Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 7: meeting

The road always ends!

At the end of the main passage is the platform, which is located on the surface. When leaving the main passage, Li Meng stayed slightly!

The breeze was moving, carrying traces of pollutants in the air, and Li Mengjing stood on the edge of the cliff!

The mobilizer behind him silently looked at the figure in front, staring intently, with a gesture of rushing out at any time!

Because Li Meng's position is too dangerous!

One step forward is an endless abyss. Once you stumble and fall, the bones are the only result!

What a nice view!

Everything you can see in front of you is shocking and makes people feel small!

Looking down, you can see the suspension bridge connecting the two sides of the crack, as well as the densely cultivated passages and caves on the cliffs on both sides!

People walking around, the figure is like an ant, small and dense, all kinds of sounds are faintly introduced into the ears, and what appears in front of Li Meng is a human society!

Turn your eyes slightly, pan and look into the distance!

What is printed in the sight is not the endless bare land, nor the bare wasteland, but the green, the endless green, the green full of natural flavor!

That is vegetation, a forest of various types of vegetation!

The area is endless, and all you can see on both sides of the big crack is green, the endless lush forest!

once! The world is barren, nuclear dust covering the sky and the earth has blocked the sky, the sun has been blocked, photosynthesis has been lost, the earth has been polluted, and all vegetation has been extinct!

Then this is not a complete end. When the nuclear dust covering the sky dissipates over time, when the sun shines on the earth again, the pseudo-dead vegetation is reborn, and genetic mutations have occurred under the influence of radiation!

Almost overnight, the barren world was surrounded by green, and countless unique and similar vegetation grew crazily. They occupied the entire earth!

And it was at that time that all creatures on the earth began their evolutionary process!

Nature is magical, and pollutants are still the greatest threat to humans, but for polluting animals and vegetation, the combination of sunlight and pollutants has become the nourishment they need for survival!

The presence of sunlight and pollutants made them more powerful, and even gave birth to "rough stones" as bio-energy substances!

This fully shows that you should never underestimate the power of nature!

The so-called platform, as the only channel connecting Dirty Valley to the outside, seems a bit shameful!

It is located on the edge of a big crack, opening up a clearing in the forest. On the clearing is the platform, and on one side of the platform is a railroad track!

The railroad tracks extend from the forest sea, connect the platform, and enter the forest from the other side of the platform!

The platform is not magnificent, nor is it amazing, it can be said to be very small, with only a low building!

The building is in dilapidated condition. The walls are full of cobweb-like cracks. In some places, they are even entangled by green vegetation, which looks old!

This is indeed the case. Dirty Valley has existed for more than a hundred years, and this well-maintained platform has the same age!

When Li Meng left the cliff, the mobilized soldiers who had been looking tense finally breathed a sigh of relief!

Listen to all directions, staring around!

The platform today seems a bit unusual!

It's not that polluting beasts are coming. The platform is next to Dirty Valley. The smell of Dirty Valley is enough to make those polluting beasts avoid more than ten kilometers!

For more than a hundred years, since Dirty Valley was occupied by humans, this platform has never been attacked by polluted beasts!

It is the "people" that makes Li Meng feel wrong!

At first glance, it seems that there are a lot of hunters on the platform today. Whether it is on the platform or in the open space in front of the platform, there are hunters gathered in twos and threes everywhere!

In the past, this scene was absolutely impossible to see, because the platform was only an exit of Dirty Valley. Before the bus arrived, the platform served as a post!

Leaving here is an endless sea of ​​forests, neither hunters who leave nor hunters who return will stay on the platform too much!

However, today, hunters are very rare to gather on the platform!

What happened?

Li Meng could feel that the atmosphere on the platform was a bit unusual!

The hunters were whispering, their gazes constantly looking into a building beside the platform!

It's noon now, and there are still more than three hours before darkness. Shouldn't hunters stay here during this time period!

Daytime is the most precious, especially for hunters, because hunting polluting beasts can only be done during the day!

In this era of disaster, the time of day is very short, from dawn to day and night, this period of time is less than six hours!

"Who is the representative of your hunting team?"

When approaching the platform, Li Meng and the crowd were stopped!

The visitor was dressed in a brown leather coat and looked a little surprised at Li Meng and the crowd!

After all, in the entire Dirty Valley, only the garrison team has uniform clothing and uniform weapons, and "firearms", even the garrison team cannot have one man!

Of the 3,000-man garrison team, only half of the garrison members have "guns", and the weapons used by the other garrison members are cold weapons for close combat!

Although there are only a dozen people in the hunting team, it has a "firearm", which is very rare in Dirty Valley!


Li Meng didn't know the person blocking the way, but Li Meng knew what he was wearing!

The brown leather coat is the uniform uniform of the defense team!

It is said that the material for the leather coat is made from the skin of polluted beasts. I don't know if this is true or not!

As for the representative, it can only be Li Meng in this team!

Li Meng responded: "What happened?"

"Recently, there have been some worrying situations in Dirty Valley. The owner of the Valley has ordered that all hunters who have left today will stay here temporarily!"

After finishing speaking, the garrison raised his right finger and pointed at the building next to the platform, and then said: "Go! The meeting held by the valley master is about to begin!"

Li Meng was a little surprised!

Unexpectedly, encountering such a situation, it can be said that Li Meng never expected it!

However, Li Meng was curious about what happened, and asked the Lord Gu to convene the hunters to preside over the meeting!

This matter is worth checking out!

Hunting polluting beasts is very dangerous. Even if you have "guns", it is difficult to kill polluting beasts!

Hunters hunting polluting beasts always avoid head-on confrontation and use traps to kill polluting beasts!

This hunting method has a high success rate, but there are always accidents!

Polluting beasts is still too dangerous for humans, and the death rate of hunters has always been very high!

This results in the Dirty Valley with more than 100,000 people, and the number of hunters is very scarce, only a few hundred people ####

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