Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 63: Li Shuyao's wonderful work experience

     The ages and occupations of the six guests this season have been fully disclosed, as follows:

   Li Shuyao: 26 years old, editor-in-chief of the Wuxia category in the novel department of Shangjing Publishing House.

   Tang Su: 23 years old, studying in the Department of Computer Science at Shangjing University, founder of the studio "Simi" in the Internet field.

  Su Tang: 20 years old, studying at the Beijing Conservatory of Music, signed artist, preparatory singer, and trainee of "Dream Entertainment".

   Zhao Xiaowen: 25 years old, teacher of "Singularity Kindergarten" in Shangjing City, from another province.

   Zhou Huayu: 27 years old, owner of an undersea restaurant in Shangjing City, the specific information is unknown.

   Liu Xinjie: 24 years old, four-year trainee of "Creation Entertainment", a new generation of men's team reserve.


   After all the ages and occupations of the six guests were disclosed, there were also a lot of topics among the six.

There are many topics between Tang Su and Li Shuyao, because they are "alumni", and the interactions such as going to work together and going to the supermarket together have also established a very good sense of familiarity for them. I talked casually, such as some things in college, and then I talked about Li Shuyao's many experiences in the publishing house, and the threshold of Tang Su's studio...

   Not only Li Shuyao was curious about the studio founded by Tang Su, but Su Tang, Zhao Xiaowen, Zhou Huayu, and Liu Xinjie were also curious.

   If it’s just an entertaining and hobby studio founded by college students, it’s no surprise. Now college students have plenty of time, and it’s normal to do something interesting while in college.

   But the problem is that Tang Su's studio can make him millions in just two years, which is not comparable to those interested and entertainment studios.

A just-founded studio can make so much money. If it develops in the future, it may become a'unicorn' existence. If it is not, it has a great possibility of becoming a famous brand in the Internet industry. Enterprises and the Internet are like this, with unlimited possibilities. Although the competition is cruel, if they can adapt to the competition, the gains will be shocking.

   "The main thing is to do some outsourcing work for those Internet companies."

Tang Su modestly explained: "Internet companies focus on efficiency. For them, time is the biggest cost. Therefore, when they can't handle a certain thing quickly, they will find relevant studios for cooperation...Of course. Some large companies are too lazy to deal with projects that are not cost-effective, and will package them and throw them at the studio. They do not want their highly paid employees to do these low-value businesses, such as a thousand degrees search..."

   Hearing what he said, several people suddenly realized that they understood why the giants like ‘Thousand Degrees Search’ would find a small studio to do it.

"Thousand Degrees Search" is also a giant in the domestic Internet industry. The elites in the company are also full of talents. A large part of the domestic powerful programmers, architects, and many are attracted by the high salary of "Thousand Degrees Search" and join them. Ranks.

For such a huge giant company, there is nothing that can't be done by itself, and it doesn't require help from a studio... If a studio founded by a few college students can be more powerful than a giant company, then... there is always something. It's not very reasonable, but if you have to explain it like Tang Su's, it's a lot more reasonable.

The salary of "Thousand Degrees Search" is very high. The capitalists who are above all naturally hope that these employees can spend more time and energy on projects of greater value, and they cannot give up on projects that cannot be ignored but are of little value. , But you don’t want your own employees to do it, so you can only package it to an outside studio.

   This is the origin of the cooperation between ‘Simi Studio’ and ‘Thousand Degrees Search’.


That's right, but if you underestimate the'Simi Studio' because of this, and think that the studio composed of this group of students is nothing more than that, and can only deal with some small projects that people'don't look down on'... then Wrongly wrong.

   You must know that giant companies like ‘Thousand Degrees Search’, even projects that they don’t want to deal with, are a delicious cake for more than 90% of Internet companies.

   If'Simi Studio' is really nothing great, then why doesn't'Thousand Degrees Search' hand over the project to other mature and qualified Internet companies to do it, but to such a studio composed of college students?

In any case, being able to cooperate with'Thousand Degree Search' and eating cakes that make countless colleagues admire jealously is enough to fully explain the power of'Simi Studio', and it is enough to show that Tang Su is not simple...for the guests For people, it is enough to know this.


   In addition to Li Shuyao's publishing house and Tang Su's studio, the professions of several other guests also made everyone curious.

   Zhou Huayu's undersea restaurant... He doesn't seem to want to say much, so everyone didn't gossip.

   Zhao Xiaowen’s work as a kindergarten teacher...Everyone is very curious about the daily life of the kindergarten. Zhao Xiaowen complained about a lot of disobedient children, as well as many very well-behaved children who even gave gifts to teachers on Teacher’s Day. They were envied by everyone.

   This job as a kindergarten teacher... how do I say it.

   For those who are unwilling to be peaceful, always want to walk around the world, and always want to do something, maybe this is not a good job, at least it is not a job that makes them feel comfortable and happy.

But for girls like Zhao Xiaowen who have very low material needs, like to be in contact with children, and who like to live a stable life, this is probably the best job in the world. Although she always complains about how difficult it is to look after children, but While making complaints, she also gained a lot of touch and matured a lot.

   "I really envy you, I only need to contact a bunch of carefree children every day, unlike me, hey."

Li Shuyao sighed: "In the new generation of writers, very few people write about martial arts. Those writers who are still working in the martial arts field are basically in their 30s, 40s, or even Older seniors, who have been writing for so many years, have survived the era of the great martial arts eruption, and now they have achieved financial freedom. For them, writing novels is a hobby. Write as much as you want. , Just don’t want to write...

   Anyway, it is very difficult for me to remind the manuscripts every time, but it is impossible if I do not remind me. I have established a group of martial arts writers. They usually talk very lively, but as long as I remind me in the group, they will be collectively disconnected. I can’t get in touch, so I can only go to their home to ask about the situation, and then...there are always older generations who introduce his unmarried sons, grandsons, and nephews to me, saying that he’s a good person, and let me see everywhere..."

   "Puff ha ha ha ha ha..."

   Su Tang smiled so that he covered his belly with one hand, and patted desperately with the other hand... Tang Su's thighs slapped.

   "You are so miserable, I am sympathetic."

Zhao Xiaowen couldn't help but sighed: "I was envious of your job in the publishing house before, after all, I am the editor-in-chief, and I always have a face, but when I think of what happened to you...hehe, I suddenly feel like I am a kindergarten. The teacher is also very good."

   "Really? That's why I envy you."

   Li Shuya spread out his hands, with a helpless look on his face.


   Tang Su felt that Li Shuya's words were all polite and not very sincere.

Sister Shuyao is not the kind of person who likes to live a stable life. She has been the editor-in-chief of a publishing house two or three years after graduation. In the eyes of many people, having such a job is enough to be satisfied, but for Sister Shuyao, maybe... it's just A pretty good starting point, right?


   She wouldn't be envious.

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