The Japanese defense line was disrupted by a surprise attack by cavalry from the rear, and countless soldiers of the Zhenbei Army crossed the river from the seized bridge at the foot of the mountain, which accelerated the rout of the Japanese army.

The fighters supporting in the sky arrived in a hurry at this time and bombarded the Japanese positions on Cap Hill and the artillery positions! The 20-mm aerial guns directly strafed the Japanese high ground at a low altitude!

The southern gate guarding the Danjiang River was finally opened, and after the cavalry brigade successfully defeated the Japanese troops who let go of the Maohel Mountain, they decisively stopped the pursuit and arranged their own defense line based on the Japanese defense line at Maojiashan.

Their task was not to enter the city and engage the Japanese in street fighting, but to take the bridgehead and hold it, waiting for the support of the armored regiment in the rear to arrive.

On Jinjiang Mountain, in the headquarters of the 1st Brigade of the 3rd Division of the Zhenbei Army, the commander of the 1st Brigade, Chen Daobiao, was making a general attack plan with the other two brigade commanders of the 5th Division who supported him.

"We can't delay any longer, the Japanese army is now stationed in Dandong City only two wings of the Fifth Brigade of the Third Division, plus the Korean puppet army that has been dispatched is only more than 9,000 people, but the Japanese army has already mobilized the 18th Infantry Wing of the 29th Brigade Regiment in Pyongyang, and the 34th Infantry Wing and the Cavalry Wing of Seoul are coming further away, and we must take Dandong as soon as possible!

Block the Yalu River Bridge!

" Chen Daobiao, who was appointed commander of the Dandong Campaign, said forcefully.

In order to avoid conflicts with the ranks of the Fifth Division, only the Second Brigade and the Third Brigade of the Fifth Division were dispatched this time, and the division headquarters and the First Brigade remained in Jinzhou, and after the settlement of the 10th Division in Jinzhou, they would go directly to the Liaodong Peninsula to participate in the Battle of Arthur.

Three days ago, more than 8,000 people of the 1st Brigade of the 3rd Division led by Chen Daobiao attacked Fengcheng, but they were detected in advance by the 3rd Division of the Japanese Army, and the two armies fought on the back of Wulongbei.

Since the Japanese army was initially stationed in Dandong only with the 6th Infantry Wing of the 5th Brigade, Chen Daobiao's brigade, with the support of fighter and artillery units, routed the 6th Infantry Wing of the Japanese Army in the Battle of Wulongbei.

Then he entered, but was blocked at Jinjiang Mountain.

The Japanese army urgently mobilized the 5th Brigade and Brigade Headquarters stationed in Sinuiju and the 68th Infantry Wing under its jurisdiction, and the two armies had a fierce battle at Geumjangsan, and after two days of fighting, the Zhenbei Army, which had absolute air superiority, took Geumjangsan and pushed the battle line into Dandong City.

But the ensuing street fighting made the 1st Brigade of the 3rd Division embarrassed.

The Japanese army made full use of the Korean puppet army, launched a decisive assault on the armored vehicles and infantry of the Zhenbei army, and used the Korean people who helped the explosives as human bombs, and the Zhenbei army was inseparable from the street battle.

Even with air superiority and artillery support, and the support of two infantry brigades, the Zhenbei Army was able to take half of Dandong City.

The 1st Brigade of the Japanese Field Heavy Artillery was deployed to Sinuiju early this morning and was launching an artillery bombardment on the Zhenbei Army on the other side of the Yalu River.

More than 140 heavy artillery guns of more than 75 mm!

There are 36 105-mm cannons! There are also 24 150-mm heavy guns! It can be said that the strongest artillery strength of the Japanese army other than the native artillery is concentrated in Sinuiju on the other side of the Yalu River!

More than 20,000 people from the three brigades of the Zhenbei Army were suppressed, and the fight was very difficult.

Boom –

A large-caliber artillery shell exploded not far from the headquarters, shaking the headquarters in the mountains and causing a lot of earth to fall in the headquarters.

Outside the artillery sounded, not only the Japanese artillery bombardment, the Zhenbei Army artillery is also returning fire, three brigades a total of 36 105 mm plus howitzers and 12 150 mm heavy artillery are fighting an artillery battle with the Japanese army, both sides you come and go, the artillery positions are scattered, are calculating the local artillery positions through the trajectory of the shells, and then a burst of artillery bombardment will destroy it!

But this kind of artillery battle for artillery was very distressing for the Zhenbei Army, because they could have had a better way to end up the Japanese artillery positions!

"Commander Chen, although our artillery can hit the Japanese heavy artillery positions, why hasn't the air force been dispatched yet?" Kou Zhong, commander of the 2nd Brigade of the 5th Division, asked with a calm face.

His second brigade joined the battle of Jinjiangshan after arriving in Dandong, and has been rushing to the front, but today it was also caught off guard by the Japanese artillery, and he was very indignant.

"The 3rd Fighter Group has arrived, and I asked them to go to support the cavalry brigade first to capture the hat and helmet mountain southeast of Dan and open the gate for the armored troops. Chen Daobiao looked at Kou Zhong: "I know that your second brigade is fighting very hard, why don't you let my first brigade attack first, air support will arrive soon!"

Kou Zhong shook his head slightly: "We can fight without air support, but I feel a little sorry for those brothers who died under heavy artillery shells." "

Tao Jian'an, commander of the third brigade of the fifth division, also said: "Although there has been a civil war before, I have never enjoyed air support and artillery support on such a large scale.

"The offensive plan still needs to be worked out. Chen Daobiao took a sip of tea from the teacup, moistened his throat and said to the two: "Xue Shuai's order is that Dandong must be taken today!

"Yes!" the two are ambitious!

"Report!" Suddenly, a staff officer who was staying in the communications room trotted over and reported: "Brigade Commander Chen! The Second Bomber Group of the Air Force will arrive at the battlefield in 20 minutes! The First Regiment of the Second Brigade of the First Armored Division and the Heavy Tank Battalion have arrived at Maoshan Mountain! They can launch an attack on Dandongnan City at any time!"

"Okay!" Chen Daobiao slapped the table with joy and said to the two of them: "Brigade Commander Tao! Your third brigade will immediately attack Nancheng and meet the armored troops! Brigade Commander Kou! When the heavy tank battalion arrives, our three brigades will immediately advance towards the Yalu River!"

"Obey!" Tao Jian'an and Kou Zhong saluted, their faces full of excitement and fighting intent!

On the afternoon of 4 February, after the air force support and armored units arrived on the battlefield, Chen Daobiao, commander of the Dandong Campaign, decisively issued an order for a general attack.

More than 8,000 soldiers of the 3rd Brigade, 48 KV heavy tanks of the heavy tank battalion and more than 50 infantry combat vehicles of the armored regiment attacked the southeast city of Dandong, taking advantage of the lack of anti-tank strength of the Japanese army to successfully defeat the Japanese army in the southeast city of Dandong, and then nearly 20,000 soldiers of the three brigades jointly launched an attack on the Yalu River Bridge.

The 2nd Bomber Group, under the cover of the 3rd Fighter Group, successfully destroyed the Japanese heavy artillery position at Baima Mountain, forcing the 1st Field Heavy Artillery Brigade of the Japanese Army to urgently transfer its position.

After an afternoon of fierce fighting, the 5th Brigade, which had lost its heavy artillery firepower, was constantly compressing the defensive line!

In the end, the 6th Wing of the 5th Brigade of the Japanese Army was defeated! It almost escaped across the Yalu River in embarrassment.

Two wings of the 5th Brigade lost more than 3,000 men in Dandong City! They had to withdraw to Sinuiju on the east bank of the Yalu River.

After paying nearly 1,000 casualties, the Zhenbei Army finally took Dandong! Blocked the two divisions of the Japanese army stationed in Korea on the other side of the Yalu River!!

PS: Just discharged from the hospital, will resume the update soon.

Also ask for some flowers.

Thank you!

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