What the?

Hearing this, Fang Weihai and several of their leaders were shocked in their hearts.

Red Blood Cell and Fire Phoenix were also surprised, got up from their chairs, and stared at the technical soldier tightly. Because Violet is their comrade-in-arms, how can they not worry about the safety of their comrades-in-arms?

Immediately, they also saw that the signal light representing the violet communicator turned green at this moment, and there was really a signal!

What’s going on?

Wasn’t the signal blocked just now?

How is it now again?

They don’t figure it out.

However, they also know that this is not the time to think about this problem.

We have to send someone over to support Violet as soon as possible!

Fang Weihai immediately said to the technical soldier: “Open the right to use military satellites, quickly locate the location of the violet signal!” ”


The technical soldier answered.

I saw him tapping on the keyboard.

On the map on the main screen, to the south of the spot where the signal disappeared before the red mark violet, a wave-like figure is spreading, spreading beyond a wide range.

Next second.

I saw that a green signal point appeared.

And the wave pattern is gone.

This green signal point is the signal of Violet’s communicator, and this position is exactly Violet’s position.

But it wasn’t in the mountain forest that the leader had guessed before!

“The report found the location of Violet!” Technical military road.

Fang Weihai: They looked at the location of the green signal point on the map on the home screen.

Fang Weihai said, “Make a note of this location!” ”

Immediately, several of their leaders turned around and walked in front of the red blood cell and the fire phoenix, Fang Weihai stood in the middle, dressed in a military uniform, with a straight figure, shoulders resisting the rank of colonel, his face was solemn, and there was a sense of oppression!

He didn’t have any extra words, and said: “Comrades, now Violet is alone among the drug dealers to guide us, now I don’t know how her situation is, time does not wait for anyone, one more minute of delay, she will be more dangerous, so you guys go!” Make sure to bring her back safely! ”

Fang Weihai looked solemn.

“Understood!” Red blood cells and fire phoenix and others said at the same time.

Then they ran out separately, and there were gunships waiting for them outside.

After they went out, Fang Weihai and they continued to stare at the main screen, praying for them in their hearts, hoping that they could all come back safely.


And Yue’er here.

Yue’er was still lying on the ground, hiding herself through the bushes.

“Strange, why hasn’t Xiaoqin gone for so long and hasn’t come back?” Yue’er muttered, feeling so strange.

But she didn’t think undercover.

Because these days, she didn’t find anything wrong with Xiaoqin at all.

But at this time, she saw Brother Qiu’s henchman Xiao Zheng coming over, and she was curious about what the other party was doing.

But I didn’t ask much.

This kind of thing, she will not ask more.

The other party will say, that is, she can let her know, will not say, ask the other party will not say, is equivalent to asking in vain.

So I didn’t plan to ignore him.

But Xiao Zheng is different.

Xiao Zheng came over and saw that there was only Yue’er alone, and Zhao Qin was gone!

His face immediately changed and he became surprised.

‘There really are undercover agents!’ ’

When Brother Qiu said this method, he only thought that Brother Qiu was too cautious, so he would do it.

Unexpectedly, there were really undercover agents!

However, it is not yet certain.

Xiao Zheng looked at Yue’er and asked, “Yue’er, where is Xiaoqin?” ”

“Xiaoqin’s stomach was upset and went to the toilet.” Yue’er didn’t think too much. After all, when he came over and saw that Xiaoqin was gone, he would definitely ask.

“How long have you been there?”

“For a while, I wondered why I hadn’t come back yet.” Yue’er said.

Xiao Zheng’s expression suddenly became gloomy.

Eight-nine is not far from ten.

The person was not here, and he had gone for a while and had not returned, and he definitely tried to contact the organization behind him.

Because now the signal with a radius of five hundred meters is blocked.

“Where did she go?” Xiao Zheng’s voice also became cold.

However, he did not mean to blame Yue’er.

After all, don’t say Yue’er, even they didn’t find out that Xiaoqin was undercover during this time, which is enough to show how good the other party is undercover.

If it weren’t for Brother Qiu’s cautious character and the method he came up with to cultivate the darkness of the plank road, none of them would have been able to find out that Xiaoqin was undercover!

So he didn’t mean to blame Yue’er.

When Ke Yue’er heard this, she frowned and said, “What do you want to do?” ”

She thought that Xiao Zheng was going to do something bad to Xiaoqin in the past, after all, Xiaoqin is now convenient.


Xiao Zheng was a little speechless.

He guessed Yue’er’s thoughts.

I didn’t expect her to think so.

At this moment, he said: “Xiaoqin is an undercover agent. ”


Yue’er frowned, a little puzzled.

As a drug dealer, you know exactly what it means to have undercover agents around you.

So hearing someone say this, she will not deny that the person being said is not undercover.

I just wonder why the other party is undercover.

Xiao Zheng saw her doubts and said the method that Brother Qiu said.

“I came over, there are no fewer others, only you here Xiaoqin is gone, now the signal is blocked, she must be anxious, now nine times out of ten is trying to find a way to contact the police or the military.” Xiao Zhengdao.

When Yue’er heard this, her brows furrowed.

I didn’t feel anything before.

Now that he said this, she was also a little suspicious.

After all, Xiaoqin has been gone for so long, and he hasn’t come back yet.

“Where did she go?” Xiao Zheng asked again.

“Going over there.”

Yue’er said this time, pointing in the direction where Enron ran just now.

“Let’s go, let’s go over and take a look.” Xiao Zhengdao.


Yue’er stood up and walked over with Xiao Zheng.

After all, the stakes are high.

If Xiaoqin is really undercover, then they are in trouble.

An undercover agent around, this is not the same as a grenade around?

So you have to make sure.

If it’s really undercover, get rid of her!


And Enron here.

Enron did not know that danger had come.

She is in contact with the organization by debugging the communicator, and wants to inform the organization of the situation.

The way this communicator contacts the organization is more complex.

At the beginning of the design, this is also to prevent the communicator from falling into the hands of drug dealers, who transmit false information to the organization and cause large casualties to the organization, so the setting is more complicated.

But suddenly, Enron heard footsteps behind the big stone, very clear in the quiet woods of this dark night, and there were still two!


Enron immediately knew the trouble!

Eighty percent of himself is suspected.

Because if it was Satsuki, I wondered why she hadn’t gone back yet.

Then she will come and see the situation by herself.

But now it was clearly the footsteps of two people.

This means that another person is coming.

There will be no extra person coming over for no reason.

This only shows that I don’t know when I was suspected!

The other party came over with Satsuki.

Of course, these are just Enron’s guesses.

But when they come here to see that they are not convenient, they will definitely guess that they are undercover.

Because you are not undercover, what are you deliberately trying to make excuses to be convenient?

Right now, it’s time to strike preemptively!

An Ran gritted his teeth, put the communicator back in his pocket, took out the pistol issued by Brother Qiu before, rolled it to the ground, and then raised the pistol and pointed it at Yue’er and Xiao Zheng!


“Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes!!”

May Day reading book day heavenly music, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 30 to May 4)

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