Red Alert 1895

Chapter 302: Orders are coming

When Wang Guorui gave Cixi a luxury car, it immediately attracted the attention of all the old and young people in Sijiu City, Beijing City, Qing Dynasty. And a large number of local tyrants and aristocrats in the Manchu and Qing Dynasties began to learn the hobbies of the old lady, and the old lady liked to use cars, so they have to follow suit! What's more, this car is really good, it drives majesticly, and has an advanced feeling. You must know that no matter how decorated those sedan chairs are, they also represent the things that don't look good, how can they compare with cars! Except for a few old-fashioned old-fashioned people who are completely old-fashioned, most of the dandies in Forty-Nine City are also starting to play with cars.

They went to Taiwan's Beijing office to inquire about buying cars, and Taiwan's Beijing office set up a special car sales team, and then sold cars to the dudes in the Forty-Nine City. Even all kinds of fashionable, advanced, and exquisite ones are available for selection. Of course, this is just the appearance, and the specific internal mechanical structure is actually the same. In fact, Wang Guorui has a lot of vision for car patterns in later generations, so he knows how to design cars very well. Compared with the appearance of this contemporary car, it is countless times better! So they have been welcomed by those dudes one after another. Who doesn't like how high-end and elegant this is! So orders came rushing in like running water.

As for Wang Guorui's production cost, it was actually around 2,000 silver dollars, but Wang Guorui sold it for 2,000 silver dollars, but it was exchanged for pounds. In this way, the profit will be returned several times directly. But a huge source of wealth. Who made this a unique business, that's how to make money.

Even many domestic landlords and local tyrants have their eyes on this car. Because usually they have identity issues. Can't get too much ostentation. Especially for ordinary landlords without official positions, there are strict regulations on what they want to wear and what grade of car they use for travel. And they usually have money and want to show off, but they have no chance, after all, the law stipulates there. They cannot show off. But after this car appeared, it gave them a chance to show off.

Originally, there were relevant regulations on carriages and sedan chairs. People of different classes can only use carriages or sedan chairs of different classes, but there are no regulations for this car! The imperial court stipulated the standards for carriages and sedan chairs, but now there are no regulations for cars, so those local tyrants have found a place to show off. That is to buy a car quickly. Then let yourself get a chance to show off. As for two thousand pounds to get an ordinary car, this is nothing. Never underestimate the wealth of Chinese people. There are actually many invisible rich people in China, but they don't show off! It's not that they don't want to show off, but that they are afraid that if they show off, they will be targeted by the government for killing pigs! Especially in the feudal era, that is even more so, shoot the first bird!

But now that they have cars, they can't care so much anymore. This car is an epoch-making thing. What if I don't hurry to buy it back now. And got the situation that the corresponding local tyrant wanted to buy a car, this has been welcomed by the people in the Beijing Office, and they took the initiative to write a letter to the court. It is not expected that the imperial court will set standards related to the use of cars according to status. And the imperial court will not confront Taiwan in this regard, so they have not stipulated the standards for the use of cars, so as long as they have money, they can buy them. As a result, the enthusiasm and performance of the cars purchased by the private tyrants became higher. As a result, sometimes more than 200 cars were booked out in one day.

And in Taiwan. The consuls of various countries stationed in Taipei also went to the Executive Yuan to ask for goods.

"Since you can send the queen mother of China, don't you want to send one to the queen of our British Empire? Not only that, you also have to send one to the queen, prince, princes, and princesses of all kinds. !” shouted the British consul.

"We Germany can't fall, our German emperor must have one, and even our Prime Minister Brough wants one."

"We France can't be less!"

Soon, the consuls of various countries also showed their magical powers. Because the world has wireless telegraphy, and wireless telegraphy has been popularized on a large scale in the past two years, the communication ability has been improved countless times. So then the consuls of those countries all got the news from Beijing, and came to ask the Taiwan government one after another. And they were all shocked, because Taiwan was the first to manufacture a safe and reliable car, which is really remarkable. Because although various countries have developed cars to varying degrees, cars have never been able to be put into mass production. After all, their internal combustion engines are not good enough, so they all have a lot of headaches. But now Taiwan is the first to manufacture cars, which makes them very depressed.

And although the Taiwanese consuls were blinded by the cars that were used as samples in Taiwan, it was the first time for them to see such a beautifully designed car. You must know that all the cars in the test are not cheap, and they will lose their identity if they drive out! But these Taiwanese cars look so exquisite that they cannot be compared, which makes them feel that this is a rare treasure. They know that Taiwan has not only solved the problem of the internal combustion engine of automobiles, but also the design of the exterior of automobiles is simply something that local tyrants from all over the world can't stop. So these guys came over one by one to grab the car, hoping to get the car as soon as possible, and then go back to flatter the leaders of various countries. In this way, they can all benefit, and maybe they can get promoted to official positions.

So they all came here very enthusiastically, obviously wanting Taiwan to give them a car. However, Wang Guorui certainly wouldn't be so stingy. Although these guys will be enemies in the future, after all, isn't there any fight now? The same is true of international politics. As long as there is no fight for a day, it is still necessary to put on a friendly atmosphere on the surface, obviously as if the relationship is as good as wearing a pair of pants. Anyway, if you want to prepare for war, then the internal propaganda must be a different face. Anyway, in this kind of international communication, face is very important, you must give the other party enough face, if you don't give the other party enough face, then I'm afraid it will be difficult to meet in the future.

"Consuls, it's easy to talk about. We are currently preparing for a car transaction in Taiwan. We have specially established a car company. If you want to buy, you can also negotiate with our people. And our car trading company will We will recruit dealers all over the world, and everyone can purchase cars at that time. If anyone of you has any needs and wants to be our agent, you can also talk about the issue of agency rights. At that time , you can talk slowly, I am the government here, please don’t come to discuss business matters with us. Of course, all the consuls are our old friends, if any of your families want proxy rights, or whose Relatives want agency rights, so I can help with a few words!" Ouyang Xuan said.

After hearing this, everyone immediately praised Ouyang Xuan for coming, unexpectedly even thought of this. Because if you can obtain agency rights, then it is almost certain to make money in the future. Now that Taiwan is already applying for a global patent on a new type of car, I am afraid it is already a certainty. As soon as Taiwan's cars come out, those bad cars with backward technology and repairs several times a day will be eliminated. Next, everyone will definitely come to buy Taiwan's cars. Only Taiwan's cars can get the best sales. If you can get the agency right, it means you can make money lying down! So everyone hopes to take advantage of this opportunity to get very huge benefits. So this is Taiwan sending money to them indirectly, and it is still a lot of money. Of course they will appreciate it. If you don't appreciate it, then Taiwan will have to find someone else.

" In the future, our Iron Horse Automobile Company will establish the brand Golden Horse. I hope you can buy cars specially used by royal families, nobles, and high-ranking politicians in various countries. If it’s not enough, you can’t buy Jinma brand cars. Moreover, each of our Jinma brand cars is handmade and uses our most advanced engine technology in Taiwan, which will definitely satisfy you.” Ouyang Xuan said.

How could Wang Guorui let go of the high-end car market? Although high-end cars do not make much money, they represent a high level of a country's industry. Battleships in this era are the embodiment of the highest level of military industry, and if we say that automobiles may be the embodiment of the highest level of civilian industry. And Wang Guorui hopes to use high-end brands to advertise, so that foreigners can see his advantage. This is an important way to improve Taiwan's soft power and let foreign countries know Taiwan's highest strength. As for this aspect, in fact, Taiwan only has a blueprint, which cannot be produced by Taiwanese workers alone, and can only be produced by relying on the Red Police Base.

However, this is enough to make countless gringos tremble in fear. After all, such a high-level car is so awesome! This is just to scare people, as for Wang Guorui, he doesn't really expect to make much money from it. And to make those foreign devils mistakenly think that Taiwan's high-end industries have reached a certain level, and let them take it easy when they are against Taiwan. (to be continued)

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