Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 176: 1 war caused by a rabbit

Scarlet Dragon Cavalry Chapter 176: A Rabbit Induced War

Chuan Zhanluan Calendar December 25th, Yin, with scattered little hands,

Many years later, when the people who had spent the rest of their lives looking back at this era, they still remembered this day clearly.

This day was originally just an ordinary day.

The vast majority of people at Maple Leaf Danlin Academy originally planned to go home after watching a duel on this day, to visit their relatives who have been parting for a long time, and have a comfortable winter vacation.

People who are about to graduate even plan to take this opportunity to walk around carefully to see if they can make a pound for themselves in advance through certain relationships. Good post.

But when the expeditionary fleet of the Almohad came from a distance like dark clouds. Hundreds of Cui warships were full of soldiers. The water surface of Jingshui Lake is covered.

The horn of war. Sad and loud, breaking the peace of Xiye Danlin for thousands of years.

In this sudden way, the Almohad Empire directly and tyrannically announced the coming of war to everyone, dragging the people of Banye Danlin Academy who were unable to prevent it into that strange vortex.

Whether they are willing or unwilling. From this day on, their destiny is no longer in their hands. Only like duckweed, drifting with the flow in the rapids of this great era.

And the 25th of December in the Julian calendar 831, this day has also been fixed forever in history.

After the war, when people traced back the cause of the war, they were surprised to find that this tragic War of the Saints of Saints, which caused years of turbulence in the mainland, and finally changed the political pattern of the mainland, is so funny. ridiculous.

It was just because at the beginning, the deputy commander of the Almohad empire's envoy, Despi, met Shirme Ziya in a chance encounter, and was contemptuously called "a dead rabbit" by the goddess.

In all honesty, even if Silmelia could not understand the deputy head of Desian, and wanted to vent her own queen cousin, she could directly point out that Despi was a rabbit, because this was just a statement of fact. But there was a small "death." in the words. This was completely her fault.

Despi held a grudge, in order to take revenge, designed to ambush the Maple Leaf Danlin Check Team.

Then the check team found him, pushed to the trial bench, and sentenced him to death.

As a result, he did not expect that although the Emperor of the Almohad Empire was not loyal to his wife, he was loyal to his lover.

Under the circumstances that the diplomatic mediation efforts were fruitless, his old man ignored the urgency of the Southern Front under the step by step of the Welis peasant uprising army. He still insisted on drawing the navy and army, formed an elite army, and forcibly crossed the sea. Expedition to save his lover.

The imperial **** of war, Amor, General Hadu received the news and commented on this: "A monkey took a dog's tail grass and went to tease violence.

But in the early stage, their sneak attack was a humble success.

On this day, Maple Leaf Danlin Academy was closed and a large number of students had already left. And the investigators on duty also relaxed their vigilance. As a result, the Almohad Empire Navy and Army Corps didn't realize it until under the nose. Reminder of intermission

With the shout of Jack the Checker, everyone in the academy immediately woke up.

They saw that the warship on the opposite side had blocked the port, and they approached murderously, turning around and fleeing.

In the harbor, the students and sailors who had already boarded the ship also swarmed and jumped off the ship.

There are many people who can't squeeze the springboard, and they don't care about the cold in winter when they are flustered. He jumped directly into the water from the boat, then swam to the shore with his hands and feet, rushed into the stream of escaped people, and fled to the college.

Loud bugles, screams of horror, "Boom!" when jumping off the boat, and the neighing sound of horses being pushed aside by the rushing crowd.

Time people shouted, and chaos became a mess.

Standing on the sandbank, Lorraine saw Catherine and others trying to squeeze through the crowd and rush towards him. He couldn't help feeling anxious. He glared and shouted angrily: "I have legs myself. Hurry up.

As he said, he jumped into a small boat, then held the oars and stood on it waiting for Jack and Joey, just waiting for them to come up. Set off immediately.

At this time, Joey struggled to stand up from the ground with Jack's help. He saw the ships on the opposite side with a strange look in his eyes.

He suddenly pushed Jack away, then jumped into the boat on the opposite side, holding the oar in his hand, and rowing quickly toward the warships.

Lorraine was taken aback for a moment, looked at Jack and said, "He is crazy? Isn't this going to find death?"

Jack glanced at Joey's back. Then he hurriedly jumped onto the boat and said: "The passage to the sea from Jingshui Lake is the territory of the Principality of Podores. Let’s go quickly and leave him alone.

A cold light flashed in Lorraine's eyes, and he immediately understood. With so many warships entering the Jingshui Lake mightily, it is impossible not to disturb the Principality of Podores. But there was no news from them. In other words, it must have received a lot of rebates from Almohad. The two wore a pair of pants and colluded.

He looked at Joey's back and shouted angrily: "Betrayal"

Joey was shocked.

He glanced back with a pale face, and then slammed toward the battleship again.

At this time, the Almohad Empire battleship was getting closer, and the faces of the soldiers above could almost be seen.

Lorraine didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly pulled the sculls, rowed his beaters towards the shore, and went.

In just a moment, the two came to the shore

Lorraine had just jumped off the boat, and several fragrant winds hit him immediately.

Before he looked back, he felt severe pain coming from several places around his waist.

Lorraine couldn't help sighing. Stumbled: "Didn't I tell you to leave first? Why didn't any of you obey?"

He resisted the pain, turned his head back with a grin, and, as expected, he saw that the young girls all had face powder and cream. Looking at himself angrily.

Behind them, Silmelia was also squeezing through the crowd, and then hurried to this side with an anxious look.

Adele was even more angry with his hands on his hips, and shouted in a cold voice, "Why are these different things?"

Silmelia heard her voice, her body immediately stagnated, but then she gritted her teeth and ran towards this side again.

Lorraine opened his mouth and Wang wanted to speak.

At this time, fortunately, Jack relieved him. He shouted sternly: "Now when the war is entering, all irrelevant personnel are quitting me"

The girls immediately suffocated and their arrogance vanished.

Jack ignored them, turned around and looked at the dozen or so checkup team members who rushed in, waving his hands and hissing: "Quickly. Quickly. Everyone cover the students to retreat. Remember to hold them back." , Can't let them land."

The more than one checking team looked at the hundreds of battleships on the opposite side, and the elite soldiers armed to the teeth with murderous intent on them, and their faces were bitter.

Jack straightened his back, looked at them coldly, and screamed: "Do you want to give up your duties at this time? Speaking out, I won't blame him."

However, these check-up team members looked at each other frantically, but none of them backed away and fled, instead they agreed, and then rushed to the high guns.

Several people took off the tarpaulin on the cannon, and quickly and swiftly operated the heavy autumn Russian Isus Repeater. The rest of the people also drew out their own weapons and rods, and stood on the fort to prepare for battle.

With the rattling sound of the pentagonal gears and chains, the bow arms of the ballista were continuously bent, and a long, sharp, thick crossbow fell from the clip and fell into the arrow slot.

The bursting crystal inlaid on the front of the crossbow arrow kept shining red light representing danger.

At this time, those warships could be reached the limit of range.

The archer saw that the imperial warship was about to cross the invisible boundary, and he immediately bent his body, put his fingers on the trigger, and was fully prepared to shoot.

At this moment, a bugle sounded.

I saw dozens of black spots slowly rising from above those warships. Then formed an attack formation, and flew quickly toward this side.

Those are the magicians of the Almohad Empire.

They clasped the staff one by one, prepared the burst spell, and planned to clear the obstacles for the legion's forced landing.

Lorraine looked at it and couldn't help but secretly praised in his heart: I don't know which general is directing the battle. Just this fluent combat connection is enough to see how sophisticated and calculating that person is.

Jack stood up to block the gun position, drew out his staff, strained his face, and stared coldly at the mages flying through the air.

Behind him, the scout team members either took out their staffs, chanted spells, or drew out their crossbows to draw the bow. Waiting quietly, waiting for the opponent to enter the firing range, and fight to the death with them.

Lorraine saw that the opposing imperial regiment was powerful and vigorous. There were more than a dozen check-up team members in this area blocking the car. It was simply a man-arm blocking the car, and it was not enough for the opponent to stuff his teeth. Don't say anything else. Just a volley of spells from the opposing magicians. Is enough to destroy them.

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand to take the girls and escape. But as soon as I turned my head, I saw all the girls with their big shiny eyes widened, looking at me fiercely, and I was surprised, and then they understood.

Lorraine stamped his feet anxiously, and said in his heart: These women are really unreasonable. This is all on fire. I have to fight for jealousy here

He didn't care too much, and raised his hand and pushed hard behind everyone. Begged: "Everyone, I beg you. Let's go. If you don't leave, it will be too late."

When he said this, he looked up. He saw Leo holding his long-barreled musket in his arms and stumbled over. He exclaimed with excitement, "Are you going to fight? Count me. Count me.

Lorraine stomped, grabbed a few steps forward, reached out to stop him, and said: "You are running again to add to the chaos. Go back."

With that, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the musket, threw it to Vera, and then picked him up.

He Wang turned around and shouted: "Let's go quickly"

Before I finished speaking, I saw Silmelia, Rowena and Adele looked at each other bitterly, and saw the look in each other's eyes.

Their eyes slowly turned into surprise, and then they smiled in relief, then nodded all together, drew their wands, and rushed to the gun position.

Lorraine saw how high the blue veins on his anxious head jumped, and almost died of a stroke due to high blood pressure.

He couldn't help sighing, then screamed in despair, and said, "You" which one of you are singing? "

Adele turned his head sideways as he ran, and shouted: "Go away, we are Fengye Danlin's teacher. We have our responsibility and cannot leave our students alone."

As he said, smiled brightly at him.

A thread of mischievous blue silk hangs down from the front of the forehead, with the breeze, in that gorgeousness. A pretty face floated gently beside her. Behind her are countless warships coming from across the sea.

Thousands of styles at that moment. Like a Yingying fairy. Pour the country and the city, it is intoxicating.

Lorraine could not help groaning lowly, this fairy, at this time, still does not forget his charming original

The other two also turned around. Zhou waved his hand, and then continued to run towards the gun.

At this time, Catherine looked at them, her expression changed several times, and finally couldn't help saying: "Wait for me."

As he said, he hurried to catch up.

Lorraine immediately stagnated. I cursed in my heart: What is this? Everyone ran back, but these women moved forward like crazy

He looked back at the carriage that was not far away, and then at the overwhelming imperial battleship. Gritted his teeth. Throwing Leo on the ground, he said, "I don't have time to care about you now. Go back by yourself and don't let us worry about it."

After speaking, he turned his head, took Vera, and ran towards the gun position that was guarding the throat of the harbor.

Leo stood there, blinked his **** and white eyes, and then yelled, "How can the war miss me? Wait for me"

With that said, stepping on his short legs, following Lorraine's back, he quickly ran over to the Throne of God Seal.

Lorraine didn't notice it either.

He galloped all the way, quickly ran to the gun position, and then looked to the opposite side, only to see those imperial mages in black robes on the opposite side flying towards here like crows.

Maybe it is the lack of necessary team practice, or some other reason. After the mages flew for a certain distance, the formation began to become disorganized, so that the distance between the mages and the brigade behind them was extremely wide.

Lorraine stretched out the thumb of his right hand, gave it a little bit, and calculated the distance between those people. Seeing that those people had already entered the range of the musket, I didn't say much. Waved to Vera.

Vera immediately took out a musket from her ring and threw it over.

Lorraine turned on the hammer, checked it briefly, and then looked at the magician on the opposite side, raised the musket obliquely, the **** of the gun was pressed against his shoulder, and he aimed a little, then pulled the trigger.

Jack gave him a strange look, then shook his head and said, "Earl, it's too far away. Even if the magic fireball can be shot, you can't even hit it."

Lorraine looked at him sideways and didn't say anything. Instead, he moved the fingers holding the **** of the rifle slightly, and then took a closer look. Then, with a light movement of the finger, the trigger was triggered. .

With "Boom, there was a gunshot. At the middle of the wizards on the opposite side, a dark figure fell from mid-air like a bird.

At the same time, the beginning of this war was officially announced.

Seeing this, everyone present could not help but let out a loud cheer.


"it is good"


Although Catherine had seen Lorraine's marksmanship before, but now it looked again, she still couldn't help but glimmered in her beautiful eyes, and watched Lorraine in admiration with everyone.

Hillmelia was even more surprised. If it weren't for the rest of the people watching, she would almost rush to the Throne of the God Seal and celebrate with Lorraine.

You know, until now. There has never been a conventional weapon's range. Can pass the magician's fireball. And this is also an important reason why the masters can run wild on the battlefield.

And now the musket in Lorraine's hand has completely changed this situation, which means that they can now rely on their own range advantages to completely suppress the opponent.

Lorraine was not polite, and the shots rang out again and again.

Two more reckless wizards were knocked down from the sky by him. They screamed miserably and fell into the lake.

The other wizards couldn't help being timid. Backed hurriedly and retreated into the brigade.

The wizards on the opposite side could not help but hesitate when they saw that their own people were being sniped.

The flagship sitting in the back immediately noticed this situation, and then, the loud bugle immediately rang with endless killing intent.

The empire mages heard the horn. It seemed that with a certain reluctance, he began to fly forward again.

Seeing this, Lorraine grinned and said to Vera: "The next shot will be filled with iron sand."

With that, he raised the musket in his hand, took a glance, and then pulled the trigger. Immediately another mage screamed and fell from mid-air.

At this time imperial mage's brigade has attacked.

Seeing that they were in range, everyone aimed at them and threw arrows and fireballs.

The imperial wizards have entered their range, which means that they have also entered the range of the imperial wizards.

The imperial wizards also unceremoniously began to attack the gun positions.

Seeing this, Silmelia took a few steps and came to the front of everyone.

She clenched fists with both hands, folded her hands on her chest, and muttered a low prayer. Immediately opened a strong and transparent wall of the holy tradition.

The Wall of Holy Blessing was completed just at the right time. Just after it was completed, it immediately blocked several fireballs that were accurately thrown over.

The two sides began the confrontation phase.

There were a large number of imperial mages, and as they poured more and more fireballs, although they were blocked by Shirmehya's holy appraisal wall, their surroundings had been drowned in the sea of ​​fire. (To be continued)

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