Chapter 178: The Beginning of the Phantom Fighter’s Shock to the World!!

Come to the place.

Getting down from the taxi, Lin Qing saw a factory in front of him. Under the hot sun, two military men in military uniforms stood at the door.

There were also four large trucks next to it, twice the size of the previous trucks carrying weather radars.

Lin Qing thought thoughtfully. Paid the fare on my phone.

Lin Qing walked towards the factory gate.

When there were still five meters left, one of the soldiers was heard: “Stop, don’t let in inside.” ”

Lin Qing thought about it and didn’t say much.

Walked aside, took out his cell phone, and dialed the number that had called earlier.

A few seconds later. The other party connected.

“Hey, Boss Lin, have you arrived?”

“I’ve arrived at the factory gate, but I can’t get in.”

“Okay, I’ll come out right away!”


Lin Qing nodded. Hung up.

Lin Qing looked at the two soldiers standing in the hot sun. He didn’t get angry about it.

Because they are helping themselves to guard the fighter. Soon.

A woman in military uniform ran out of the factory, about twenty years old, not good-looking, but also okay, with short shoulder-length hair.

She saw Lin Qing and ran over.

“Hello Boss Lin, my name is Song Qian, someone from customs.”

Song Qian stretched out her hand with a smile.

“Lin Qing.”

Lin Qing also smiled.

He knew that the other party must have learned his name from Fang Weihai. But still have to self-report.

It’s politeness.

The two shook hands and let go. Song Qian looked at Lin Qing with a smile.

To be honest, she was surprised a little.

I didn’t expect Chief Fang to explain that the person he wanted to treat with respect would be so handsome. Of course.

Song Qian was also curious in her heart why this person in front of her was specially treated with respect by Chief Fang.

What kind of person is Chief Fang?

The highest-ranking person in charge of the Linhai City Military District. Colonel rank.

Favored by the commander-in-chief of the theater of operations, the future is immeasurable!

Such a character would be especially instructed to treat a person with respect. Anyone will be curious.

Song Qian had a lot of thoughts in her heart. But also all pressed down.

Right now it’s time to see the four fighters shipped back from the United States.

“Boss Lin, the fighter you brought back from the United States is inside, please follow me.”

Song Qian turned and left. Lin Qing followed behind Song Qian.

This time walking into the factory, the two soldiers did not stop.

When passing by them, Lin Qing thought for a while, stopped, looked at the two of them and smiled: “Two, don’t stand and guard on this hot day, come in, it’s not an important thing, besides, it’s so remote here, no one will come.” ”

This factory for placing fighters was deliberately chosen in a remote place.

Because this is a fighter, or a fighter of the United States, if it is seen and publicized, Huaxia actually bought the fighter that the United States scrapped and retired, which is not a good thing.

But it’s too remote to come, and it’s okay to be unguarded, just close the factory door.

The two soldiers were stunned for a moment, not expecting Lin Qing to say this.

In fact, they were a little embarrassed, but Lin Qing was the one who was waiting but was stopped by them. Especially when I think of being specially told from above to treat you with respect………

“Boss Lin, where the duty is.”

The soldier who spoke before smiled awkwardly at Lin Qing.


They all said this, and Lin Qing could only nod and say anything more. Follow behind Song Qian and walk inside.

Walking in, I saw that it was very wide.

Standing under the roller shutter door, looking inside the factory, there were four red and white fighters, neatly parked.

There are traces of time on each fighter, and it can be seen that many years of service have been served.

Exactly those four F20 fighters!

“Boss Lin, the F20 fighters you shipped back from the United States are all here.”

Song Qian’s voice sounded in her ears.


Lin Qing smiled, only these four F20 fighters in his eyes. Because in his opinion, these four F20 fighters are money. Song Qian looked at Lin Qing, and doubts rose in her heart again.

She didn’t know why Fang Weihai wanted her to treat Lin Qing with respect, and she didn’t know why Lin Qing went to the United States to buy this F20 fighter.

The former also comes for a special reason.

This reason may not be accessible to one’s own level. But she is aware of the F20 fighter.

A product of the last century.

Up to now, ninety percent is to be decommissioned, or most likely has already been decommissioned. And looking at the appearance of these four F20 fighters, it seems that they are still bad.

So what did Lin Qing buy for?

And how did he buy it in the United States?

Under these questions, Song Qian hesitated and wanted to ask the latter. But suddenly, I saw Lin Qing take out her mobile phone and seemed to be ready to call. Song Qian was stunned for a moment, and swallowed the words that came to her lips.

Lin Qing wanted to call, she asked questions, it was not appropriate.

Lin Qing clicked on the address book, turned to Fang Weihai’s phone, and called him.

Fang Weihai only came back yesterday.

As soon as he returned, a meeting was held at the headquarters of the northern theater of operations.

The first content of the conference: “This video release, aroused domestic and international reactions”.

Lin Qing’s guess was correct, and the state finally released the video in order to do so.

The second content: “Which country developed that fighter”. When Fang Weihai reported the situation.

Immediately, it caused the people above to shake. Because it’s hard not to shake.

Such a fighter is too advanced, and the country that owns it can be said to be a major reshuffle of the air power of the countries of the world.

At the very least, the world’s No. 1 seat in the air power of the United States cannot be preserved. Even a tornado can burst, but a fighter in the United States can do it?

Even the fighters they use in military exercises can’t do it, right? So.

After the meeting, the above order came down.

Check, you must find out which country developed the fighter, and you must buy a few.

In this regard, it is consistent with the thinking of the United States. Of course, Sakura Country thinks the same way.

After the meeting yesterday, Fang Weihai and the four returned to the Linhai Naval District. The matter of the fighter was handed over to Liu Dingcang to investigate.

But how could they, as generals of the Northern Theater of Operations, belong to Liu Dingcang and were witnesses to that fighter, escape him?

Naturally, they were also asked by Liu Dingcang to find out which country developed the fighter.

Therefore, Fang Weihai has always been worried about this matter. Because that fighter has not a single clue to find.

In appearance, no country has ever had a similar fighter. Except that it is somewhat similar to the American F20 fighter.

It is completely out of the way with the F20 fighter.

And that fighter flew halfway through and suddenly could not be found. This leaves even fewer clues to be found.

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