, he stretched out his hand and patted his great breast. The soft jade ball filled with amazing elasticity on the chest immediately pulsed like a wave.

Lorraine's eyes couldn't help but settle, and then he saw Vera's innocent and surprised look at him. So Jianping moved away in pain.

He coughed lightly and said, "Okay. Let's go. Who else is going?"

Listen to him asking. Adele smiled softly and said, "Fortunately, I have nothing to do, so I will accompany you to watch."

Catherine originally didn't want to go, but after hearing Adele's words, she couldn't help but glanced at her in fear, and then said nonchalantly: "If this is the case, I am idle when I am idle, so it's okay to go and see."

Seeing this, Luo Linna was afraid that the two of them would compete again. You must know that compared with "Furious Sea", although it is only a word difference, it may also be deadly. If they get into trouble again, they will have to mediate themselves.

Thought of this. She also sighed, stood up, and said faintly: "The doctor said, I have to be exposed to the sun frequently to get better soon."

Lorraine looked at himself with a new mouth, and finally recruited all the three of them. He couldn't help regretting it and wished he could slap himself.

But at this time. He couldn't regret anything, opened his mouth, and finally said quite discouragedly: "Well, everyone, come with me."

After speaking, he walked out blankly.

Everyone glanced at each other and hurriedly followed.

Lorraine took everyone in the carriage, and then galloped towards the camp of the joint garrison.

The camp of the joint garrison was originally the camp of the Almohad. Except that the tent was mostly damaged in the wind and snow, the rest of the contents are also available, which can save a lot of trouble.

Wabador had taken a fancy to this at the beginning, so he just asked the prisoners of war to clean the snow of the camp, and then let the reinforcements who came from far away also be stationed here.

The two places are not far apart, but with the work of Pian Xuan, the carriage has already reached the entrance of the camp.

The soldiers on the camp saw them and hurriedly stopped.

The officer for Wei ran over in a hurry and yelled seriously: "Stop and check."

Lorraine is now the commander of the Crusade Army led by Fengye Danlin students, and his rank is not low.

He didn't get out of the car, but just opened the window, then leaned out and gently brushed the gold star on the door. Then he grinned and said, "What's the matter? How long."

The officer looked at him, and immediately recognized this one who was guarding the armory with hundreds of student army alone, fought against the 70,000 elite Almohad empire army, and defeated Lord Lorraine who had destroyed their entire army.

He stomped his feet in a hurry and slapped his chest with his hands. "

Lorraine raised his right hand to his forehead, replied, and whispered: "The same for you."

The officer was stunned for a moment, then turned around and shouted at the guard at the door: "Let it go, let it go."

After finishing speaking, he saluted Lorraine again and said, "Sir, go well."

Lorraine sighed, then gave another salute, saying: "The same with you

Leo leaned over and said in a strange way: "You keep saying, "You too. "what does that mean?"

Lorraine glanced at him, and then said: "Do you really think they respect me when they salute me? They just respect my military rank.

Don't look at them on the surface, but don't be confused. In fact, they are not sure how to scold you in their hearts.

I also came from a student. In fact, when we salute the superior officers, we always scold them silently, "You pup, do you understand now?"

Leo immediately widened his eyes in surprise, and said, "Is there any more to say?" Catherine smiled next to him, and then said: "In order for you to wake up, I also tell you one thing. In the Ruman Empire, whenever the emperors return from victory and face the cheers of the crowds triumphantly, there will always be an honor guard who will whisper in His Majesty’s ear: "You are just a mortal" to remind him not to be too bloated ." (Note. The truth during the Roman Empire.)

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