Chapter 216 Mission Communication, Phantom will show its power!!

“Eighty percent is for today’s test flight.”

Lin Qing thought to himself and connected.

“Hey, Chief Fang.”

“Boss Lin, have you started your test flight now?”

Fang Weihai’s voice came from the phone.

“Not yet.”

“Oh, there’s something I want to tell you.”

Fang Weihai paused. Lin Qing frowned.

Not for the test flight thing?

“What’s going on?”

Fang Weihai said the matter.

Lin Qing listened, his face sank, and said, “I know, I will talk to the eight of them.” ”

“This matter is extraordinary, so, Boss Lin, your Phantom Fighter stealth device…”

Fang Weihai didn’t finish speaking, because he was embarrassed to say it.

When he said this, he didn’t believe and question Lin Qing’s phantom battle

The invisible effect of the machine.

In fact, Fang Weihai did not question. It’s about worrying.

Although Lin Qing was not found in Haiphong last time, everyone will be worried about this kind of thing.

Lin Qing knew what he meant. Lin Qing didn’t mind.

This is extraordinary, and it is normal for him to have such concerns.

Lin Qing said solemnly: “Chief Fang rest assured, the stealth device of the Phantom fighter, I can pack a ticket, and the radar equipment of any country in the world cannot detect it.”

However, it only has five minutes of stealth, and after five minutes, it needs to be recharged for half an hour to use it.

However, when entering the waters of Soria, turn on the stealth device, and that’s it. ”

Fang Weihai listened to this and fell into a deep groan.

Lin Qing’s ‘packing ticket’ means that there must be no problem. However, there are only five minutes of stealth time………

He pondered what Lin Qing said, ‘turn on the invisibility device when entering the Soria Sea’ and found that it worked!

He said, “Okay, that’s it, please.” ”

“Don’t worry.”

Lin Qing said solemnly.

Lin Qing didn’t know about this.

What happened in the middle of the night last night, although this morning set off a discussion on the Internet. But Lin Qing rushed to the factory after breakfast, and he didn’t look at his mobile phone at all, let alone know the news about it.


At this time, when he heard this, he was also quite angry in his heart. Twenty-eight human lives, just like that, killed by pirates! The phone hung up.

Lin Qing put the mobile phone into his trouser pocket, turned around, and looked at Chen Li and them. Chen Li and his group, seeing Lin Qing chatting on the phone, became excited in their hearts. They couldn’t wait and wanted to fly the Phantom into the sky.

However, seeing that the smile on Lin Qing’s face was gone, he frowned a little. They were all surprised in their hearts.

Professor Lin, what’s wrong with this? What happened?

What call did you get and why did you suddenly feel that something was wrong? Just as they were thinking about it, Lin Qing spoke.

“Something happened.”

Something happened? Everyone looked stunned.

Chen Li asked suspiciously in his heart, “Professor Lin, what happened?” ”

He saw that Lin Qing’s expression had changed just now, and he realized that something was wrong.

“In the early hours of this morning…”

Lin Qing said what Fang Weihai said. They were all shocked to hear it.

“There is such a thing?”

“These pirates are also too rampant!”

They said one after another.

Both male and female pilots were indignant.

Seeing that they had stopped, Lin Qing waved his hand and said, “Now, your Northern Theater has given a task on this matter. ”

“Professor Lin, what task?”

Chen Li asked.

The rest also looked at Lin Qing curiously. What tasks are to be given here?

Are we still learning Phantom driving?

“The war zone has decided to send you to Soria to drive the Phantom Fighter to Soria, eliminating the pirates.”

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. His face was also stunned.

Lin Qing’s gaze swept over each of them, taking in the looks on their faces.

Knowing what they were worried about, he shook his head and said, “You don’t have to be too nervous, the Phantom’s piloting is not much different from ordinary fighters, and it is even simpler than ordinary fighters.” The difficult thing is the operation of the devices and functions that ordinary fighters do not have, and now that you are all familiar with it, there is no problem in piloting the Phantom. ”

Lin Qing comforted.

Hearing this, the tension in everyone’s hearts was much less.

I have never driven a Phantom, I have no experience in Phantom driving, and I was suddenly assigned such a major task, and everyone will be nervous…

Chen Li took a breath, suppressed the tension in his heart, and his expression became firm. The same goes for the rest.

They all looked at Lin Qing with a determined expression. Lin Qing’s words of comfort are one thing.

And on the other hand, it is they themselves who know that on a war mission, which time is not an adventure? There is no 100% success at all!

“Professor Lin, I’m ready.”

“I’m ready too!”

“And me!”

“Me too!”

Eight people said one after another.

Of course, there is still some nervousness in the heart. But in this tension, there is still some throbbing.

Everyone looked firm, and Lin Qing smiled and nodded, “Good.” Remember, this mission is an absolutely secret mission that cannot be discovered by any country.

So, before you enter the waters of Soria, turn on the invisibility device. The stealth time is five minutes, and after five minutes, it takes half an hour to recharge before you can use it again, remember? ”


Everyone said in unison.

Lin Qing didn’t say anything more, walked up, used the key to open the roller shutter door, and when the roller shutter door rose, the dust that fell dispersed.

Lin Qing walked in.

Chen Li, Yao Qian, and the eight followed behind with solemn faces.

There is no rush to the Phantom, you must first find the lair of the Soria’s pirates. In this way, it is possible to strike with precision.

Lin Qing checked the information of the Soria’s pirates on the Internet, then opened the world map and looked at it, and finally used a pen to draw a sketch map of the Soria’s sea to the Red Sea on A4 paper.

Lin Qing had knowledge of weather manufacturing radar and phantom fighters. Freehand drawing is not too easy for him.

What’s more, it is still to draw a small part of the world map, this simple thing can not be simpler.

And Chen Li also took advantage of this time to watch the news and videos of the Soria pirates.

Like Lin Qing, they came here in the morning and did not play with their mobile phones. After all, today is going to fly the Phantom test flight, and they have always been very excited in their hearts. But now.

After reading it, they were even more angry. These damn pirates!

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